1,709 research outputs found

    Investigating Energy Dissipation for Different Inclined Spillways and ‎Baffles Blocks

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    يعتبر المسيل المائي المتدرج هيكلًا مهمًا لتبديد الطاقة في اتجاه مجرى السدود. استندت هذه الدراسة إلى العمل المختبري الذي يهدف إلى زيادة نسبة تبديد الطاقة لممرات الجريان  المتدرجة المنتظمة وغير المنتظمة. اعتمدت الدراسة على ثمانية عشر نموذجا من الخشب المقاوم للماء ستة نماذج موحدة وستة نماذج غير موحدة والنماذج الستة الاخرى مع الحواجز مع تغير الانحدار وعدد الدرجات حيث تم استخدام الزوايا (30°,40°,45°) وعدد الدرجات  (10، 5). حيث تصبح العدد الإجمالي للتجارب هو 126 تجربة أظهرت النتائج المختبرية  أن النموذج غير الموحد أكثر كفاءة في تبديد الطاقة وتقريب القفزة الهيدروليكية. بعد ذلك يتم وضع الكتل الحاجزة في مجاري تصريف متدرجة بـ 10 درجات و45°  لأنها تسجل أقل طاقة تبديد. أشارت النتائج إلى أن أفضل نموذج لتبديد الطاقة هو النموذج السابع بزاوية ميل (30°).   وعدد درجات 5.The stepped spillway is an important structure for energy dissipation downstream of dams. This study is based on laboratory work, aiming to increase the energy dissipation percentage for uniform and non-uniform stepped spillways. The study is based on twelve models of water-resistant wood, six models uniform and six models non-uniform, with different slopes and numbers of steps where angles were used (30°,40°,45°) and number stepped (10, 5) steps. The total number of trials is 126 trials. The laboratory results showed that the non-uniform model is more efficient in energy dissipation and approximating the hydraulic jump. After that placing baffles blocks in stepped spillways with ten steps and 45° because it records the lowest dissipation energy. The results indicate that the best model for energy dissipation is the seventh model with an angle of inclination (30°) and the number of steps 5.&nbsp

    Rutile TiO2 films as electron transport layer in inverted organic solar cell

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    Titanium dioxide (TiO2) thin films were prepared by sol–gel spin coating method and deposited on ITO-coated glass substrates. The effects of different heat treatment annealing temperatures on the phase composition of TiO2 films and its effect on the optical band gap, morphological, structural as well as using these layers in P3HT:PCBM-based organic solar cell were examined. The results show the presence of rutile phases in the TiO2 films which were heat-treated for 2 h at different temperatures (200, 300, 400, 500 and 600 °C). The optical properties of the TiO2 films have altered by temperature with a slight decrease in the transmittance intensity in the visible region with increasing the temperature. The optical band gap values were found to be in the range of 3.28–3.59 eV for the forbidden direct electronic transition and 3.40–3.79 eV for the allowed direct transition. TiO2 layers were used as electron transport layer in inverted organic solar cells and resulted in a power conversion efficiency of 1.59% with short circuit current density of 6.64 mA cm−2 for TiO2 layer heat-treated at 600 °C

    Development of an Absorption Refrigeration System Powered by Solar Energy to Extract Fresh Water from Humid Air in Saudi Arabia

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the extraction of fresh water from humid air in Saudi Arabia by direct solar absorption system using aqueous ammonia 0 45 mass fractions ammonia water In the system ammonia is boiled out of the water then condensed in an air cooled condenser The refrigerant is then expanded and evaporates in the evaporator exists inside a tunnel where humid air flows and therefore the temperature of humid air is reduced beyond its dew point temperature so a process of water separation from humid air starts To analyze the performance of the system first a comprehensive mathematical model describing the entire processes accomplished within the major components in the cycle is introduced based on heat and mass conservation balancing considering steady flow processes The results of calculations are to find out the actual real sizes of all involved major components within the system based on simulation analyzing The amount of the extracted fresh water from humid air is determined for certain operation conditions in the Kingdome of Saudi Arabia it was found for real atmospheric conditions to be and the efficiency of the system is 1 369 Furthermore analyzing the impact of prevailing atmospheric parameters in order to determine their effects on the performance of the system Thus and furthermore the investigation involved assessing the influence of different operation conditions such initial flow rate of the working fluid Ammonia-water humid air solar radiation and ambient temperature on the system performance characteristics system efficiencies evaporation rate and water productivit

    Investigating the Effect of Drugs of Chloramphenicol and Gentamicin on Acanthamoeba genotype T3 Causing keratitis Isolated from Environmental samples in vitro

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    هذه الدراسة هي تحري عن مدى تاثير بعض الادوية على بعض انماط الاكانثاميبا الممرضة المعزولة من المياه العراقية , وذلك لان مشكلة التكيف البيئي الذي يمتاز بها هذا الكائن اضافة الى كونه مستودعا لكثير من الاحياء المجهرية الممرضة التي تحتمي في داخله هربا من المطهرات والادوية يصعب احيانا علاجها بالعلاجات التقليدية . اذ تم جمع نماذج المياه من مناطق مائية مختلفة في العراق وهي بحيرة دوكان ونهر دجلة ونهر الفرات وبحر النجف بواقع 5 نموذج من كل مصدر . وتم عزل الاكانثاميبا من نماذج المياه على اوساط NNA و PYG . استخدم المجهر المقلوب والمجهر الالكتروني لغرض تحديد معالمها المظهرية , كما استخدم تقنية  PCRوSequencing لتحديد نمطها الوراثي , انتمت العزلات الى النمط الوراثي  T3 المتسببة بالالتهابات القرنية  . بعد ذلك ,  تم علاجها في المختبر باستخدام نوعان من الادوية وهما الـ Chloramphenicol و الـ Gentamicin بثلاث تراكيز مختلفة وهي 0.1 % ,0.3  % و 0.6 % وقورنت كفائتهما التثبيطية مع بعضهما و مع السيطرة الموجبة المتمثلة بعقار الكلورهيكسيدين بتركيز  % 0.2 الموصى به في علاج التهاب القرنية الشوكميبي ,  حيث أظهرت النتائج ان كلا الدواءان لهما تأثير تثبيطي  في نمو الاكانثاميبا. , وان دواء الكلورامفينيكول له تاثير اقوى في تثبيط نمو الاكانثاميبا مقارنة بدواء الجنتاميسين وعقار الكلورهيكسيدين , و انه من الممكن عند استخدامه بتركيز معين ان يكون دواءا بديلا في علاج التهاب القرنية الشوكميبي .This study is an investigation of the drugs effect on some pathogenic Acanthamoeba isolated from Iraqi waters, where the problem of environmental adaptation that characterizes this organism in addition to being a reservoir for many pathogenic microorganisms that take shelter in it to escape disinfectants and medicines is sometimes difficult to treat it with traditional treatments.  Twenty water samples were collected from different water regions in Iraq, namely the Dokan Lake, Tigris River, Euphrates River and Najaf Sea, 5 samples from each source.  Acanthamoeba was isolated from water samples on NNA and PYG media, using an inverted microscope with an electron microscope to determine their phenotypic features. PCR and Sequencing were also used to determine their genotype. The isolates were belonged to the T3 genotype that causes corneal infections. Then two types of drugs were used to treat it, which were Chloramphenicol and Gentamicin at three different concentrations, 0.1%, 0.3% and 0.6% and their inhibitory effect was compared with each other and with the positive control of the Chlorohexidine drug at a concentration of 0.2% which was recommended to treat Acanthamoeba keratitis. The results showed that both drugs have an inhibitory effect against Acanthamoeba growth, and that the chloramphenicol had more effect to inhibit compared with gentamicin and chlorhexidine, and it can be used as an alternative treatment instead of chlorohexidine for treating Acanthamoeba keratitis

    A Green Synthesis of Iron/Copper Nanoparticles as a Catalytic of Fenton-like Reactions for Removal of Orange G Dye

