36 research outputs found

    Philharmonique Portugaise de Paris

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    UID/EAT/00472/2013 PD/BD/114568/2016publishersversionpublishe

    Adaptação cultural e validação da escala de Braden para a pessoa internada em Cuidados Intensivos, em Angola

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    Introdução: A avaliação do risco de desenvolver lesão por pressão (LPP) é uma medida de boas práticas e deve incluir o uso de um instrumento preditor de risco, sendo um deles, a escala de Braden. Esta contempla seis categorias e o score varia entre 6 e 23 pontos [1]. Para poder ser usada no contexto clínico em Angola esta escala carece de adaptação cultural e validação [2]. Objetivos: Descrever o processo de adaptação cultural da escala de Braden para Angola. Determinar as propriedades psicométricas da escala. Metodologia: Realizou-se um estudo metodológico [2] após autorização das autoras da escala de Braden para a sua utilização em Angola. A escala na versão português padrão foi avaliada por um grupo de oito enfermeiros especialistas, peritos angolanos dando resultado à escala de Braden para Angola. Procedeu-se à retrotradução para inglês e envio às autoras. Para a avaliação da validade preditiva realizou-se um estudo observacional, descritivo, longitudinal e prospetivo numa UCI, em Luanda, entre setembro e dezembro de 2019, com uma população de 110 doentes. A análise dos dados foi realizada com recurso ao software R e o ponto ótimo de corte para o desenvolvimento de LPP foi determinado pelo modelo de regressão logística. Resultados: Da avaliação dos peritos resultaram oito sugestões de mudança, duas delas excluídas pelo investigador por alterarem o contexto da definição da subcategoria. A nova versão mantém o sentido da escala original e isso foi assegurado pelas autoras. Nesta população, considerando um nível de significância α= 5 a variável explicativa da pontuação da escala de Braden é estatisticamente significativa (valor-p<0.001). O ponto ótimo de corte resultou na pontuação 12, sendo o que assegura melhor equilíbrio entre a sensibilidade (67%) e a especificidade (82%). A área abaixo da curva ROC para este ponto de corte foi de 0.687 (IC de 95%), correspondendo a um poder discriminante aceitável. Conclusões: Pelas suas características psicométricas, a versão angolana da Escala de Braden é um instrumento válido para avaliar o risco de desenvolvimento de LPP em UCI.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Basal cell carcinomas arising on the genitalia and over 5 cm in size are exceedingly rare. We report a case of a 60-year-old man with a lesion on the scrotum which had been slowly enlarging over the previous year. On examination he had an erythematous plaque 6.0x5.0cm in size with a pedunculated nodule. We performed an incisional biopsy. The histopathological diagnosis was basal cell carcinoma. The tumor was surgically removed. This is the second reported polypoid basal cell carcinoma occurring on the scrotum but the first scrotal giant polypoid basal cell carcinoma.KEYWORDS – Carcinoma, Basal Cell; Genital Neoplasms, Male; Scrotum; Skin Neoplasms.Os carcinomas basocelulares localizados na região genital e com diâmetro superior a 5cm são extrema- mente raros. Descrevemos um caso de um doente do sexo masculino de 60 anos de idade com uma lesão no escroto de crescimento progressivo durante um ano. Ao exame objectivo apresentava uma placa eritematosa com 6.0x5.0cm de maiores eixos com um nódulo pediculado. Foi realizada biopsia incisional cujo exame histopatológico revelou carcinoma basocelular. O tumor foi posteriormente excisado. Este é o segundo caso descrito na literatura de carcinoma basocelular polipóide do escroto, mas nesta localização o primeiro com dimensões que o permitem classificar como gigante.PALAVRAS-CHAVE – Carcinoma Basocelular; Escroto; Neoplasias Genitais Masculinas; Neoplasias da Pele

