38 research outputs found

    Advanced Robust Control Design For High Speed Tilting Trains

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    Tilting is a worldwide accepted technology concept in railway transportation. The particular benefit from tilting trains use is reduction in journey times due to speed increase on track corners (while maintaining acceptable passenger comfort), a point that facilitates improved customer service. An additional benefit is cost effectiveness due to the train running on existing rail tracks. Many countries opted to using tilting trains as means of fast public transportation (UK, USA, Canada, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Germany, Japan). The industrial norm of tilting high speed trains is that of precedence tilt whereby preview tilt enabling signals are used to provide the required information to the vehicles (it can also use a combination of track database information or GPS but the concept is the same). Precedence tilt tends to be complex (mainly due to the signal interconnections between vehicles and the advanced signal processing required for monitoring). Research studies of earlier than precedence schemes,i.e. the so-called nulling-type schemes whereby local-per-vehicle signals are used to provide tilt (a disturbance rejection-scheme although tends to suffer from inherent delays in the control feedback), are still an important research aim due to the simple nature and most importantly due to the more straightforward fault detection compared to precedence. Use of nulling-type tilt has been supported by recent studies in this context. The research presented in this thesis highly contributes to simplified single-inputsingle-output robust tilt control using the simplest rail vehicle tilt structure, i.e. an Active Anti-Roll Bar. Proposed are both robust conventional (integer-type) control approaches and non-conventional (non-integer) schemes with a rigorous investigation of the difficult to achieve deterministic/stochastic tilt trade-off. Optimization has been used extensively for the designs. A by-product of the work is the insight provided into the relevant tilting train model Non Minimum Phase characteristics and its link to uncertainty for control design. Work has been undertaken using Matlab, including proper assessment of tilt ride quality considerations

    Optimized Ziegler-Nichols based PID control design for tilt suspensions

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    PID control design using optimized modified Ziegler-Nichols tuning is for active suspensions of tilting nature is presented. The study of this refers to non-precedent tilt active suspensions for railway vehicles which comprises a cumbersome design trade-off. No study exists on detailed Ziegler-Nichols PID tuning for Single-Input-Single-Output type non-precedent tilt control. We therefore investigate such an approach, referred to here as simple3 tilt, emphasizing control performance that can be achieved in such type of tilting suspension problem. The aim is to provide a baseline design tool for control practicioners, in active suspensions of that nature, who may be more familiar with traditional PID tuning rules. Without loss of generality the suggestions in this paper can be considered in other applications of tilting suspension nature

    Impact of fractional order methods on optimized tilt control for rail vehicles

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    Advances in the use of fractional order calculus in control theory in- creasingly make their way into control applications such as in the process industry, electrical machines, mechatronics/robotics, albeit at a slower rate into control applications in automotive and railway systems. We present work on advances in high-speed rail vehicle tilt control design enabled by use of fractional order methods. Analytical problems in rail tilt control still exist especially on simplified tilt using non-precedent sensor information (rather than use of the more complex precedence (or preview) schemes). Challenges arise due to suspension dynamic interactions (due to strong coupling between roll and lateral dynamic modes) and the sensor measurement. We explore optimized PID-based non-precedent tilt control via both direct fractional-order PID design and via fractional-order based loop shaping that reduces effect of lags in the design model. The impact of fractional order design methods on tilt performance (track curve following vs ride quality) trade off is particularly emphasized. Simulation results illustrate superior benefit by utilizing fractional order-based tilt control design

    New insights on robust control of tilting trains with combined uncertainty and performance constraints

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    A rigorous study on optimized robust control is presented for non-preview (nulling-type) high-speed tilting rail vehicles. The scheme utilizes sensors on the vehicle’s body, contrary to that of preview tilt (which uses prior rail track information). Tilt with preview is the industrial norm nowadays but is a complex scheme (both in terms of inter-vehicle signal connections and when it comes to straightforward fault detection). Non-preview tilt is simple (as it essentially involves an SISO control structure) and more effective in terms of (the localization of) failure detection. However, the non-preview tilt scheme suffers from performance limitations due to non-minimum-phase zeros in the design model (due to the compound effect of the suspension dynamic interaction and sensor combination used for feedback control) and presents a challenging control design problem. We proposed an optimized robust control design offering a highly improved non-preview tilt performance via a twofold model representation, i.e., (i) using the non-minimum phase design model and (ii) proposing a factorized design model version with the non-minimum phase characteristics treated as uncertainty. The impact of the designed controllers on tilt performance deterministic (curving acceleration response) and stochastic (ride quality) trade-off was methodically investigated. Nonlinear optimization was employed to facilitate fine weight selection given the importance of the ride quality as a bounded constraint in the design process

