13 research outputs found

    Simulation-based Performance Analysis of a Miniload Multishuttle Order Picking System

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    AbstractIn today's fluctuating business environment, flexibility, responsiveness, and reconfigurability in the field of warehousing systems are key characteristics as well as the level of automation, cost effectiveness and maximum throughput. The miniload multishuttle system represents relatively a new scalable automated storage and retrieval solution which provides considerable flexibility for adapting throughput capacity to meet market needs. The miniload multishuttle system comprises autonomous vehicles (shuttles), lifts, and a system of rails that facilitate movement of the vehicles in the x and y dimensions in a tier. In this new technology, the shuttles can be moved between different tiers by means of shuttle lifts. Especially in large and complex material flow systems, the modeling problem arises with the interactions between transactions and the collisions between shuttles. An agent-based simulation approach that differs from discrete-event simulation (DES) offers an alternative way to model the autonomous control of the multishuttle system. This research develops a simulation model for the miniload multishuttle order picking system using the multi-agent modeling approach. The main objective of this paper is to create a detailed simulation model and to evaluate the performance of the system in order to support in design process of miniload multishuttle order picking systems

    Performance Availability and Anticipatory Change Planning of Intralogistics Systems: A Simulation-Based Approach

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    In recent years, the ability to respond to real time changes in operations and reconfigurability in equipment are likely to become essential characteristics for next generation intralogistics systems as well as the level of automation, cost effectiveness and maximum throughput. In order to cope with turbulences and the increasing level of dynamic conditions, future intralogistics systems have to feature short reaction times, high flexibility in processes and the ability to adapt to frequent changes. The increasing autonomy and complexity in processes of today’s intralogistics systems requires new and innovative management approaches, which allow a fast response to (un)anticipated events and adaptation to changing environment in order to reduce the negative consequences of these events. The ability of a system to respond effectively a disruption depends more on the decisions taken before the event than those taken during or after. In this context, anticipatory change planning can be a usable approach for managers to make contingency plans for intralogistics systems to deal with the rapidly changing marketplace. This paper proposes a simulation-based decision making framework for the anticipatory change planning of intralogistics systems. This approach includes the quantitative assessments based on the simulation in defined scenarios as well as the analysis of performance availability that combines the flexibility corridors of different performance dimensions. The implementation of the approach is illustrated on a new intralogistics technology called the Cellular Transport System

    Contribution of a use-dependent maintenance to the planning of performance availability

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    Stets darauf bedacht, die Anlagen- und Maschinenverfügbarkeit bei möglichst geringem Ressourceneinsatz zu gewährleisten, wird die Rolle der Instandhaltung als unternehmerischer Wertschöpfungsfaktor immer bedeutsamer. Voraussetzung für eine Nutzbarmachung bestehender Potentiale sind neue Werkzeuge und Ansätze, deren Umsetzung eine effiziente Sicherstellung von Verfügbarkeit ermöglicht. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde im Teilprojekt C3 des DFG Paketantrags 672 ein Konzept zur nutzungsabhängigen Instandhaltung entwickelt. Auf Grundlage des bestehenden Zusammenhangs von Nutzung und Abnutzung risikobehafteter Bauteile intralogistischer Systeme können damit die durch zukünftige Systemlasten hervorgerufenen Beanspruchungen antizipiert werden. Instandhaltungsmaßnahmen und technische Verfügbarkeiten werden dadurch anforderungsgerecht und ressourcen-optimal planbar.Constant focus on ensuring machine availability with minimal resource-input increases the significance of maintenance as a value added factor in companies. Prerequisite for the utilization of existing potentials are new tools and rudiments which efficiently ensure availability in realization and execution. The subproject C3 in the DFG package application 672 has, in the light of the above, developed a use-dependent maintenance concept. On the basis of the existing connection between utilization and wear of risky components in intralogistic systems it is possible to anticipate future system load caused stress. Maintenance means and technical availabilities will thus become demand based and resource optimal predictable

    Betriebliches Kompetenzmanagement für Produktions- und Logistiksysteme der Zukunft

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    In modern production and logistics systems the employee’s focus of work is more and more turning from executing shop-floor operations towards controlling, technical monitoring, solving machine malfunction and maintenance activities. The new tasks are affected by high intensification of knowledge, complexity and the continuous change. Simultaneously, qualified personnel is becoming more and more difficult to acquire and the corporate staff structure is influenced by the demographic change

    A simulation-based decision support framework for real-time supply chain risk management

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    In today’s competitive and dynamic market conditions, Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) has become a key concern for organizations in order to respond effectively to market uncertainties and disruptions. There are several sources for supply chain risk such as process, control, demand, supply, and environment. Natural disaster and manmade crises have also put negative impact on the performance of supply chains. In addition, risk management in the supply chain is a challenge due to the fact that the time, place, and severity of risks are fairly unpredictable. Controlling and monitoring risk in real-time is critical to providing a quick response to unanticipated events in order to reduce the consequences of these events. Hence, there is an immediate need to incorporate the risk management, computer simulation, and real-time information systems into a framework to assist decision makers in evaluating and managing supply chain risks. This paper develops a framework for the design of a simulation-based decision support system for the real-time management of disruptions and mitigation of risks in supply chains. The agent-based simulation is integrated into the framework in order to analyze the detailed interactions among various actors of the supply chain and evaluate the risk management process. The proposed simulation platform also provides a virtual marketplace that takes into account the interdependencies of the decisions made by costumers and company