48 research outputs found

    Primary thyroid lymphoma: Case report and review of the literature

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    AbstractPrimary thyroid lymphoma (PTL) is defined as a lymphoma involving only the thyroid gland or both thyroid gland and neck lymph nodes, without contiguous spread or distant metastases from other areas of involvement at diagnosis. Despite its rarity, PTL should be promptly recognized because its management is quite different from the treatment of other neoplasms of the thyroid gland.In the present study, we report a case of PTL treated by surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy. Otherwise, literature review allowed us to define main characteristics of this located lymphoma

    Doehlert design for optimization of tin analysis in mussels: study case from Bizerte Lagoon

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    1690-1696Experimental Doehlert design was used for the determination of the optimal conditions for tin analysis in mussel samples by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry equipped with a Transversely Heated Furnace. Five factors were chosen as being able to influence analytical signal of tin. Application of Doehlert design allowed, with minimum number of experiences, the optimization of pyrolysis and atomization temperatures (1300 and 2500 °C, respectively) and also the determination of the exact quantities of permanent modifier Ir (100 µg) and chemical modifiers Pd and Mg(NO3)2 (17 µg for both modifiers) to achieve highest sensitivity. Precision of the optimized method calculated as relative standard deviation was 5.8 %. Accuracy was checked using the reference material (NIST-SRM 2977). Analytical procedure was applied to the analysis of mussel samples collected from Bizerte lagoon. Mean concentrations varied between 0.51 and 2.72 µg.g-1 (dry weight)

    Doehlert design for optimization of tin analysis in mussels: study case from Bizerte Lagoon

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    1833-1839Experimental Doehlert design was used for the determination of the optimal conditions for tin analysis in mussel samples by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry equipped with a Transversely Heated Furnace. Five factors were chosen as being able to influence analytical signal of tin. Application of Doehlert design allowed, with minimum number of experiences, the optimization of pyrolysis and atomization temperatures (1300 and 2500 °C, respectively) and also the determination of the exact quantities of permanent modifier Ir (100 µg) and chemical modifiers Pd and Mg(NO3)2 (17 µg for both modifiers) to achieve highest sensitivity. Precision of the optimized method calculated as relative standard deviation was 5.8 %. Accuracy was checked using the reference material (NIST-SRM 2977). Analytical procedure was applied to the analysis of mussel samples collected from Bizerte lagoon. Mean concentrations varied between 0.51 and 2.72 µg.g-1 (dry weight)

    Electron-Induced Synthesis of Ozone in a Dioxygen Matrix

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    Ozone (O3) was synthesized in the condensed phase induced by electron bombardment of multilayer films of molecular oxygen condensed at temperatures below 30 K on metal surfaces. O3 formation was demonstrated by the observation of the asymmetric stretching (v3) and bending (v2) normal modes of vibration in a high-resolution electron energy-loss spectroscopy experiment, and by characteristic changes in electron-stimulated desorption of O-. The threshold electron energy for the O3 formation is found at 3.5±0,2 eV. It corresponds to the formation of O(3P) associated with O-(2P) by dissociative electron attachment at condensed O2, followed by the third body reaction O+O2 +O2→O3+O2. Above 5.1 eV bombarding energy, dissociative excitation of the O̊̇̑2̑ (c1Σu -,C3Δu,A3Σu+ ,B3Σu-) states is the main source of atomic oxygen O(3P) or O(1D) involved in the O3 synthesis

    A process to enhance the specific surface area and capacitance of hydrothermally reduced graphene oxide

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    The impact of post-synthesis processing in reduced graphene oxide materials for supercapacitor electrodes has been analyzed. A comparative study of vacuum, freeze and critical point drying was carried out for hydrothermally reduced graphene oxide demonstrating that the optimization of the specific surface area and preservation of the porous network are critical to maximize its supercapacitance performance. As described below, using a supercritical fluid as the drying medium, unprecedented values of the specific surface area (364 m2 g-1) and supercapacitance (441 F g-1) for this class of materials have been achieved

    Tuning the Electrochemical Performance of Titanium Carbide MXene by Controllable In Situ Anodic Oxidation

