107 research outputs found

    Relationship between regional white matter hyperintensities and alpha oscillations in older adults

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    Aging is associated with increased white matter hyperintensities (WMHs) and with alterations of alpha oscillations (7–13 Hz). However, a crucial question remains, whether changes in alpha oscillations relate to aging per se or whether this relationship is mediated by age-related neuropathology like WMHs. Using a large cohort of cognitively healthy older adults (N=907, 60-80 years), we assessed relative alpha power, alpha peak frequency, and long-range temporal correlations (LRTC) from resting-state EEG. We further associated these parameters with voxel-wise WMHs from 3T MRI. We found that a higher prevalence of WMHs in the superior and posterior corona radiata as well as in the thalamic radiation was related to elevated alpha power, with the strongest association in the bilateral occipital cortex. In contrast, we observed no significant relation of the WMHs probability with alpha peak frequency and LRTC. Finally, higher age was associated with elevated alpha power via total WMH volume. We suggest that an elevated alpha power is a consequence of WMH affecting a spatial organization of alpha sources

    Evaluation of the passive safety in cars adapted with steering control devices for disabled drivers

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    The purpose of this research is to analyse the influence of steering control devices for disabled people on passive safety. It is based on the advances made in the modelling and simulation of the driver position and in the suit verification test. The influence of these devices is studied through airbag deployment and/or its influence on driver safety. We characterise the different adaptations that are used in adapted cars that can be found mounted in vehicles in order to generate models that are verified by experimental test. A three-dimensional design software package was used to develop the model. The simulations were generated using a dynamic simulation program employing LS-DYNA finite elements. This program plots the geometry and assigns materials. The airbag is shaped, meshed and folded just as it is mounted in current vehicles. The thermodynamic model of expansion of gases is assigned, and the contact interfaces are defined. Static tests were carried out on the deployment of the airbag to contrast with and to validate the computational models and to measure the behaviour of the airbag when there are steering adaptations mounted in the vehicle. © 2011 Taylor & Francis.Masiá Vañó, J.; Eixerés Tomás, B.; Dols Ruiz, JF. (2011). Evaluation of the passive safety in cars adapted with steering control devices for disabled drivers. International Journal of Crashworthiness. 16(1):75-83. doi:10.1080/13588265.2010.514772S7583161Bedewi, N. E., Marzougui, D., & Motevalli, V. (1996). Evaluation of parameters affecting simulation of airbag deployment and interaction with occupants. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 1(4), 339-354. doi:10.1533/cras.1996.0025Chawla, A., Mukherjee, S., & Sharma, A. (2005). Development of FE meshes for folded airbags. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 10(3), 259-266. doi:10.1533/ijcr.2005.0343Cheng, Z., Rizer, A. L., & Pellettiere, J. A. (2003). Modeling and Simulation of OOP Occupant-Airbag Interaction. SAE Technical Paper Series. doi:10.4271/2003-01-0510Crandall, J. R., Bass, C. R., Pikey, W. D., Miller, H. J., Sikorski, J., & Wilkins, M. (1996). Thoracic response and injury with belt, driver side airbag, and force limited belt restraint systems. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 2(1), 119-132. doi:10.1533/cras.1997.0039Dalrymple, G. (1996). Effects of Assistive Steering Devices on Air Bag Deployment. SAE Technical Paper Series. doi:10.4271/960223Khan, M. U., & Moatamedi, M. (2008). A review of airbag test and analysis. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 13(1), 67-76. doi:10.1080/13588260701731674Khan, M. U., Moatamedi, M., Souli, M., & Zeguer, T. (2008). Multiphysics out of position airbag simulation. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 13(2), 159-166. doi:10.1080/13588260701788385Richert, J., Coutellier, D., Götz, C., & Eberle, W. (2007). Advanced smart airbags: The solution for real-life safety? International Journal of Crashworthiness, 12(2), 159-171. doi:10.1080/13588260701433461Ruff, C., Jost, T., & Eichberger, A. (2007). Simulation of an airbag deployment in out-of-position situations. Vehicle System Dynamics, 45(10), 953-967. doi:10.1080/0042311070153830

    Alterations in rhythmic and non-rhythmic resting-state EEG activity and their link to cognition in older age

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    While many structural and biochemical changes in the brain have been previously associated with aging, the findings concerning electrophysiological signatures, reflecting functional properties of neuronal networks, remain rather controversial. To try resolve this issue, we took advantage of a large population study (N=1703) and comprehensively investigated the association of multiple EEG biomarkers (power of alpha and theta oscillations, individual alpha peak frequency (IAF), the slope of 1/f power spectral decay), aging, and aging and cognitive performance. Cognitive performance was captured with three factors representing processing speed, episodic memory, and interference resolution. Our results show that not only did IAF decline with age but it was also associated with interference resolution over multiple cortical areas. To a weaker extent, 1/f slope of the PSD showed age-related reductions, mostly in frontal brain regions. Finally, alpha power was negatively associated with the speed of processing in the right frontal lobe, despite the absence of age-related alterations. Our results thus demonstrate that multiple electrophysiological features, as well as their interplay, should be considered when investigating the association between age, neuronal activity, and cognitive performance

