1,159 research outputs found

    The Molecular Hydrogen Deficit in Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows

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    Recent analysis of five gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglow spectra reveal the absence of molecular hydrogen absorption lines, a surprising result in light of their large neutral hydrogen column densities and the detection of H2_2 in similar, more local star-forming regions like 30 Doradus in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). Observational evidence further indicates that the bulk of the neutral hydrogen column in these sight lines lies 100 pc beyond the progenitor and that H2_2 was absent prior to the burst, suggesting that direct flux from the star, FUV background fields, or both suppressed its formation. We present one-dimensional radiation hydrodynamical models of GRB host galaxy environments, including self-consistent radiative transfer of both ionizing and Lyman-Werner photons, nine-species primordial chemistry with dust formation of H2_2, and dust extinction of UV photons. We find that a single GRB progenitor is sufficient to ionize neutral hydrogen to distances of 50 - 100 pc but that a galactic Lyman-Werner background is required to dissociate the molecular hydrogen in the ambient ISM. Intensities of 0.1 - 100 times the Galactic mean are necessary to destroy H2_2 in the cloud, depending on its density and metallicity. The minimum radii at which neutral hydrogen will be found in afterglow spectra is insensitive to the mass of the progenitor or the initial mass function (IMF) of its cluster, if present.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, accepted for Ap

    Models for Type I X-Ray Bursts with Improved Nuclear Physics

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    Multi-zone models of Type I X-ray bursts are presented that use an adaptive nuclear reaction network of unprecedented size, up to 1300 isotopes. Sequences of up to 15 bursts are followed for two choices of accretion rate and metallicity. At 0.1 Eddington (and 0.02 Eddington for low metallicity), combined hydrogen-helium flashes occur. The rise times, shapes, and tails of these light curves are sensitive to the efficiency of nuclear burning at various waiting points along the rp-process path and these sensitivities are explored. The bursts show "compositional inertia", in that their properties depend on the fact that accretion occurs onto the ashes of previous bursts which contain left-over hydrogen, helium and CNO nuclei. This acts to reduce the sensitivity of burst properties to metallicity. For the accretion rates studied, only the first anomalous burst in one model produces nuclei as heavy as A=100, other bursts make chiefly nuclei with A~64. The amount of carbon remaining after hydrogen-helium bursts is typically <1% by mass, and decreases further as the ashes are periodically heated by subsequent bursts. At the lower accretion rate of 0.02 Eddington and solar metallicity, the bursts ignite in a hydrogen-free helium layer. At the base of this layer, up to 90% of the helium has already burned to carbon prior to the unstable ignition. These helium-ignited bursts have briefer, brighter light curves with shorter tails, very rapid rise times (<0.1 s), and ashes lighter than the iron group.Comment: Submitted to the Astrophysical Journal (42 pages; 27 figures

    Core-Collapse Simulations of Rotating Stars

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    We present the results from a series of two-dimensional core-collapse simulations using a rotating progenitor star. We find that the convection in these simulations is less vigorous because a) rotation weakens the core bounce which seeds the neutrino-driven convection and b) the angular momentum profile in the rotating core stabilizes against convection. The limited convection leads to explosions which occur later and are weaker than the explosions produced from the collapse of non-rotating cores. However, because the convection is constrained to the polar regions, when the explosion occurs, it is stronger along the polar axis. This asymmetric explosion can explain the polarization measurements of core-collapse supernovae. These asymmetries also provide a natural mechanism to mix the products of nucleosynthesis out into the helium and hydrogen layers of the star. We also discuss the role the collapse of these rotating stars play on the generation of magnetic fields and neutron star kicks. Given a range of progenitor rotation periods, we predict a range of supernova energies for the same progenitor mass. The critical mass for black hole formation also depends upon the rotation speed of the progenitor.Comment: 16 pages text + 13 figures, submitted to Ap

    On the temperature dependence of the symmetry energy

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    We perform large-scale shell model Monte Carlo (SMMC) calculations for many nuclei in the mass range A=56-65 in the complete pfg_{9/2}d_{5/2} model space using an effective quadrupole-quadrupole+pairing residual interaction. Our calculations are performed at finite temperatures between T=0.33-2 MeV. Our main focus is the temperature dependence of the symmetry energy which we determine from the energy differences between various isobaric pairs with the same pairing structure and at different temperatures. Our SMMC studies are consistent with an increase of the symmetry energy with temperature. We also investigate possible consequences for core-collapse supernovae events

