282 research outputs found

    Nanoparticles Based on Modified Polysaccharides

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    Borges traducteur de l’infini

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    Pour Borges, traduire c’est dépasser les sens isolés des mots qui ne résident pas dans le texte, mais qui se constituent et se forment grâce au lecteur. La lecture n’est pas uniquement un acte qui permet de déchiffrer les phrases du texte. Elle peut prendre la forme d’une traduction qui alimente et enrichit le texte source. Si grâce à la réception du texte on peut lui attribuer différents sens, la traduction se présente comme une des lectures multiples et plurielles du texte assurée par sa réception. Le traducteur en tant que récepteur du texte original inscrit son travail dans le cadre d’une lecture plurielle. La traduction comme l’une des formes de la réception fait de l’art de la traductologie une représentation de l’infidélité créative du traducteur

    Utilidad clínica de la Tomografía computarizada cone beam para definir conducta terapéutica en casos de mediana y alta complejidad endodóntica.

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    Objectives: A systematic review was conducted to evaluate effectiveness and safety of beta carotenes for the treatment of oral leukoplakia regarding clinical resolution and prevention of malignant transformation. Material and Methods: The systematic search was conducted in three electronic databases and the study’s selection was performed according to pre-set eligibility criteria. Four studies evaluating the efficacy of beta carotenes in oral leukoplakia compared to placebo were included in the review; three of which were assigned for quantitative analysis. Data were extracted, tabulated, quality assessed and statistically analyzed. Results: The meta-analysis revealed that when comparing clinical resolution the beta carotene group favored was favored compared to placebo, with statistically significant difference. However, a meta-analysis comparing beta carotene and placebo groups regarding malignant transformation as a primary outcome failed to show any significant benefit. Furthermore, results showed evidence of beta carotene safety. Conclusion: the overall quality of evidence about efficacy of beta carotene in oral leukoplakia treatment was not high. However, given the obvious safety of this agent, data suggests it could have a promising effect in clinical improvement of oral leukoplakia lesions. However, no evidence supporting its benefits in reducing risk of malignant transformation in these lesions was found. Therefore, further long term, well designed randomized clinical trials are highly recommended.Objetivos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática para evaluar la efectividad y la seguridad de los betacarotenos para el tratamiento de la leucoplasia oral en relación con la resolución clínica y la prevención de la transformación maligna. Material y Métodos: la búsqueda sistemática se realizó en tres bases de datos electrónicas y la selección del estudio se realizó de acuerdo con los criterios de elegibilidad preestablecidos. En la revisión se incluyeron cuatro estudios que evaluaban la eficacia de los betacarotenos en la leucoplasia oral en comparación con el placebo; tres de los cuales fueron asignados para el análisis cuantitativo. Los datos fueron extraídos, tabulados, su calidad evaluada y analizados estadísticamente. Resultados: El metanálisis reveló que al comparar la resolución clínica, el grupo de betacaroteno fue favorecido en comparación con el placebo, con una diferencia estadísticamente significativa. Sin embargo, un metaanálisis que comparó los grupos de betacaroteno y placebo con respecto a la transformación maligna como resultado primario no mostró ningún beneficio significativo. Además, los resultados mostraron evidencia de seguridad de betacaroteno. Conclusión: La calidad general de la evidencia sobre la eficacia del betacaroteno en el tratamiento de la leucoplasia oral no es alta. Sin embargo, dada la obvia seguridad de este agente, los datos sugieren que podría tener un efecto prometedor en la mejora clínica de las lesiones de leucoplasia oral. Sin embargo, no se encontraron pruebas que respalden sus beneficios en la reducción del riesgo de transformación maligna en estas lesiones. Por lo tanto, se recomiendan ensayos clínicos aleatorios bien diseñados a largo plazo

    The Role of Urban Morphology Design on Enhancing Physical Activities and Public Health

