3,739 research outputs found

    Langley VEDIT for NOS/VE usage manual

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    The use of the VEDIT editor on the CDC Network Operating System/Virtual Environment (NOS/VE) is discussed. The VEDIT, a utility, allows a user to edit files line by line (line mode). How to access and the use of VEDIT are explained. The parameters and the format of the individual commands are defined. Examples are included

    Why do I teach math this way: A qualitative examination of how teacher experiences impact the implementation of instructional practices

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    Since the 1960s, there has been an effort among the mathematical education community to shift instructional practices from a focus on arithmetic, memorizing rules, and completing practice worksheets to instructional practices that allow students to see mathematics as content that requires thinking and pattern explorations. Many mathematics teachers have not fully embraced these shifts in instructional practice. This study aimed to examine secondary mathematics teachers’ experiences and how those experiences connect to teachers’ implementation of student-centered instructional practices in the lessons they design. This qualitative study utilized a grounded theory approach to examine how a teacher’s experiences as a student of mathematics and instruction impact the instructional practices considered for use in their classroom. Two research questions guided this study: (a) How do teachers understand the student-centered instructional practices they implement in their classrooms? and (b) How do teachers experience the implementation of student-centered instructional practices? The study used two interviews and classroom observation to collect data from the 12 secondary mathematics teachers who were participants in this study. This study was conducted during the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 school years. Student-centered instructional practices are significant ways to support students in developing their mathematical knowledge. For many teachers, these practices were not a part of the secondary mathematics instruction they experienced. Student-centered instructional practices can be challenging to incorporate into a teacher’s instructional repertoire due to the misalignment with an educator’s own student experience. This study has identified two key experiences that support teachers in considering student-centered instructional practices as a part of their instruction. These experiences are the failure of an individual’s mathematical knowledge in a way that causes identity reconstruction and the belief that learning mathematics is a pursuit meant to increase mathematical knowledge and develop critical habits of mind. In addition, this study identified three key supports for helping teachers build their knowledge and skill in utilizing student-centered instructional practices. These supports for assisting teachers in incorporating these practices into their repertoire are (a) collaborating with others, (b) engaging in long-term learning opportunities around student-centered instructional practices, and (c) having student-centered instructional practices modeled through mathematical content

    Is there a link between previous exposure to sport injury psychology education and UK sport injury rehabilitation professionals' attitudes and behaviour towards sport psychology?

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    Objectives: The use of sport psychology strategies during sport injury rehabilitation can lead to several positive outcomes such as improved adherence and self-efficacy. The purpose of this study was to compare the sport psychology related attitudes and behaviours of UK sport injury rehabilitation professionals (SIRPs) who had studied the psychological aspects of sport injury to those who had not. Participants and design: Ninety-four SIRPs (54 physiotherapists and 40 sports therapists with a mean of 9.22 years' experience of working in sport) completed an online survey and were grouped according to their level of previous exposure to sport injury psychology education at an undergraduate/postgraduate level. Analyses were undertaken to establish whether there were any differences in sport psychology related attitude (MANOVA), usage (MANOVA), and referral behaviours (chi square) between the groups. Results: The MANOVA and chi square tests conducted revealed that those who had studied the psychological aspects of sport injury reported using significantly more sport psychology in their practice and making more referrals to sport psychologists. Conclusions: It was concluded that sport injury psychology education appears to be effective in increasing the sport psychology related behaviours (use of sport psychology and referral) of SIRPs and should be integrated into professional training

    The impact of a sport psychology education intervention on physiotherapists

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    The purpose of this study was to measure the impact of an online sport psychology education module on the attitudes and behaviours of qualified sports physiotherapists in the UK. Ninety-five sport physiotherapists studied either a sport psychology module or a control module, and their attitudes and behaviours towards sport psychology were measured prior to studying the module and at three points over a six-month period following its completion. It was found that those who had studied the sport psychology module demonstrated an improvement in their attitudes towards sport psychology immediately following its completion that was significantly higher than those who had studied the control module. Use of sport psychology also increased following the sport psychology module, with significant differences seen between the intervention and control group on the sport psychology subscale, indicating that those who had studied the sport psychology module were integrating more sport psychology techniques into their practice than those who had studied the control module. It was concluded that the online sport psychology module was effective in improving the attitudes and behaviours of UK physiotherapists and that more sport psychology education opportunities should be made available

    Sugar additives for MALDI matrices improve signal allowing the smallest nucleotide change (A:T) in a DNA sequence to be resolved

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    Sample preparation for matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry (MS) of DNA is critical for obtaining high quality mass spectra. Sample impurity, solvent content, substrate surface and environmental conditions (temperature and humidity) all affect the rate of matrix–analyte co-crystallization. As a result, laser fluence threshold for desorption/ionization varies from spot to spot. When using 3-hydroxypicolinic acid (3-HPA) as the matrix, laser fluence higher than the threshold value reduces mass resolution in time-of-flight (TOF) MS as the excess energy transferred to DNA causes metastable decay. This can be overcome by either searching for ‘hot’ spots or adjusting the laser fluence. However, both solutions may require a significant amount of operator manipulation and are not ideal for automatic measurements. We have added various sugars for crystallization with the matrix to minimize the transfer of excess laser energy to DNA molecules. Fructose and fucose were found to be the most effective matrix additives. Using these additives, mass resolution for DNA molecules does not show noticeable deterioration as laser energy increases. Improved sample preparation is important for the detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) using primer extension with a single nucleotide. During automatic data acquisition it is difficult to routinely detect heterozygous A/T mutations, which requires resolving a mass difference of 9 Da, unless a sugar is added during crystallization

