35 research outputs found

    La forma de tratamiento nominal huevón en Iquique (Chile): análisis empírico de conversaciones cotidianas informales

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    Este artículo examina el uso de la forma de tratamiento chilena huevón en interacciones cotidianas. Huevón es uno de los vocativos más particulares del habla informal de Chile y se destaca tanto por su alta frecuencia como por la riqueza del campo derivacional del que forma parte. Además, la forma puede expresar significados tanto positivos como negativos. Basado en un amplio corpus de interacciones informales espontáneas, se analiza la influencia de parámetros lingüísticos (fonéticos, sintácticos, semánticos, pragmáticos) y extra-lingüísticos (sociales, relacionales, situacionales) en el uso de huevón y su valoración en relación con la cortesía. Los resultados indican que todas las generaciones y principalmente los hombres lo utilizan, en los ámbitos diarios más informales, sobre todo entre íntimos y en roles igualitarios. Contrariamente a lo que sugieren su semántica original y su estigma de rasgo maleducado, su uso raras veces pretende o efectúa descortesía

    Generalised fracture mechanics approach to the interfacial failure analysis of a bonded steel-concrete joint

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    Steel-concrete joints are often made by welded shear studs. However, this connection reduces the fatigue strength, especially in situations where locally concentrated loads occur with a large number of load cycles e.g. in bridge decks. In this paper the shear bond strength between steel and ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) without welded mechanical shear connectors is evaluated through push-out tests and a generalized fracture mechanics approach based on analytical and finite element analyses. The connection is achieved by an epoxy adhesive layer gritted with granules. In the tests, specimens made with various manners of preparation of the epoxy interlayer are tested experimentally. Numerical-analytical 2D and 3D modelling of a steel-concrete connection is performed without and with the epoxy interlayer. The model of a bi-material notch with various geometrical and material properties is used to simulate various singular stress concentrators that can be responsible for failure initiation. Thus conditions of crack initiation can be predicted from knowledge of the standard mechanical and fracture-mechanics properties of particular materials. Results of the fracture-mechanics studies are compared with each other and with experimental results. On the basis of the comparison, the 2D simulation of the steel-concrete connection without the epoxy interlayer is shown to be suitable for the estimation of failure conditions

    Generalised fracture mechanics approach to the interfacial failure analysis of a bonded steel-concrete joint

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    Steel-concrete joints are often made by welded shear studs. However, this connection reduces the fatigue strength, especially in situations where locally concentrated loads occur with a large number of load cycles e.g. in bridge decks. In this paper the shear bond strength between steel and ultrahigh performance concrete (UHPC) without welded mechanical shear connectors is evaluated through push-out tests and a generalized fracture mechanics approach based on analytical and finite element analyses. The connection is achieved by an epoxy adhesive layer gritted with granules. In the tests, specimens made with various manners of preparation of the epoxy interlayer are tested experimentally. Numerical-analytical 2D and 3D modelling of a steel-concrete connection is performed without and with the epoxy interlayer. The model of a bi-material notch with various geometrical and material properties is used to simulate various singular stress concentrators that can be responsible for failure initiation. Thus conditions of crack initiation can be predicted from knowledge of the standard mechanical and fracture-mechanics properties of particular materials. Results of the fracture-mechanics studies are compared with each other and with experimental results. On the basis of the comparison, the 2D simulation of the steel-concrete connection without the epoxy interlayer is shown to be suitable for the estimation of failure conditions

    La variación social y estilística del voseo chileno en diferentes géneros televisivos

