75 research outputs found

    Remodeling of the ICF:A commentary

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    Since its publication in 2001 the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) has attracted debate about the content and the model presented. After almost 20 years use, regular updating since 2008 and with the prospect of a new edition in 2020 there is increasing interest in the ICF as a tool to meet contemporary information requirements. Information on functioning is important across not only health systems, but all areas where change in functioning is important: education, employment, and social welfare for example. This commentary responds to the issues raised in a commentary by Mitra & Shakespeare in 2019 and supports review of the ICF in the current context by informing users and providers of data on human functioning how they might engage in the maintenance, updating, and modernisation of the ICF

    Factors influencing work participation of adults with developmental dyslexia:a systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Evidence has been synthesized to determine hindering and facilitating factors associated with the work participation of adults with developmental dyslexia (DD), classified according to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). METHODS: A systematic literature review has been performed. Two search strings were used to determine the population and the context of work. The ICF was expanded with two subdivisions: one that made the environmental factors more work-related and a subdivision of personal factors. For data extraction the method known as qualitative metasummary was used and the manifest frequency effect size (MFES) for each category in the ICF was calculated. RESULTS: From 33 included studies 318 factors have been extracted and classified in the ICF. In the classification the frequency of occurrences and the consistency in direction (i.e., hindering or facilitating) have been made visible. The ICF categories with the highest MFES were mental functions with factors like feelings and emotions about dyslexia; activities like reading or writing/spelling; participation with factors like acquiring and keeping a job; social relationships at work where the attitudes and support of the employer and co-workers are important; working conditions with factors like the availability of assistive technology and accommodations on the job; and personal factors like self-disclosure and coping strategies. CONCLUSIONS: In the context of work DD affects nearly all domains of functioning, mostly in a negative way. Within each domain the impact of DD increases over the course of life. To overcome that negative influence, many forms of adaptation, compensation, or coping are mentioned. Also notable is the lack of positive attitudes toward DD of the participants with DD—with the exception of the attitudes of teachers with DD—as well as on the part of colleagues, supervisors, and employers

    Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction on employees' mental health : a systematic review

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    OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this exploratory study was to obtain greater insight into the effects of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) on the mental health of employees. METHODS: Using PsycINFO, PubMed, and CINAHL, we performed a systematic review in October 2015 of studies investigating the effects of MBSR and MBCT on various aspects of employees' mental health. Studies with a pre-post design (i.e. without a control group) were excluded. RESULTS: 24 articles were identified, describing 23 studies: 22 on the effects of MBSR and 1 on the effects of MBSR in combination with some aspects of MBCT. Since no study focused exclusively on MBCT, its effects are not described in this systematic review. Of the 23 studies, 2 were of high methodological quality, 15 were of medium quality and 6 were of low quality. A meta-analysis was not performed due to the emergent and relatively uncharted nature of the topic of investigation, the exploratory character of this study, and the diversity of outcomes in the studies reviewed. Based on our analysis, the strongest outcomes were reduced levels of emotional exhaustion (a dimension of burnout), stress, psychological distress, depression, anxiety, and occupational stress. Improvements were found in terms of mindfulness, personal accomplishment (a dimension of burnout), (occupational) self-compassion, quality of sleep, and relaxation. CONCLUSION: The results of this systematic review suggest that MBSR may help to improve psychological functioning in employees

    A study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial on mindfulness-based stress reduction : studying effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction and an additional organisational health intervention on mental health and work-related perceptions of teachers in Dutch secondary vocational schools

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    Dutch teachers in secondary vocational schools suffer from stress and burnout complaints that can cause considerable problems at work. This paper presents a study design that can be used to evaluate the short-term and long-term effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), a person-focused intervention, both within and outside of the context of an additional organisational health intervention. The proposed study comprises a cluster randomised controlled trial that will be conducted in at least three secondary vocational schools, to which teachers will be recruited from three types of courses: Care, Technology, and Economy. The allocation of the intervention programme to the participating schools will be randomised. The teachers from each school will be assigned to intervention group 1 (IG 1), intervention group 2 (IG 2), or the waiting list group (WG). IG 1 will receive MBSR training and IG 2 will receive MBSR training combined with an additional organisational health intervention. WG, that is the control group, will receive MBSR training one year later. The primary outcome variable of the proposed study is mindfulness, which will be measured using the Dutch version of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ-NL). In the conceptual model, the effects of teachers' mindfulness resulting from the intervention programmes (MBSR training and MBSR training combined with an additional organisational health intervention) will be related to salient (secondary outcome) variables: mental health outcomes (e.g., burnout, work engagement), work performance, work-related perceptions (job demands and job resources), and personal competencies (e.g., occupational self-efficacy). Data will be collected before (T ) and immediately after the MBSR training (T ), and 3 (T ) and 9 months (T ) after the training. The power analysis revealed a required sample size of 66 teachers (22 in each group). The proposed study aims to provide insight into (1) the short-term and long-term effects of MBSR on teachers' mental health, (2) the possible enhancing effects of the additional organisational health intervention, and (3) the teachers' experiences with the interventions (working mechanisms, steps in the mindfulness change process). Strengths of this study design are the use of both positive and negative outcomes, the wide range of outcomes, both outcome and process measures, longitudinal data, mixed methods, and an integral approach. Although the proposed study protocol may not address all weaknesses of current studies (e.g., self-selection bias, self-reporting of data, the Hawthorne effect), it is innovative in many ways and can be expected to make important contributions to both the scientific and practical debate on how to beat work-related stress and occupational burnout, and on how to enhance work engagement and work performance. Dutch Trial Register (www.trialregister.nl): NL5581. Registered on 6 July 2016

