508 research outputs found

    The effect of low omega-3/omega-6 ratio on auditory nerve conduction in rat pups

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    The biological effects of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are determined by their mutual interactions. This interaction extremely affects various functions. Lower consumption of omega-3 during gestation leads to various disorders, even in hearing. We aimed to assess the effect of low omega-3/omega-6 ratios on auditory nerve conduction. In this experimental study, the auditory brainstem response test was performed on a 24-day-old rat (n=14). The rats were divided into case (low omega-3/omega-6 ratio during gestation and lactation) and control groups. Variables such as P1, P3, and P4 absolute latency period, interpeak (P3-P4, P1-P3 and P1-P4), and P4/P1 amplitude ratio were measured. We found an increased P4 omega-3/omega-6 ratio in the group with a low omega-3/omega-6 ratio (P0.05). Also, no significant difference was observed between the groups with respect to the P1-P3 interpeak latency (IPL) periods (P>0.05); while the P1-P4 and P3-P4 IPLs were significantly increased in the group with a low omega-3/omega-6 ratio (P<0.05). The P4/P1 amplitude ratio significantly decreased in the group with a low omega-3/omega-6 ratio (P<0.05). Results confirmed the negative effects of low omega-3/omega-6 ratio on the auditory system and hearing. © 2015 Tehran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    Effects of energy drinks on blood pressure, heart rate, and electrocardiographic parameters: An experimental study on healthy young adults

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    Objective: To evaluate the effects of the consumption of energy drinks on cardiovascular parameters in a group of healthy young individuals. Methods: In a quasi-experimental study, 44 healthy adult participants aged between 15 and 30 years were evaluated. The blood pressure (BP) as well as electrocardiographic indices, including heart rate (HR), PR interval, QRS duration, corrected QT (QTc) interval, and ST-T changes were recorded before consumption of a caffeine-containing energy drink and at the specific time points over a 4-h test duration. Results: We found statistically significant HR decline (p=0.004) and more frequent ST-T changes (p=0.004) after the participants consumed the energy drink. However, readings for systolic BP (p=0.44), diastolic BP (p=0.26), PR interval (p=0.449), QRS duration (p=0.235), and QTc interval (p=0.953) showed no significant change post-consumption. Conclusion: In conclusion, we demonstrated that the consumption of energy drinks could contribute to HR decline and ST-T change in healthy young adults. © 2016 by Turkish Society of Cardiology

    Application of microsatellite markers to determine populations of the Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) in the south of Caspian Sea

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    The objective of this study was to analyse the population genetic structure of the Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) in Sefidrud and Gorganrud rivers watershed based on the characterization of microsatellite markers during 2006 - 2008. 100 samples of Persian sturgeon were collected from two regions. Four microsatellite loci (Ls68, Spl168, Spl173 and Afu68) were analyzed for the molecular characterization of this species which resulted in polymorphic patterns. DNA bands were analysed using Biocapt and GenAlex software package. A total of 109 alleles were observed of which the maximum number of alleles (17) were found in Spl168 locus which belonged to sturgeons from Sefidrud river's watershed and the minimum number of alleles (10) in Ls68 locus belonging to the sturgeons from Gorganrud river's watershed. Results of microsatellite analysis revealed that the differences between samples of two regions were not statistically significant (p>0.05), neither for the average number of alleles per locus nor for observed heterozygosities. The calculated Fst and Rst between two regions was 0.07 and 0.17 showing that the genetic difference was significant (p< 0.01). Samples from Sefidrud river's watershed in Spl173, Afu68 and Spl168 loci and samples of other regions in Afu68 and Spl168 loci were at Hardy-Weinberg equation. The genetic distance was calculated as 0.4 which represents a significant genetic difference between samples of two studied areas. In conclusion, this study suggests that the Persian sturgeons in two regions of the southern part of the Caspian Sea are genetically differentiated, therefore fisheries management of these unique stocks for restocking and conservation of gene pools is highly recommended

    Anti-Ulcerative Potential of Punica granatum L (Lythraceae) Hydroalcohol Fruit Peel Extract

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    Purpose: To evaluate the antiulcer activities of the methanol extract of pomegranate (Punica granatum L) fruit peel using 80 % ethanol-induced gastric ulcer model in rats.Methods: Male Wistar rats, 175 - 220 g, were fasted for 48 h, but had free access to water. They were randomly divided into nine experimental groups. Ulcer was induced in the rats with 80 % ethanol. The control group animals received the same treatment as those in the test groups except that the extract treatment was replaced by administration of appropriate volume of the dosing vehicle. Histaminereceptor type-2 (H2) blocker, cimetidine (100 mg/kg, i.p.) was used as the reference drug. Oral pretreatment with three different extract doses (25, 50 and 100 mg/kg) was for 15 days, thereafter, ulcer index (UI) and inhibition were calculated.Results: The extract, at 50 mg/kg, of black fruit peel extract produced significant (p &lt; 0.05) protective effect in rats with a preventive index of 65.87 %. Other doses were significantly protective against ethanol-induced gastric ulcer in the rats. On the other hand, north white peel was not effective (50 mg/kg) showed an ulcer index of 49.52 ± 1.99. Histopathological examination of the stomach of the ulcerated animals treated with white peel (50 mg/kg) showed severe erosion of gastric mucosa, submucosal edema and neutrophil infiltration.Conclusion: The study shows indicates the antiulcer properties of the methanol extracts of north white peel, sour summer and black peel (25, 50, 100 mg/kg) of pomegranate. Their antiulcer activity is exerted, possibly, via its high antioxidant activity.Keywords: Anti-inflammatory, Pomegranate, Punica granatum, Peel extrac

