1,981 research outputs found

    Kontribusi Islam Terhadap Masa Depan Peradaban Di Asia Tenggara

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    Beberapa ahli memperkirakan ada sekitar 1,6 miliar orang Muslim di dunia, di mana 62.1 % dari mereka hidup di kawasan Asia. Hanya 15 % adalah Muslim Arab, sedangkan hampir sepertiga hidup di Asia Tenggara. Islam di Asia Tenggara relatif lebih moderat dibandingkan Islam di Timur Tengah. Sifat moderasi ini merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisah dari perkembangan Islam di Asia Tenggara. Islam sampai ke Asia Tenggara melalui jalur perdagangan dan tidak melalui penaklukan militer seperti yang banyak terjadi di dunia Arab, Asia Selatan dan Timur Tengah. Islam juga diwarnai pada paham animisme, Hindu, dan tradisi Buddha di Indonesia, yang memberikan ciri sinkritisme. Islam baru tersebar di Asia Tenggara pada akhir abad ke-17. Kebangkitan Islam telah mengubah wajah politik Islam di Asia Tenggara. Memang benar bahwa Islam Asia Tenggara termasuk di antara Islam yang sangat minimal corak kearabannya yang diakibatkan oleh proses islamisasi yang pada umumnya berlangsung damai.Abctract: The Contribution of Islam towards Southeast Asian Future Civilization. By some estimates there are approximately 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, of which 62.1% live in Asia. Only 15% of Muslims are Arab, while almost one third live in Southeast Asia. Islam in Southeast Asia is relatively more moderate in character than in much of the Middle East. This moderation stems in part from the way Islam evolved in Southeast Asia. Islam came to Southeast Asia with traders rather than through military conquest as it did in much of South Asia and the Arab Middle East. Islam also was overlaid on animist, Hindu, and Buddhist traditions in Indonesia, which are said to give it a more syncretic aspect. Islam spread throughout much of Southeast Asia by the end of the seventeenth century. The Islamic revival is changing the face of political Islam in Southeast Asia. It is true that Southeast Asian Islam is among the least Arabicized forms of Islam, largely as a result of a process of Islamization that was generally peaceful

    Power, Faith, and Fantasy: America in the Middle East: 1776 to the Present

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    Tumour Lysis Syndrome and Partial Remission Occurring After Administration of a Test Dose of Obinutuzumab

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    Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) is one of the most common haematological malignancies worldwide, with an increasing prevalence in the elderly population. Obinutuzumab is a type II anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody which showed superiority over rituximab in combination chemotherapy with chlorambucil for the treatment of CLL in the CLL11 trial (NCT01010061) and is becoming part of standard first line treatment for CLL in the elderly based on its potent efficacy and benign safety profile. We report the case of a chemotherapy naive patient who develop tumour lysis syndrome despite appropriate prophylaxis, and had partial remission of her disease after receiving only the initial test dose of obinutuzumab

    Sistem Penjejak Posisi Kendaraan Bermotor Berbasis GPS Melalui Media SMS

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    Ketika tindak kejahatan yang semakin meningkat, terutama dalam kasus pencurian kendaraan bermotor. Solusi yang dilakukan oleh pemilik kendaraan bermotor biasanya hanya menggunakan kunci ganda. Pencuri dapat membuat duplikat kunci kendaraan sehingga pencuri dengan santai bisa untuk mengambilnya.Dalam perkembangan teknologi saat ini, teknologi telepon seluler telah berubah menjadi perangkat multifungsi. Dengan memanfaatkan SMS(Short Message Service) dapat mengontrol sistem keamanan kendaraan bermotor menggunakan Mikrokontroler AT-Mega 328, serta modul GPS SIMCOM SIM908 untuk bisa mengetahui lokasi kendaraan tersebut berada. Dengan teknologi yang semakin canggih sekarang diharapkan kejahatan, terutama pencurian kendaraan dapat dikurangi. Dengan sistem keamanan kendaraan bermotor menggunakan GPS berbasis media SMS dapat memberikan keamanan lebih kepada pemilik kendaraan, karena pemilik kendaraan dapat mengetehui keberadaan kendaraanya jika terjadi suatu pencuria

    Effect of 28-homobrassinolide on the nitrate reductase, carbonic anhydrase activities and net photosynthetic rate in Vigna radiata

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    The foliage of fifteen day-old Vigna radiata seedlings was sprayed with water (control) or with a 10–10 M, 10–8Mor 10–6 Maqueous solution of 28-homobrassinolide (HBR). Samples of the treated plant material, collected at 30/50 days after sowing (DAS), were assessed for the activities of carbonic anhydrase (CA) and nitrate reductase (NR); leaf chlorophyll content (Chl); stomatal conductance (gs); carboxylation efficiency (CE), and net photosynthetic rate (PN). 28-homobrassinolide generated a significant impact on all these characteristics and on seed yield at harvest. Among the treatments, 10–8Mproved best, in which case the values for the above six physiological parameters in 30 days-old plants increased by, respectively, 31, 29, 27, 28, 29 and 33% over the control. Moreover, the harvest weight of the seeds of these plants was 27% larger than in the control
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