87 research outputs found

    Bony Patella Impingement with Knee Locking in Severe Patellofemoral Arthritis

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    Precolostral serology in calves born from Neospora -seropositive mothers

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    The present study was designed to exploratively determine (a) how many healthy calves, born from seropositive mothers, were also precolostrally seropositive; (b) how many precolostrally negative calves became postcolostrally positive; and (c) in these calves, how the IgG1/IgG2 situation developed pre- and postcolostrally. All calves were born from mothers that were determined to be seropositive in a conventional Neospora caninum-ELISA and by immunoblotting. When the diagnostic performance of the conventional ELISA was compared with that of immunoblotting and an IgG1/IgG2-ELISA in the calves, the latter two exhibited a higher sensitivity: From a total of 15 precolostral calf sera, 7 were positive in the conventional ELISA (diagnostic sensitivity 47%) compared to 15 that were positive by immunoblotting (diagnostic sensitivity 100%) and 12 that were positive by the IgG1/IgG2-ELISA (diagnostic sensitivity 80%). With regard to IgG1/IgG2 findings in the dams, IgG2 appeared as the dominant subclass in the humoral immune response of adult cattle, while in calves, IgG1 appeared as the main prenatally/precolostrally reactive antibody isotype. Provided that precolostral seropositivity reflects postnatal persistent infection with N. caninum, we then postulate that, basically, all of our study calves born form N. caninum-seropositive mothers were prenatally infected with the parasite, and may, thus, all become members of the next transmitting generatio

    Neospora caninum immunoblotting improves serodiagnosisof bovine neosporosis

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    Neospora caninum ranges among the major causes of infectious abortion in cattle worldwide. The present study was designed to improve the serodiagnostic tools by complementing a conventional ELISA with a highly sensitive and species-specific N. caninum immunoblot. To evaluate this test combination, sera from several groups of cows were tested. The first group, consisting of experimentally infected calves, showed that immunoblot antibody reactivities were detectable 1 to 3days earlier than those found in ELISA. The first immunodominant bands that appeared were a 29-kDa (NcSAG1) and a 36-kDa (NcSRS2) antigen. Other groups, based upon naturally infected cattle, were used to compare the diagnostic sensitivity of ELISA and immunoblotting. Overall, N. caninum immunoblotting exhibited a higher sensitivity (98%) than ELISA (87%). Conversely, immunoblotting also confirm in two other cases, true transient negativation in some animals. In general, banding patterns and band staining intensity correlated to the semiquantitative ELISA findings. On the other hand, the banding pattern could not be used to discriminate between sera from animals with a recent abortion and those of cows with latent N. caninum infection. We also addressed putative cross-reactions due to infection with Toxoplasma gondii. Sera from animals with a serologically proven T. gondii infection were either clearly negative by Neospora immunoblotting or they yielded a specific immunoblot antibody profile indicating a double infection with N. caninum. Sera from animals with positive findings in both Toxoplasma and Neospora ELISA thus provided dichotomic results in the immunoblot by allowing to confirm or to rule out the specificity of the antibody reaction in Neospora ELISA. Altogether, our findings demonstrate that N. caninum immunoblotting is a very sensitive and specific complementary tool to improve the serology for N. caninum infections in cattl

    Humoral immune reaction of newborn calves congenitally infected with Neospora caninum and experimentally treated with toltrazuril

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    Neospora caninum is widely recognized as one of the most important infectious organisms causing abortion and stillbirth in cattle. This parasite causes severe economical losses worldwide. Infection is mostly passed vertically from mother to calf during pregnancy. Under certain circumstances, an infection can lead to abortion, but in most cases it results in a chronically infected calf, which itself will represent the next endogenously infectious generation. So far, no reliable therapeutic or metaphylactic tool has been developed. One possibility to control the problem may consist of treating newborn calves that became vertically infected by a persistently infected mother. This may allow parasite-free offspring. The aim of the present study was to address the questions: (1) can serology be used to assess efficiency of treatment in toltrazuril-medicated animals? and (2) is a strategic prevention measure possible by means of producing N. caninum-free calves from positive cows? Calves from Neospora-seropositive cows and heifers were randomly split into two different medication groups: 36 calves were medicated with toltrazuril and 36 calves obtained a placebo. Medication (20mg toltrazuril per kg bw) was administered three times, every second day, within the 7days post natum. Three months after medication, there was no difference in antibody reactivity between the two groups. At later time points (4-6months), however, significant differences were found, as explained by a strong humoral immunity after chemotherapeutical affection of parasites, while the placebo-treated animals only responded weakly to the persistent infection. In summary, we concluded that (1) serology was not an entirely appropriate tool to answer our initial question and (2) toltrazuril has the potential to eliminate N. caninum in newborn calves. As a consequence, we plan to follow up toltrazuril-medicated calves clinically and serologically over a longer period and investigate if they give birth to Neospora-free calve

    Stichorchis subtriquetrus in European beaver from Croatia: first report

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    Since 1996, European beavers (Castor fiber) have been reintroduced from Germany to Croatia. However, little is known about the health status of the established population. Necropsy of a 2-year-old female European beaver, which died from a car accident, revealed 28 adult trematodes in the preserved fragments of the colon and in the peritoneal cavity. All of them were identified as Stichorchis subtriquetrus. The typical location of these parasites is the large intestine, and the finding of several specimens in the peritoneal cavity can be explained by the severe trauma. We assume that the trematode was introduced to Croatia along with the beavers. Furthermore, it is very probable that the life cycle can be completed as the intermediate hosts are part of the local fauna. This is the first record of S. subtriquetrus in Croati

