12 research outputs found

    Two-photon imaging of spinal cord cellular networks

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    Two-photon microscopy enables high-resolution in vivo imaging of cellular morphology and activity, in particular of population activity in complex neuronal circuits. While two-photon imaging has been extensively used in a variety of brain regions in different species, in vivo application to the vertebrate spinal cord has lagged behind and only recently became feasible by adapting and refining the experimental preparations. A major experimental challenge for spinal cord imaging is adequate control of tissue movement, which meanwhile can be achieved by various means. One set of studies monitored structural dynamics of neuronal and glial cellular components in living animals using transgenic mice with specific expression of fluorescent proteins. Other studies employed in vivo calcium imaging for functional measurements of sensory-evoked responses in individual neurons of the dorsal horn circuitry, which at present is the only part of rodent spinal cord grey matter accessible for in vivo imaging. In a parallel approach, several research groups have applied two-photon imaging to sensorimotor circuits in the isolated spinal cord (in vitro) to provide complementary information and valuable new perspectives on the function of specific interneuron types in locomotor-related networks. In this review we summarize recent results from these types of high-resolution two-photon imaging studies in the spinal cord and provide experimental perspectives for improving and extending this approach in future applications

    Foxa1 is essential for development and functional integrity of the subthalamic nucleus

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    Inactivation of transcription factor Foxa1 in mice results in neonatal mortality of unknown cause. Here, we report that ablation of Foxa1 causes impaired development and loss of the subthalamic nucleus (STN). Functional deficits in the STN have been implicated in the etiology of Huntington's and Parkinson's disease. We show that neuronal ablation by Synapsin1-Cre-mediated Foxa1 deletion is sufficient to induce hyperlocomotion in mice. Transcriptome profiling of STN neurons in conditional Foxa1 knockout mice revealed changes in gene expression reminiscent of those in neurodegenerative diseases. We identified Ppargc1a, a transcriptional co-activator that is implicated in neurodegeneration, as a Foxa1 target. These findings were substantiated by the observation of Foxa1-dependent demise of STN neurons in conditional models of Foxa1 mutant mice. Finally, we show that the spontaneous firing activity of Foxa1-deficient STN neurons is profoundly impaired. Our data reveal so far elusive roles of Foxa1 in the development and maintenance of STN function

    Foxa1 is essential for development and functional integrity of the subthalamic nucleus

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    Inactivation of transcription factor Foxa1 in mice results in neonatal mortality of unknown cause. Here, we report that ablation of Foxa1 causes impaired development and loss of the subthalamic nucleus (STN). Functional deficits in the STN have been implicated in the etiology of Huntington’s and Parkinson’s disease. We show that neuronal ablation by Synapsin1-Cre-mediated Foxa1 deletion is sufficient to induce hyperlocomotion in mice. Transcriptome profiling of STN neurons in conditional Foxa1 knockout mice revealed changes in gene expression reminiscent of those in neurodegenerative diseases. We identified Ppargc1a, a transcriptional co-activator that is implicated in neurodegeneration, as a Foxa1 target. These findings were substantiated by the observation of Foxa1-dependent demise of STN neurons in conditional models of Foxa1 mutant mice. Finally, we show that the spontaneous firing activity of Foxa1-deficient STN neurons is profoundly impaired. Our data reveal so far elusive roles of Foxa1 in the development and maintenance of STN function.ISSN:2045-232

    How Gastrin-Releasing Peptide Opens the Spinal Gate for Itch

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    Spinal transmission of pruritoceptive (itch) signals requires transneuronal signaling by gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) produced by a subpopulation of dorsal horn excitatory interneurons. These neurons also express the glutamatergic marker vGluT2, raising the question of why glutamate alone is insufficient for spinal itch relay. Using optogenetics together with slice electrophysiology and mouse behavior, we demonstrate that baseline synaptic coupling between GRP and GRP receptor (GRPR) neurons is too weak for suprathreshold excitation. Only when we mimicked the endogenous firing of GRP neurons and stimulated them repetitively to fire bursts of action potentials did GRPR neurons depolarize progressively and become excitable by GRP neurons. GRPR but not glutamate receptor antagonism prevented this action. Provoking itch-like behavior by optogenetic activation of spinal GRP neurons required similar stimulation paradigms. These results establish a spinal gating mechanism for itch that requires sustained repetitive activity of presynaptic GRP neurons and postsynaptic GRP signaling to drive GRPR neuron output