    Content Validation of a Practice-Based Work Capacity Assessment Instrument Using ICF Core Sets

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    PURPOSE: A shift from providing long-term disability benefits to promoting work reintegration of people with remaining work capacity in many countries requires new instruments for work capacity assessments. Recently, a practice-based instrument addressing biopsychosocial aspects of functioning, the Social Medical Work Capacity instrument (SMWC), was developed. Our aim was to examine the content validity of the SMWC using ICF core sets. METHODS: First, we conducted a systematic search to identify relevant ICF core sets for the working age population. Second the content of these core sets were mapped to assess the relevance and comprehensiveness of the SMWC. Next, we compared the content of the SMWC with the ICF-core sets. RESULTS: Two work-related core sets and 31 disease-specific core sets were identified. The SMWC and the two work-related core sets overlap on 47 categories. Compared to the work-related core sets, the Body Functions and Activities and Participation are well represented in the new instrument, while the component Environmental factors is under-represented. Compared to the disease-specific core sets, items related to the social and domestic environmental factors are under-represented, while the SMWC included work-related factors complementary to the ICF. CONCLUSION: The SMWC content seems relevant, but could be more comprehensive for the purpose of individual work capacity assessments. To improve assessing relevant biopsychosocial aspects, it is recommended to extend the instrument by adding personal and environmental (work- and social-related) factors as well as a more tailored use of the SMWC for assessing work capacity of persons with specific diseases or underlying illness. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (10.1007/s10926-020-09918-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction training on healthcare professionals' mental health : results from a pilot study testing its predictive validity in a specialized hospital setting

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    This pilot study aimed to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) training and to examine positive and negative symptom-focused mental health variables. The mental health variables were used to test the predictive validity of the training among healthcare professionals. Thirty healthcare professionals participated in this non-randomized pre-post intervention pilot study. The questionnaire on mental health was filled in twice. Baseline and post-intervention differences were tested with paired samples -tests and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests. The participants' evaluation of the training was assessed with a five-item questionnaire. The recruitment and retention were successful, and participants' evaluation of the training itself was positive but the influence on daily life was rated only moderately positive. In comparison with baseline at post-intervention participants showed significant improvements in general mindfulness, the burnout dimension personal accomplishment, quality of sleep, positive emotions, and self-efficacy. A significant decrease was found in the burnout dimension emotional exhaustion, stress level, negative emotions at work, and worrying. No significant changes were found for the burnout dimension mental distance, and work engagement. The measures showed ample within-person differences and low, medium, or high effect sizes. The current trial approach of the MBSR training seems feasible and acceptable. Our results suggest that mindfulness, burnout, stress level, quality of sleep, positive emotions at work, negative emotions at work, self-efficacy, and worrying are meaningful mental health variables for inclusion in a larger-scale Randomized Controlled Trial on the effects of MBSR

    Operationalizing and digitizing person-centered daily functioning:a case for functionomics

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    An ever-increasing amount of data on a person’s daily functioning is being collected, which holds information to revolutionize person-centered healthcare. However, the full potential of data on daily functioning cannot yet be exploited as it is mostly stored in an unstructured and inaccessible manner. The integration of these data, and thereby expedited knowledge discovery, is possible by the introduction of functionomics as a complementary ‘omics’ initiative, embracing the advances in data science. Functionomics is the study of high-throughput data on a person’s daily functioning, that can be operationalized with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). A prerequisite for making functionomics operational are the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) principles. This paper illustrates a step by step application of the FAIR principles for making functionomics data machine readable and accessible, under strictly certified conditions, in a practical example. Establishing more FAIR functionomics data repositories, analyzed using a federated data infrastructure, enables new knowledge generation to improve health and person-centered healthcare. Together, as one allied health and healthcare research community, we need to consider to take up the here proposed methods.</p