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    تدرس هذه الورقة البحثية استخدام طريقة صديقة للبيئة وغير مكلفة لإزالة الصبغة البرتقالية G (OG) من المحلول المائي، حيث تم استخدام مستخلص أوراق شجرة الفيكس لغرض التخليق الأخضر لجسيمات الحديد/نحاس ثنائية الفلز النانوية (G-Fe/Cu-NPs). بعد أن تم تحضير G-Fe/Cu-NPs تم تشخيصها باستخدام مجهر الماسح الالكتروني، BET، مجهر القوة الذرية، مطياف الطاقة المشتتة، مطيافية الأشعة تحت الحمراء، و مقياس زيتا. أظهرت نتائج التشخيص بأن شكل G-Fe/Cu-NPs كان مستدير شبه كروي ويتراوح الحجم بين 32-59 نانومتر بينما كانت مساحتها السطحية 4.452 م2/غم. فيما بعد اُستخدمت الجسيمات النانوية الناتجة كعامل مساعد في تفاعلات الأكسدة الشبيهة بالفنتون. حيث أن كفاءة تحلل صبغة OG اعتمدت بشكل كبير على تركيز الهيدروجين بيروكسايد (1.7-5.28 ملي مولاري)، كمية العامل المساعد (0.4-1.6 غم/لتر)، درجة الحامضية (2-7)، تركيز OG الابتدائي (25-75 ملغم/لتر) ودرجة الحرارة (20-50 درجة مئوية). أظهرت التجارب الدفعية أن 94.8% لتركيز 50 ملغم/لتر من صبغة OG تمت ازالته عند الظروف المثلى للهيديروجين بيروكسايد، كمية العامل المساعد، درجة الحامضية، ودرجة الحرارة والتي كانت 3.52 ملي مولاري،1غم/لتر، 3، و 40 درجة مئوية على التوالي خلال زمن مقداره 30 دقيقة. أيضاً أظهرت نتائج دراسة النماذج الحركية بأن ازالة صبغة OG تتبع نموذج  حركي من الدرجة الثانية. أخيراً، تم دراسة الديناميكية الحرارية للتفاعل وخلُصت إلى ان التفاعل ماصاً للحرارة وله طاقة تنشيط مقدارها 29.725 كيلوجول/مول.This research paper studies the use of an environmentally and not expensive method to degrade Orange G dye (OG) from the aqueous solution, where the extract of ficus leaves has been used to fabricate the green bimetallic iron/copper nanoparticles (G-Fe/Cu-NPs). The fabricated G‑Fe/Cu-NPs were characterized utilizing scanning electron microscopy, BET, atomic force microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and zeta potential. The rounded and shaped as like spherical nanoparticles were found for G-Fe/Cu‑NPs with the size ranged 32-59 nm and the surface area was 4.452 m2/g. Then the resultant nanoparticles were utilized as a Fenton-like oxidation catalyst. The degradation efficiency of OG dye highly depends on H2O2 concentration (1.7-5.28 mM), catalyst dose (0.4-1.6 g/L), pH (2-7), initial OG concentration (25-75 mg/L), and temperature (20-50 ℃). Batch experiments showed that 94.8 % of 50 mg/L of OG dye was removed within the optimum peroxide concentration, dose, pH and temperature which were 3.52 mM, 1 g/L, 3, and 40℃ respectively along with 30 min contact time. The results of kinetic models showed that OG removal followed the second-order model. Finally, the thermodynamic study of reaction was also examined and concluded to endothermic reaction with 29.725 kJ/mol activation energy