    First Stars. II. Evolution with mass loss

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    The first stars are assumed to be predominantly massive. Although, due to the low initial abundances of heavy elements the line-driven stellar winds are supposed to be inefficient in the first stars, these stars may loose a significant amount of their initial mass by other mechanisms. In this work, we study the evolution with a prescribed mass loss rate of very massive, galactic and pregalactic, Population III stars, with initial metallicities Z=106Z=10^{-6} and Z=109Z=10^{-9}, respectively, and initial masses 100, 120, 150, 200, and 250M\,M_{\odot} during the hydrogen and helium burning phases. The evolution of these stars depends on their initial mass, metallicity and the mass loss rate. Low metallicity stars are hotter, compact and luminous, and they are shifted to the blue upper part in the Hertzprung-Russell diagram. With mass loss these stars provide an efficient mixing of nucleosynthetic products, and depending on the He-core mass their final fate could be either pair-instability supernovae or energetic hypernovae. These stars contributed to the reionization of the universe and its enrichment with heavy elements, which influences the subsequent star formation properties.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Science. 15 pages, 18 figure

    Structure of the interstellar medium around Cas A

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    We present a three-year series of observations at 24 microns with the Spitzer Space Telescope of the interstellar material in a 200 x 200 arcmin square area centered on Cassiopeia A. Interstellar dust heated by the outward light pulse from the supernova explosion emits in the form of compact, moving features. Their sequential outward movements allow us to study the complicated three-dimensional structure of the interstellar medium (ISM) behind and near Cassiopeia A. The ISM consists of sheets and filaments, with many structures on a scale of a parsec or less. The spatial power spectrum of the ISM appears to be similar to that of fractals with a spectral index of 3.5. The filling factor for the small structures above the spatial wavenumber k ~ 0.5 cycles/pc is only ~ 0.4%.Comment: 29 pages including 10 figures; accepted by The Astrophysical Journa

    Millihertz Quasi-Periodic Oscillations from Marginally Stable Nuclear Burning on an Accreting Neutron Star

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    We investigate marginally stable nuclear burning on the surface of accreting neutron stars as an explanation for the mHz quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) observed from three low mass X-ray binaries. At the boundary between unstable and stable burning, the temperature dependence of the nuclear heating rate and cooling rate almost cancel. The result is an oscillatory mode of burning, with an oscillation period close to the geometric mean of the thermal and accretion timescales for the burning layer. We describe a simple one-zone model which illustrates this basic physics, and then present detailed multizone hydrodynamical calculations of nuclear burning close to the stability boundary using the KEPLER code. Our models naturally explain the characteristic 2 minute period of the mHz QPOs, and why they are seen only in a very narrow range of X-ray luminosities. The oscillation period is sensitive to the accreted hydrogen fraction and the surface gravity, suggesting a new way to probe these parameters. A major puzzle is that the accretion rate at which the oscillations appear in the theoretical models is an order of magnitude larger than the rate implied by the X-ray luminosity when the mHz QPOs are seen. We discuss the implications for our general understanding of nuclear burning on accreting neutron stars. One possibility is that the accreted material covers only part of the neutron star surface at luminosities Lx > ~1E37 erg/s.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Ap

    Parallelization of Kinetic Theory Simulations

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    Numerical studies of shock waves in large scale systems via kinetic simulations with millions of particles are too computationally demanding to be processed in serial. In this work we focus on optimizing the parallel performance of a kinetic Monte Carlo code for astrophysical simulations such as core-collapse supernovae. Our goal is to attain a flexible program that scales well with the architecture of modern supercomputers. This approach requires a hybrid model of programming that combines a message passing interface (MPI) with a multithreading model (OpenMP) in C++. We report on our approach to implement the hybrid design into the kinetic code and show first results which demonstrate a significant gain in performance when many processors are applied.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, conference proceeding

    Presupernova Evolution of Rotating Massive Stars I: Numerical Method and Evolution of the Internal Stellar Structure

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    The evolution of rotating stars with zero-age main sequence (ZAMS) masses in the range 8 to 25 M_sun is followed through all stages of stable evolution. The initial angular momentum is chosen such that the star's equatorial rotational velocity on the ZAMS ranges from zero to ~ 70 % of break-up. Redistribution of angular momentum and chemical species are then followed as a consequence of rotationally induced circulation and instablities. The effects of the centrifugal force on the stellar structure are included. Uncertain mixing efficiencies are gauged by observations. We find, as noted in previous work, that rotation increases the helium core masses and enriches the stellar envelopes with products of hydrogen burning. We determine, for the first time, the angular momentum distribution in typical presupernova stars along with their detailed chemical structure. Angular momentum loss due to (non-magnetic) stellar winds and the redistribution of angular momentum during core hydrogen burning are of crucial importance for the specific angular momentum of the core. Neglecting magnetic fields, we find angular momentum transport from the core to the envelope to be unimportant after core helium burning. We obtain specific angular momenta for the iron core and overlaying material of 1E16...1E17 erg s. These values are insensitive to the initial angular momentum. They are small enough to avoid triaxial deformations of the iron core before it collapses, but could lead to neutron stars which rotate close to break-up. They are also in the range required for the collapsar model of gamma-ray bursts. The apparent discrepancy with the measured rotation rates of young pulsars is discussed.Comment: 62 pages, including 7 tables and 19 figures. Accepted by Ap