    Lack of detectable allergenicity of transgenic maize and soya samples

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    Background: The safety issues regarding foods derived from genetically modified (GM) plants are central to their acceptance into the food supply. The potential allergenicity of proteins newly introduced in GM foods is a major safety concern. Objective: We sought to monitor, in potentially sensitive human populations, the allergenicity effects of 5 GM materials obtained from sources with no allergenic potential and already under commercialization in the European Union. Methods: We have performed skin prick tests with protein extracts prepared from transgenic maize (MON810, Bt11, T25, Bt176) and soya (Roundup Ready) samples and from nontransgenic control samples in 2 sensitive groups: children with food and inhalant allergy and individuals with asthmarhinitis. We have also tested IgE immunoblot reactivity of sera from patients with food allergy to soya (Roundup Ready) and maize (MON810, Bt11, Bt176) samples, as well as to the pure transgenic proteins (CryIA[b] and CP4 5-enolpyruvylshikimate- 3-phosphate synthase). Results: None of the individuals undergoing tests reacted differentially to the transgenic and nontransgenic samples under study. None of the volunteers tested presented detectable IgE antibodies against pure transgenic proteins. Conclusion: The transgenic products under testing seem to be safe in terms of allergenic potential. We propose postmarket testing as an important screening strategy for putative allergic sensitization to proteins introduced in transgenic plants.Supported by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, research project SDH.SP.I.01.11 and by Comissão de Fomento da Investigação em Cuidados de Saúde, research project no. 186/0

    A Experiência do Flow em Atletas Adolescentes

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    Embora o conceito de flow tenha sido desenvolvido na década de 70, atualmente ainda é pouco explorado pelos investigadores. Por isso, este estudo teve como objetivo principal analisar a experiência de flow numa amostra de atletas adolescentes. Especificamente pretendeu-se averiguar pelo nível de flow nesta amostra se existem diferenças na experiência de flow em função do sexo, horas de treino e anos de prática; avaliar se a experiência de flow varia em função da idade e das modalidades; e relacionar as componentes/total do flow e os anos de prática. A amostra total foi constituída por 400 sujeitos, 267 do sexo masculino e 133 do sexo feminino, com idades compreendidas entre os 15 e os 18 anos. Estes atletas foram divididos de forma igualitária por quatro modalidades distintas: Canoagem, Basquetebol, Futebol e Atletismo. Para a recolha de dados foi utilizado um Questionário Sociodemográfico e a Flow State Scale 2 (FSS-2). Os principais resultados indicaram que a experiência de flow vivenciada por estes jovens atletas encontra-se acima da média (tendo em conta os valores mínimos e máximos das respostas dadas), mostrando especificamente que os atletas rapazes (em cinco componentes e no flow total), os atletas que têm mais anos de prática desportiva (exceto em duas componentes), os atletas que praticam a modalidade de futebol (somente em uma componente), os atletas com 17 anos (somente em uma componente) revelaram uma experiência de flow um pouco mais elevada (p < 0,05), sugerindo a presença de estados psicológicos ótimos nestes grupos. As correlações também mostraram que a variável anos de prática apresentou correlações positivas baixas com a maioria das componentes e com o flow total. Uma melhor compreensão deste fenómeno pode ajudar na intervenção com atletas adolescentes (treino direcionado para as habilidades psicológicas), dotando-os de mais competências para que consigam atingir um estado psicológico ótimo. / Although the concept of flow has been developed in the 70s, nowadays is still a concept with little explored. With that thought, the main objective of this study is to analyze the experience of flow in a sample of athlete adolescents. Specifically we intended to check for this levels of flow; in this to analyze if there exists differences in experiencing flow according to sex, training hours and years of practice, to evaluate if the experience of flow is diverse according to age and its activities; and evaluate the association of these components/total flow with the years of practice. This sample had a total of 400 subjects, 267 were male and 133 were female, with ages between 15 and 18 years old. These athletes were evenly separated by four distinct activities: canoeing, basketball, football and athletics. This study used the sociodemographic questionnaire and the Flow State Scale 2 to analyze the gathered data. The main results shown that the experience of flow by this young athletes were above average (remembering the minimum and maximus values), showing specifically that the boy athletes (in five components and total flow), the athletes with more years of practice (with the exception of two components), the athletes that practice football (only on one component), 17 year old athletes (only on one component) revealed an experience of flow a little higher (p < 0,05), proposing a great psychological state in these group. The correlations also showed that the variable of more years of practice revealed low positive correlations with most of the components and with total flow. A better understanding of this phenomenon may help in the intervention with adolescent athletes (training directed to the psychological abilities), giving them more skills so that they reach an optimal psychological state

    Contributo para a utilização da Escala de Braden em Angola:adaptação cultural e validação em doentes internados em UCI

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    Descrever o processo de adaptação cultural da escala de Braden para Angola. Determinar as propriedades psicométricas da escala: sensibilidade, especificidade e ponto ótimo de corteN/

    A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on Hepatitis E Virus Detection in Farmed Ruminants

