35 research outputs found

    School-based intervention to promote healthy nutrition in Sousse, Tunisia

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    Introduction: Obesity among children is a major risk factor for chronic diseases. School interventions programs can represent a mean to implement healthy nutrition attitudes at early ages. Our objective was to evaluate the effects of a school intervention program to promote healthy nutrition among adolescents, in terms of knowledge, behaviors and intention. Methods: Quasi experimental study among urban students in Sousse, Tunisia with 2 groups, intervention and control. The intervention group had an interactive program integrated with school courses that promoted healthy nutrition habits. Both groups had a pre post evaluation. Results: 2200 students aged from 12 to 16 participated to the pre post evaluation. In the intervention group, there were significant changes form pre to post test in knowledge, intentions, and behaviors. In the control group, almost no significant changes were observed. Conclusion: School intervention programs can represent an interesting approach to promote healthy nutrition habits among adolescent

    Long term effect of a school based intervention to prevent chronic diseases in Tunisia, 2009-2015

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    Background & Objectives: We aimed to evaluate the long term effect of school based intervention to prevent non- communicable disease risk factors.Methods: It was a quasi experimental study conducted during the period of 2009-2015. We involved school children aged from 11 to 16 years old. For the assessment of the program’s effectiveness, subjects in both groups were examined at baseline, at the end of the 3-year intervention period and at the follow-up, one year after program’s cessation.Results: In the intervention group, the prevalence of school children who reported to be eating 5 fruits and vegetable sdaily increased significantly from 30.0% at pre-assessment to 33.2% at post-assessment, one year after (p=0.02, p=0.41 respectively). For the control group, this prevalence had significantly decreased from 40.2% at baseline to 35.0% at post-intervention, at the follow up, this proportion increased to 44.5%(p=0.001, p<10-3 respectively). Concerning smoking habits, we observed a decreasing trend in the intervention group from 5.7% at pre-assessment, to 4.8% at post-assessment and to 3.4% at the follow-up (p=0.19 and p=0.25 respectively). There was also a significant decrease in school children who did recommended physical activity in the same group.Conclusion: The present work showed that interventions promoting healthy lifestyles should be maintained. Developing countries should be encouraged and supported to design, conduct, and evaluate robust preventive interventions.Keywords: Schools, lifestyle, intervention

    Clustering of risk factors in the smoking habits of schoolchildren in Sousse, Tunisia

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    Background: In Tunisia, little is known about the association between tobacco use and other chronic disease risk factors. This is the case for both adults and children. It is important to know the characteristics of young smokers to facilitate the creation and implementation of future programs for tobacco prevention. Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the association between tobacco use and other lifestyle factors among schoolchildren in Tunisia. Methods: We conducted a 2009/2010 cross-sectional questionnaire survey of 4003 randomly selected school children aged 13 years old (7th and 9th grades) to evaluate their knowledge, attitudes towards, and beliefs about the three risk factors for chronic disease (unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and tobacco use). Written informed consent was obtained from each child's parents who allowed their child to participate. Results: The mean age of our sample was 13.36±1.28 years. The proportions of daily smokers were 2.2% and 0.1% among boys and girls, respectively. The proportions of irregular smokers were 9.1% and 1.5% among boys and girls, respectively. In our population, 19.1% (n=767) had ever experimented to smoke, with 29.8% among boys and 9% among girls (p<0.001). The proportions of schoolchildren who reported daily participation in physical activity were different between smokers and nonsmokers with 17.7% and 11.5%, respectively (p=0.03). Concerning eating habits, there was no significant difference in the consumption of fruits and vegetables; however, smokers frequently ate more high fat foods and in fast food restaurants. Similar results were found while comparing regular smoking children with those who experimented but who never became hooked on smoking. Conclusion: This study and previous research suggest the importance of early intervention in adolescents on smoking and combing these efforts with interventions focusing on physical activity and dietary habit

    Clustering of chronic disease risk factors with tobacco smoking habits among adults in the work place in Sousse, Tunisia

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    Introduction: The aim of our study was to explore the major non-communicable risk factors (unhealthy diet, sedentarily, alcohol consumption) of smokers and nonsmokers in workplaces. Methods: A cross-sectional study was derived from an initial assessment in workplaces which was part of a community-based intervention to prevent chronic disease risk factors conducted in 2009 in the region of Sousse, Tunisia. The surveyed subjects were employees in six factories spread across three delegations in the region. Overall, 1770 of 2250 employees participated in the assessment. In this study, the clustering of non-communicable diseases risk factors with smoking habits was made only for male employees including in this study 1099 among 2250. Data were collected at worksites by a questionnaire, via interview or self-report .The main items assessed socio-demographics characteristics, smoking status, eating habits, level of physical activity and alcohol use of the participants. Results: The percentage of male smokers was 54.0%(n=594). Their average age of daily smoking initiation was 19.22 (±4.24 years). The percentage of male smokers consuming 5 fruits and vegetables per day was significantly lower than nonsmokers (57.2% vs 63.5%, p=0.04). The proportion of male smokers consuming alcohol was about three times that of nonsmokers (16.5% vs 5.8%, p=0.001). The proportion of male employees who agree with anti-smoking laws in work places was higher for nonsmokers than for smokers. Conclusion: A strong association existed between smoking and risky lifestyles factors in the work place. Such findings are potentially useful in directing intervention efforts regarding smoking cessation in occupational settings.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2