    Gesundheit und Leistungsfähigkeit von Milchkühen im ökologischen Landbau interdisziplinär betrachtet – eine (Interventions-) Studie zu Stoffwechselstörungen und Eutererkrankungen unter Berücksichtigung von Grundfuttererzeugung, Fütterungsmanagement und Tierhaltung

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    Im Mittelpunkt des Projektes stand die Stoffwechsel- und Eutergesundheit von ökologisch gehaltenen Milchkühen im prä- und peripartalen Zeitraum sowie in den ersten 100 Laktationstagen und deren Beeinflussung durch die Futter- und Nährstoffversorgung und die Haltungsumwelt im umfassenden Sinn. In einer bundesweiten Feldstudie auf 106 ökologisch wirtschaftenden Milchviehbetrieben erfolgten Erhebungen mit dem Ziel einer Risikomodellierung zu Stoffwechsel- und Eutererkrankungen. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurden die Produktionssysteme von der Pflanzenzusammensetzung im Grünland und im Ackerfutter über die Grobfutterproduktion, Futterqualität und Rationsgestaltung, Haltungsumwelt bis hin zur Tiergesundheit und Milchqualität analysiert, um hier einzelbetriebliche Risikoeinschätzungen vorzunehmen, Optimierungspotenziale aufzuzeigen und Handlungsempfehlungen abzuleiten, die anschließend betriebsindividuell implementiert wurden. Die Effektivität des so geschaffenen präventiv orientierten Tiergesundheitsmanagements wurde anhand der Entwicklung ausgewählter Kennzahlen der Euter- und Stoffwechselgesundheit geprüft. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich mit dieser Vorgehensweise auch unter Praxisbedingungen die Tiergesundheitssituation signifikant verbes-sern lässt. Die Feldstudie wurde mit experimentellen Untersuchungen ergänzt, die sich speziellen Fragen der Analyse von nXP in Grasprodukten, des Kraftfuttereinsatzes, der Wahl der geeigneten Rasse, dem Infektionsgeschehen, der Nutzung von Haltungstechniken im Fütterungsmanagement und der Verbesserung der Grasnarbe widmeten. Die im Projekt generierten, aufgrund ihrer Ableitung aus der Praxis widerspruchsarmen Erkenntnisse wurden über vielfältige Formen des Wissenstransfers an die Akteure in der Ökologischen Milchviehhaltung vermittelt. Ein Merkblatt zur Euter- und Stoffwechselgesundheit bei Biomilchkühen und ein modular aufgebautes Wissenstransferkonzept wurden erarbeitet, um die Projektergebnisse nachhaltig nutzen zu können

    Regularized logistic regression and multi-objective variable selection for classifying MEG data

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    This paper addresses the question of maximizing classifier accuracy for classifying task-related mental activity from Magnetoencelophalography (MEG) data. We propose the use of different sources of information and introduce an automatic channel selection procedure. To determine an informative set of channels, our approach combines a variety of machine learning algorithms: feature subset selection methods, classifiers based on regularized logistic regression, information fusion, and multiobjective optimization based on probabilistic modeling of the search space. The experimental results show that our proposal is able to improve classification accuracy compared to approaches whose classifiers use only one type of MEG information or for which the set of channels is fixed a priori

    A Tutorial on EEG Signal Processing Techniques for Mental State Recognition in Brain-Computer Interfaces

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    International audienceThis chapter presents an introductory overview and a tutorial of signal processing techniques that can be used to recognize mental states from electroencephalographic (EEG) signals in Brain-Computer Interfaces. More particularly, this chapter presents how to extract relevant and robust spectral, spatial and temporal information from noisy EEG signals (e.g., Band Power features, spatial filters such as Common Spatial Patterns or xDAWN, etc.), as well as a few classification algorithms (e.g., Linear Discriminant Analysis) used to classify this information into a class of mental state. It also briefly touches on alternative, but currently less used approaches. The overall objective of this chapter is to provide the reader with practical knowledge about how to analyse EEG signals as well as to stress the key points to understand when performing such an analysis

    Verifikation nachrichtentechnischer Systeme mit Systemsimulation und HW/SW-Cosimulation

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    Der Beitrag zeigt die Erfahrungen beim praktischen Entwurf und bei der Verifikation eines Algorithmus zur Echokompensation und beschreibt dessen Abbildung auf eine Zielarchitektur. Neben der Überprüfung der funktionellen Richtigkeit des Algorithmus stehen bei der Verifikation vor allem Untersuchungen zur benötigten Zahlengenauigkeit und zur erreichbaren Grenzfrequenz im Mittelpunkt. Um einen durchgängigen Designflow zu gewährleisten, haben wir uns bereits bei der Systemverifikation für eine VHDL-Umgebung entschieden. Eine Bibliothek nachrichtentechnischer Standardbaugruppen vereinfachte den Einsatz eines VHDL-Simulators zur Systemsimulation. Zur deutlichen Erhöhung der Effizienz der verwendeten kommerziellen Tools wurden Ergänzungstools entwickelt. Dazu zählen vor allem das Interface des OAK-Debuggers zu VHDL-Simulatoren und das Waveformdisplay ADDA zur Darstellung analoger und digitaler Signalverläufe in einer Simulationsumgebung