17 research outputs found

    Modeling the Impact Parameter Dependence of the nPDFs With EKS98 and EPS09 Global Fits

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    So far the nuclear PDFs (nPDFs) in the global DGLAP fits have been taken to be spatially independent. In this work, using the AA-dependence of the globally fitted sets EPS09 and EKS98, we have determined the spatial dependence of the nPDFs in terms of powers of the nuclear thickness functions. New spatially dependent nPDF sets EPS09s (NLO, LO, error sets) and EKS98s (LO) are released. As an application, we consider the nuclear modification factor RdAuπ0R_{dAu}^{\pi^0} at midrapidity for neutral pion production in deuteron-gold collisions at RHIC in NLO. Comparison with the PHENIX data in different centrality classes is also shown. In addition, predictions for the corresponding nuclear modification factor RpPbπ0R_{pPb}^{\pi^0} in proton-lead collisions at the LHC are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Talk given at Hard Probes 2012, 27 May - 1 June, 2012, Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy). V2: Added one commen

    EPS09s and EKS98s: Impact parameter dependent nPDF sets

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    In our recent study we have determined two new spatially dependent nuclear PDF (nPDF) sets, EPS09s and EKS98s. With these, the hard-process cross-sections can be calculated in different centrality classes consistently with the globally analyzed nPDFs for the first time. The sets were determined by exploiting the AA-systematics of the globally fitted nPDF sets, EPS09 and EKS98. For the spatial dependence of the nPDFs we used a power series ansatz in the nuclear thickness function TAT_A. In this flash talk we introduce the framework, and present our NLO EPS09s-based predictions for the nuclear modification factor in four centrality classes for inclusive neutral pion production in p+Pb collisions at the LHC and for inclusive prompt photon production in d+Au collisions at RHIC at midrapidity.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Contribution to the proceedings of the Quark Matter 2012, Washington D.C., August 12-18, 201

    Predictors of postoperative urinary retention after posterior spinal fusion for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

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    Purpose To determine predictors for postoperative urinary retention in adolescents undergoing posterior spinal fusion for idiopathic scoliosis. Postoperative urinary retention affects almost every third adolescent after spinal fusion for idiopathic scoliosis. There are limited data regarding the risk factors of postoperative urinary retention in this patient group.Methods A retrospective study with prospectively collected urinary retention data from paediatric spine register with 159 consecutive patients (114 females, mean age 15.6 years, range 10-21 years) undergoing pedicle screw instrumentation for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis at a university hospital between May 2010 and April 2020. Postoperative urinary retention was defined as an inability to void after catheter removal and documented residual over 300 mL as confirmed using an ultrasound or by catheterization.Results Postoperative urinary retention was diagnosed in 33% (53 of 159) of the patients during hospital stay. Opioid amount on the day of catheter removal (OR 6.74 [95% CI: 2.47, 18.36], p Conclusions Higher total opioid consumption, opioid amount on the day of catheter removal, higher weight, and male gender increases the risk of postoperative urinary retention in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis undergoing posterior spinal fusion.</p

    Kysely- ja välityspalvelun jatkokehittämisen konsepti

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    Julkaisun sähköinen versio:https://yhteistyotilat.fi/wiki08/display/JULKYVAKysely- ja välityspalvelu on Kanta-palveluihin kuuluva tietojärjestelmäpalvelu, jonka avulla Kantaan tallennettuja asiakastietoja voidaan välittää sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon ulkopuolisille toimijoille. Palvelu on käytössä tietyille Kanta-palveluun tallennettaville sähköisille terveydenhuollon todistuksille ja lausunnoille.Tässä dokumentissa esitetty konsepti kuvaa palvelun nykytilan, hyödyt, tavoitetilaa ja kehittämistarpeita ratkaisuehdotuksineen. Kehittämisen tiekartta määrittelee tavoitetilan vaiheittaisen saavuttamisen. THL on laatinut konseptin sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön toimeksiannosta yhteistyössä eri sidosryhmien kanssa. Konseptin sisältämien kehittämisehdotusten toteuttamisen aikataulu tarkentuu myöhemmin

