22 research outputs found

    Correction to Mitochondrial Free [Ca\u3csup\u3e2+\u3c/sup\u3e] Increases during ATP/ADP Antiport and ADP Phosphorylation: Exploration of Mechanisms

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    ADP influx and ADP phosphorylation may alter mitochondrial free [Ca2+] ([Ca2+]m) and consequently mitochondrial bioenergetics by several postulated mechanisms. We tested how [Ca2+]m is affected by H2PO4− (Pi), Mg2+, calcium uniporter activity, matrix volume changes, and the bioenergetic state. We measured [Ca2+]m, membrane potential, redox state, matrix volume, pHm, and O2 consumption in guinea pig heart mitochondria with or without ruthenium red, carboxyatractyloside, or oligomycin, and at several levels of Mg2+ and Pi. Energized mitochondria showed a dose-dependent increase in [Ca2+]m after adding CaCl2 equivalent to 20, 114, and 485 nM extramatrix free [Ca2+] ([Ca2+]e); this uptake was attenuated at higher buffer Mg2+. Adding ADP transiently increased [Ca2+]m up to twofold. The ADP effect on increasing [Ca2+]m could be partially attributed to matrix contraction, but was little affected by ruthenium red or changes in Mg2+ or Pi. Oligomycin largely reduced the increase in [Ca2+]m by ADP compared to control, and [Ca2+]m did not return to baseline. Carboxyatractyloside prevented the ADP-induced [Ca2+]m increase. Adding CaCl2 had no effect on bioenergetics, except for a small increase in state 2 and state 4 respiration at 485 nM [Ca2+]e. These data suggest that matrix ADP influx and subsequent phosphorylation increase [Ca2+]m largely due to the interaction of matrix Ca2+ with ATP, ADP, Pi, and cation buffering proteins in the matrix

    Slow Ca2+ Efflux by Ca2+/H+ Exchange in Cardiac Mitochondria Is Modulated by Ca2+ Re-uptake via MCU, Extra-Mitochondrial pH, and H+ Pumping by FOF1-ATPase

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    Mitochondrial (m) Ca2+ influx is largely dependent on membrane potential (ΔΨm), whereas mCa2+ efflux occurs primarily via Ca2+ ion exchangers. We probed the kinetics of Ca2+/H+ exchange (CHEm) in guinea pig cardiac muscle mitochondria. We tested if net mCa2+ flux is altered during a matrix inward H+ leak that is dependent on matrix H+ pumping by ATPm hydrolysis at complex V (FOF1-ATPase). We measured [Ca2+]m, extra-mitochondrial (e) [Ca2+]e, ΔΨm, pHm, pHe, NADH, respiration, ADP/ATP ratios, and total [ATP]m in the presence or absence of protonophore dinitrophenol (DNP), mitochondrial uniporter (MCU) blocker Ru360, and complex V blocker oligomycin (OMN). We proposed that net slow influx/efflux of Ca2+ after adding DNP and CaCl2 is dependent on whether the ΔpHm gradient is/is not maintained by reciprocal outward H+ pumping by complex V. We found that adding CaCl2 enhanced DNP-induced increases in respiration and decreases in ΔΨm while [ATP]m decreased, ΔpHm gradient was maintained, and [Ca2+]m continued to increase slowly, indicating net mCa2+ influx via MCU. In contrast, with complex V blocked by OMN, adding DNP and CaCl2 caused larger declines in ΔΨm as well as a slow fall in pHm to near pHe while [Ca2+]m continued to decrease slowly, indicating net mCa2+ efflux in exchange for H+ influx (CHEm) until the ΔpHm gradient was abolished. The kinetics of slow mCa2+ efflux with slow H+ influx via CHEm was also observed at pHe 6.9 vs. 7.6 by the slow fall in pHm until ΔpHm was abolished; if Ca2+ reuptake via the MCU was also blocked, mCa2+ efflux via CHEm became more evident. Of the two components of the proton electrochemical gradient, our results indicate that CHEm activity is driven largely by the ΔpHm chemical gradient with H+ leak, while mCa2+ entry via MCU depends largely on the charge gradient ΔΨm. A fall in ΔΨm with excess mCa2+ loading can occur during cardiac cell stress. Cardiac cell injury due to mCa2+ overload may be reduced by temporarily inhibiting FOF1-ATPase from pumping H+ due to ΔΨm depolarization. This action would prevent additional slow mCa2+ loading via MCU and permit activation of CHEm to mediate efflux of mCa2+.HIGHLIGHTS-We examined how slow mitochondrial (m) Ca2+ efflux via Ca2+/H+ exchange (CHEm) is triggered by matrix acidity after a rapid increase in [Ca2+]m by adding CaCl2 in the presence of dinitrophenol (DNP) to permit H+ influx, and oligomycin (OMN) to block H+ pumping via FOF1-ATP synthase/ase (complex V).-Declines in ΔΨm and pHm after DNP and added CaCl2 were larger when complex V was blocked.-[Ca2+]m slowly increased despite a fall in ΔΨm but maintained pHm when H+ pumping by complex V was permitted.-[Ca2+]m slowly decreased and external [Ca2+]e increased with declines in both ΔΨm and pHm when complex V was blocked.-ATPm hydrolysis supports a falling pHm and redox state and promotes a slow increase in [Ca2+]m.-After rapid Ca2+ influx due to a bolus of CaCl2, slow mCa2+ efflux by CHEm occurs directly if pHe is low

    Prevalence and pharmacological treatment of pain in patients with cancer: The role of opioids with and without NMDA receptor affinity

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    This thesis describes the problem of pain in patients with cancer. In the years 2005-2014 the prevalence of pain in cancer patients was no different than in the four decades before. The hypothesis that optimal treatment of pain can be improved by better treating the type of pain is explored. This thesis shows that patients with pain caused by cancer in the head-neck region respond better to methadone as compared to fentanyl when they suffer from a neuropathic pain component. When there is pure nociceptive pain the treatment of methadone is not inferior to treatment with fentanyl. A predictive model including neuropathic pain, age, duration of pain and treatment with methadone is able to predict the chance of clinical successful painreduction after one week of opioid treatment

    Multidisciplinaire behandeling van aangezichtspijn

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    The diagnosis and treatment of orofacial pain can be complex. The differential diagnosis is very extensive. Therefore, multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment are often indicated. The diagnosis of chronic pain also entails the investigation of psychological factors. This is because psychological problems can play a role in the chronification of pain, but they can also be a consequence of chronic pain. Patients with persistent orofacial complaints should be seen by a medical team consisting of an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, a neurologist, an anaesthesiologist/pain specialist, a dentist-gnathologist, an orofacial physical therapist, and a psychologist or psychiatrist specialising in orofacial pain. Treatment options should be discussed, taking into account literature concerning their effectiveness. The general conclusion is that much research remains to be done into the causes of, and treatments for, orofacial pain