    Study on the development of electromagnetic two speed gearbox for EV

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    Electric drive vehicle uses one or more electric motors or traction motors for a propulsion. A multispeed electric vehicle (EV) transmission adds weight, complicacy, and friction reduce the vehicle traction efficiency. Among epicyclic transmission (ET) with a single motor gear shifter or manual transmission or automatic transmission (AT) and continuously variable transmission (CVT), the ET is a complex transmission because most of the driver doesn’t know properly the transmission option. The efficiency of the gearbox is an important factor of the inverter and driving manner. The aim of this study is to develop of electromagnetic 2-speed gearbox (EM-2SGB), which would contribute on the reduction of the vehicle transmission losses from 15% to 5%. This proposed 2-speed gearbox would be able to improve the vehicle transmission shift quality and acceleration time in 250 ms to reach the speed of 35 km/h in 15% road gradient. The lighter and compact energy efficient EM-2SGB is expected to increase the vehicle overall performance about 25%

    Dynamic replication algorithm in data grid: Survey

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    Data Grid is an infrastructure that manages huge amount of data files, and provides intensive computational resources across geographically distributed collaboration. It is not enough to provide convenient accessibility to these data by only high speed network and large mainframe systems. For improving the performance of file accesses and to ease the sharing amongst distributed collaboration, such a system needs replication services. Data replication is a common method used to improve the performance of data access in distributed systems. In this paper, we present a survey of some related previous works and highlight some various algorithms that have been proposed by other researchers. A dynamic replication model based on mathematical concepts is proposed. The main purpose of this model is find out the popular file using the concept of exponential decay/growth. We estimate the next number of access for the file

    Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Regarding Traditional and Complimentary Medicine in Oman

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices with regards to traditional medicine in Oman and to assess the factors that lead to its use. Methods: This was a cross sectional questionnaire-based study. All Omani nationals above the age of 18 were eligible to be enrolled. The questionnaire consisted of questions regarding the knowledge, attitudes and use of traditional medicine. Results: There were 598 (out of 700) responses to the questionnaire (response rate of 85.4%) of which 552 (mean age 33.6±7.7 years; 345 or 62.5% male) were complete. Majority of the respondents (90%) are aware of the different types of traditional medicine(TM). A high percentage (81.5%) feel that it is effective.  67.8% had tried at least one method. These were older (34.5±7.8 years vs 31.8±7.2 years, p<0.001) and mostly male (72.1% vs 42.1%, p<0.001) and in full time employment (73% vs 27%). Herbal medications (65.7%) and traditional massage (60.4%) were the most common form of TM that was practiced. Women tended to go more for herbal medications (69.2%) and massage (63.4%), while, for men cupping was the most popular (65.1%) followed by herbal medications (64.4%) and massage (59.2%).  Back pain was the most common condition for which TM was used with only a small percentage reporting any side effects. Conclusion: There is widespread use of TM among the urban population in Oman. Better understanding of their benefits will help incorporate them into modern health care services. Keywords: Traditional and complementary medicine; knowledge and attitude

    Evaluation of some Varieties of Okra (Abelmoschusesculentus) Seed Oil for Consumption and Industrial Uses

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    The demand for seeds oil is rapidly increasing due to the growth of the human population and the resulting increase in its consumption for both domestic and industrial uses. Hence, seed oils from three okra (Abelmoschusesculentus) varieties – Clemson spineless, ex-Samaru and NHAE-74 were extracted and their physicochemical properties were analysed and compared with some conventional seed oils. The percentage oil yield of the seeds determined for NHAE-74 (25.67±0.58 %) is significantly higher (p < 0.05) than Clemson spineless  (24.33±0.29 %) and ex-Samaru (23.05±0.50 %). The acid value (3.65±0.02, 1.96±0.01 and 2.24±0.02 mgKOH/g), Iodine Value (114.59±0.01,110.97±0.02 and 111.67±0.02 mg/100g) and Saponification value (122.02±0.19, 130.43±0.04 and 124.82±0.02 meqKOH/kg) of Clemson  spineless, ex-Samaru and NHAE-74, respectively differ significantly (p < 0.05) among the three varieties, while the peroxide value  (meqKOH/kg) of Clemson spineless (3.92±0.14) is significantly lower (p < 0.05) than the values of NHAE-74 (5.33±0.14) and ex-Samaru (5.00±0.25). The results further showed that the seed oil has a quality comparable to those of conventional oils and has great nutritional and industrial potentials