19 research outputs found

    Molecular imprinting science and technology: a survey of the literature for the years 2004-2011

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    Effect of the cross-linker on the general performance and temperature dependent behaviour of a molecularly imprinted polymer catalyst of a Diels-Alder reaction

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    Here we present a series of molecularly imprinted polymers capable of catalysing the Diels-Alder reaction between benzyl 1,3-butadienylcarbamate (1) and N,N- dimethyl acrylamide (2). The polymer systems studied here demonstrated an unusual cross-linker and temperature dependent behaviour, namely that polymer catalysis of the Diels-Alder reaction was lower at elevated temperature, in contrast to the solution reaction. Furthermore, not only was the catalytic activity significantly influenced by the choice of cross-linker, but in a similar fashion also the extent of the temperature effect, indicating a close relationship between catalysis and the observed inhibition. Molecular dynamics simulations of both the polymer systems studied were used to provide insight into the molecular background of transition state stabilisation, and differences in properties of the systems based on different cross-linkers

    Regional trajectories to the knowledge economy - Nordic-European comparisons (REKENE)

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    The main objective of the REKENE project as well as the 'mother project' EURODITE has been to investigate how knowledge is generated, developed and transferred within and among firms or organisations and their regional contexts in order to gain a better understanding of how policies may be developed and used to facilitate knowledge dynamics. Furthermore, a specific aim of the REKENE project has been to deliver a policy toolkit regarding knowledge dynamics and innovation

    Regional Development policies - messages from a Nordic research programme

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    Internationalisation of regional development policies - Needs and demands in the Nordic countries. The research programme Internationalisation of Regional Development Policies—Needs and Demands in the Nordic Countries was commissioned by the Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM) in the spring of 2005. The aim of the programme was to undertake research on key issues, where it was identified that new knowledge was needed and where such knowledge could benefi t the development and implementation of regional development policies in the Nordic countries. Three prioritised themes for the research programme have been identifi ed namely, "regional governance", "innovation and regional growth", and "demography and labour migration". In addition, two crosscutting topics were defi ned: "enlargement of the EU and the challenges for Nordic regional development policies" and the broad topic of "three dimensions of sustainable regional development" i.e., social, economic and environmental sustainability. In all, 10 projects were funded during the programme period 2005–2009, and the research results were published in 10 separate reports. In this eleventh report of the programme, the three prioritised themes and two cross-cutting topics are revisited. In this report, key findings of the research projects are linked with trends to draw attention to issues of particular relevance for policymakers and practitioners working within the broad field of regional development

    Direct ink writing of high-resolution cellulose structures

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    3D printing is envisioned to play an important role in the production of membranes for e.g., water purification and bio-separation applications due to the prospect of creating new and cleverly designed structures. Among different 3D printing techniques, direct ink writing offers the opportunity to print a wide variety of materials with high-detail resolution. There is a range of parameters that need to be optimized in order to develop robust printing techniques at that scale. In this study, cellulose acetate (CA), which is a biocompatible material, has been used as an ink. In order to examine the printability and the possibility of printing features as small as a few mu m, nozzles with different diameters and inks with varying amounts and molecular weights of CA were investigated. Findings in this study indicate that, depending on the wetting on the underlaying structure, the nozzle's internal and external diameter affects the detail resolution of the printed structure. Different inks result in different widths of printed strands and generally a higher amount and higher molecular weights of CA results in higher detail resolution. However, too high amount of CA and molecular weight will increase the clogging risk in the nozzle. In this study, the internal size of the nozzle was 3 mu m, and by selecting a suitable ink, it was possible to print strands down to 1 mu m size and 6 mu m inter-strand distance in the air, bridging supports with limited sagging. Furthermore, wall structures consisting of 300 layers, corresponding to about 300 mu m in total height, were successfully printed

    Knowledge dynamics in moving media in Skåne : Cross-sectoral innovations in game development and film tourism