    Deviations and Mean Reversion to Purchasing Power in the Asian Currency Crisis of 1997

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    We analyse the process of mean reversion towards purchasing power parity (PPP) for a sample of Asian countries around the 1997 crisis. It is found that appreciation relative to PPP is evident prior to the 1997 crash period. Correction occurs from 1997 onwards, a period marked by extreme movements in exchange rates with both appreciation and depreciation relative to the PPP rate over relatively short periods. The key result of this paper is that although reversion towards PPP is apparent for mean, though not statistically significant, it is clear that there is a substantial, statistically significant change in variance from 1997 onwards. This result has implications both for economic modelling of crash periods and for appropriate choice of statistical tests

    Purchasing Power Parity and Emerging South East Asian Nations

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    This paper provides a test of purchasing power parity (PPP) as an explanation for longterm foreign exchange rate movements. It essentially extends the analysis of Cheung and Lai (1993) to the South East Asian nations, Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, South Korea, and Thailand. Consistent with Cheung and Lai, we impose symmetry and proportionality restrictions flowing from the absolute form of purchasing power parity (PPP) as well as applying the less restrictive Johansen test of PPP to data drawn from the period 1972 through 1997. The tests are also run for sub-periods with similar results. Symmetry and proportionality restrictions find little support in the unit root tests though the Johansen tests suggest that the foreign exchange rate and inflation rates are linked in a long run sense. Error correction models are then estimated on the basis of the assumption that the USA inflation rate is exogenous with respect to the selected emerging South East Asian nations. The error correction models vary considerably across the countries though one consistent result is the negative relation between the foreign exchange rate and the error correction parameter and the generally positive relation between the local CPI and the error correction parameter. The impact of the USA CPI on the countries varies considerably, ranging from no impact in the case of Indonesia through to a statistically significant impact on both the foreign exchange rate and local CPI for South Korea

    Solidariedade nacional ou vontade colectiva de defesa

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    The Million Mom March (favoring gun control) and Code Pink: Women for Peace (focusing on foreign policy, especially the war in Iraq) are organizations that have mobilized women as women in an era when other women's groups struggled to maintain critical mass and turned away from non-gender-specific public issues. This article addresses how these organizations fostered collective consciousness among women, a large and diverse group, while confronting the echoes of backlash against previous mobilization efforts by women. We argue that the March and Code Pink achieved mobilization success by creating hybrid organizations that blended elements of three major collective action frames: maternalism, egalitarianism, and feminine expression. These innovative organizations invented hybrid forms that cut across movements, constituencies, and political institutions. Using surveys, interviews, and content analysis of organizational documents, this article explains how the March and Code Pink met the contemporary challenges facing women's collective action in similar yet distinct ways. It highlights the role of feminine expression and concerns about the intersectional marginalization of women in resolving the historic tensions between maternalism and egalitarianism. It demonstrates hybridity as a useful analytical lens to understand gendered organizing and other forms of grassroots collective action

    Keas perform similarly to chimpanzees and elephants when solving collaborative tasks

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    Cooperation between individuals is one of the defining features of our species. While other animals, such as chimpanzees, elephants, coral trout and rooks also exhibit cooperative behaviours, it is not clear if they think about cooperation in the same way as humans do. In this study we presented the kea, a parrot endemic to New Zealand, with a series of tasks designed to assess cooperative cognition. We found that keas were capable of working together, even when they had to wait for their partner for up to 65 seconds. The keas also waited for a partner only when a partner was actually needed to gain food. This is the first demonstration that any non-human animal can wait for over a minute for a cooperative partner, and the first conclusive evidence that any bird species can successful track when a cooperative partner is required, and when not. The keas did not attend to whether their partner could actually access the apparatus themselves, which may have been due to issues with task demands, but one kea did show a clear preference for working together with other individuals, rather than alone. This preference has been shown to be present in humans but absent in chimpanzees. Together these results provide the first evidence that a bird species can perform at a similar level to chimpanzees and elephants across a range of collaborative tasks. This raises the possibility that aspects of the cooperative cognition seen in the primate lineage have evolved convergently in birds

    The Cyclical Behaviour of the IPO Market in Australia

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    Initial public offerings have been examined typically in the context of short-term and long-run stock price performance of individual issues. In this paper, the aggregate market for IPOs is examined. There has been some prior suggestion that the IPO market exhibits cyclical patterns which are characterised by a high volume of new issues and substantial underpricing, such that 'hot issue periods' exist. This paper tests for the existence of such periods in the Australian market using a Markov regime-switching model on a variety of constructed IPO activity measures. The results demonstrate that hot periods do exist but that they do not possess homogeneous features. A number of distinguishing features are also identified between industrial and resource sector IPOs. Further, a lead-lag relationship is identified for the industrial sector such that underpricing leads IPO volume for up to six months. The paper offers explanations for these findings that appear related to general stock market conditions and regulatory features