239 research outputs found

    Rethinking small-scale fisheries compliance : from criminal justice to social justice

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references (p. 226-252).Fisheries compliance theory has evolved over the past two decades in an attempt to understand the factors that influence fishers’ behaviour and to develop appropriate strategies to enhance compliance. However, much of this research, which draws on both rationalist and normative perspectives, has largely focussed on the industrial fisheries. Empirical research on the small-scale fisheries sector, therefore, has been lacking. The overall aim of this thesis has been to develop a conceptual framework for understanding and addressing small-scale fisheries compliance by drawing on experiences in South Africa. This has been achieved through a detailed investigation of two small-scale fisheries case studies, as well as a review of the small-scale fisheries sector generally. The findings from this research have emphasised the need to rethink ourunderstanding of fisheries compliance in the small-scale sector. By drawing onempirical evidence, as well as the literature review, a conceptual framework has beendeveloped that enhances existing compliance theory. This study highlights that anunderstanding of compliance behaviour first requires a critical analysis of how lawhas evolved, its history and the power dynamics that have shaped it. The conceptualframework further emphasises the need to understand compliance within a fisherysystem, acknowledging that social, economic, institutional and biophysical factors allimpact on whether or not fishers’ comply with rules and laws. By applying theconceptual framework to two case studies in South Africa, key drivers that influencefisher behaviour over time are identified and changes within the fishery system areanalysed and documented. This thesis has also contributed to fisheries compliancetheory by identifying the underlying principles that are seen as necessary to guide an alternative and more integrated approach to small-scale fisheries compliance. In addition to the principles of legitimacy and deterrence, which are incorporated into existing theories of compliance, this study emphasises that the principle of social justice is required to develop a more holistic approach to understanding and addressing small-scale fisheries compliance. By embracing these principles, it is argued that fisheries policies will shift away from a sole reliance on criminal justice to achieve compliance, to a more integrated approach that aims to sustain the fishery system as a whole

    Non-power-of-Two FFTs: Exploring the Flexibility of the Montium TP

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    Coarse-grain reconfigurable architectures, like the Montium TP, have proven to be a very successful approach for low-power and high-performance computation of regular digital signal processing algorithms. This paper presents the implementation of a class of non-power-of-two FFTs to discover the limitations and Flexibility of the Montium TP for less regular algorithms. A non-power-of-two FFT is less regular compared to a traditional power-of-two FFT. The results of the implementation show the processing time, accuracy, energy consumption and Flexibility of the implementation

    Verlaufs- und Therapieanalyse von Patienten mit neuroendokrinen Tumoren und Karzinomen

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    Neuroendokrine Tumore (NET) des gastroenteropankreatischen Systems (GEP) sind seltene epitheliale Malignome mit einer Inzidenz von 2.5-5/100.000 Einwohnern. Gemäß der WHO-Klassifikation unterscheidet man, basierend auf der Proliferationsrate (Ki67) der Tumorzellen, zwischen G1, G2 und G3 Tumoren. G3 Tumore mit einer hohen Proliferationsrate werden seit 2010 als neuroendokrine Karzinome (NEC) bezeichnet. Des Weiteren teilt man NETs und NECs nach ihrer embryonalen Entwicklung / Lokalisation (Vorderdarm, Mitteldarm, Enddarm) ein. Die palliativen Therapieoptionen umfassen lokoregionäre Maßnahmen, Biotherapien mit Somatostatinanaloga, systemische Chemotherapien und peptidrezeptorvermittelte Radiotherapien (PRRT)

    Report from stakeholder interviews concerning abalone poaching in Zones E and G

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    The stock assessment for abalone is significantly hampered by insufficient information on the levels of poaching in each management zone. To assist with our understanding of resource dynamics, stakeholder interviews were conducted to obtain information on the levels of poaching taking place and trends in magnitude over time. This participatory approach represented a pilot study into the use of interview data to inform modeling of the resource. As such, effort was concentrated on Zones E and G. These are two of the least productive Zones with consequently fewer divers operating. The investigation was split into two. The first part was to assess and understand the types of information available for potential inclusion in the modeling process. The second part was actual execution of the participatory stock assessment using the information collected. This report details the outcome from Part 1

    Chronic Hyperglycemia Drives Functional Impairment of Lymphocytes in Diabetic INSC94Y Transgenic Pigs

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    People with diabetes mellitus have an increased risk for infections, however, there is still a critical gap in precise knowledge about altered immune mechanisms in this disease. Since diabetic INSC94Y transgenic pigs exhibit elevated blood glucose and a stable diabetic phenotype soon after birth, they provide a favorable model to explore functional alterations of immune cells in an early stage of diabetes mellitus in vivo. Hence, we investigated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of these diabetic pigs compared to non-diabetic wild-type littermates. We found a 5-fold decreased proliferative response of T cells in INSC94Y tg pigs to polyclonal T cell mitogen phytohemagglutinin (PHA). Using label-free LC-MS/MS, a total of 3,487 proteins were quantified, and distinct changes in protein abundances in CD4(+) T cells of early-stage diabetic pigs were detectable. Additionally, we found significant increases in mitochondrial oxygen consumption rate (OCR) and higher basal glycolytic activity in PBMC of diabetic INSC94Y tg pigs, indicating an altered metabolic immune cell phenotype. Thus, our study provides new insights into molecular mechanisms of dysregulated immune cells triggered by permanent hyperglycemia

