2,447 research outputs found

    Echolocation by Quasiparticles

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    It is shown that the local density of states (LDOS), measured in an Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) experiment, at a single tip position contains oscillations as a function of Energy, due to quasiparticle interference, which is related to the positions of nearby scatterers. We propose a method of STM data analysis based on this idea, which can be used to locate the scatterers. In the case of a superconductor, the method can potentially distinguish the nature of the scattering by a particular impurity.Comment: 4+ page

    Electronic structure of an electron on the gyroid surface, a helical labyrinth

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    Previously reported formulation for electrons on curved periodic surfaces is used to analyze the band structure of an electron bound on the gyroid surface (the only triply-periodic minimal surface that has screw axes). We find that an effect of the helical structure appears as the bands multiply sticking together on the Brillouin zone boundaries. We elaborate how the band sticking is lifted when the helical and inversion symmetries of the structure are degraded. We find from this that the symmetries give rise to prominent peaks in the density of states.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages, 6 figure

    Local Phonon Density of States in an Elastic Substrate

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    The local, eigenfunction-weighted acoustic phonon density of states (DOS) tensor is calculated for a model substrate consisting of a semi-infinite isotropic elastic continuum with a stress-free surface. On the surface, the local DOS is proportional to the square of the frequency, as for the three-dimensional Debye model, but with a constant of proportionality that is considerably enhanced compared to the Debye value, a consequence of the Rayleigh surface modes. The local DOS tensor at the surface is also anisotropic, as expected. Inside the substrate the local DOS is both spatially anisotropic and non-quadratic in frequency. However, at large depths, the local DOS approaches the isotropic Debye value. The results are applied to a Si substrate.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, RevTe

    Phase diagram and spin Hamiltonian of weakly-coupled anisotropic S=1/2 chains in CuCl2*2((CD3)2SO)

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    Field-dependent specific heat and neutron scattering measurements were used to explore the antiferromagnetic S=1/2 chain compound CuCl2 * 2((CD3)2SO). At zero field the system acquires magnetic long-range order below TN=0.93K with an ordered moment of 0.44muB. An external field along the b-axis strengthens the zero-field magnetic order, while fields along the a- and c-axes lead to a collapse of the exchange stabilized order at mu0 Hc=6T and mu0 Hc=3.5T, respectively (for T=0.65K) and the formation of an energy gap in the excitation spectrum. We relate the field-induced gap to the presence of a staggered g-tensor and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions, which lead to effective staggered fields for magnetic fields applied along the a- and c-axes. Competition between anisotropy, inter-chain interactions and staggered fields leads to a succession of three phases as a function of field applied along the c-axis. For fields greater than mu0 Hc, we find a magnetic structure that reflects the symmetry of the staggered fields. The critical exponent, beta, of the temperature driven phase transitions are indistinguishable from those of the three-dimensional Heisenberg magnet, while measurements for transitions driven by quantum fluctuations produce larger values of beta.Comment: revtex 12 pages, 11 figure

    Total energy differences between SiC polytypes revisited

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    The total energy differences between various SiC polytypes (3C, 6H, 4H, 2H, 15R and 9R) were calculated using the full-potential linear muffin-tin orbital method using the Perdew-Wang-(91) generalized gradient approximation to the exchange-correlation functional in the density functional method. Numerical convergence versus k-point sampling and basis set completeness are demonstrated to be better than 1 meV/atom. The parameters of several generalized anisotropic next-nearest-neighbor Ising models are extracted and their significance and consequences for epitaxial growth are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, Latex, uses epsfig and revte

    Inelastic neutron scattering in random binary alloys : an augmented space approach

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    Combining the augmented space representation for phonons with a generalized version of Yonezawa-Matsubara diagrammatic technique, we have set up a formalism to seperate the coherent and incoherent part of the total intensity of thermal neutron scattering from disordered alloys. This is done exacly without taking any recourse to mean-field like approximation (as done previously). The formalism includes disorder in masses, force constants and scattering lengths. Implementation of the formalism to realistic situations is performed by an augmented space Block recursion which calculates entire Green matrix and self energy matrix which in turn is needed to evaluate the coherent and incoherent intensities. we apply the formalism to NiPd and NiPt alloys. Numerical results on coherent and incoherent scattering cross sections are presented along the highest symmetry directions. Finally the incoherent intensities are compared with the CPA and also with experiments.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure

    Observation of a Chiral State in a Microwave Cavity

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    A microwave experiment has been realized to measure the phase difference of the oscillating electric field at two points inside the cavity. The technique has been applied to a dissipative resonator which exhibits a singularity -- called exceptional point -- in its eigenvalue and eigenvector spectrum. At the singularity, two modes coalesce with a phase difference of π/2.\pi/2 . We conclude that the state excited at the singularity has a definitiv chirality.Comment: RevTex 4, 5 figure

    Peculiarities of phonon spectra and lattice heat capacity in Ir and Rh

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    A simple pseudopotential model is proposed, which allows the phonon spectra and temperature dependence of the lattice heat capacity of Ir and Rh be described with a high enough accuracy. A careful comparison of the calculated and experimental values of the lattice heat capacity is carried out, with the procedure of the identification of the phonon contribution to the heat capacity and determination of the characteristics (momenta) of the phonon density of states from the experimental values of the total heat capacity of metal at a constant pressure being described in detail. The results of the theoretical calculations explain, in particular, such peculiar feature of Ir and Rh, unusual for cubic metals, as a sharp (more than by a factor of 1.5) decrease in the effective Debye temperature with increasing termperature. The temperature dependence of the mean square amplitude of atomic displacements in Ir and Rh has been calculated. Basing on the band calculations the manifestation of the Kohn singularities in the phonon spectra of Ir are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX2e, 12 figures in postscrip

    Early transitions and tertiary enrolment: The cumulative impact of primary and secondary effects on entering university in Germany

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    Our aim is to assess how the number of working class students entering German universities can effectively be increased. Therefore, we estimate the proportion of students from the working class that would successfully enter university if certain policy interventions were in place to eliminate primary effects (performance differentials between social classes) and/or secondary effects (choice differentials net of performance) at different transition points. We extend previous research by analysing the sequence of transitions between elementary school enrolment and university enrolment and by accounting for the impact that manipulations at earlier transitions have on the performance distribution and size of the student ‘risk-set’ at subsequent transitions. To this end, we develop a novel simulation procedure which also seeks to find viable solutions to the shortcomings in the German data landscape. Our findings show that interventions are most effective if they take place early in the educational career. Neutralizing secondary effects at the transition to upper secondary school proves to be the single most effective means to increase participation rates in tertiary education among working class students. However, this comes at the expense of lower average performance levels. (DIPF/author
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