157 research outputs found

    Representation Family Communication Pattern Digital Era in The Mitchells Vs. The Machines Film

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    In this digital era, family disharmony occurs because each family is busy with its gadgets which creates solar or homo-solitarius humans (Prasanti, 2016). Children become digital natives, and adults become digital immigrants. Family communication is important. Family is the smallest part of people's life. Because of that, a harmonious society can be achieved starting from the life of harmonious families. This study discusses The Mitchells Vs. The Machines which represents the pattern of family communication in the digital era using Charles Sanders Pierce's semiotic analysis. In this film there is also have value of family communication which is the moral message of the solution to family conflict in the film.

    Peran Guru IPS Dalam Membentuk Karakter Peduli Lingkungan Melalui Program Adiwiyata Di SMPN 1 Wlingi

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    Teachers are a big influence in cultivating the success of students' insight and attitudes. The guidance given by teachers also needs to be given to the values of caring for the environment. The character of caring for the environment does not only come from intuition and talent, but also comes from habits and an educational process that cares about the environment. A concrete manifestation provided by the government in cultivating the character of caring for the environment through the Adiwiyata Program in schools. The predicate of Adiwiyata is Mandiri and is an example of a school to be coached by other schools, so to find out more the researcher wants to conduct research on the role of teachers in cultivating environmentally caring character through the Adiwiyata program. The aim of this research is to (1) find out the role of social studies teachers in forming character caring for the environment at SMPN 1 Wlingi (2) knowing the form of character that cares for the environment in students at SMPN 1 Wlingi. This research uses a qualitative approach and an intrinsic case study type of research. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. Checking data validity through technical triangulation and confirmability. The data analysis technique for this research is the Miles and Huberman technique through data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions. The results of this research are 1) The Role of Social Studies Teachers in Forming Environmentally Caring Characters a) Curriculum that is integrated with the environment, in the form of lesson plans/teaching modules that are integrated with material about the environment b) Participatory activities, in the form of the habit of cleaning the environment every morning, with guidance teachers, and insight through activities from learning materials. 2) Forming environmentally caring character through the Adiwiyata Program at SMPN 1 Wlingi in the form of an independent attitude and sense of responsibility possessed by students which is proven by the many activities that support the Adiwiyata Program, such as picket activities every morning and after school, clean Fridays, competitions cleanliness of the class, several activities integrated with learning materials in the form of making vlogs. and in general, SMPN 1 Wlingi implements minimizing plastic waste through the attitude of students by bringing provisions or drink bottles from home

    Development of Microcontroller-Based SKARDIOLED (Cardiovaskular System LED) Teaching Aids in Class XI Biology

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    Curriculum changes to independent learning are a result of developments in the Society 5.0 era and this is a challenge for educators to be able to plan student-centered learning and solutions by utilizing media in learning. So that research was carried out on the Development of SKARDIOLED Teaching Aids (LED Cardiovascular Systems) Based on Microcontrollers, the research aims to determine the development and feasibility of SKARDIOLED teaching aids. The research method uses Research and Development using a 3-D model with the Define, Design, and Develop stages, this model is adapted from the model developed by Thiagarajan, namely 4-D. Research subjects include validators and students. The validators included media experts and material experts from the Tadris Biology lecturer at IAIN Kudus and educator experts from the Biology teacher MAN 1 Kudus and students from Class XI MIPA MAN 1 Kudus with 9 students from XI MIPA 6 as a limited test and 30 students from class XI MIPA 5 as a field test. The validation results obtained a score of 100% from media experts, a score of 93.33% from material experts, and a score of 88% from educators, with the category "Very Valid". After validation and improvements were made according to the advice of experts, the product practicality test was continued with a score of 84.95% in the limited test and 82.27% in the field test in the "Very Eligible" category. Overall SKARDIOLED can be said to be feasible to use for learning

    Analysis of Creative Thinking Ability of Class X Students in Solving Biology Problems on Viruses

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    Background: This study aims to analyze descriptively students' creative thinking skills in solving biology questions regarding viruses at class X level at MA Mazro'atul Huda Wonorenggo Demak, based on the results of written test answers given by researchers to students. Methods: The type of research is quantitative research with data in the form of numbers that are processed using simple statistical formulas. The object of this study was the 20 students in class X as a population research. Data collection techniques used were written tests, interviews, observation and documentation. The statistical analysis is simple in the form of percentage data. Results: From the analysis conducted on the creative thinking abilities of class X MIPA 1 MA Mazro'atul Huda Wonorenggo Demak, it can be concluded that students' creative thinking abilities are in the high category with a percentage of 55%. The highest percentage is in the level of detail with a percentage of 70%, while the lowest percentage is in the level of fluency and novelty with the same percentage, namely 59%. Conclusion: Students who have high level abilities are able to fulfill all categories in the indicator, students who have medium levels are able to fulfill several indicator categories, while students who have low level abilities, have not been able to fulfill all categories in indicators. Keywords : Creative thinking ability; Biology; Viru

    The Effect of Search, Solve, Create, Share (SSCS) Learning Model on Scientific Reasoning Ability

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the Search, Solve, Create, and Share (SSCS) learning model on students' scientific reasoning abilities in the material of the human movement system. The method used in this research is quasi-experimental. This study used two experimental classes with the SSCS model and a control class with the conventional model. Data were obtained through observation techniques, student response questionnaires, and scientific reasoning ability tests. The results of the study stated that the SSCS model had an effect on students' scientific reasoning abilities. The results of the hypothesis test stated that H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted. This is based on the results of hypothesis testing using the Mann-Whitney test which obtains an Asymp value. Sig. (2-tailed) 0,000 0,05. Through this research, it was revealed that the SSCS learning model had an effect on students' scientific reasoning abilities