    H∞ mixed sensitivity optimization for high speed tilting trains

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    The industrial norm of tilting high speed trains, nowadays, is that of Precedence tilt (also known as Preview tilt). Precedence tilt, although succesfull as a concept, tends to be complex (mainly due to the signal interconnections between vehicles and the advanced signal processing required for monitoring). Research studies of early prior to that of precedence tilt schemes, i.e. the so-called Nulling-type schemes, utilized local-per-vehicle signals to provide tilt action (this was essentially a typical disturbance rejection-scheme) but suffered from inherent delays in the control). Nulling tilt may still be seen as an important research aim due to the simple nature and most importantly due to the more straightforward fault detection compared to precedence schemes. The work in this paper presents a substantial extension conventional to robust H∞ mixed sensitivity nulling tilt control in literature. A particular aspect is the use of optimization is used in the design of the robust controller accompanied by rigorous investigation of the conflicting deterministic/stochastic local tilt trade-off

    The role of the language of unity at higher education institution: Malaysian experience

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    AbstractMalaysia, a multiethnic and multilingual country, has implemented a new language policy which made the Malay language as the national language and with the aim of uniting the Malaysians. While English, declared as the second language of the country, is seen as language of globalization and business. With the policy, the Malay language becomes the medium of instruction and also takes an important role in promoting national unity and integration among Malaysians of diverse ethnic groups and languages in schools and most institutions of higher education. Therefore, this paper presents the findings of an ongoing research conducted at a public university, with the aim of investigating the role of the Malay language at the university in enhancing unity. In order to achieve the aim of the study, the following questions are seen as vital –Does the Malay language function as the unifying factor and the tool for interaction in the education system especially in higher education institutions? Does the use of languages other than the Malay language hinder unity and integration? Data were obtained from a questionnaire administered on university undergraduates. The preliminary findings reveal that the Malay language promotes unity and the usage of different languages does not hinder unity and integration. Suggestions and recommendations for ways to improve unity among students will also be discussed

    Fabrication and characterization of a pH-sensitive intelligent film incorporating dragon fruit skin extract

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    A novel intelligent pH-sensing indicator based on gelatin film and anthocyanin extracted from dragon fruit skin (Hylocereus polyrhizus) (DFSE) as a natural dye was developed to monitor food freshness by the casting method. Anthocyanin content of DFSE was 15.66 ± 1.59 mg/L. Dragon fruit bovine gelatin films were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and observed by a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Moisture content, mechanical properties, water solubility, water vapor permeability (WVP), light transmittance, color, and pH-sensing evaluations were evaluated for potential application. FTIR spectroscopy revealed that the extracted anthocyanin could interact with the other film components through hydrogen bonds. When the extract was added, films showed a smooth and clear surface as observed by SEM. The addition of anthocyanin increased the moisture content, thickness, and water solubility of the films, but decreased the WVP and light transmittance of films. Also, the incorporation of 15% v/v DFSE decreased the tensile strength from 17.04 to 12.91 MPa, increasing the elongation at break from 91.19% to 107.86%. The films showed higher ΔE with increasing DFSE content, which indicated that the film had good color variability. A significant difference in the color of the films was observed with exposure to different pH buffer solutions. The findings demonstrated that gelatin film incorporated with DFSE could be used as a visual indicator of pH variations to monitor the freshness of foods during storage time

    Societal perception on the government role in governing development and ethnic relations in Malaysia

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    This article discusses the perception of the society on the role played by the government in implementing the governance responsibilities of the country's development, particularly in the context of managing and organizing social differences in the Malaysian society. The diversity in Malaysia is not only generates a dynamic social composition, but has brought significant challenges to the government in managing the country's governance more effectively. In addition, the civic consciousness among the current Malaysian society has claimed various demands such as for a fair, transparent and equitable government, society’s interests, as well as generating good economic development and sustaining social well-being in society. This study explores the perceptions of the community towards the role of the government in the context of economic governance, holistic development, community management, establishment of government services, program implementation, political, media, criminal governance and social problems. This study indicates each ethnic group presented different feedbacks in every aspect. However, there is no negative dimension that shows the failure of the government in implementing a good governance, but still need some improvement based on the perception of the respondents. Implementation of development, governance is important in the context of promoting good ethnic relations between the diversity of societies in Malaysia. Thus, good ethnic relations are the substance for the formation of social cohesion and the continued assurance of national stability in Malaysia


