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8 research outputs found
Computer-Aided Facilities Diagnostics: A New Software Tool for the Armory of the Macro-Ergonomist
Burge P.S.
Cox D.J.
Harris L.
Hedge A.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Comparison of Self-Administered Questionnaire with Physician Diagnosis in the Diagnosis of the Sick Building Syndrome
Burge P.S.
Burge P.S.
+7 more
Fidler A.T.
Finnegan M.J.
Franck C.
Franck C.
Franck C.
Hedge A.
Stenberg B.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Individual and Occupational Correlates of the Sick Building Syndrome
Alderfer R.
+26 more
Bauer R.M.
Beck A.T.
Brayfield A.H.
Burge P.S.
Eysenck H.J.
Hedge A.
Hedge A.
Hedge A.
Hedge A.
Hedge A.
Hedge A.
Hodgson M.J.
Horne J.A.
Jaakkola J.J.
Kasper S.
Korn E.L.
Miller L.H.
Morris L.
Norback D.
Norback D.
Skov P.
Skov P.V.
Steer R.A.
Tamblyn R.M.
Wallace L.A.
Zweers T.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Relating Sick Building Symptoms to Environmental Conditions and Worker Characteristics
Agresti A.
+16 more
Burge P.S.
Godish T.
Gravesen S.
Hedge A.
Hedge A.
Hodgson M.J.
Kjaergaard S.
Koren H.S.
Mendell M.
Mo1have L.
Otto D.A.
Reinikainen L.M
SAS Institute Inc.
Searle S.
Searle S.
Starcevic V
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
High Risk Suicide Factors Across Cultures
A. Sharma
Bagadia V.N.
+20 more
Beskow J.
Bhagvad Gita
Chandrashekar C.R.
Durkheim E.
Gehlot P.S.
Government Of India
Government Of India
Haverlandt W.
Hedge R.S.
M.H. Khan
Murphy G.E.
Nandi D.N.
Nandi D.N.
Ponnudruai R.
R.P. Mediratta
S.C. Bhatia
Schulsinger F.
Sethi B.B.
Venkoba Rao, A.
Venkoba Rao A.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Uncatalyzed Synthesis of New Antibacterial Bisarylidene Meldrum's Acid Derivatives Functionalized with Ether Groups
Bandgar B.P.
Bandgar B.P.
+41 more
Bigi F.
Brown R.C.F.
Brown R.C.F.
Chen B.C.
Corey E.J.
Dadkhoda Ghazanfari
Davidson D.
Elham Moosazadeh
Enayatollah Sheikhhosseini
Faryabi M.
Feng X.
Fildes D.
Gao S.
Ghosh S.
Hedge J.A.
Hosseini H.
Hu Y.
Huang X.
Kim J.
Kraus G.A.
Medien H.A.A.
Mieriņa I.
Mokhtari T.S.
Mudhar H.
Nikoofar K.
Ouaddari H.
O’Shea R.
Pita B.
Rao P.S.
Razus A.C.
Shaabani A.
Shahla Soltaninejad
Sheikhhosseini E.
Sheikhhosseini E.
Sheikhhosseini E.
Shlaes D.E.
Song A.
Thorat M.T.
Tietze L.F.
Yang G-P.
Yin Z.
Publication venue
'Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Phytodecontamination of Water Systems from Phenolic Endocrine Disruptors and the Regulation Role of Natural Organic Matter
Andreina Traversa
Barceló J.
+48 more
Bokern M.
Colborn T.
Dec J.
Dettenmaier E.
Domene X.
Dushenkov V.
Elisabetta Loffredo
Ferrara G.
Fürhacker M.
Garcinuňo R.M.
Garcinuňo R.M.
Gatliff E.G.
Gattullo C.E.
Gattullo C.E.
Gattullo C.E.
Gonzàlez P.S.
Hamada H.
Hedge R.S.
Hirooka T.
Hirooka T.
Imai S.
Kavlock R.J.
Ke L.
Li R.
Lintelmann J.
Loffredo E.
Loffredo E.
Matsui T.
Mo S.C.
Nakajima N.
Nardi S.
Newman L.A.
Okuhata H.
Roper J.C.
Saiyood S.
Sakai Y.
Schmidt B.
Senesi N.
Senesi N.
Shi W.
Soares A.
Staples C.A.
Susarla S.
Tel-Or E.
Wuana R.A.
Yoon J.
Zorrig W.
Ávila C.
Publication venue
'Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Evidence on Risk/Return Patterns in Cash and Futures Markets
Adrangi B.
Board J.
+51 more
Branch B.
Brock W.
Chan K.C.
Chang Eric C.
Chopra V.K.
Cinar E.M.
Cox J.C.
Cumby R.
De Bondt W.F.M.
Dimson E.
Dominguez K.
Fama E.F.
Fama E.F.
Ferguson M.F.
Fields M.J.
Flemming J.
Fortin R.
Foster F.D.
Frankel J.A.
Frankel J.A.
Franses P.H.
Fraser P.
Gangopadhay P.
Gangopadhyay P.
Grinblatt M.
Gwilym O.
Hedge P.S.
Heynen R.C.
Kathryn Wilkens
Knot K.H.W.
Kritzman M.
Litterman R.
Lo A.W.
Neely J.
Nelson D.B.
Osler C.L.
Peterson D.R.
Pfiefer J. Jr.
Poterba J.A.
Prell J.
Roll R.
Schneeweis T.
Schneeweis T.
Shiller R.J.
Silber W.L.
Spurgin R.
Tang G.Y.N.
Thaler R.
Throop A.W.
Ward D.J.
Publication venue
'Pageant Media US'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text