    An explorative study to assess the efficacy of Toltrazuril-sulfone (Ponazuril) in calves experimentally infected with Neospora caninum

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    BACKGROUND: Neospora caninum is an important cause of infectious abortion and stillbirth in cattle world-wide. Infection is common and may frequently be passed from mother to calf (vertical transmission) with no signs of disease. Based on our previous observation that N. caninum-infection can be efficiently controlled with Toltrazuril-sulfone (Ponazuril) in experimentally infected mice, we addressed the question if efficacy could also be obtained in experimentally infected calves. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study included 19 calves and represents an initial explorative approach to document a basic effectiveness at first. Fifteen animals received each 2 x 10(8)N. caninum trophozoites, half of the dose being injected intravenously and the other half subcutaneously. Efficacy of treatment was assessed using molecular detection of parasite DNA with PCR and pathological alterations by immunohistochemistry in different organs of the animals. Assessment included also clinical, serological and pathophysiological parameters. RESULTS: In those calves medicated with ponazuril (one, or six consecutive days, respectively, starting one day after infection), a complete abrogation of the parasite detectability was obtained in the brain and other organs, while 50% of non-treated calves became PCR-positive in brain and muscles. Clinically, ponazuril chemotherapy of infected calves – in comparison to non-treated infected animals – reduced symptoms (fever), but no differences were observed between treated and non-treated animals with regard to serum enzymes and metabolites. Efficacy of a six-day treament was also reflected by significantly lower anti-Neospora antibody concentrations developed after infection, when compared to non-treated animals. CONCLUSION: Based on our findings in this initially explorative approach that indicate a basic effectiveness of ponazuril against experimental N. caninum infection in calves, we plan to follow our chemotherapeutical intervention strategy to control bovine neosporosis with a subsequent more extensive field study with naturally infected calves

    Immunodiagnosis of primary Toxoplasma gondii infection in sheep by the use of a P30 IgG avidity ELISA

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    Abstract.: Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite with a worldwide distribution. In both sheep and humans, if the parasite is encountered during pregnancy, fetal infection and abortion can occur. Therefore, Toxoplasma infection in sheep has a major economic impact upon sheep farming. Clinically, there is a need to distinguish recent (acute) infections from longstanding (chronic) infections. However, current serological techniques, such as detection of anti-T. gondii IgG, cannot discriminate between acute and chronic infections. Increasing immunoglobulin avidity is a good determining factor of how recent an infection is. In this study, we describe the application and validation of a T. gondii IgG avidity ELISA, based on the use of an affinity-purified, native T. gondii P30 antigen. The assay was used to examine sera from eight sheep experimentally infected with T. gondii and found that all seroconverted within 21days post-infection (p.i.), beginning with avidities that were initially low but that increased over time, with all sheep reaching high IgG avidity within 10weeks p.i. In addition, sera from clinically healthy but T. gondii-seropositive lambs and ewes and seropositive ewes with a history of abortion were also subjected to a preliminary serological investigation. High IgG avidities were found in 80% of the seropositive lambs, in 90% of the clinically healthy ewes and in 97% of the ewes with abortion problems. These findings indicate that the animals had most likely contacted the parasite a longer time ag

    Distribution patterns of three sodium channel mutations associated with pyrethroid resistance in Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus populations from North and South America, South Africa and Australia

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    AbstractResistance to synthetic pyrethroids (SP) in the cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus is widespread throughout its distribution area. Three single nucleotide substitutions identified in Domains II and III of the sodium channel gene of R. (B.) microplus are known to be associated with target site pyrethroid resistance. We developed a multiplex PCR using allele-specific primers to amplify wild type or mutated genotypes of the three mutations simultaneously. This assay was used to screen tick samples originating from Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, South Africa and Australia whose phenotype to flumethrin and cypermethrin had been determined by the use of the Larval Tarsal test (LTT) or the Larval Packet Test (LPT). These mutations were found to have distinct geographical distributions and result in different resistance phenotypes. The L64I Domain II mutation conferring resistance to several SP compounds was found in all the Brazilian, Argentinean and Australian populations and in one South African population, with frequencies between 38% and 100% in flumethrin and cypermethrin resistant populations. In contrast, this mutation was not found in samples from Mexico, while the Domain III mutation was found exclusively in this country. The G72V Domain II flumethrin-specific mutation was found in a single Australian population, with a very low resistant allele frequency (3%). The homozygous resistant RR genotype of the L64I Domain II mutation correlated significantly with the survival rates at the discriminating doses of flumethrin and cypermethrin. This survey shows the widespread distribution of the L64I Domain II mutation and provides evidence of its geographic separation from the Domain III mutation

    Causes of Mortality and Diseases in Farmed Deer in Switzerland

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    To investigate diseases and causes of mortality in Swiss farmed deer, deer found dead or shot due to diseased condition between March 2003 and December 2004 were requested for a complete postmortem examination. One hundred and sixty-two animals were submitted. Perinatal mortality, necrobacillosis in 3 week to 6 month old deer, and endoparasitosis in 6 month to 2 year old deer were identified as the most important causes of loss, followed by ruminal acidosis, which was diagnosed in 22% of deer older than 1 year. Congenital malformations were observed in 15% of deer less than 6 months old. Reportable infectious diseases known as major problems in deer farming in other countries were rare (yersiniosis, malignant catarrhal fever) or not observed (tuberculosis, chronic wasting disease). Overall, the results indicate that the Swiss deer population does not present major health problems of concern for domestic animals
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