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    Swine are widely recognized as the main reservoir of zoonotic HEV; however, a growing body of data on the HEV prevalence in farmed ruminants of different species also points to a potential route for HEV transmission through ruminants and ruminant products and by-products. Definite information on the zoonotic potential of ruminants is still absent or unclear, compelling the necessity for increasing knowledge on this. The aim of the current study was to analyze the state-of-the-art in this research topic and provide a summary of HEV detection and characterization in farmed ruminants. A total of 1567 papers were retrieved from four search databases that resulted in 35 eligible papers after application of exclusion/inclusion criteria. Studies on HEV in farmed ruminants were mainly based on the detection of HEV RNA and were reported in Africa (n = 1), America (n = 3), Asia (n = 18) and Europe (n = 13), and focused on a variety of ruminants species, namely cow, goat, sheep, deer, buffalo and yak. The overall pooled prevalence of HEV was 0.02% (0.01–0.03, 95% CI). The subgroup pooled prevalence of HEV RNA was 0.01% (0.00–0.02, 95% CI) in cow milk, stool, serum, liver, intestinal, bile, blood, spleen and rectal swab samples; 0.09% (0.02–0.18, 95% CI) in goat serum, bile, stool, milk, liver, rectal swab and blood samples; 0.01% (0.00–0.04, 95% CI) in sheep stool, serum, milk, blood and liver samples. Most of the HEV genotypes found in farmed ruminants belonged to the zoonotic HEV-3 (subtypes 3a, 3c) and HEV-4 (subtype 4d, 4h), with Rocahepevirus also found. The wide HEV circulation observed in different farmed ruminants raises concerns for the possibility of HEV transmission through products from infected ruminants and alerts for the potential zoonotic route for HEV in ruminant products, such as meat and dairy products. Also, contact exposure to infected farmed animals could be a risk factor. Further research should be conducted in order to understand the circulation of HEV in these animals and its zoonotic potential, as there is currently a lack of data on this topic

    Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus circulating among sheep of Portugal: a nationwide serosurvey assessment

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    Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) is a widespread zoonotic pathogen that can cause mild to severe hemorrhagic disease in humans. CCHFV may be transmitted through direct contact with tissue or blood of viremic animals; however, the primary transmission route is through infected tick bites. CCHFV RNA has been detected in ticks feeding on domestic and wild animals in western Spain, suggesting an established circulation of CCHFV in Western Europe. Ruminants have been recognized as important CCHFV reservoirs and have been linked to human cases in endemic regions. Given the emergence of CCHF in neighboring Spain, and a report of two CCHFV seropositive humans in southern Portugal in 1985, we investigated the potential circulation of this virus in the country by performing a nationwide anti-CCHFV IgG serosurvey in sentinel sheep of Portugal. Sera (n = 459) randomly selected from widely distributed farms (n = 20) of Portugal were tested using a commercial double-antigen enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, yielding an overall seroprevalence of 0.4% (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.04-1.56%). Positive sheep were from the southern region of Portugal (Alentejo region), which raise the seroprevalence of this region to 0.74% (95% CI 0.09-2.66%). This is the first study reporting the presence of CCHFV antibodies in sheep of Portugal, thus suggesting a geographical expansion of CCHFV to this country. It seems likely that CCHFV may exist focally in southern Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Proficiency testing for the determination of pesticides in mango pulp : a view of the employed chromatographic techniques and the evaluation of laboratories’ performance

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    7 p. : il.The proficiency testing for determination of pesticides residues in mango pulp was the third work of the partnership established by INMETRO and INCQS/Fiocruz. Three mango pulp samples were sent to each participant laboratory, two being spiked with the pesticides and one exempt of pesticides. The added pesticides were: deltamethrin, ethion, fenitrothion, malathion, and permethrin. The evaluation of the results of the homogeneity and the stability tests, as well as the determination of the assigned value was made in agreement with ISO GUIDE 35 and ISO 13528, assuming the samples were considered homogeneous and stable for the studied period. The assigned values and the standard deviation for proficiency evaluation was calculated using the robust algorithm, according to ISO 13528, and the evaluation of the results was carried through in accordance with ABNT ISO/IEC Guide 43-1. The z-score graphs and confidence ellipse was also used in the evaluation of the results. In the evaluation carried through from the values of the z-scores, 71% of the reported results were considered satisfactory based on the results found for this index. The evaluation of the analytical viability for the determination of each pesticide and of the analytical capacity of the participant laboratories was carried through. A summarized view of the chromatographic techniques and of preparation of sample used by the participant laboratories was also carried through in this work