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    This report is a result of the project Regional Trajectories to the Knowledge Economy: A Dynamic Model (EURODITE). The main objective of the EURODITE project was to investigate knowledge dynamics that is, how knowledge is generated, developed and transferred within and among firms or organisations, and their regional contexts. Empirical research on knowledge dynamics has been based on the building blocks of region, sector, and both territorial and firm-level knowledge. Territorial knowledge dynamics concern knowledge exchange, networks and interactions among actors across territories, both internal and extraregional. Firm-level knowledge dynamics contributes a deeper understanding of knowledge dynamics by studying the interactions within a firm or organisation and between firms or organisations that result in an innovation for instance, a new or improved product. This report includes the description and analysis of two sets of territorial knowledge dynamics with accompanying firm-level knowledge dynamics in the moving media sector in the Skåne region of Sweden. The first case study looks at knowledge dynamics within computer game development and a micro-level study of the development of the serious game 'Agent O'. The second case study elaborates on the knowledge dynamics related to film production and tourism with a micro-level study of the marketing collaboration 'The Film Track'. In addition, these case studies have been placed in a wider European perspective by comparing them with the other case studies performed within the project. It is clear from the project's case studies that knowledge dynamics are multiscalar and include important interactions at great distances. We conclude that cross-sectoral knowledge interactions are seed-beds for innovation and drive product development. Finally, knowledge interactions include many types of actors conducting a variety of knowledge interactions. In any region, there is a vast amount of intertwined evolution of knowledge dynamics. A multitude of strategies and actions is utilised by firms, higher education institutions and other actors to seek out and to utilise the knowledge needed wherever it is located. Tailor-made and progressive policy support of such processes is needed to avoid lock-ins and promote innovative regional development. The report aims at policymakers and practitioners within economic development work, business organisations, chambers of commerce, the higher education sector, and researchers of knowledge dynamics, innovation, regional development and policy

    Molecularly imprinted polymer catalysis of a Diels-Alder reaction

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    a b s t r a c t A series of synthetic polymers were designed and synthesized for enhancing the rate of the Diels-Alder cycloaddition reaction of 1,3-butadiene carbamic acid benzyl ester (1) and N,N-dimethyl acrylamide (2), to yield the corresponding endo-(3) and exo-(4) reaction products. Putative transition state analogues (TSAs) for the endo-(5) and exo-(6) reaction pathways were used as templates for the synthesis of molecularly imprinted methacrylic acid (MAA)-divinylbenzene (DVB) copolymers. The polymer system utilized was selected based upon a series of 1 H NMR studies of complex formation between template and a functional monomer analogue (K d (app) ≈ 70 mM, d 8 -toluene, 293 K). Batch binding studies revealed that the imprinted polymers were selective for the TSA corresponding to the template used in the polymer synthesis. Studies on the influence of the polymers on the catalysis of the reaction of 1 and 2 demonstrated a 20-fold enhancement of the rate of the reaction relative to the solution reaction. A surprising temperature dependence of the reaction of 1 and 2 in the presence of the polymers was observed, which provides support for the role of template-functional monomer complexes in the catalysis of the Diels-Alder reaction

    A glimpse of the inner workings of the templated site

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    This is the first direct experimental probe, using EXAFS, of the active site within molecularly imprinted polymers and paves the way to a more detailed understanding of the inner workings of molecular imprinting

    How to Make a Living in Insular Areas - Six Nordic Cases

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    This study focuses on the following six insular areas in the Nordic countries: Bornholm in Denmark The Eyjafjörður region in Iceland Gotland in Sweden The Kainuu region in Finland The Ulstein region in Norway Åland &nbsp Insular areas do not have to be islands surrounded by water they can be insular due to the sheer distances involved, or due to difficult terrain. The concept insular means that it is not realistic to commute on a daily basis to a neighbouring labour market and therefore the areas are insulated in terms of opportunities for the population to make a living there. Because these labour markets are insular, they cannot fully operate as markets. There are often other types of processes matching the labour supply and demand. It is moreover, also often necessary to take special steps to recruit key professionals to these areas, e.g. within the medical profession. Over a year, and a working life, individuals who live in these insular areas are likely to move between the labour market, i.e. having a job or being self-employed, and other parts of the income system. These other parts of the system may be education and training, unemployment or parts of the social insurance system

    Probing the limits of molecular imprinting: Strategies with a template of limited size and functionality

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    A series of polymers molecularly imprinted with the general anaesthetic propofol were synthesized using both semi- and non-covalent approaches. The polymers were evaluated with respect to template rebinding in both aqueous and organic media. In aqueous media, the observed propofol binding in these polymer systems was largely hydrophobic and non-specific in nature. In non-polar solvents such as hexane, electrostatic interactions dominate resulting in some selectivity. The implication of these results, in conjunction with those obtained using structures of similar size in other studies, indicate that propofol, a template possessing limited functionality and size, appears to define the lower limit for template size and degree of functionalization that can be used for the creation of ligand-selective recognition sites in molecularly imprinted polymers. Furthermore, studies with alternative ligands indicate that the steric crowding of a ligand’s functionality to the polymer contributes to the extent of polymer-ligand recognition