21 research outputs found

    Higher-order Singular Value Decomposition Filter for Contrast Echocardiography

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    Assessing the coronary circulation with contrast-enhanced echocardiography has high clinical relevance. However, it is not being routinely performed in clinical practice because the current clinical tools generally could not provide adequate image quality. The contrast agent’s visibility in the myocardium is generally poor, impaired by motion and non-linear propagation artifacts. The established multi-pulse contrast schemes (MPCS) and the more experimental singular value decomposition (SVD) filter also fall short to solve these issues. Here, we propose a scheme to process AM/AMPI echoes with higher-order singular value decomposition (HOSVD) instead of conventionally summing the complementary pulses. The echoes from the complementary pulses form a separate dimension in the HOSVD algorithm. Then, removing the ranks in that dimension with dominant coherent signals coming from tissue scattering would provide the contrast detection. We performed both in vitro and in vivo experiments to assess the performance of our proposed method in comparison with the current standard methods. A flow phantom study shows that HOSVD on AM pulsing exceeds the contrast-to-background ratio (CBR) of conventional AM and an SVD filter by 10dB and 14dB, respectively. In vivo porcine heart results also demonstrate that, compared to AM, HOSVD improves CBR in open-chest acquisition (up to 19dB) and contrast ratio in closed-chest acquisition (3dB)

    Cardiovascular Function of Modern Pigs Does not Comply with Allometric Scaling Laws

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    Growing concerns have been expressed regarding cardiovascular performance in modern farm pigs, which has been proposed as a critical factor contributing to the reduced adaptability of modern pigs to stress. Here we tested the hypothesis that cardiac dimensions and pump function in modern heavy farm pigs are disproportionally low for their body weight, and investigated potential underlying mechanisms. The results from the present study indeed demonstrate disproportionally low values for stroke volume and cardiac output in pigs with bodyweights over 150 kg. Importantly, these low values were not the result of impaired left ventricular (LV) systolic contractile function, but were due to a disproportionally small LV end-diastolic volume. The latter was associated with changes in determinants of LV passive stiffness, including (i) an increase in LV myocardial collagen, (ii) a shift from the compliant N2BA titin isoform towards the stiff N2B, and (iii) a marked elevation of aortic blood pressure. Taken together, these results demonstrate reduced pumping capacity of the hearts of heavy modern pigs, due to structural abnormalities in the LV myocardium

    High-Frame-Rate Volumetric Porcine Renal Vasculature Imaging

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    Objective:The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility and imaging options of contrast-enhanced volumetric ultrasound kidney vasculature imaging in a porcine model using a prototype sparse spiral array. Methods: Transcutaneous freehand in vivo imaging of two healthy porcine kidneys was performed according to three protocols with different microbubble concentrations and transmission sequences. Combining high-frame-rate transmission sequences with our previously described spatial coherence beamformer, we determined the ability to produce detailed volumetric images of the vasculature. We also determined power, color and spectral Doppler, as well as super-resolved microvasculature in a volume. The results were compared against a clinical 2-D ultrasound machine. Results: Three-dimensional visualization of the kidney vasculature structure and blood flow was possible with our method. Good structural agreement was found between the visualized vasculature structure and the 2-D reference. Microvasculature patterns in the kidney cortex were visible with super-resolution processing. Blood flow velocity estimations were within a physiological range and pattern, also in agreement with the 2-D reference results. Conclusion:Volumetric imaging of the kidney vasculature was possible using a prototype sparse spiral array. Reliable structural and temporal information could be extracted from these imaging results.</p

    Limitation of Infarct Size and No-Reflow by Intracoronary Adenosine Depends Critically on Dose and Duration

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    AbstractObjectivesIn the absence of effective clinical pharmacotherapy for prevention of reperfusion-mediated injury, this study re-evaluated the effects of intracoronary adenosine on infarct size and no-reflow in a porcine model of acute myocardial infarction using clinical bolus and experimental high-dose infusion regimens.BackgroundDespite the clear cardioprotective effects of adenosine, when administered prior to ischemia, studies on cardioprotection by adenosine when administered at reperfusion have yielded contradictory results in both pre-clinical and clinical settings.MethodsSwine (54 ± 1 kg) were subjected to a 45-min mid–left anterior descending artery occlusion followed by 2 h of reperfusion. In protocol A, an intracoronary bolus of 3 mg adenosine injected over 1 min (n = 5) or saline (n = 10) was administered at reperfusion. In protocol B, an intracoronary infusion of 50 ÎŒg/kg/min adenosine (n = 15) or saline (n = 21) was administered starting 5 min prior to reperfusion and continued throughout the 2-h reperfusion period.ResultsIn protocol A, area-at-risk, infarct size, and no-reflow were similar between groups. In protocol B, risk zones were similar, but administration of adenosine resulted in significant reductions in infarct size from 59 ± 3% of the area-at-risk in control swine to 46 ± 4% (p = 0.02), and no-reflow from 49 ± 6% of the infarct area to 26 ± 6% (p = 0.03).ConclusionsDuring reperfusion, intracoronary adenosine can limit infarct size and no-reflow in a porcine model of acute myocardial infarction. However, protection was only observed when adenosine was administered via prolonged high-dose infusion, and not via short-acting bolus injection. These findings warrant reconsideration of adenosine as an adjuvant therapy during early reperfusion

