5,956 research outputs found


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    Indonesia is the center of the world's banana biodiversity, which is estimated to have 325 cultivated banana varieties and 12 wild banana species. One of the wild bananas that is still easy to find but has not been optimally utilized is the type of stones banana (Musa balbisiana). Apart from its leaves which are widely used as a wrapper for various kinds of traditional food, the heart of stone bananas is also widely used as a mixture of several types of traditional foods such as lawar. Stone bananas are also known to be used as traditional medicine in several areas. In addition, several research results reveal several pharmacological potentials of stone bananas such as anti-microbial, anti-malarial and antioxidant properties. The data used in this article were obtained through online and offline literature studies. The data obtained were then analyzed, synthesized then compiled and summarized to obtain information about the content and utilization of stone bananas. The purpose of this article is to gather information on the use of stone bananas in traditional medicine and some research that reveals its potential. This article is expected to provide information for the development of the potency of stone bananas both in traditional medicine and in modern medicine.Indonesia is the center of the world's banana biodiversity, which is estimated to have 325 cultivated banana varieties and 12 wild banana species. One of the wild bananas that is still easy to find but has not been optimally utilized is the type of stones banana (Musa balbisiana). Apart from its leaves which are widely used as a wrapper for various kinds of traditional food, the heart of stone bananas is also widely used as a mixture of several types of traditional foods such as lawar. Stone bananas are also known to be used as traditional medicine in several areas. In addition, several research results reveal several pharmacological potentials of stone bananas such as anti-microbial, anti-malarial and antioxidant properties. The data used in this article were obtained through online and offline literature studies. The data obtained were then analyzed, synthesized then compiled and summarized to obtain information about the content and utilization of stone bananas. The purpose of this article is to gather information on the use of stone bananas in traditional medicine and some research that reveals its potential. This article is expected to provide information for the development of the potency of stone bananas both in traditional medicine and in modern medicine

    Online Media Independence (Political News Preaching Petasultra.com and Telisik.id)

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    Abstractindependence Media Has a very complicated concept. Generally, independence is the idea that journalists must be free from interference in carrying out and practicing their profession. Most of the news is the construction of reality plus the ideology and interests of Online Media. Often Online Media always chooses problems, information, or other forms of content based on manager and owner standards. The choice of angle, direction, and framing of content that is considered a mirror of reality is determined by Online Media professionals (gatekeepers) and in accordance with owner's standards. Online Media alignments in viewing news, has consequences that may be beneficial or detrimental to Online Media. This is related to related parties and influences event reporting. Keywords: Independence, Online Media, News


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana prosedur dan pelaporan Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak yang ditinjau dari sisi keakuratan pencatatan, kepatuhan pengelolaan, serta tingkat keefektifan kebijakan PNBP di Balai Taman Nasional Wakatobi. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan Metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 12 Tahun 2014 serta peraturan pelaksanaan lainnya yang berperan melengkapi Peraturan Pemerintah tersebut menjadi dasar hukum bagi penetapan tarif agar sesuai dengan yang telah ditetapkan, kepatuhan pengelolaan dan penyetoran Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak ke Kas Negara, yang kemudian jumlah penerimaannya menggambarkan keefektifan kebijakan Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak ke Kas Negara melalui perbandingan antara Realisasi Penerimaan dan Target Penerimaan


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    This study aimed to determine the effect of diluent in maintaining the quality of bull sperm during freezing and physiological processes of bull sperm that occur during freezing. This research was conducted by observing samples of frozen bull sperm that uses diluents, as well as through the assessment of data research with assessment parameters such as macroscopic and microscopic assessment of cattle semen. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis. The results of this study indicate that the ratings fresh semen is done in two ways, namely macroscopically and microscopically. Grossly obtained volume of average ejaculate of 6 ml with a beige color and acidity levels on average 5.8. The concentration used is 'medium' which is a category of consistency and decent for further processing until the stage of freezing to rethawing. Microscopic assessment that includes an average frequency of motility in the fourth shelter is 70% with 3+ mass motility, percentage of live of fresh semen was obtained in this study was 80%. This value is the percentage of normal life. Based on these results it was concluded that the addition of diluents can reduce the rate of loss of quality (motility and percentage of survival) of bull sperm during the stages of preservation. Andromed diluent best in reducing the rate of decline in the quality of bull sperm during the stages of preservatio

    Happiness Behind The Threat of Disaster: Women in The South Merapi Slope

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    The study was conducted with the aim of studying the happiness of women in the slopes of south Merapi in the threat of Merapi disaster. Descriptive research, the theme of geography of human environment interaction with the subject of research of women who live and have socio-economic activities in the District Cangkringan.  Population are women married living in the study area. Samples were taken purposively as many as 33 respondents. Research variables socio-economic and female demographics and characteristics of happiness and threat of disaster. Quantitative descriptive data analysis used frequency tables to analyze sociodemograph, happiness women and threat of disaster. Analysis of qualitative data in reduction, presentation and verification. The results showed that women in South Merapi Slope who have socio-economic activities in Cangkringan sub-district understand that their residence area is vulnerable to disaster threat. Merapi disaster can threaten the women of the slopes of south Merapi every time but they believe, that Merapi remains friendly with the people on the slopes. The result of eruptions in the form of hot lava and rain lava, will be a blessing source of income and make their territory remains fertile so that their farm has a good prospect. Merapi has been a blessing not as a disaster, so living in harmony with Merapi can support the happiness of women in the slopes of south Merapi


