19 research outputs found

    The significance of supportive and undermining elements in the maternal representations of an unborn baby

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    Objective: The maternal representations of an unborn baby begin to develop during pregnancy. However, the factors that moderate them are not well identified. The objective of this study was to jointly explore supportive and undermining factors in the maternal representations of an unborn baby and motherhood. Methods: Cross-sectional data comprising 1646 women studied during the third trimester of pregnancy. Maternal expectations were measured using a 12-item self-report questionnaire, Mother's Representations about an Unborn Baby. Depression, anxiety, family atmosphere and adult attachment were measured using standardised questionnaires. Statistical analysis is based on multivariate linear regression analysis. Results: The most powerful predictors of a mother's prenatal expectations were the mother's educational status, age, closeness in adult relationships, higher levels of depressive symptoms and family atmosphere. In accordance with our hypothesis, depression was related to the mother's more negative expectations on their relationship with the unborn baby and on regularity in the baby's sleeping and eating patterns. A positive family atmosphere and the mother's ability for closeness and dependence (i.e. confidence) in adult relationships were related to more positive expectations of the mother-unborn baby relationship. On the other hand, stress, anxiety and adverse life events were not related to the mother's expectations of her unborn baby. Conclusions: The results may be helpful in identifying families who need early professional support and call for studies where the prenatal phase is explored as a proactive phase for the development of the child-parent relationship.Peer reviewe

    Kidney Cancer Risk in Oil Refining in Finland A Nested Case-Referent Study.

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    Mortality and Cancer Incidence of Workers in Finnish Road Paving Companies

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    Texto completo del documentoBackground This study, a component of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Multicentric Study on Cancer Risk Among European Asphalt Workers, aimed at identifying major mortality risks among workers in Finnish road paving companies. Methods The Finnish cohort was comprised of 9,643 men and women from six road paving companies. The mortality of men employed during at least one season (5, 676) was followed up from 1964 until end of 1994; an average of 17 years. Standardized mortality ratios (SMR) and relative risks (RR), the latter based on multivariate Poisson regression models were estimated by occupational group and by various metrics of occupational exposures. Results All-cause mortality was elevated (SMR 1.11, 95% confidence interval, CI 1.03-1.20), mainly due to excesses in accidents, poisonings, and violence (1.29; CI 1.12-1.49), and lung cancer (1.38; 1.03-1.81). Workers exposed to bitumen fumes had a slightly elevated mortality from lung cancer (1.16; 0.69-1.83). Multivariate Poisson regression models with 15-year lag period suggested trends by cumulative exposure to coal tar, organic vapors, silica dust, diesel exhaust, and bitumen fume. Conclusions The elevated mortality from external causes among Finnish building/ground construction workers was probably due to living conditions and related lifestyles. Some evidence was found for a risk of lung cancer due to occupational exposure, but the confirmation of these findings would require a longer follow-up and improved control for confounding. 漏 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.Antecedentes Este estudio, un componente de la Agencia Internacional para la Investigaci贸n del C谩ncer (IARC) sobre el riesgo de c谩ncer entre los trabajadores europeos del asfalto, ten铆a como objetivo identificar los principales riesgos de mortalidad entre los trabajadores de las empresas finlandesas de pavimentaci贸n de carreteras. M茅todos La cohorte finlandesa estaba compuesta por 9.643 hombres y mujeres de seis empresas de pavimentaci贸n de carreteras. empresas de pavimentaci贸n de carreteras. La mortalidad de los hombres empleados durante al menos una temporada (5.676) fue se realiz贸 un seguimiento desde 1964 hasta finales de 1994; una media de 17 a帽os. Los ratios de mortalidad estandarizados de mortalidad estandarizada (RME) y los riesgos relativos (RR), estos 煤ltimos basados en modelos multivariantes de regresi贸n de Poisson de Poisson multivariante, se estimaron por grupo profesional y por diversas m茅tricas de exposici贸n laboral. Resultados La mortalidad por todas las causas fue elevada (SMR 1,11, intervalo de confianza del 95%, CI 1,03- 1,20), principalmente debido a los excesos en accidentes, envenenamientos y violencia (1,29; IC 1,12-1,49) y c谩ncer de pulm贸n (1,38; 1,03-1,81). Los trabajadores expuestos a los humos del bet煤n tuvieron una mortalidad ligeramente elevada por c谩ncer de pulm贸n (1,16; 0,69-1,83). Los modelos de regresi贸n de Poisson multivariante con un periodo de retraso de 15 a帽os sugiri贸 tendencias por exposici贸n acumulada al alquitr谩n de hulla, los vapores org谩nicos, el polvo de s铆lice, los gases de escape de los motores diesel y el humo del bet煤n. Conclusiones La elevada mortalidad por causas externas entre los trabajadores finlandeses de la construcci贸n de la construcci贸n finlandesa se debi贸 probablemente a las condiciones de vida y a los estilos de vida relacionados. Algunas pruebas de Se encontraron algunas pruebas de un riesgo de c谩ncer de pulm贸n debido a la exposici贸n laboral, pero la confirmaci贸n de estos hallazgos requerir铆a un seguimiento m谩s largo y un mejor control de confusi贸n.Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.Instituto Regional de Estudios en Sustancias T贸xica