    Photorhabdus luminescens lectin A (PllA) : A new probe for detecting α-galactoside-terminating glycoconjugates

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    Lectins play important roles in infections by pathogenic bacteria, for example, in host colonization, persistence, and biofilm formation. The Gram-negative entomopathogenic bacterium Photorhabdus luminescens symbiotically lives in insect-infecting Heterorhabditis nematodes and kills the insect host upon invasion by the nematode. The P. luminescens genome harbors the gene plu2096, coding for a novel lectin that we named PllA. We analyzed the binding properties of purified PllA with a glycan array and a binding assay in solution. Both assays revealed a strict specificity of PllA for -galactoside–terminating glycoconjugates. The crystal structures of apo PllA and complexes with three different ligands revealed the molecular basis for the strict specificity of this lectin. Furthermore, we found that a 90° twist in subunit orientation leads to a peculiar quaternary structure compared with that of its ortholog LecA from Pseudomonas aeruginosa.We also investigated the utility of PllA as a probe for detecting -galactosides. The -Gal epitope is present on wildtype pig cells and is the main reason for hyperacute organ rejection in pig to primate xenotransplantation. We noted that PllA specifically recognizes this epitope on the glycan array and demonstrated that PllA can be used as a fluorescent probe to detect this epitope on primary porcine cells in vitro. In summary, our biochemical and structural analyses of the P. luminescens lectin PllA have disclosed the structural basis for PllA’s high specificity for -galactoside–containing ligands, and we show that PllA can be used to visualize the -Gal epitope on porcine tissues

    Products of N-connected groups

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    [EN] Two subgroups H and K of a finite group G are said to be N -connected if the subgroup generated by x and y is a nilpotent group, for every pair of elements x in H and y in K. This paper is devoted to the study of pairwise N -connected and permutable products of finitely many groups, in the framework of formation and Fitting class theory.The second and third authors have been supported by Proyecto BMF2001-1667-C03-03, Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnolog´ıa and FEDER, SpainHauck, P.; Martínez Pastor, A.; Perez Ramos, MD. (2003). Products of N-connected groups. Illinois Journal of Mathematics. 47(4):1033-1045. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/51893S1033104547

    COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing : economic, psychological, family, and technological effects

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    Introduction: The concept of social isolation is currently understood as a measure of epidemiological containment that aims to reduce the speed of spread of the disease, enabling health services to prepare their resources to cope with the likely increase in demand, while also seeking to provide additional protection to groups considered to be at higher risk. Objective: The present narrative review aims to compile and synthesize the literature related to social isolation produced during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Method: This study is a narrative review of the literature on social isolation in the context of the COVID19 pandemic. Results: 73 publications were included for full-text reading and were classified into the following categories: levels of social isolation, economic effects, family relationships, health system, mental health of the population, and use of technology. Conclusions: It is necessary to plan an escalation of responses to the consequences of the pandemic, especially in view of the increased demand on the health sector and social services. The negative effects of social isolation can be prevented by public policies that offer a response to the economic recession, maintenance of social work, encouragement of quality care in mental health services, and community support for vulnerable families

    Influence of the autotaxin-lysophosphatidic acid axis on cellular function and cytokine expression in different breast cancer cell lines

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    Previous studies provide high evidence that autotaxin (ATX)-lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) signaling through LPA receptors (LPAR) plays an important role in breast cancer initiation, progression, and invasion. However, its specific role in different breast cancer cell lines remains to be fully elucidated to offer improvements in targeted therapies. Within this study, we analyzed in vitro the effect of LPA 18:1 and the LPAR1, LPAR3 (and LPAR2) inhibitor Ki16425 on cellular functions of different human breast cancer cell lines (MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-468, MCF-7, BT-474, SKBR-3) and the human breast epithelial cell line MCF-10A, as well as Interleukin 8 (IL-8), Interleukin 6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha cytokine secretion after LPA-incubation. ATX-LPA signaling showed a dose-dependent stimulatory effect especially on cellular functions of triple-negative and luminal A breast cancer cell lines. Ki16425 inhibited the LPA-induced stimulation of triple-negative breast cancer and luminal A cell lines in variable intensity depending on the functional assay, indicating the interplay of different LPAR in those assays. IL-8, IL-6 and TNF-alpha secretion was induced by LPA in MDA-MB-468 cells. This study provides further evidence about the role of the ATX-LPA axis in different breast cancer cell lines and might contribute to identify subtypes suitable for a future targeted therapy of the ATX-LPA axis