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    Penelitian yang dilakukan di Kabupaten Gowa menganalisis dampak penggunaan input produksi (volume pupuk urea, pupuk ZA, dan luas lahan) dan karakteristik responden (pendidikan formal, pengalaman bertani, dan umur) terhadap peningkatan produksi jagung. Metode yang digunakan dalam pencapaian tujuan penelitian adalah lokasi penelitian ditentukan secara purpossive di Desa Bontonompo Kecamatan Bontonompo Kabupaten Gowa. Sampel responden penelitian adalah petani jagung diambil secara simple random sampling sebanyak 30 responden. Selanjutnya teknik analisis data dengan multiple linear regression dan pengujian asumsi klasik (multicollinearity dan heterocedasticity) dengan fungsi produksi Cobb-Douglas. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa volume pupuk ZA, luas lahan jagung, lama pendidikan formal, dan pengalaman bertani berpengaruh positif serta volume pupuk urea berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap produksi jagung kuning. Artinya setiap penambahan atau peningkatan volume pupuk ZA, luas lahan jagung, lama pendidikan formal, dan pengalaman bertani maka akan meningkatkan dan menurunkan (dari volume pupuk urea) terhadap produksi jagung kuning Kabupaten Gowa, sedangkan umur petani berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap produksi jagung kuning di Kabupaten Gowa. Kata kunci : input produksi, karakteristik responden, dan produksi jagung kunin

    Character Development In Mathematics Problem-Based Learning

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    Concept of learning is an active process to construct meaning as the result relating new ideas on the previous understanding. Therefore, learning mathematics in the classroom is a process to build a deep understanding by the students through activities designed by teacher. Teacher-designed activities in learning are not only to developing means but also to developing student’s character that will be used for the provision of social life. Therefore education is required not only to build an understanding to students, but also must be able to perform his role and function to inculcate moral values and character. Then, the purpose of education is really a human being who has the knowledge and personality fit with the character of the Indonesian nation. Mathematics Problem based learning could be the way to reach those purposes. The results of this research are (1) problem-based learning can be used as a means to build character behavior and social skills students at the junior high school, (2) Character behavior and social skills that can be built include trustworthy, respect, individual accountability, social responsibility, concern, questioning skills, gives an idea or opinion, being a good listener and cooperation. Key words: Mathematics problem-based learning, Nation characte


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    Dalam pembahasan masalah tersebut digunakan tiga metode yaitu : 1) Metode pendekatan, yaitu metode ini diarahkan kepada pengungkapan pola pikir yang dipergunakan peneliti dalam menganalisis sasarannya, atau dalam ungkapan lain pendekatan ialah disiplin ilmu yang dijadikan acuan dalam menganalisis objek yang di teliti sesuai dengan logika. 2) peneliti menggunakan pendekatan analisis wacana model Van Dijk yang melihat suatu teks dalam beberapa struktur yang masing – masing saling mendukung, yaitu analisis teks dan kognisi sosial. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa : 1)Konstruksi Wacana Pemberitaan Harian Rakyat Sul-Sel dapat dilihat suatu kecenderungan wacana yang tidak berimbang dalam pemberitaan harian Rakyat Sulsel. Ketidak berimbangan wacana dalam arti lebih cenderung memperkuat atau melegitimasi kekuasaan (hegemoni) salah satu kandidat Gubernur Sulawesi Selatan ke dalam teks pemberitaannya. 2) Kognisi Sosial Wartawan Politik Harian Rakyat Dengan demikian mengkonstruksikan politik yang dibangun melalui berita harian Rakyat Sulsel terlihat kurang sejalan dengan fungsi media sebagai pengawal demokrasi. Tapi, lebih banyak untuk tergiring menjadi partisan salah satu kandidat. Artinya, sikap pers seperti yang ditunjukkan pada masa Orde Baru (menjadi budak penguasa), belum sepenuhnya berubah. Pengabdian koran-koran daerah masih terbatas pada dua pihak, yaitu penguasa (kepentingan politik) dan pengusaha (kepentingan ekonomi).

    Efisiensi Alokatif Usaha Tani Paprika di Kecamatan Cisarua

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    Cultivation of bell peppers by farmers in Pasirlangu Village, Cisarua District, West Bandung Regency, tends to reach less optimum production, indicated by the average production per crop. The purpose of this study is to evaluate three aspects: (1) factors that affect productivity, (2) allocative efficiency, and (3) income of paprika farming in Pasirlangu Village. The Ordinary Least Squares method was used to analyze factors affecting productivity, the Marginal Product Value method to assess allocative efficiency, and the R/C ratio to calculate cultivation profits. The results showed that labor and seed inputs are inputs that have a significant effect on the productivity of agricultural businesses. In the efficiency analysis, seed input and husk charcoal are not efficient inputs, so these inputs need to be added. The income analysis shows that the paprika farming business in Pasirlangu Village is still profitable even though it is not optimal, as indicated by the ratio of profits and costs, which is > 1.   Keywords: bell pepper, income analysis, marginal product value, ordinary least squares, R/C rati

    The Artistic Management of Wong Panggung from Komunitas Magut in Yogyakarta

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    The Magut community is a traditional artists community which is committed to preservation and development of traditional art and culture, especially Wayang Wong as local wisdom which grows in the shadow of the predicate of Yogyakarta as a cultural city. The implemented management in this community is a combination of state supported management through Taman Budaya Yogyakarta and commercial management. The depth of ancestral wisdom in the formal unity of esthetic forms and spirituality embodied in the performance needs to be preserved and developed according to the demand of the present era
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