774 research outputs found

    Power Priors for Replication Studies

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    The ongoing replication crisis in science has increased interest in the methodology of replication studies. We propose a novel Bayesian analysis approach using power priors: The likelihood of the original study's data is raised to the power of α\alpha, and then used as the prior distribution in the analysis of the replication data. Posterior distribution and Bayes factor hypothesis tests related to the power parameter α\alpha quantify the degree of compatibility between the original and replication study. Inferences for other parameters, such as effect sizes, dynamically borrow information from the original study. The degree of borrowing depends on the conflict between the two studies. The practical value of the approach is illustrated on data from three replication studies, and the connection to hierarchical modeling approaches explored. We generalize the known connection between normal power priors and normal hierarchical models for fixed parameters and show that normal power prior inferences with a beta prior on the power parameter α\alpha align with normal hierarchical model inferences using a generalized beta prior on the relative heterogeneity variance I2I^2. The connection illustrates that power prior modeling is unnatural from the perspective of hierarchical modeling since it corresponds to specifying priors on a relative rather than an absolute heterogeneity scale

    Unconventional superconductivity without doping: infinite-layer nickelates under pressure

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    High-temperature unconventional superconductivity quite generically emerges from doping a strongly correlated parent compound, often (close to) an antiferromagnetic insulator. The recently developed dynamical vertex approximation is a state-of-the-art technique that has quantitatively predicted the superconducting dome of nickelates. Here, we apply it to study the effect of pressure in the infinite-layer nickelate Srx_xPr1−x_ {1-x}NiO2_2. We reproduce the increase of the critical temperature (TcT_c) under pressure found in experiment up to 12 GPa. According to our results, TcT_c can be further increased with higher pressures. Even without Sr-doping the parent compound, PrNiO2_2, will become a high-temperature superconductor thanks to a strongly enhanced self-doping of the \nidxsqysq{} orbital under pressure. With a maximal \Tc{} of 100\,K around 100\,GPa, nickelate superconductors can reach that of the best cuprates.Comment: Main text: 6 pages, 4 figures. Supplementary information: 18 pages, 16 figure

    No superconductivity in Pb9_9Cu1_1(PO4_4)6_6O found in orbital and spin fluctuation exchange calculations

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    Finding a material that turns superconducting under ambient conditions has been the goal of over a century of research, and recently Pb10−x_{10-x}Cux_x(PO4_4)6_6O aka LK-99 has been put forward as a possible contestant. In this work, we study the possibility of electronically driven superconductivity in LK-99 also allowing for electron or hole doping. We use an ab initio\textit{ab initio} derived two-band model of the Cu ege_g orbitals for which we determine interaction values from the constrained random phase approximation (cRPA). For this two-band model we perform calculations in the fluctuation exchange (FLEX) approach to assess the strength of orbital and spin fluctuations. We scan over a broad range of parameters and enforce no magnetic or orbital symmetry breaking. Even under optimized conditions for superconductivity, spin and orbital fluctuations turn out to be too weak for superconductivity anywhere near to room-temperature. We contrast this finding to non-self-consistent RPA, where it is possible to induce spin-singlet dd-wave superconductivity at Tc≥300T_{\mathrm{c}}\geq300 K if the system is put close enough to a magnetic instability.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure
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