78 research outputs found

    Participant Comfort with and Application of Inquiry-Based Learning: Results from 4-H Volunteer Training

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    This article explores how a one-time training designed to support learning transfer affected 4-H volunteers\u27 comfort levels with the training content and how comfort levels, in turn, affected the volunteers\u27 application of tools and techniques learned during the training. Results of a follow-up survey suggest that the training participants experienced increases in comfort with guiding inquiry-based learning and achieved high levels of application of the tools and techniques presented during the training. The data indicate that providing participants with opportunities during training to experience tools and build skills by practicing techniques helps them more effectively guide learning in the future

    Prevention of Youth Violence

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    A print on demand of these books and articles can be obtained from Cornell Business Services (CBS) Digital Services by sending e-mail to [email protected] or calling 607.255.2524. In the body of the message include the identifier.uri for the book or article, and ask to be contacted regarding payment.This publication is designed to to assist those who provide programs aimed at preventing violence among young people. In an analysis of the problem and literature review, it discusses risk factors that lead to violence, strategies for preventing violence, implementing prevention programs, and categories of prevention programs. An extensive annotated bibliography lists and describes books, videos, and other programs that serve as resources for those implementing a program to prevent youth violence.Cornell Cooperative Extension; Reducing Risks and Increasing Capacity (RRIC) Initiative; Children, Youth, and Families (CYFAR) initiativ

    Minnesota 4-H Youth Development Program Outcomes: Leadership and Civic Engagement

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    This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: https://www.extension.umn.edu.Annotated bibliography on leadership and civic engagement developed to inform program outcomes for Minnesota 4-H Youth Development

    Guidance to smoking cessation for patients with copd

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    Sammendrag: Vi har valgt å skrive om hvordan sykepleiere kan veilede pasienter med kronisk obstruktiv lungesykdom (kols) til røykeslutt. Røyking er hovedårsaken til kols og det eneste som kan bremse utviklingen av sykdommen er røykeslutt. Formålet med oppgaven er å finne gode veiledningsmetoder knyttet til røykeslutt, samtidig som vi ønsker å tilegne oss ytterligere kunnskaper og øke kompetansen rundt temaet. Problemstillingen er som følgende: “Hvordan kan sykepleiere veilede kolspasienter til røykeslutt?” Oppgaven er skrevet som et litteraturstudie og består av pensumlitteratur, selvvalgt litteratur, forskning og praksiserfaringer. Teorien bygger på atferdsendring i form av den transteoretiske modell og den sosial kognitive læringsteori. I tillegg presenteres sykepleierens pedagogiske og helsefremmende funksjon. Joyce Travelbee blir brukt som sykepleieteoretiker. Vi konkluderer med at sykepleieren må vise forståelse for pasientens situasjon samtidig som hun motiverer han til endring. Sykepleieren vil kunne hjelpe pasienten på veien mot røykfrihet, men det er pasienten selv som må ta valget. Valget pasienten tar skal respekteres av sykepleieren

    Adverse articulation: Third countries in China-Australia student migration during COVID-19

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    Southeast Asian countries were articulated with the Australia-China value chain for educational services early in the COVID-19 outbreak, when travelers from China could enter Australia only via stopovers in third countries. The routes, advertised by migration brokers, allowed Australia to externalize risk of infection while profiting from international student mobility.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: Haugen’s research for this commentary has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. 802070)

    Nurses' experiences of delirium and how to identify delirium - A qualitative study

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    Aim: Delirium is a serious, acute medical condition which places a heavy burden on the patient, his or her family and healthcare professionals. There have been only a limited number of studies to explore nurses' experiences of delirium and how delirium is identified in community care. The research questions of the study are as follows: “How do community care nurses' experience delirium?” and “How is delirium identified?”. Design: This study has been designed as an explorative and descriptive study. Methods: A topic-based interview guide was developed containing questions associated with the Registered Nurses' experiences of their meetings with people with delirium and their identification of delirium. Results: Nurses working in the community care need to know more about delirium as they play a key role in treatment. Our results also show that the participants have difficulty in establishing whether a patient is suffering from acute confusion/delirium, depression or dementia.publishedVersio

    Benefit and risk assessment of breastmilk for infant health in Norway: Opinion of the Steering Committee of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

