37 research outputs found

    High-resolution Identification and Separation of Living Cell Types by Multiple microRNA-responsive Synthetic mRNAs

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    合成RNAを利用した生細胞の高精度な同定と分離. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2016-02-25.The precise identification and separation of living cell types is critical to both study cell function and prepare cells for medical applications. However, intracellular information to distinguish live cells remains largely inaccessible. Here, we develop a method for high-resolution identification and separation of cell types by quantifying multiple microRNA (miRNA) activities in live cell populations. We found that a set of miRNA-responsive, in vitro synthesized mRNAs identify a specific cell population as a sharp peak and clearly separate different cell types based on less than two-fold differences in miRNA activities. Increasing the number of miRNA-responsive mRNAs enhanced the capability for cell identification and separation, as we precisely and simultaneously distinguished different cell types with similar miRNA profiles. In addition, the set of synthetic mRNAs separated HeLa cells into subgroups, uncovering heterogeneity of the cells and the level of resolution achievable. Our method could identify target live cells and improve the efficiency of cell purification from heterogeneous populations

    Numerical operations in living cells by programmable RNA devices

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    細胞内の複数のマイクロRNAを同時に検知して細胞を生きたまま精密に分けることに成功. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2019-08-30.Integrated bioengineering systems can make executable decisions according to the cell state. To sense the state, multiple biomarkers are detected and processed via logic gates with synthetic biological devices. However, numerical operations have not been achieved. Here, we show a design principle for messenger RNA (mRNA) devices that recapitulates intracellular information by multivariate calculations in single living cells. On the basis of this principle and the collected profiles of multiple microRNA activities, we demonstrate that rationally programmed mRNA sets classify living human cells and track their change during differentiation. Our mRNA devices automatically perform multivariate calculation and function as a decision-maker in response to dynamic intracellular changes in living cells

    A versatile and robust cell purification system with an RNA-only circuit composed of microRNA-responsive ON and OFF switches

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    2つの合成mRNAスイッチを活用した純度の高い細胞選別システムの開発. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-01-06.Synthetic gene circuits that improve stem cell quality. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-01-06.Human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are promising cell resources for cell therapy and drug discovery. However, iPSC-derived differentiated cells are often heterogenous and need purification using a flow cytometer, which has high cost and time consumption for large-scale purification. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) can be used as cell selection markers, because their activity differs between cell types. Here, we show miRNA-responsive ON and OFF switch mRNAs for robust cell purification. The ON switch contains a miRNA-target sequence after the polyadenylate tail, triggering translational activation by sensing the target miRNA. By designing RNA-only circuits with miRNA-ON and -OFF switch mRNAs that encode a lethal ribonuclease, Barnase, and its inhibitor, Barstar, we efficiently purified specific cell types, including human iPSCs and differentiated cardiomyocytes, without flow cytometry. Synthetic mRNA circuits composed of ON and OFF switches provide a safe, versatile, and time-saving method to purify various cell types for biological and clinical applications

    Versatile strategy using vaccinia virus-capping enzyme to synthesize functional 5′ cap-modified mRNAs

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    様々な5'キャップ構造をもつ機能的なmRNAの汎用的な合成方法 酵素を用いて簡便かつ効率的に. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-02-03.Development of a versatile method to synthesize functional mRNAs with diverse 5' cap structures. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-02-03.The potential of synthetic mRNA as a genetic carrier has increased its application in scientific fields. Because the 5′ cap regulates the stability and translational activity of mRNAs, there are concerted efforts to search for and synthesize chemically-modified 5′ caps that improve the functionality of mRNA. Here, we report an easy and efficient method to synthesize functional mRNAs by modifying multiple 5′ cap analogs using a vaccinia virus-capping enzyme. We show that this enzyme can introduce a variety of GTP analogs to the 5′ end of RNA to generate 5′ cap-modified mRNAs that exhibit different translation levels. Notably, some of these modified mRNAs improve translation efficiency and can be conjugated to chemical structures, further increasing their functionality. Our versatile method to generate 5′ cap-modified mRNAs will provide useful tools for RNA therapeutics and biological research

    Intrapulmonary lymph nodes: thin-section CT findings, pathological findings, and CT differential diagnosis from pulmonary metastatic nodules.

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    We compared the thin-section CT findings of 11 intrapulmonary lymph nodes with pathological findings and evaluated the possibility of CT scan differential diagnosis from pulmonary metastatic nodules. First, we retrospectively reviewed CT scan and pathological findings of intrapulmonary lymph nodes. The median size of these nodules was 6.2 mm. The nodules appeared round (n=3) or angular (n=8) in shape with a sharp border, and they were found below the level of the carina. The median distance from the nearest pleural surface was 4.6 mm, and 3 of the 11 nodules were attached to the pleura. On thin-section CT scan, linear densities extending from the intrapulmonary lymph nodes were frequently visualized, and were pathologically proven to be ectatic lymphoid channels. We then compared the thin-section CT findings of 8 metastatic nodules less than 1 cm in diameter with those of the 11 intrapulmonary lymph nodes. The median size of these nodules was 6.8 mm, and the median distance from the nearest pleural surface was 16 mm. All nodules appeared round in shape. None of the nodules had linear densities extending from the nodules. The linear densities on thin-section CT scan may be the most useful characteristic of intrapulmonary lymph nodes, when differential diagnosis from metastatic nodules is necessary.</p

    A let-7 microRNA-RALB axis links the immune properties of iPSC-derived megakaryocytes with platelet producibility

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    iPS細胞由来血小板造血における免疫巨核球の制御機構の発見 血小板の大量製造に向けた巨核球マスターセルの品質管理に応用可能. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2024-03-26.Discovering a new microRNA-regulated pathway to boost iPS cell-derived platelet production. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2024-03-26.We recently achieved the first-in-human transfusion of induced pluripotent stem cell-derived platelets (iPSC-PLTs) as an alternative to standard transfusions, which are dependent on donors and therefore variable in supply. However, heterogeneity characterized by thrombopoiesis-biased or immune-biased megakaryocytes (MKs) continues to pose a bottleneck against the standardization of iPSC-PLT manufacturing. To address this problem, here we employ microRNA (miRNA) switch biotechnology to distinguish subpopulations of imMKCLs, the MK cell lines producing iPSC-PLTs. Upon miRNA switch-based screening, we find imMKCLs with lower let-7 activity exhibit an immune-skewed transcriptional signature. Notably, the low activity of let-7a-5p results in the upregulation of RAS like proto-oncogene B (RALB) expression, which is crucial for the lineage determination of immune-biased imMKCL subpopulations and leads to the activation of interferon-dependent signaling. The dysregulation of immune properties/subpopulations, along with the secretion of inflammatory cytokines, contributes to a decline in the quality of the whole imMKCL population

    A Cystic Lymphangioma of the Colon Seen in a Patient with Early Gastric Cancer

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    Lymphangiomas are very rare benign neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract. A case of cystic lymphangioma in the hepatic flexure of the colon seen in patient with early gastric cancer is reported and the literature is reviewed