94 research outputs found

    Sensitivity comparison evaluation of computer-generated three dimensional surface topography to conventional maxillofacial radiographic imagery

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    Objectives. LumenIQ\u27s ImageIQ software enhances conventional radiographs by adding 3-D depth. This study evaluated whether a preference exists for ImageIQ format versus conventional radiographs, determined whether ImageIQ format is as sensitive as 2-D radiographs when detecting existing periodontal defects and simulated periodontal defects. Methods. 34 dental practitioners compared 12 radiographic cases with ImagelQ format. A panel of evaluators classified periodontal defects from 2-D radiographs and ImageIQ images. Simulated periodontal defects were radiographed with various radiographic variables altered, converted to ImageIQ 3-D format, and measured to evaluate the ImageIQ format compared to the 2-D control. Results . ImageIQ format showed improved image clarity and detail over the 2-D. Changes in x-ray beam exposure time, beam angulation, and bone quality had no effect on the ImageIQ format. ImageIQ format improved the accuracy of periodontal defect classification by 14.3% over 2-D. Conclusions . ImageIQ may provide a reliable diagnostic alternative to conventional two-dimensional radiographs

    Dimensioning Silicone Joints Used in Bomb Blast Resistant Facade Systems

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    In the design of blast resistant glazing systems, gluing the laminate glass to the window frame with a structural adhesive is an attractive option to maintain it attached to the frame while, because the large deflection of the broken laminate, it could potentially escape from a mechanical fixing. Actually, it does not exist a simple method that provides guidelines to the facade maker to design a joint that will resist to a blast. The complexity to develop such a method is due to 1) the blast load is time dependent and the phase shift between the external load and the natural mode of vibration of the pane must be included in the model 2) modeling the deformation of a laminated glass after breakage of glass plies is complex. The intend of this study is not to propose the most accurate description of both the laminate and the joint deformation under a blast load but to identify which assumptions could be possibly made to simplify the problem and make possible the derivation of a simplified joint dimensioning method

    Two Cases of Small Cell Carcinoma of the Gallbladder

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    Small cell carcinoma of the gallbladder is a rare disease process with approximately 40 cases reported in the literature. It is most often found in elderly female population and is associated with cholelithiasis and cigarette smoking. A multidisciplinary approach to treatment with wide surgical resection and adjuvant chemotherapy is the current standard of care. Notwithstanding prompt medical intervention, it is a disease with a poor prognosis. The pathology is characterized by early metastases and extensive local invasion. Herein, we report two cases of small cell carcinoma addressed at our institution. In both cases, a radical resection was performed with subsequent referral to oncology for additional therapy

    Natural orifice surgery: initial clinical experience

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    Natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) has moved quickly from preclinical investigation to clinical implementation. However, several major technical problems limit clinical NOTES including safe access, retraction and dissection of the gallbladder, and clipping of key structures. This study aimed to identify challenges and develop solutions for NOTES during the initial clinical experience. Under an Institutional Review Board (IRB)-approved protocol, patients consented to a natural orifice operation for removal of either the gallbladder or the appendix via either the vagina or the stomach using a single umbilical trocar for safety and assistance. Nine transvaginal cholecystectomies, one transgastric appendectomy, and one transvaginal appendectomy have been completed to date. All but one patient were discharged on postoperative day 1 as per protocol. No complications occurred. The limited initial evidence from this study demonstrates that NOTES is feasible and safe. The addition of an umbilical trocar is a bridge allowing safe performance of NOTES procedures until better instruments become available. The addition of a flexible long grasper through the vagina and a flexible operating platform through the stomach has enabled the performance of NOTES in a safe and easily reproducible manner. The use of a uterine manipulator has facilitated visualization of the cul de sac in women with a uterus to allow for safe transvaginal access

    The Evolution of Robotic General Surgery

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    Advances in Chlorine-Residual Analysis

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