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    MXenes are a class of two-dimensional (2D) transition metal carbides, nitrides and carbonitrides that have shown promise for high-rate pseudocapacitive energy storage. However, the effects that irreversible oxidation have on the surface chemistry and electrochemical properties of MXenes are still not understood. Here we report on a controlled anodic oxidation method which improves the rate performance of titanium carbide MXene (Ti3C2Tx, Tx refers to -F, =O, -Cl and -OH) electrodes in acidic electrolytes. The capacitance retention at 2000 mV s−1 (with respect to the lowest scan rate of 5 mV s−1) increases gradually from 38 % to 66 % by tuning the degree of anodic oxidation. At the same time, a loss in the redox behavior of Ti3C2Tx is evident at high anodic potentials after oxidation. Several analysis methods are employed to reveal changes in the structure and surface chemistry while simultaneously introducing defects, without compromising electrochemically active sites, are key factors for improving the rate performance of Ti3C2Tx. This study demonstrates improvement of the electrochemical performance of MXene electrodes by performing a controlled anodic oxidation

    Direct versus ligand-exchange synthesis of [PtAg28(BDT)12(TPP)4]4- nanoclusters: Effect of a single-atom dopant on the optoelectronic and chemical properties

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    Heteroatom doping of atomically precise nanoclusters (NCs) often yields a mixture of doped and undoped products of single-atom difference, whose separation is extremely difficult. To overcome this challenge, novel synthesis methods are required to offer monodisperse doped NCs. For instance, the direct synthesis of PtAg28 NCs produces a mixture of [Ag29(BDT)12(TPP)4]3- and [PtAg28(BDT)12(TPP)4]4- NCs (TPP: triphenylphosphine; BDT: 1,3-benzenedithiolate). Here, we designed a ligand-exchange (LE) strategy to synthesize single-sized, Pt-doped, superatomic Ag NCs [PtAg28(BDT)12(TPP)4]4- by LE of [Pt2Ag23Cl7(TPP)10] NCs with BDTH2 (1,3-benzenedithiol). The doped NCs were thoroughly characterized by optical and photoelectron spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, total electron count, and time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT). We show that the Pt dopant occupies the center of the PtAg28 cluster, modulates its electronic structure and enhances its photoluminescence intensity and excited-state lifetime, and also enables solvent interactions with the NC surface. Furthermore, doped NCs showed unique reactivity with metal ions-the central Pt atom of PtAg28 could not be replaced by Au, unlike the central Ag of Ag29 NCs. The achieved synthesis of single-sized PtAg28 clusters will facilitate further applications of the LE strategy for the exploration of novel multimetallic NCs

    Bidentate Ligand-Passivated CsPbI3 Perovskite Nanocrystals for Stable Near-Unity Photoluminescence Quantum Yield and Efficient Red Light-Emitting Diodes

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    Although halide perovskite nanocrystals (NCs) are promising materials for optoelectronic devices, they suffer severely from chemical and phase instabilities. Moreover, the common capping ligands like oleic acid and oleylamine that encapsulate the NCs will form an insulating layer, precluding their utility in optoelectronic devices. To overcome these limitations, we develop a postsynthesis passivation process for CsPbI 3 NCs by using a bidentate ligand, namely 2,2′-iminodibenzoic acid. Our passivated NCs exhibit narrow red photoluminescence with exceptional quantum yield (close to unity) and substantially improved stability. The passivated NCs enabled us to realize red light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with 5.02% external quantum efficiency and 748 cd/m 2 luminance, surpassing by far LEDs made from the nonpassivated NCs

    Doping-induced anisotropic self-assembly of silver icosahedra in [Pt2Ag23Cl7(PPh3)10] nanoclusters

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    Atomically precise self-assembled architectures of noble metals with unique surface structures are necessary for prospective applications. However, the synthesis of such structures based on silver is challenging because of their instability. In this work, by developing a selective and controlled doping strategy, we synthesized and characterized a rod-shaped, charge-neutral, diplatinum- doped Ag nanocluster (NC) of [Pt2Ag23Cl7(PPh3)10]. Its crystal structure revealed the self-assembly of two Ptcentered Ag icosahedra through vertex sharing. Five bridging and two terminal chlorides and 10 PPh3 ligands were found to stabilize the cluster. Electronic structure simulations corroborated structural and optical characterization of the cluster and provided insights into the effect of the Pt dopants on the optical properties and stability of the cluster. Our study will open new avenues for designing novel self-assembled NCs using different elemental dopants