    Vagal nerve stimulation started just prior to reperfusion limits infarct size and no-reflow

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    Vagal nerve stimulation (VNS) started prior to, or during, ischemia has been shown to reduce infarct size. Here, we investigated the effect of VNS when started just prior to, and continued during early, reperfusion on infarct size and no-reflow and studied the underlying mechanisms. For this purpose, swine (13 VNS, 10 sham) underwent 45 min mid-LAD occlusion followed by 120 min of reperfusion. VNS was started 5 min prior to reperfusion and continued until 15 min of reperfusion. Area at risk, area of no-reflow (% of infarct area) and infarct size (% of area at risk), circulating cytokines, and regional myocardial leukocyte influx were assessed after 120 min of reperfusion. VNS significantly reduced infarct size from 67 ± 2 % in sham to 54 ± 5 % and area of no-reflow from 54 ± 6 % in sham to 32 ± 6 %. These effects were accompanied by reductions in neutrophil (~40 %) and macrophage (~60 %) infiltration in the infarct area (all p < 0.05), whereas systemic circulating plasma levels of TNFα and IL6 were not affected. The degree of cardioprotection could not be explained by the VNS-induced bradycardia or the VNS-induced decrease in the double product of heart rate and left ventricular systolic pressure. In the presence of NO-synthase inhibitor LNNA, VNS no longer attenuated infarct size and area of no-reflow, which was paralleled by similarly unaffected regional leukocyte infiltration. In conclusion, VNS is a promising novel adjunctive therapy that limits reperfusion injury in a large animal model of acute myocardial infarction

    Coronary–aortic interaction during ventricular isovolumic contraction

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    In earlier work, we suggested that the start of the isovolumic contraction period could be detected in arterial pressure waveforms as the start of a temporary pre-systolic pressure perturbation (AICstart, start of the Arterially detected Isovolumic Contraction), and proposed the retrograde coronary blood volume flow in combination with a backwards traveling pressure wave as its most likely origin. In this study, we tested this hypothesis by means of a coronary artery occlusion protocol. In six Yorkshire × Landrace swine, we simultaneously occluded the left anterior descending (LAD) and left circumflex (LCx) artery for 5 s followed by a 20-s reperfusion period and repeated this sequence at least two more times. A similar procedure was used to occlude only the right coronary artery (RCA) and finally all three main coronary arteries simultaneously. None of the occlusion protocols caused a decrease in the arterial pressure perturbation in the aorta during occlusion (P > 0.20) nor an increase during reactive hyperemia (P > 0.22), despite a higher deceleration of coronary blood volume flow (P = 0.03) or increased coronary conductance (P = 0.04) during hyperemia. These results show that the pre-systolic aortic pressure perturbation does not originate from the coronary arteries

    Involvement of reperfusion injury salvage Kinases in preconditioning depends critically on the preconditioning stimulus

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    Different preconditioning stimuli can activate divergent signaling pathways. In rats, adenosine-independent pathways (triple 3-min coronary artery occlusion [3CAO3]) and adenosine-dependent pathways (one 15-min coronar

    Initiation of ventricular contraction as reflected in the aortic pressure waveform

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    Prior to aortic valve opening, aortic pressure is perturbed by ventricular contraction. The onset of this pressure perturbation coincides with the onset of the left ventricular (LV) isovolumic contraction, and hence will be referred to as the start of the arterially detected isovolumic contraction (AIC start). In the present study we test the hypothesis that the pressure perturbation indeed has a cardiac origin. In ten YorkshireLandrace swine, waveform intensity analysis demonstrated that AIC startwas followed by a positive intensity wave (0.3×10 5 0.3×10 5W (m 2s 2) 1). Timing analysis of LV and aortic pressure waveform showed that AIC startwas preceded by a LV pressure perturbation (3.8 1.8 ms, p < 0.001). These novel cardiac timing and aortic wave intensity findings reveal the cardiac origin of the pressure perturbation. In 15 YorkshireLandrace swine, myocardial motion analysis showed a significantly higher rate of segment shortening during the first part of the LV pressure perturbation. Therefore, both the LV and aortic pressure perturbation are most likely caused by the early phase of myocardial contraction, which also causes mitral valve closure. Consequently, AIC startis useful in the determination of the isovolumic contraction period, a well-known marker to quantify cardiac dysfunction