5 research outputs found

    Méthodologie d’analyse des signaux et caractérisation hydrogéologique : application aux chroniques de données obtenues aux laboratoires souterrains du Mont Terri, Tournemire et Meuse/Haute-Marne

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    Ce rapport présente des méthodes de prétraitement, d'analyse statistique et d'interprétation de chroniques hydrogéologiques de massifs peu perméables (argilites) dans le cadre d'études sur le stockage profond de déchets radioactifs. Les séries temporelles analysées sont la pression interstitielle et la pression atmosphérique, en relation avec différents phénomènes (marées terrestres, effet barométrique, évolution de l'excavation des galeries). Les pré-traitements permettent de reconstituer et homogénéiser les chroniques de données en présence de lacunes, aberrations, et pas de temps variables. Les signaux prétraités sont ensuite analysés en vue de caractériser les propriétés hydrauliques du massif peu perméable (emmagasinement spécifique ; porosité effective). Pour cela, on a développé et mis en oeuvre les méthodes d'analyses suivantes (implémentées en Matlab): analyses corrélatoires et spectrales (Fourier) ; analyses ondelettes multirésolution ; enveloppes de signaux aléatoires. Cette méthodologie est appliquée aux données acquises au Laboratoire Souterrain du Consortium International du Mont Terri (Jura Suisse), ainsi qu'à certaines données des Laboratoires Souterrains de Tournemire (Aveyron) et de Meuse / Haute-Marne (ANDRA). ABSTRACT : This report presents a set of statistical methods for pre-processing and analyzing multivariate hydrogeologic time series, such as pore pressure and its relation to atmospheric pressure. The goal is to study the hydrogeologic characteristics of low permeability geologic formations (argilite) in the context of deep disposal of radioactive waste. The pressure time series are analyzed in relation with different phenomena, such as earth tides, barometric effects, and the evolution of excavated galleries. The pre-processing is necessary for reconstituting and homogenizing the time series in the presence of data gaps, outliers, and variable time steps. The preprocessed signals are then analyzed with a view to characterizing the hydraulic properties of this type of low permeability formation (specific storativity; effective porosity). For this sake, we have developed and used the following methods (implemented in Matlab): temporal correlation analyses; spectral/Fourier analyses; multiresolution wavelet analyses envelopes of random processes. This methodology is applied to data collected at the URL (Underground Research Laboratory) of the Mont Terri International Consortium (Swiss Jura), as well as some other data collected at the URL of IRSN at Tournemire (Aveyron) and at the URL of ANDRA (Meuse / Haute-Marne

    Statistical analyses of pressure signals, hydrogeologic characterization and evolution of Excavation Damaged Zone (claystone sites of Mont Terri and Tournemire)

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    We present statistical analyses of pore pressure and other signals, aimed at characterizing the properties of a geologic porous medium and, particularly, of the Excavation Damaged Zone ("EDZ") around underground galleries. The purpose is not only to identify the material properties, but also to quantify their evolution during excavation (creation of an EDZ). The methods are applied to two Underground Research Laboratories ("URL’s") in claystone sites: Mont Terri in Switzerland (gallery Ga98) and Tournemire in France (gallery Ga03). This work is part of the LP 14 experiment, an international research program of the Mont Terri Consortium, aimed at assessing the isolation properties of claystone as a potential geologic repository for radioactive waste (LP 14 experiment: Long term Pressure experiment, phase 14)

    Statistical Analyses of Pore Pressure Signals in Claystone During Excavation Works at the Mont Terri Underground Research Laboratory

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    In many countries (such as Belgium, Germany, France, Japan, Switzerland, and United Kingdom), deep argillaceous formations are considered as potential host rocks for geological disposal of high-level and intermediate-level long-lived radioactive wastes. Some of these countries are investigating the suitability of high compacted clay-rich rocks at depths down to around 500 m below the ground surface. The general disposal concept comprises a network of drifts and tunnels linked to the surface by shafts and ramps, all artificially ventilated. Research is ongoing in Underground Research Laboratories, like the Mont Terri site in the Swiss Jura, to assess and ensure the safety of the repositories for the full decay life of the radioactive waste, i.e. the capacity of the hypothetical repository toprevent the migration of radionuclides towards the biosphere.[...

    Signal analyzis methodology and hydrogeologic characterization : application to time series collected at the underground research laboratories of Mont Terri, Tournemire, and Meuse/Haute-Marne

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    Ce rapport présente des méthodes de prétraitement, d'analyse statistique et d'interprétation de chroniques hydrogéologiques de massifs peu perméables (argilites) dans le cadre d'études sur le stockage profond de déchets radioactifs. Les séries temporelles analysées sont la pression interstitielle et la pression atmosphérique, en relation avec différents phénomènes (marées terrestres, effet barométrique, évolution de l'excavation des galeries). Les pré-traitements permettent de reconstituer et homogénéiser les chroniques de données en présence de lacunes, aberrations, et pas de temps variables. Les signaux prétraités sont ensuite analysés en vue de caractériser les propriétés hydrauliques du massif peu perméable (emmagasinement spécifique ; porosité effective). Pour cela, on a développé et mis en oeuvre les méthodes d'analyses suivantes (implémentées en Matlab): analyses corrélatoires et spectrales (Fourier) ; analyses ondelettes multirésolution ; enveloppes de signaux aléatoires. Cette méthodologie est appliquée aux données acquises au Laboratoire Souterrain du Consortium International du Mont Terri (Jura Suisse), ainsi qu'à certaines données des Laboratoires Souterrains de Tournemire (Aveyron) et de Meuse / Haute-Marne (ANDRA)This report presents a set of statistical methods for pre-processing and analyzing multivariate hydrogeologic time series, such as pore pressure and its relation to atmospheric pressure. The goal is to study the hydrogeologic characteristics of low permeability geologic formations (argilite) in the context of deep disposal of radioactive waste. The pressure time series are analyzed in relation with different phenomena, such as earth tides, barometric effects, and the evolution of excavated galleries. The pre-processing is necessary for reconstituting and homogenizing the time series in the presence of data gaps, outliers, and variable time steps. The preprocessed signals are then analyzed with a view to characterizing the hydraulic properties of this type of low permeability formation (specific storativity; effective porosity). For this sake, we have developed and used the following methods (implemented in Matlab): temporal correlation analyses; spectral/Fourier analyses; multiresolution wavelet analyses envelopes of random processes. This methodology is applied to data collected at the URL (Underground Research Laboratory) of the Mont Terri International Consortium (Swiss Jura), as well as some other data collected at the URL of IRSN at Tournemire (Aveyron) and at the URL of ANDRA (Meuse / Haute-Marne

    Statistical pre-processing and analyses of hydro-meteorological time series in a geologic clay site (methodology and first results for Mont Terri's PP experiment)

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    This article presents a set of statistical methods for pre-processing (or pre-conditioning) and analyzing multivariate hydro-geologic time series, such as pore pressures and atmospheric pressure (temporal structures). The pre-processing methods are necessary to enhance or complete the signals due to defects in the observed time series (data gaps, spurious values, variable time steps). The statistical analyses aim, in fine, at characterizing the hydraulic behaviour of a clayey formation in the context of deep geologic disposal of radioactive waste. Pore water and atmospheric pressure time series from the Mont Terri rock laboratory (BPP-1 borehole) are taken as an example. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved