1,425 research outputs found


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    Deception methods have been applied to the traditional domains of war (air, land, sea, and space). In the newest domain of cyber, deception can be studied to see how it can be best used. Cyberspace operations are an essential warfighting domain within the Department of Defense (DOD). Many training exercises and courses have been developed to aid leadership with planning and to execute cyberspace effects that support operations. However, only a few simulations train cyber operators about how to respond to cyberspace threats. This work tested a commercial product from Soar Technologies (Soar Tech) that simulates conflict in cyberspace. The Cyberspace Course of Action Tool (CCAT) is a decision-support tool that evaluates defensive deception in a wargame simulating a local-area network being attacked. Results showed that defensive deception methods of decoys and bait could be effective in cyberspace. This could help military cyber defenses since their digital infrastructure is threatened daily with cyberattacks.Marine Forces Cyberspace CommandChief Petty Officer, United States NavyChief Petty Officer, United States NavyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Concurrent TNFRSF1A R92Q and pyrin E230K mutations in a child with multiple sclerosis

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    We report a 16-year-old female patient with a severe course of multiple sclerosis and concomitant symptoms suggestive of a hereditary autoinflammatory disease. Genetic analyses revealed that she inherited a TNFRSF1A R92Q mutation from her mother and a pyrin E230K mutation from her father. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a patient with severe childhood multiple sclerosis and mutations in two genes which predispose to hereditary autoinflammatory disorders. We speculate that these mutations contribute to early multiple sclerosis manifestation and enhance the inflammatory damage inflicted by the autoimmune response

    LiquidDiffract:Software for liquid total scattering analysis

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    Millimeter wave transmission studies of YBa2Cu3O7-delta thin films in the 26.5 to 40.0 GHz frequency range

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    Millimeter wave transmission measurements through YBa2Cu3O(7-delta) thin films on MgO, ZrO2 and LaAlO3 substrates, are reported. The films (approx. 1 micron) were deposited by sequential evaporation and laser ablation techniques. Transition temperatures T sub c, ranging from 89.7 K for the Laser Ablated film on LaAlO3 to approximately 72 K for the sequentially evaporated film on MgO, were obtained. The values of the real and imaginary parts of the complex conductivity, sigma 1 and sigma 2, are obtained from the transmission data, assuming a two fluid model. The BCS approach is used to calculate values for an effective energy gap from the obtained values of sigma sub 1. A range of gap values from 2 DELTA o/K sub B T sub c = 4.19 to 4.35 was obtained. The magnetic penetration depth is evaluated from the deduced values of sigma 2. These results are discussed together with the frequency dependence of the normalized transmission amplitude, P/P sub c, below and above T sub c

    Heating and Trapping of Electrons in ECRIS from Scratch to Afterglow

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    Plasmas in Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Sources (ECRIS) are collisionless and can therefore be simulated by just following the motion of electrons in the confining static magnetic and oscillating microwave (MW) electric field of ECRIS. With a powerful algorithm the three-dimensional trajectories of 104 ECR-heated and confined electrons are calculated in a standard ECRIS with a deep minimum of |B| and a new ECRIS with a very flat minimum of |B|. The spatial electron (plasma) densities and electron energy densities deduced from these trajectories yield new and surprising insight in the performance of ECRIS. With computer animation we plan to present: The energy increase of certain electrons on extremely stable trajectories, the power dependence of the electron energy density up to the X-ray collapse, the time dependent build up of the electron density and energy density distributions, and the time evolution of these electron distributions under afterglow conditions

    Onderzoek naar bijvangsten aan aal in aangepaste hokfuiken en schietfuiken. Verslag van een experiment

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    Tijdens de evaluatie van het wolhandkrabseizoen 2011 is door de NVWA geconstateerd dat in de wolhandkrab visserij met fuiken, weliswaar beperkt, ongewenst (schier)aal wordt bijgevangen. Dit is een probleem in de maanden september, oktober en november vanwege het visverbod op aal. De huidige ontsnappingsmethode, ruif van 60 mm vierkante mazen en de puntzak van 60 mm gestrekte maas zijn mogelijk niet in alle gevallen, onder alle omstandigheden, effectief. Vertegenwoordigers van de beroepsvisserij hebben voorgesteld een experiment uit te voeren om de optimale ontsnappingsmethode te vinden voor bijgevangen aal

    Microwave conductivity of laser ablated YBa2Cu3O(7-delta) superconducting films and its relation to microstrip transmission line performance

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    The discovery of high temperature superconductor oxides has raised the possibility of a new class of millimeter and microwave devices operating at temperatures considerably higher than liquid helium temperatures. Therefore, materials properties such as conductivity, current density, and sheet resistance as a function of temperature and frequency, possible anisotropies, moisture absorption, thermal expansion, and others, have to be well characterized and understood. The millimeter wave response of laser ablated YBa2Cu3O(7-delta)/LaAlO3 thin films was studied as a function of temperature and frequency. In particular, the evaluation of their microwave conductivity was emphasized, since knowledge of this parameter provides a basis for the derivation of other relevant properties of these superconducting oxides, and for using them in the fabrication of actual passive circuits. The microwave conductivity for these films was measured at frequencies from 26.5 to 40.0 GHz, in the temperature range from 20 to 300 K. The values of the conductivity are obtained from the millimeter wave power transmitted through the films, using a two fluid model
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