    How Gastrin-Releasing Peptide Opens the Spinal Gate for Itch

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    Spinal transmission of pruritoceptive (itch) signals requires transneuronal signaling by gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) produced by a subpopulation of dorsal horn excitatory interneurons. These neurons also express the glutamatergic marker vGluT2, raising the question of why glutamate alone is insufficient for spinal itch relay. Using optogenetics together with slice electrophysiology and mouse behavior, we demonstrate that baseline synaptic coupling between GRP and GRP receptor (GRPR) neurons is too weak for suprathreshold excitation. Only when we mimicked the endogenous firing of GRP neurons and stimulated them repetitively to fire bursts of action potentials did GRPR neurons depolarize progressively and become excitable by GRP neurons. GRPR but not glutamate receptor antagonism prevented this action. Provoking itch-like behavior by optogenetic activation of spinal GRP neurons required similar stimulation paradigms. These results establish a spinal gating mechanism for itch that requires sustained repetitive activity of presynaptic GRP neurons and postsynaptic GRP signaling to drive GRPR neuron output

    In vivo Ca2+ imaging of dorsal horn neuronal populations in mouse spinal cord

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    Two-photon Ca2+ imaging allows functional studies of neuronal populations in the intact brain, but its application to the spinal cord in vivo has been limited. Here we present experimental procedures to label superficial dorsal horn populations with Ca2+ indicator and to stabilize the spinal cord sufficiently to permit functional imaging in anaesthetized mice. Spontaneous Ca2+ transients occurred in a small subpopulation of dorsal horn cells. Larger numbers of cells were activated by increasing electrical stimulation of primary afferent fibres. Notably, in a subset of cells we resolved Ca2+ transients evoked by mechanical stimulation of the paw. These advances open new opportunities to study both physiology and pathology of spinal cord neural circuits in vivo

    Dorsal Horn Gastrin-Releasing Peptide Expressing Neurons Transmit Spinal Itch But Not Pain Signals

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    Gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) is a spinal itch transmitter expressed by a small population of dorsal horn interneurons (GRP neurons). The contribution of these neurons to spinal itch relay is still only incompletely understood, and their potential contribution to pain-related behaviors remains controversial. Here, we have addressed this question in a series of experiments performed in and transgenic male mice. We combined behavioral tests with neuronal circuit tracing, morphology, chemogenetics, optogenetics, and electrophysiology to obtain a more comprehensive picture. We found that GRP neurons form a rather homogeneous population of central cell-like excitatory neurons located in lamina II of the superficial dorsal horn. Multicolor high-resolution confocal microscopy and optogenetic experiments demonstrated that GRP neurons receive direct input from MrgprA3-positive pruritoceptors. Anterograde HSV-based neuronal tracing initiated from GRP neurons revealed ascending polysynaptic projections to distinct areas and nuclei in the brainstem, midbrain, thalamus, and the somatosensory cortex. Spinally restricted ablation of GRP neurons reduced itch-related behaviors to different pruritogens, whereas their chemogenetic excitation elicited itch-like behaviors and facilitated responses to several pruritogens. By contrast, responses to painful stimuli remained unaltered. These data confirm a critical role of dorsal horn GRP neurons in spinal itch transmission but do not support a role in pain. Dorsal horn gastrin-releasing peptide neurons serve a well-established function in the spinal transmission of pruritic (itch) signals. A potential role in the transmission of nociceptive (pain) signals has remained controversial. Our results provide further support for a critical role of dorsal horn gastrin-releasing peptide neurons in itch circuits, but we failed to find evidence supporting a role in pain

    Mice lacking spinal α2GABAA receptors: Altered GABAergic neurotransmission, diminished GABAergic antihyperalgesia, and potential compensatory mechanisms preventing a hyperalgesic phenotype