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    Source at https://vkm.no/english/riskassessments/allpublications/benefitandriskassessmentofbreastmilkforinfanthealthinnorway.4.27ef9ca915e07938c3b2a6df.html.Breastmilk covers all the nutritional needs of the infant the first months of life, with the exception of vitamin D. In addition, breastmilk has a number of protective properties. However, as humans are exposed to polluting chemicals through food, air, water and skin contact, breastmilk also contains contaminants. Taking the present-day levels of contaminants in Norwegian breastmilk and the long duration of breastfeeding (12 months) in Norway into account, the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety concludes that contaminants poses a low risk to Norwegian infants, and that the benefits of breastmilk to Norwegian infants clearly outweigh the risk presented by contaminants

    Forskningsetiske retningslinjer for samfunnsvitenskap og humaniora

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    Den nasjonale forskningsetiske komité for samfunnsvitenskap og humaniora (NESH) er et uavhengig og rådgivende organ, som har ansvar for å utarbeide nasjonale forskningsetiske retningslinjer. Den første utgaven av NESHs retningslinjer ble utgitt i 1993, og de har kommet i reviderte utgaver i 1999, 2006 og 2016. For mer om NESH og retningslinjene, se vedlegg. I denne utgaven har NESH valgt å fremheve og tydeliggjøre de grunnleggende forskningsetiske normene. Formålet er å fremheve NESHs retningslinjer som en selvstendig kilde til forskningsetisk refleksjon og kontinuering diskusjon i forskerfellesskapet. NESH har også presisert hvordan forskning i økende grad er under press, og hvordan ulike aktører som oppdragsgivere, finansiører og samarbeidspartnere har medansvar for å ivareta forskningsetikken. Videre er skillet mellom etikk og juss presisert for å tydeliggjøre grenseflatene mot henholdsvis gransking av vitenskapelig uredelighet og krav om rettsgrunnlag ved behandling av personopplysninger. Høsten 2020 ble det reviderte utkastet til nasjonale retningslinjer sendt på høring. NESH mottok over 60 innspill fra forskere, forskningsinstitusjoner og andre forskningsaktører. En arbeidsgruppe bestående av Elisabeth Staksrud (leder), Ivar Kolstad (nestleder) og Vidar Enebakk (sekretariatsleder) har gått gjennom alle innspill og utarbeidet forslag, som er grundig drøftet og vedtatt av alle medlemmene i komiteen.publishedVersio

    Drivers of Change or Cut-Throat Competitors? Challenging Cultures of Innovation of Chinese and Nigerian Migrant Entrepreneurs in West Africa

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    L'afflux remarquable des entrepreneurs migrants chinois dans différents pays d'Afrique occidentale au cours des dernières années a été heurtée à une résistance de plus en plus farouche par des entrepreneurs locaux établis. Que le premiers ont un avantage concurrentiel sur ce dernier en raison de traits socio-culturels distinctifs, ou si l'efficacité supposée chinoise est juste une caractéristique de toutes les diasporas mercantiles, est ouvert à la question. Cette étude exploratoire des migrants entrepreneuriales chinois et nigérians au Ghana et au Bénin tente de répondre à cette question. Apparemment, les forces culturels des agents du changement migrants ne sont pas limités à des systèmes de valeurs héritées ou religions, comme une éthique protestante ou le confucianisme, mais ils sont adaptés en permanence et ont inventé de nouveau par des réseaux transnationaux de la migration dans un monde globalisé. Il n'y a aucune preuve d'une prétendue supériorité de la culture d’innovation chinois par rapport aux cultures d’innovation africains des migrants entrepreneuriales. Plutôt, il existe une capacité accrue d'innovation d'une diaspora mercantile en général vis à vis des entrepreneurs locaux, indépendamment de l'origine de la culture nationale dans lequel il est intégré. En outre, la rivalité des entrepreneurs migrants chinois et nigérians dans les marchés africains ne conduit pas nécessairement à la concurrence coupe-gorge souvent suspectée sous l'impact de la mondialisation. Souvent, les deux groupes agissent plutôt complémentaires. Cela contribue, sous certaines conditions, même à la réduction de la pauvreté dans le pays d'accueil

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead