834 research outputs found

    Morphological evidence for the physiological nature of follicular atresia in veiled chameleons (Chamaeleo calyptratus)

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    Follicular atresia (FA) has been assumed to serve different functions in reptiles, e.g. helping to develop hierarchies, limiting clutch size, and regression of ovarian structures. Reproductive output is dependent on a balance between ovulations and FA. Excessive rates of FA may not only be detrimental for the survival of a population, but have also been associated with pathological conditions. In order to gain insights into the physiological and potentially pathological processes of FA, we performed a decriptive study on the morphological features of the ovaries in sexually mature female veiled chameleons (Chamaeleo calyptratus, VC). Of 60 clinically healthy female VC with continuous ovarian cycling and at least one confirmed cycle with FA over at least 1.5 years, 30 were selected for macroscopic evaluation of ovarian appearance and 7 were subjected to histology and immunohistology. While FA of previtellogenic follicles happened at a low rate, expected for a species with two germinal beds per ovary and polyautochronic reproductive pattern, atresia in the late vitellogenic stage affected entire generations of follicles, consequential to ovulatory failure. Histologically, no pathological processes were identified in any of the animals. Rather, three stages of FA (early, middle, late) were defined and vitellogenic follicles showed two distinct morphological types of FA: yolky and cystic. Yolky FA was found in 21/30 (70%) animals, while cystic FA co-occurred in 9/30 (30%) of the animals

    Raufutter als Alleinfutter für Kaninchen – Auswirkungen auf das Fettsäurenmuster des Fleisches

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    Four groups of eight New Zealand hybrid rabbits were fed ryegrass meal only, alfalfa meal only, ryegrass and oats 1:1, or alfalfa and oats 1:1. Diets were offered ad libitum in pelleted form from 5-30 weeks of age, when they were slaughtered. Intramuscular fatty acid profiles were determined in the Musculus quadriceps of the left hindleg. Feed intake was not statistically different between the four groups, nor was carcass weight. The main effect of the forage-only diets on the fatty acid profiles was a decrease of monounsaturated and an increase of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) proportions. Within PUFA, the n-3 fatty acids more than doubled with forage-only compared to forage-oats diets, while the n-6 fatty acids slightly decreased. In general, the proportion of n-3 fatty acids in intramuscular fat of forage-only fed rabbits was extraordinarily high compared to any other meat of agricultural origin. The results demonstrate a specific advantage of roughage-based diets in the nutrition of productive herbivores, which is also known for ruminants

    Comparative investigations on digestion in grazing (Ceratotherium simum) and browsing (Diceros bicornis) rhinoceroses

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    Rhinoceroses represent the largest extant herbivores with extensive dietary specialization for plant groups like browse (black rhino Diceros bicornis) or grass (white rhino Ceratotherium simum). However, it is not clear to what extent such diet selection patterns are reflected in adaptations of digestive physiology of the respective feeding types. In this study, feeding trials with four black and five white rhinos were conducted in four zoos. The animals had ad libitum access to the same batch of grass hay (second cut; neutral detergent fiber (NDF) 63% dry matter (DM), crude protein 10.2% DM). Total intake, fecal N content, in vitro digestibility of NDF residues of feces, fecal particle size and mean retention time (MRT) of particles (Cr-mordanted fiber; 1–2 mm) and fluid (Co-EDTA) were quantified. The average daily DM intake was 70±12 g/kg BW0.75 for white and 73±10 g/kg BW0.75 for black rhinos. In the in vitro fermentation test fecal NDF residues of black rhinos resulted in higher gas productions at fermentation times of 12 to 24 h, indicating that white rhinos have a superior capacity to digest NDF. Average MRT for fluids and particles was 28±4 h and 43±5 h in white and 34±4 h and 39±4 h in black rhinos. The selectivity factor (SF=MRTparticle /MRTfluid) was higher for white (1.5±0.2) than for black rhinos (1.2±0.1) (p=0.016). In a comparison of 12 ruminant and 3 rhino species, SF was correlated to percentage of grass in diet (R=0.75). Mean fecal particle size was higher in white (9.1±1.94 mm) than in black rhinos (6.1±0.79 mm) (p=0.016). The results demonstrate differences between white and black rhinos in terms of retention times and fiber digestibility. The more selective retention of particles by the white rhino corresponds with the higher digestion of fiber measured indirectly. Furthermore there is indication for a general pattern of high SF in grazing ruminants and rhinos. The difference in fecal particle size between both rhino species might be due to the considerable difference in body weight

    Evidence for seasonal shift in the reproduction of Aldabra giant tortoises (Aldabrachelys gigantea) in managed care in the Northern hemisphere compared to the natural habitat in the Southern hemisphere

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    Ex situ breeding constitutes an important tool for species conservation; however, many reptile species are not managed sustainably under human care due to poor fecundity in ex situ settings. In this study, we tested whether the translocation of a seasonally reproducing species to a different environment results in decoupling of extrinsic signals and intrinsic conditions. The endocrinological patterns of plasma steroid sex hormones, follicular development, and mating behaviour of two female and two male sexually mature Aldabra tortoises (Aldabrachelys gigantea) in a zoological institution in the Northern hemisphere was aligned with enclosure climate data (mean monthly daylight duration, temperature, and precipitation) and compared with respective hormone patterns of wild individuals and climate conditions in the native habitat on the Aldabra Atoll in the Southern hemisphere. Whereas occurrence of mating behaviour was not considered a limiting factor, lack of ovulation and subsequent follicular atresia was the main reason for the lack of reproductive output. While it was impossible to elucidate the triggering factors of ovulation and the multifactorial complexity of reproduction was not fully addressed, this study indicates suboptimal temperature conditions and relative temporal shifts of interacting external triggers (temperature and photoperiod) in the zoo setting

    Automatic Head and Neck Tumor segmentation and outcome prediction relying on FDG-PET/CT images: Findings from the second edition of the HECKTOR challenge.

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    By focusing on metabolic and morphological tissue properties respectively, FluoroDeoxyGlucose (FDG)-Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Computed Tomography (CT) modalities include complementary and synergistic information for cancerous lesion delineation and characterization (e.g. for outcome prediction), in addition to usual clinical variables. This is especially true in Head and Neck Cancer (HNC). The goal of the HEad and neCK TumOR segmentation and outcome prediction (HECKTOR) challenge was to develop and compare modern image analysis methods to best extract and leverage this information automatically. We present here the post-analysis of HECKTOR 2nd edition, at the 24th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2021. The scope of the challenge was substantially expanded compared to the first edition, by providing a larger population (adding patients from a new clinical center) and proposing an additional task to the challengers, namely the prediction of Progression-Free Survival (PFS). To this end, the participants were given access to a training set of 224 cases from 5 different centers, each with a pre-treatment FDG-PET/CT scan and clinical variables. Their methods were subsequently evaluated on a held-out test set of 101 cases from two centers. For the segmentation task (Task 1), the ranking was based on a Borda counting of their ranks according to two metrics: mean Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) and median Hausdorff Distance at 95th percentile (HD95). For the PFS prediction task, challengers could use the tumor contours provided by experts (Task 3) or rely on their own (Task 2). The ranking was obtained according to the Concordance index (C-index) calculated on the predicted risk scores. A total of 103 teams registered for the challenge, for a total of 448 submissions and 29 papers. The best method in the segmentation task obtained an average DSC of 0.759, and the best predictions of PFS obtained a C-index of 0.717 (without relying on the provided contours) and 0.698 (using the expert contours). An interesting finding was that best PFS predictions were reached by relying on DL approaches (with or without explicit tumor segmentation, 4 out of the 5 best ranked) compared to standard radiomics methods using handcrafted features extracted from delineated tumors, and by exploiting alternative tumor contours (automated and/or larger volumes encompassing surrounding tissues) rather than relying on the expert contours. This second edition of the challenge confirmed the promising performance of fully automated primary tumor delineation in PET/CT images of HNC patients, although there is still a margin for improvement in some difficult cases. For the first time, the prediction of outcome was also addressed and the best methods reached relatively good performance (C-index above 0.7). Both results constitute another step forward toward large-scale outcome prediction studies in HNC

    Phase transition close to room temperature in BiFeO3 thin films

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    BiFeO3 (BFO) multiferroic oxide has a complex phase diagram that can be mapped by appropriately substrate-induced strain in epitaxial films. By using Raman spectroscopy, we conclusively show that films of the so-called supertetragonal T-BFO phase, stabilized under compressive strain, displays a reversible temperature-induced phase transition at about 100\circ, thus close to room temperature.Comment: accepted in J. Phys.: Condens. Matter (Fast Track Communication

    New Symmetries in Crystals and Handed Structures

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    For over a century, the structure of materials has been described by a combination of rotations, rotation-inversions and translational symmetries. By recognizing the reversal of static structural rotations between clockwise and counterclockwise directions as a distinct symmetry operation, here we show that there are many more structural symmetries than are currently recognized in right- or left-handed handed helices, spirals, and in antidistorted structures composed equally of rotations of both handedness. For example, though a helix or spiral cannot possess conventional mirror or inversion symmetries, they can possess them in combination with the rotation reversal symmetry. Similarly, we show that many antidistorted perovskites possess twice the number of symmetry elements as conventionally identified. These new symmetries predict new forms for "roto" properties that relate to static rotations, such as rotoelectricity, piezorotation, and rotomagnetism. They also enable symmetry-based search for new phenomena, such as multiferroicity involving a coupling of spins, electric polarization and static rotations. This work is relevant to structure-property relationships in all material structures with static rotations such as minerals, polymers, proteins, and engineered structures.Comment: 15 Pages, 4 figures, 3 Tables; Fig. 2b has error

    The trans-activation domain of the sporulation response regulator Spo0A revealed by X-ray crystallography

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    Sporulation in Bacillus involves the induction of scores of genes in a temporally and spatially co-ordinated programme of cell development. Its initiation is under the control of an expanded two-component signal transduction system termed a phosphorelay. The master control element in the decision to sporulate is the response regulator, Spo0A, which comprises a receiver or phosphoacceptor domain and an effector or transcription activation domain. The receiver domain of Spo0A shares sequence similarity with numerous response regulators, and its structure has been determined in phosphorylated and unphosphorylated forms. However, the effector domain (C-Spo0A) has no detectable sequence similarity to any other protein, and this lack of structural information is an obstacle to understanding how DNA binding and transcription activation are controlled by phosphorylation in Spo0A. Here, we report the crystal structure of C-Spo0A from Bacillus stearothermophilus revealing a single alpha -helical domain comprising six alpha -helices in an unprecedented fold. The structure contains a helix-turn-helix as part of a three alpha -helical bundle reminiscent of the catabolite gene activator protein (CAP), suggesting a mechanism for DNA binding. The residues implicated in forming the sigma (A)-activating region clearly cluster in a flexible segment of the polypeptide on the opposite side of the structure from that predicted to interact with DNA. The structural results are discussed in the context of the rich array of existing mutational data