    Manajemen Laba Memediasi Efek Pengungkapan CSR dan Mekanisme GCG terhadap Kinerja Keuangan

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    This study aims to analyze earnings management actions in mediating the effects of CSR disclosure and GCG mechanisms on financial performance. This research method is a quantitative method. The data source used comes from the annual report. The research data was processed and analyzed using Warp PLS 7.0 software with the PLS-SEM analysis method. The results showed that CSR has a significant and negative effect on financial performance and earnings management, the GCG mechanism has a significant and positive effect on financial performance and earnings management, law management has a significant and positive effect on financial performance. Also, the results of the indirect effect test explain that CSR and GCG mechanisms on the company's financial performance cannot be mediated by earnings management. Keywords: CSR, Financial Performance, Profit Management, GCG Mechanis

    Penerapan Elemen Estetis Modern Historical pada Interior Bangunan Cagar Budaya ‘Lalwani’ Jl. Tunjungan

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    Elemen estetis merupakan bagian dari interior yang mengandung keselarasan dari unsur-unsurnya, sehingga menimbulkan keindahan. Elemen estetis pada interior digunakan untuk mengangkat suasana pada suatu ruang. Elemen estetis ini juga berkaitan erat dengan kualitas kenyamanan dalam beraktivitas. Selain kebutuhan akan ruang, manusia juga membutuhkan seni sebagai ekspresi dalam kehidupannya. Seni dapat menjadi stimulus aktif dan pasif bagi manusia. Sebagai stimulus aktif, elemen estetis menjadi acuan skala dan acuan arah serta titik fokus yang dapat menarik perhatian. Sedangkan sebagai stimulus pasif, elemen estetis berfungsi sebagai dekorasi ruang yang menjadi simbol dari suatu kegiatan yang berlangsung di dalam ruang tersebut, menjadi pemacu semangat beraktivitas, membenkan karakter/identitas serta prestige kepada sebuah ruang. Hadirnya elemen estetis pada Bangunan Cagar Budaya ‘Lalwani’ Jl. Tunjungan dapat menunjang karakteristik pada nuansa Modern Historical yang ingin diterapkan pada interior

    Penerapan Kebijakan Resceduling Dan Restrukturisasi Sebagai Upaya Penyelesaian Pembiayaan Bermasalah Di KSPPS Nusa Ummat Sejahtera Cabang Losari - Cirebon Pandemi Covid-19

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    MUZAYYINATUL HAYYA, NIM:1708203014 “PENERAPAN KEBIJAKAN RESCEDULING DAN RESTRUKTURISASI SEBAGAI UPAYA PENYELESAIAN PEMBIAYAAN BERMASALAH DI KSPPS NUSA UMMAT SEJAHTERA CABANG LOSARI - CIREBON PANDEMI COVID-19” KSPPS NUSA UMMAT SEJAHTERA merupakan lembaga yang bergerak dibidang keuangan yang memiliki tugas menghimpun dana dan menyalurkan dana kepada masyarakat. Setiap lembaga keuangan dalam pelaksanaanya pasti mengandung resiko pembiayaan yaitu pembiayaan yang bermasalah. Pembiayaan bermasalah adalah pembiayaan dimana suatu anggota yang tidak menepati tanggung jawabnya dalam membayar angsuran. Pokok penelitian ini mengenai Penerapan Kebijakan Rescheduling Dan Resrukturisasi Sebagai Upaya Penyelesaian Pembiayaan Bermasalah, Efektivitas Penerapan Kebijakan Rescheduling Dan Restukturisasi Sebagai Upaya Penyelesaian Pembiayaan Bermasalah, dan Faktor Penghambat Dan Pendukung Dalam Penerapan Kebijakan Rescheduling Dan Restukturisasi Sebagai Upaya Penyelesaian Pembiayaan Bermasalah. Dari pokok permasalahan yang akan dibahas, penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan (field research ) dan penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, yaitu penelitian yang memiliki tujuan untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang masalah. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data yang melalui wawancara dan dokumentasi. Kemudian teknik analisisnya menggunkan deskripsi mengenai subjek penelitian berdasarkan data dan variable yang diperoleh. Hasil dari penelitian ini bahwa Penerapan Kebijakan Rescheduling Dan Resrukturisasi Sebagai Upaya Penyelesaian Pembiayaan Bermasalah sudah sesuai dengan Peraturan Bank Indonesia tentang restukturisasi pembiayaan bermasalah Bank Syariah dan Unit Usaha Syariah. Dan tidak semua pembiayaan yang bermasalah dapat direstukturisasi pembiayaan, pada pelaksanaan restukturisasi dan rescheduling hanya anggota yang memenuhi kriteria. Kata Kunci: Rescheduling, Restukturisasi, Pembiayaan Bermasala

    Peran Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi Dan Kepolisian dalam Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi di Indonesia dalam Perspektif Teori Sistem Hukum

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    This article discusses the role of the Corruption Eradication Commission and the Police in eradicating corruption in Indonesia from the perspective of legal system theory. This research is normative legal research, using legislation, conceptual, and case approaches. Legal materials are obtained from laws and regulations, law books, legal journals, and related articles, then analyzed using deductive thinking patterns, namely drawing general things to draw a specific conclusion. The study results indicate that the Corruption Eradication Commission and the Police are included in sub-systems of criminal justice, both of which have the authority to enforce the law in the field of corruption per the authorities stipulated in the legislation. From the legal system theory perspective, the enforcement of criminal acts of corruption must be seen from three aspects, namely the laws and regulations, law enforcement officers, and the legal culture of the community. From these three aspects, the Corruption Eradication Commission and the Police have a very decisive role in law enforcement for corruption under their respective authorities.