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    Diminished synaptic inhibition in the superficial spinal dorsal horn contributes to exaggerated pain responses that accompany peripheral inflammation and neuropathy. α2GABAA receptors (α2GABAAR) constitute the most abundant GABAAR subtype at this site and are the targets of recently identified antihyperalgesic compounds. Surprisingly, hoxb8-α2−/− mice that lack α2GABAAR from the spinal cord and peripheral sensory neurons exhibit unaltered sensitivity to acute painful stimuli and develop normal inflammatory and neuropathic hyperalgesia. Here, we provide a comprehensive analysis of GABAergic neurotransmission, of behavioral phenotypes and of possible compensatory mechanisms in hoxb8-α2−/− mice. Our results confirm that hoxb8-α2−/− mice show significantly diminished GABAergic inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) in the superficial dorsal horn but no hyperalgesic phenotype. We also confirm that the potentiation of dorsal horn GABAergic IPSCs by the α2-preferring GABAAR modulator HZ-166 is reduced in hoxb8-α2−/− mice and that hoxb8-α2−/− mice are resistant to the analgesic effects of HZ-166. Tonic GABAergic currents, glycinergic IPSCs, and sensory afferent-evoked EPSCs did not show significant changes in hoxb8-α2−/− mice rendering a compensatory up-regulation of other GABAAR subtypes or of glycine receptors unlikely. Although expression of serotonin and of the serotonin producing enzyme tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH2) was significantly increased in the dorsal horn of hoxb8-α2−/− mice, ablation of serotonergic terminals from the lumbar spinal cord failed to unmask a nociceptive phenotype. Our results are consistent with an important contribution of α2GABAAR to spinal nociceptive control but their ablation early in development appears to activate yet-to-be identified compensatory mechanisms that protect hoxb8-α2−/− mice from hyperalgesia.ISSN:0006-8993ISSN:0921-8246ISSN:1872-624

    DCC is required for the development of nociceptive topognosis in mice and humans.

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    Avoidance of environmental dangers depends on nociceptive topognosis, or the ability to localize painful stimuli. This is proposed to rely on somatotopic maps arising from topographically organized point-to-point connections between the body surface and the CNS. To determine the role of topographic organization of spinal ascending projections in nociceptive topognosis, we generated a conditional knockout mouse lacking expression of the netrin1 receptor DCC in the spinal cord. These mice have an increased number of ipsilateral spinothalamic connections and exhibit aberrant activation of the somatosensory cortex in response to unilateral stimulation. Furthermore, spinal cord-specific Dcc knockout animals displayed mislocalized licking responses to formalin injection, indicating impaired topognosis. Similarly, humans with DCC mutations experience bilateral sensation evoked by unilateral somatosensory stimulation. Collectively, our results constitute functional evidence of the importance of topographic organization of spinofugal connections for nociceptive topognosis

    Flexible and Lightweight Devices for Wireless Multi-Color Optogenetic Experiments Controllable via Commercial Cell Phones

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    Optogenetics provide a potential alternative approach to the treatment of chronic pain, in which complex pathology often hampers efficacy of standard pharmacological approaches. Technological advancements in the development of thin, wireless, and mechanically flexible optoelectronic implants offer new routes to control the activity of subsets of neurons and nerve fibers . This study reports a novel and advanced design of battery-free, flexible, and lightweight devices equipped with one or two miniaturized LEDs, which can be individually controlled in real time. Two proof-of-concept experiments in mice demonstrate the feasibility of these devices. First, we show that blue-light devices implanted on top of the lumbar spinal cord can excite channelrhodopsin expressing nociceptors to induce place aversion. Second, we show that nocifensive withdrawal responses can be suppressed by green-light optogenetic (Archaerhodopsin-mediated) inhibition of action potential propagation along the sciatic nerve. One salient feature of these devices is that they can be operated via modern tablets and smartphones without bulky and complex lab instrumentation. In addition to the optical stimulation, the design enables the simultaneously wireless recording of the temperature in proximity of the stimulation area. As such, these devices are primed for translation to human patients with implications in the treatment of neurological and psychiatric conditions far beyond chronic pain syndromes