    Avioliittoon pakottamisen rangaistavuuden selkeyttäminen : Työryhmän mietintö

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    Työryhmän mietinnön sisältämän hallituksen esityksen valmistelun taustalla on pääministeri Petteri Orpon hallituksen Vahva ja välittävä Suomi -hallitusohjelman kirjaus, jonka mukaisesti hallitus ryhtyy tarvittaviin toimenpiteisiin avioliittoon pakottamisen rangaistavuuden selkiyttämiseksi rikoslaissa. Oikeusministeriö asetti 28.9.2023 työryhmän valmistelemaan ehdotuksen avioliittoon pakottamisen rangaistavuuden selkiyttämiseksi rikoslaissa. Työryhmän toimikauden päätösajankohdaksi asetettiin 28.2.2024. Työryhmän mietinnön mukaisessa esityksessä ehdotetaan, että ihmiskauppaa koskevaan rikoslain 25 luvun 3 §:ään lisättäisiin teon tarkoitukseksi pakkoavioliittoon saattaminen. Esityksen perusteluissa täsmennettäisiin sitä, mitä pakkoavioliitolla tarkoitetaan. Esityksen mukaisesti pakkoavioliittoon saattamista koskeva sääntely kattaisi juridisesti pätevän avioliiton ohella sellaiseen rinnastettavan liiton. Lakiehdotuksen tavoitteena on selkeyttää avioliittoon pakottamisen rangaistavuutta rikoslaissa. Rangaistussääntelyn selkeyttämisellä pyritään osaltaan vahvistamaan henkilökohtaisen vapauden ja koskemattomuuden sekä yksityiselämän suojaa

    Impact-parameter dependent nuclear parton distribution functions: EPS09s and EKS98s and their applications in nuclear hard processes

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    We determine the spatial (impact parameter) dependence of nuclear parton distribution functions (nPDFs) using the AA-dependence of the spatially independent (averaged) global fits EPS09 and EKS98. We work under the assumption that the spatial dependence can be formulated as a power series of the nuclear thickness functions TAT_A. To reproduce the AA-dependence over the entire xx range we need terms up to [TA]4[T_A]^4. As an outcome, we release two sets, EPS09s (LO, NLO, error sets) and EKS98s, of spatially dependent nPDFs for public use. We also discuss the implementation of these into the existing calculations. With our results, the centrality dependence of nuclear hard-process observables can be studied consistently with the globally fitted nPDFs for the first time. As an application, we first calculate the LO nuclear modification factor RAA1jetR^{1jet}_{AA} for primary partonic-jet production in different centrality classes in Au+Au collisions at RHIC and Pb+Pb collisions at LHC. Also the corresponding central-to-peripheral ratios RCP1jetR_{CP}^{1jet} are studied. We also calculate the LO and NLO nuclear modification factors for single inclusive neutral pion production, RdAuπ0R_{dAu}^{\pi^0}, at mid- and forward rapidities in different centrality classes in d+Au collisions at RHIC. In particular, we show that our results are compatible with the PHENIX mid-rapidity data within the overall normalization uncertainties given by the experiment. Finally, we show our predictions for the corresponding modifications RpPbπ0R_{pPb}^{\pi^0} in the forthcoming p+Pb collisions at LHC.Comment: 36 page

    Requirement of TFIIH kinase subunit Mat1 for RNA Pol II C-terminal domain Ser5 phosphorylation, transcription and mRNA turnover

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    The relevance of serine 5 phosphorylation of RNA polymerase II carboxy-terminal domain during initiation has been difficult to determine in mammalian cells as no general in vivo Ser5 kinase has been identified. Here, we demonstrate that deletion of the TFIIH kinase subunit Mat1 in mouse fibroblasts leads to dramatically reduced Pol II Ser5 phosphorylation. This is associated with defective capping and reduced Ser2 phosphorylation, decreased Pol II progression into elongation and severely attenuated transcription detected through analysis of nascent mRNAs, establishing a general requirement for mammalian Mat1 in transcription. Surprisingly, the general defect in Pol II transcription in Mat1−/− fibroblasts is not reflected in the majority of steady-state mRNAs. This indicates widespread stabilization of mRNAs and points to the existence of a regulatory mechanism to stabilize mRNAs following transcriptional attenuation, thus revealing a potential caveat in similar studies limited to analysis of steady-state mRNAs

    Metrics contributing to the implementation of successful projects

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    The aim of this thesis was to improve the usage of metrics in project management within the target organization. The main objective was to identify suitable metrics for measuring the successful project. Metrics are an essential part of project management and therefore there is a need for researching the measurement process so that the organization can implement projects successfully. The research was conducted as a qualitative case study. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews, which were conducted for project managers in the target organization. Results were analyzed with thematic analysis by using an abductive approach and the main themes for the interviews emerged from the literature. The development part of this study suggests the metrics for the target organization. Important elements for the implementation of the successful project are introduced based on the interview data and the literature. Target organization is currently establishing a project management office and the results of this thesis provide the data to support the development of project management practices