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    Along with environmental pollutions, urban planning has been connected to public health. The research indicates that the quality of built environments plays an important role in reducing mental disorders and overall health. The structure and shape of the city are considered as one of the factors influencing happiness and health in urban communities and the type of the daily activities of citizens. The aim of this study was to promote physical activity in the main structure of the city via urban design in a way that the main form and morphology of the city can encourage citizens to move around and have physical activity within the city. Functional, physical, cultural- social, and perceptual-visual features are regarded as the most important and effective criteria in increasing physical activities in urban spaces based on literature review. The environmental quality of urban spaces and their role in the physical activities of citizens in urban spaces were assessed by using the questionnaire tool and analytical network process (ANP) of structural equation modeling. Further, the space syntax method was utilized to evaluate the role of the spatial integration of urban spaces on improving physical activities. Based on the results, the consideration of functional diversity, spatial flexibility and integration, security, and the aesthetic and visual quality of urban spaces plays an important role in improving the physical health of citizens in urban spaces. Further, more physical activities, including motivation for walking and consequently, the sense of public health and happiness, were observed in the streets having higher linkage and space syntax indexes with their surrounding texture

    A study on the relationship between Tabriz high school teachers’ sense of efficacy and their educational quality

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    For many years, one of the main aims of pedagogy is the promotion of educational quality. Any impressive achievement in educational quality and pedagogy needs to be active participation and support by teachers. Considering the important role of the teacher in promotion of educational quality, this study was to investigate the relationship between Tabriz high school teachers’ senses of efficacy and their educational quality to shed some lights on the blurred issues in this regard. To this end 60 high school teachers (30 psychology teachers and 30 physics teachers) were selected from the population of study. For assessing educational quality, Flanders Interaction Analysis Category, and for evaluating teachers' sense of efficacy, Ohio Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale was used. The results of Canonical correlation indicated that only one root of analysis was significant and from the predictor variables, teacher sense of efficacy is significantly related to the indirect to direct teaching method and teacher- student reactions

    A study on the relationship between Tabriz high school teachers’ sense of efficacy and their educational quality

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    For many years, one of the main aims of pedagogy is the promotion of educational quality. Any impressive achievement in educational quality and pedagogy needs to be active participation and support by teachers. Considering the important role of the teacher in promotion of educational quality, this study was to investigate the relationship between Tabriz high school teachers’ senses of efficacy and their educational quality to shed some lights on the blurred issues in this regard. To this end 60 high school teachers (30 psychology teachers and 30 physics teachers) were selected from the population of study. For assessing educational quality, Flanders Interaction Analysis Category, and for evaluating teachers' sense of efficacy, Ohio Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale was used. The results of Canonical correlation indicated that only one root of analysis was significant and from the predictor variables, teacher sense of efficacy is significantly related to the indirect to direct teaching method and teacher- student reactions

    Enhancing transgenic pea (Pisum sativum L.) resistance against fungal diseases through stacking of two antifungal genes (chitinase and glucanase).

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    One way of enhancing and broadening resistance of plants to different biotic and abiotic stresses is to combine transgenes expressing several genes into a single line. This can be done using different strategies such as crossing, single vector with multiple genes, co-transformation, sequential transformation and IRES elements. In the present study conventional crossing method was used. Parental transgenic lines transformed via Agrobacterium tumefasciens-mediated gene transformation with pGreenII binary vector harbouring a bar gene as selectable marker in combination with the family 19 chitinase gene from Streptomyces olivaceoviridis for one line and 1,3-β-glucanase from barley (Hordeum vulgare) for the other line were used for crossing. Both chitinase and glucanase genes were cloned into pGreenII vector under the control of the constitutive double 35S-promoter from cauliflower mosaic virus. Progenies expressing the two genes were characterised at the molecular level using PCR, RT-PCR and Southern blot analysis, as well as segregation and stability studies of the respective expression levels. Leaf paint assay was used as functional test for herbicide resistant gene. Stable inheritance of the antifungal genes in the transgenic plants was demonstrated. The synergistic effect of crossed plants was tested using in vitro assay which shows higher inhibition of spore germination
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