    Assessment of the validity of self-reported smoking status among schoolchildren in Sousse, Tunisia

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    Introduction: Tobacco use, which begins in adolescence and childhood and continues in later life, is the major avoidable risk for non-communicable diseases and death in the world. Self-reports have frequently been used to estimate smoking prevalence and health consequences. This study explores the validity of self-reports of smoking behavior among schoolchildren in Tunisia. Materials and methods: This study was conducted in March 2014 among a sample of 147 schoolchildren randomly selected. Data concerning the smoking habit were collected by a questionnaire designed for the purposes of this work. Then, exhaled CO, a biochemical marker of smoke exposure, was measured using piCO+ Smokerlyzer® breath CO monitor among participants. Sensitivity and specificity of self-reports were calculated. Results: The prevalence of reported smoking was 9.5% with 16.7% and 1.7% respectively among boys and girls. Their mean age was 14.5±1.28 years old. When considering 4 ppm as the cut-off level of breath CO, sensitivity and specificity of self-reports were 100% and 93.7%, respectively. But at a breath CO cut-off of 3 ppm, self-reporting was 62.5% sensitive and 93.5% specific. Conclusion: According to our findings, we suggest that self-reports can be considered as a good tool to be used with a reasonable confidence to assess the smoking status

    Attitudes et attentes des médecins généralistes à l’égard de la formation médicale continue

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    Contexte et but : La prise en considération des attentes des apprenants dans le domaine de la formation médicale continue est une condition préalable à sa réussite. L'objectif de ce travail est d'étudier les perceptions et les atti tudes des médecins généralistes de la région sanitaire de Sousse (Tunisie) à l'égard de la nécessité, des buts, de l'obliga tion, de l'organisation et de la pédagogie de la formation continue. Méthode : Il s'agit d'une étude descriptive portant sur un collectif de 112 médecins généralistes exerçant dans les secteurs public et libéral, au cours de l'année 2000 (taux de participation : 80 %). Les données ont été collectées à travers un questionnaire auto-administré. Résultats : Selon cette étude, 24 % des médecins généralistes ont été favorables à l'obligation légale de la formation médicale continue, 34 % ont été favorables au principe de la recertification des titres scientifiques, mais 41 % ont été hostiles à la participation d'un généraliste comme animateur. Conclusion : Les généralistes de la région de Sousse ont exprimé des attitudes assez compatibles avec une perception d'une formation médicale continue obligatoire, certifiée et active

    School-based intervention to promote healthy nutrition in Sousse, Tunisia

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    Abstract Introduction: Obesity among children is a major risk factor for chronic diseases. School interventions programs can represent a mean to implement healthy nutrition attitudes at early ages. Our objective was to evaluate the effects of a school intervention program to promote healthy nutrition among adolescents, in terms of knowledge, behaviors and intention. Methods: Quasi experimental study among urban students in Sousse, Tunisia with 2 groups, intervention and control. The intervention group had an interactive program integrated with school courses that promoted healthy nutrition habits. Both groups had a pre post evaluation. Results: 2200 students aged from 12 to 16 participated to the pre post evaluation. In the intervention group, there were significant changes form pre to post test in knowledge, intentions, and behaviors. In the control group, almost no significant changes were observed. Conclusion: School intervention programs can represent an interesting approach to promote healthy nutrition habits among adolescents.</jats:p

    Qualité de la rédaction de l'ordonnance médicale dans les structures de médecine générale (Sousse, Tunisie)

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    Contexte : L'ordonnance médicale est un document médico-légal dont la rédaction soigneuse permet de réduire beaucoup d'erreurs thérapeutiques. Objectif : L'objectif de ce travail est d'évaluer la qualité de rédaction des ordonnances dans les structures de première ligne de la région de Sousse en Tunisie. Méthodes : Il s'agit d'une étude descriptive transversale ayant porté sur 2586 ordonnances médicales. La qualité de rédaction de l'ordonnance a été évaluée à travers deux paramètres : sa lisibilité et les informations qu'elle contenait. Résultats : Parmi les principaux résultats, 36 % des ordonnances renfermaient au moins 50 % des items retenus, 25 % des ordonnances étaient totalement illisibles, et la qualité de rédaction a été considérée bonne dans seulement 14 % des cas. Discussion : Il s'avère ainsi que l'ordonnance manuellement écrite en première ligne est loin d'être conforme aux exigences médico-légales. Le renforcement de l'enseignement de la technique de rédaction de l'ordonnance et son informatisation seraient indispensables pour l'amélioration de la qualité des prescriptions médicales