    A critical review of bioactive glasses and glass–ceramics in cancer therapy

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    There is an ongoing profound shift in using glass as a primarily passive material to one that instills active properties. We believe and demonstrate that bioactive glasses (BGs) and glass–ceramics (BGCs) as functional biomaterials for cancer therapy can transform the world of healthcare in the 21st century. Melt/gel-derived BGs and BGCs can carry many exotic elements, including less common rare-earth, and trigger highly efficient anticancer properties via the combination of radiotherapy, photothermal therapy, magnetic hyperthermia, along with drug or therapeutic ions delivery. The addition of these dopants modifies the bioactivity, imparts novel functionalities, and induces specific biological effects that are not achievable using other classes of biomaterials. In this paper, we have briefly reviewed and discussed the current knowledge on promising compositions, processing parameters, and applications of BGs and BGCs in treating cancer. We also envisage the need for further research on this particular, unique class of BGs and BGCs

    Hyperglycemia decreased medial amygdala projections to medial Preoptic area in experimental model of diabetes mellitus

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    In Wistar rats, reproductive behavior is controlled in a neural circuit of ventral forebrain including the medial amygdala (Me), bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) and medial preoptic area (MPOA) via perception of social odors. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a widespread metabolic disease that affects many organs in a variety of levels. DM can cause central neuropathies such as neuronal apoptosis, dendritic atrophy, neurochemical alterations and also causes reproductive dysfunctions. So we hypothesized damage to the nuclei of this circuit can cause reproductive dysfunctions. Therefore in this project we assessed diabetic effect on these nuclei. For this purpose neuron tracing technique and TUNEL assay were used. We injected HRP in the MPOA and counted labeled cells in the Me and BNST to evaluate the reduction of neurons in diabetic animals. Also, coronal sections were analyzed with the TMB histochemistry method. Animals in this study were adult male Wistar rats (230 ± 8g) divided to control and 10-week streptozotocin-induced diabetic groups. After data analysis by SPSS 16 software, a significant reduction of HRP-labeled neurons was shown in both Me and BNST nuclei in the diabetic group. Moreover, apoptotic cells were significantly observed in diabetic animals in contrast to control the group. In conclusion, these alterations of the circuit as a result of diabetes might be one of the reasons for reproductive dysfunctions. © 2015 Tehran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    The Effectiveness of Well-Being Therapy on Coping Strategies and Self-Efficacy of Patients with Chronic Neuropathic Pain

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    Background and Objective: Neuropathic diseases are neurodegenerative conditions and a wide and difficult group of peripheral nerve diseases in humans. Since well-being therapy emphasizes the high levels of six domains of psychological well-being, this study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of well-being therapy on pain coping strategies and self-efficacy of patients with chronic neuropathic pain. Methods: This clinical trial was conducted on 30 chronic neuropathic patients referred to Ayatollah Rouhani hospital in Babol and a neurologist's private office in two groups of experimental and control (n=15). Well-being therapy was performed in 8 sessions of 120 minutes, once a week for the experimental group, while the control group received the routine treatment. After the follow-up period, the control group also underwent psychotherapy. Both groups completed questionnaires of pain coping strategies (Rosenstiel and Keefe, 1985) and pain self-efficacy (Nicholas, 1989) in the pre-test, post-test and follow-up (two months after the post-test) and were compared. Findings: The results showed that there was a statistically significant difference between the two experimental and control groups in the score of the subscales of pain coping strategies in distraction from pain (23.13±3.88 versus 11.47±7.34) (p<0.001), reinterpretation of pain (17.33±5.56 versus 13.0±8.65) (p=0.114), catastrophizing (10.0±6.24 versus 16.33±5.4) (p<0.001), ignoring pain (24.4±6.67 versus 12.6±5.11) (p<0.001), hoping/praying (29.13±9.97 versus 22.4±5.7) (p=0.031), self-talk (25±4.03 versus 21.2±4.79) (p=0.026), behavioral activation (20.47±4.43 versus 11.20±4.94) (p<0.001) and pain self-efficacy (43.2±9.45 versus 33.33±13.34) (p=0.027). These results were maintained in the follow-up period. Conclusion: The present study showed that wellness therapy can be an effective intervention in improving pain coping strategies and increasing pain self-efficacy in chronic neuropathic patients