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    Penggunaan kata baharu (bukan istilah) untuk penggunaan harian yang popular di media sosial mampu mewujudkan keadaan tidak tenteram dalam suasana linguistik standard sesuatu bahasa. Hal ini kerana, pelbagai bentuk kata baharu yang muncul dalam media, tidak mempedulikan peraturan dan sistem bahasa sedia ada, sama ada dari aspek sebutan, ejaan, peristilahan, kosa kata, tatabahasa dan laras bahasa.  Jika dari satu sudut pandang, fenomena ini dianggap menimbulkan masalah, namun dari satu perspektif yang lain, fenomena ini perlu ditangani dengan bijak.  Hal ini kerana, tidak dapat tidak, bahasa memang akan terus berkembang dan hidup, selari dengan sifat kedinamikan bahasa itu sendiri.  Selaras dengan hasrat tersebut, maka kertas kerja ini bertujuan mengupaya pendeskripsian kata baharu yang popular di laman sosial. Dengan menjadikan kata baharu ‘kekwat’ sebagai contoh analisis, strategi pendeskripsian kata baharu dipecahkan kepada dua proses utama iaitu proses pemerolehan data dan proses penganalisisan data. Proses pemerolehan data dimulakan dengan mengenal pasti kata baharu yang akan dijadikan data dengan meneliti penggunaan butiran kata dalam laman sosial seperti Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, dan Instagram.  Selepas kata-kata tersebut dikenal pasti, setiap kata akan diklasifikasikan kepada tiga kelompok jenis kata yang dianggap sebagai content lexical (kata nama, kata kerja dan kata adjektif).  Seterusnya, kata-kata tersebut perlu disahkan belum didokumentasikan dalam sebarang kamus Melayu melalui kaedah proses rujuk silang dengan menggunakan empat (4) kamus rujukan utama, sebelum diselisik datanya daripada pangkalan data korpus WebCorp. Proses penganalisisan data pula dibuat berdasarkan tiga (3) fokus utama, iaitu analisis yang berfokus kepada pola penggunaan, aspek makna, dan mengenal pasti maklumat tambahan berlandaskan teori Prosodi Semantik, yang dijalankan secara janaan komputer iaitu melalui perisian TextSTAT 2.9.  Strategi mendeskripsi kata baharu yang dicadangkan dalam kertas kerja ini diharap dapat menjadi pencetus kepada kaedah mengurus kedinamikan kata baharu yang lebih sistematik dan ilmiah, manakala dapatan kajian menerusi tatacara analisis yang dicadangkan pula diharap dapat memperlihatkan ‘rupa paras’ kata baharu yang digunakan.  Kata Kunci: media sosial, kata baharu, korpus, WebCorp, TextSTATABSTRACT The regular and predominant utilisation of newly-formed words (not terminologies) in social media puts forth a displeasing voice to the standard linguistic setting of a language. This is chiefly due to the fact that the use of these words in the media disregard the prevailing rules and linguistic systems, be they the pronunciation, spelling, terminology, vocabulary, grammar and register. One the one hand, this phenomenon is deemed a thorny linguistic issue, but on the other hand, this should rather be aptly managed. This goes along with the very dynamic nature of a language, which inevitably keeps on developing from time to time. In accordance with the aforesaid premise, the paper aims to obtain the descriptions of the new words which are regularly used in social media. The word ‘kekwat’ was selected as the sample, and the describing strategy was grouped into two main processes, namely data elicitation process and data analysis process. The data elicitation process was initiated by identifying the use of the newly-formed words in the social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and Instagram. Subsequently, the identified words were classified into three categories under the umbrella of content lexical (nouns, verbs and adjectives). Following the grouping process, the words were then verified as undocumented in any Malay dictionary by cross-referencing them using four (4) main dictionaries. Next, the data were scrutinised using the WebCorp database. The data analysis process was completed based on three (3) main focuses, i.e. the analysis focusing on the usage pattern, meanings, and identification of additional information resting on the Semantic Prosody theory, which was computed using the TextSTAT 2.9 application. The proposed strategy of description in this paper is thus hoped to bring about a more systematic and scientific approach to manage the dynamism of the newly-formed words. It is also hoped that the findings, based on the analytical procedures may shed some light on how the words are contextually utilised.  Keywords: social media, newly-formed words, corpus, WebCorp, exSTA

    Knowledge audit: the Agensi Antidadah Kebangsaan organizational case study

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    The paper discusses the knowledge audit conducted at Agensi Antidadah Kebangsaan Malaysia to evaluate the knowledge management practices in treatments of drug addicts and to gather insights into the types of knowledge that is important in providing necessary treatments to drug addicts.The audit evaluation was carried out using the components of Knowledge Audit such as Knowledge Need Analysis, Knowledge Inventory Analysis, Knowledge Flow Analysis and Knowledge Mapping based on the KeKMa methodology for knowledge audit.The findings from the evaluation indicates the need for incorporating knowledge management in managing the treatments provided at these centers and the feasibility for the implementation of integrated workflow system that would enhance the operations of these centers to provide effective care and treatment in the near future