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    El voseo, una fórmula de tratamiento frecuente en las variantes hispanoamericanas, también es característico del habla en Chile. El uso de su forma verbal pertenece a la norma culta informal y expresa solidaridad y confianza mientras que la forma pronominal vos refleja sobre todo vulgaridad y ofensa. Al analizar sistemáticamente su uso en la dimensión estilística, aspiramos a ampliar el conocimiento del fenómeno. Averiguamos el uso del voseo, tuteo y ustedeo en 12 géneros televisivos aplicando una metodología sociolingüística. Además de los resultados televisivos globales, examinamos la frecuencia de las tres variantes en función de factores sociales, diafásicos y lingüísticos (morfológicos, léxicos y pragmáticos). Enriquecemos estas comprobaciones cuantitativas con microanálisis de usos voseantes concretos. Finalmente, el conjunto de estos datos nos permite reflexionar sobre la vitalidad, los valores y la aceptación del voseo en Chile.Voseo, a frequent form of address in Hispanic American varieties, is also characteristic of the speech in Chile. The use of its verbal form belongs to the informal, cultivated norm and expresses solidarity and trust. On the other hand, the pronominal form vos mainly reflects vulgarity and offensiveness. By analysing its use systematically in the stylistic dimension, we aim at extending the knowledge on the phenomenon. We research the use of voseo, tuteo and ustedeo in 12 different television genres applying a sociolinguistic methodology. Besides the global results, we examine the frequency of the three variants in function of social, diafasic and linguistic (morphological, lexical and pragmatic) factors. A qualitative microanalysis of concrete uses of voseo enriches these quantitative findings. Finally, both types of data allow us to reflect on the vitality, values and acceptance of voseo in Chile

    Study of a lightweight steel-concrete bridge deck concept

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    La forma de tratamiento nominal huevón en Iquique (Chile): análisis empírico de conversaciones cotidianas informales

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    This article examines the use of the Chilean form of address huevón in daily interactions in the northern city of Iquique. Huevón is one of the most particular vocatives of informal speech in Chile and it stands out both for its high frequency as for the rich derivational field it is part of. Moreover, the form can express both positive and negative meanings. Based on a broad corpus of spontaneous informal interactions, the influence of linguistic (phonetic, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic) and extralinguistic (social, relational, situational) parameters is analyzed on the use of huevón and its valorization in relation to politeness. The results indicate that all generations and principally men use it, in the most informal daily situations, mostly between intimates and in equalitarian roles. Contrary to its original semantics and its stigma of uneducatedness, its use scarcely intends or effectuates impoliteness.Este artículo examina el uso de la forma de tratamiento chilena huevón en interacciones cotidianas en la ciudad norteña de Iquique. Huevón es uno de los vocativos más particulares del habla informal de Chile y se destaca tanto por su alta frecuencia como por la riqueza del campo derivacional del que forma parte. Además, la forma puede expresar significados tanto positivos como negativos. Basado en un amplio corpus de interacciones informales espontáneas, se analiza la influencia de parámetros lingüísticos (fonéticos, sintácticos, semánticos, pragmáticos) y extralingüísticos (sociales, relacionales, situacionales) en el uso de huevón y su valoración en relación con la cortesía. Los resultados indican que todas las generaciones y principalmente los hombres lo utilizan, en los ámbitos diarios más informales, sobre todo entre íntimos y en roles igualitarios. Contrariamente a lo que sugieren su semántica original y su estigma de rasgo maleducado, su uso raras veces pretende o efectúa descortesía

    Negotiation of terms of address in a Chilean television talk show

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    This paper focuses on the negotiation and interactional shifts between the three pronominal terms of address in Chilean Spanish. The threefold Chilean address system is currently experiencing a linguistic change with an increasing use of verbal voseo, which results in a complex sociolinguistic and pragmatic variability. The few empirical studies on the topic in Chilean Spanish mainly consider sociolinguistic factors, while intraspeaker shifts, albeit common in the variety, are mostly neglected. This paper examines these particularities from a pragmatic viewpoint, based on the discursive approach to the study of politeness of Watts (2003). Diverse macro and micro pragmatic factors are explored through an analysis of interview and humoristic discourse of a television talk show to gain better insight into the variability and dynamic meaning negotiation of the Chilean terms of address