    Fine mapping of two major QTLs conferring resistance to powdery mildew in tomato

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    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is the most cultivated crop in the Solanaceae family and is a host for Oidium neolycopersici, the cause agent of powdery mildew disease. In wild species of tomato, genes (Ol-1–Ol-6) for monogenic resistance have been identified. Moreover, three quantitative resistance loci (QRLs), namely Ol-qtl1, Ol-qtl2 and Ol-qtl3, have been mapped in Solanum neorickii G1.1601. In this work, we developed several advanced backcross populations in order to fine-map these Ol-qtls. Resistant lines harboring individual Ol-qtl were produced and used in recombinant screening. Ten recombinants were identified in chromosomal regions carrying Ol-qtl1s. The recombinant individuals were used to produce recombinant families (RFs). By screening these RFs with molecular markers and testing them with O. neolycopersici, we could localize Ol-qtl1 in a region of about 2.3 Mbp on the long arm of chromosome 6 and Ol-qtl2 in a region of 2.5 Mbp on the short arm of chromosome 12. On the other hand, the presence of Ol-qtl3 locus was not confirmed in this study. The fine-mapping results further demonstrated the co-localization between Ol-qtls and genes for monogenic resistance; the Ol-qtl1 interval contains the Ol-1 gene and the Ol-qtl2 interval harbors the Lv gene that confers monogenic resistance to Leveillula taurica, another species of tomato powdery mildew

    Accommodation of transpressional strain in the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone: new constraints from (U-Th)/He thermochronology in the Alborz mountains, north Iran

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    The Alborz range of N Iran provides key information on the spatiotemporal evolution and characteristics of the Arabia-Eurasia continental collision zone. The southwestern Alborz range constitutes a transpressional duplex, which accommodates oblique shortening between Central Iran and the South Caspian Basin. The duplex comprises NW-striking frontal ramps that are kinematically linked to inherited E-W-striking, right-stepping lateral to obliquely oriented ramps. New zircon and apatite (U-Th)/He data provide a high-resolution framework to unravel the evolution of collisional tectonics in this region. Our data record two pulses of fast cooling associated with SW-directed thrusting across the frontal ramps at ~ 18–14 and 9.5-7.5 Ma, resulting in the tectonic repetition of a fossil zircon partial retention zone and a cooling pattern with a half U-shaped geometry. Uniform cooling ages of ~ 7–6 Ma along the southernmost E-W striking oblique ramp and across its associated NW-striking frontal ramps suggests that the ramp was reactivated as a master throughgoing, N-dipping thrust. We interpret this major change in fault kinematics and deformation style to be related to a change in the shortening direction from NE to N/NNE. The reduction in the obliquity of thrusting may indicate the termination of strike-slip faulting (and possibly thrusting) across the Iranian Plateau, which could have been triggered by an increase in elevation. Furthermore, we suggest that ~ 7-6-m.y.-old S-directed thrusting predated inception of the westward motion of the South Caspian Basin

    Effect of mycorrhizal fungi on the absorption of phosphorus and zinc by two alfalfa varieties in cadmium contaminated soils

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    Some agricultural and industrial practices such as mining activities, waste materials of industrial factories, other pollutants and the application of wastewater on farmlands contaminate the agricultural soils. Cadmium is one of the most common heavy metals which accumulates in agricultural soils as a result of the application of phosphorus fertilizers and can easily be absorbed by plants even at very low concentrations with detrimental effects on the living systems. Alfalfa requires high rates of phosphorus fertilizer and therefore the soils under alfalfa are more prone to contamination of cadmium. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi exist as obligate symbiotic organisms on roots of more than 80% of plant families and enhance the growth of the host plant by providing water and nutrients when the plant growth limited by environmental stresses. In order to evaluate the effect of Mycorrhiza symbiosis on nutrient absorption by alfalfa under the cadmium pollution, a factorial experiment base on completely randomized design conducted by using two alfalfa varieties (2122 and Hamadani cultivars); Glomus intraradices fungi; and four levels of cadmium (0, 5, 10 and 20 mg kg -1 soil) with four replications in green house on 2005. The plants cut at 50% bloom to determine root and shoot dry matter as well as mineral nutrient absorption by using standard laboratory procedures. The soil material rhyzosphere collected to determine colonization percent. Results showed that phosphorus and iron absorption of 2122 was superior under normal growing conditions. However, under cadmium stress Hamadani performed superior where it also proved none suitable as a host plant for symbiosis with Mycorrhiza. Fungi significantly (a = %1) increased the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and zinc by shoots and phosphorus even in the presence of cadmium adverse effects. Time of harvest also significantly improved the uptake of all the nutrients by the shoots as well as the dry matter production by shoots