5 research outputs found

    Indonesian Efforts to Conserve Gembrong Goats

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    Gembrong goat are mainly found in eastern part of Bali Island, especially in the village of Tumbu, Karangasem. Throughout Indonesia these goats are found no more than 50 heads. This condition puts Gembrong goat in a critical status that indicates the need of emergency and quick action. The present study was carried out to assess the characteristic of this breed and to preserve it through some proposed action plan. Information was obtained by personal observation and discussion with the leader of farmer group. Body weight (BW) and various body measurement were taken from 15 head of Gembrong goat. In general, the color of Gembrong goat body is white, or partly brown or solid brown. The average body weight is of 23.2 kg for females and 30.7 kg for males. The averages Body length of males is 60 cm, height 58.2 cm, and 14.4 cm ear length in males, and in females body length is 56.2 cm, height 55.1 cm and ear length 14.2 cm. To preserve Gembrong goat population from extinction collaborative activities is needed, namely: (1) multiplication of existing Gembrong goat population, (2) Rescuing animal genetic material and (3) up-grading female Kacang goat with Gembrong male goat as to achieve 99% Gembrong goat genetic composition

    Evaluasi Produksi beberapa Jenis Tanaman Pakan Ternak pada Pertanaman Sawit di Pangkalan Bun Kalimantan Tengah

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui adaptasi dan produktivitas hijauan lima jenis tanaman pakan ternak di bawah tanaman kelapa sawit di Pangakalan Bun. Penelitian ini mengintroduksikan jenis rumput Stenotaphrum secundatum, Brachiaria humidicola cv. Tully, Pennisetum purpureum cv. Mott, dan leguminosa, Arachis glabrata, dan Pueraria javanica. Ditanam diantara gawangan tanaman kelapa sawit dengan ukuran petak 2 x 30 m dan jarak tanam 50 x 50 cm. Rancangan percobaan acak kelompok dengan perlakuan jenis tanaman dan diulang 3 kali. Parameter yang diamati produktivitas hijauan segar dan kering, nilai nutrisi protein kasar, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), kecernaan bahan kering dan bahan organik. Hasil penelitian produksi hijauan rumput tertinggi S.scundatum 962,12 g/m2 dengan protein kasar 10.06 g/100 g kandungan NDF 47.73 dan kecernaan bahan kering 42.39 %. Produksi leguminosa tertinggi P. javanica 554,15 g/m2 dengan kandungan protein kasar 14,51 g/100 g, kecernaan bahan kering 58,46 g/100 g. Secara umum jenis rumput S.scundatum dan P.javanica menunjukkan kemampuan beradaptasi yang baik dan prospektif untuk dikembangkan pada lahan kelapa sawit

    Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Kubis Bunga Akibat Pemberian Pupuk Organik Cair Nasa dan Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Hormonik

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    Growth and Yield of Cauliflower Caused by NASA Liquid Organic Fertilizer and Plant Growth Regulator HormonesABSTRACT. Cauliflower plants in great demand, so the development of aquaculture should be developed to obtain the desired quality and quantity. The purpose of this study is to determine the concentration of NASA's Liquid Organic fertilizers and plant growth regulator Hormonik proper growth and yield of cauliflower. This research was conducted at the experimental station of Faculty of Agriculture University of Syiah Kuala Darussalam Banda Aceh, Seed Varieties used were obtained from the CV Hoggar. Aria Enterprises Banda Aceh, the foliar fertilizer used was NASA Liquid Organic fertilizers and plant growth regulator produced Hormonik PT. Natural Nusantara Indonesia. The soil used in soil types Entisol top soil from the Experimental Farm Faculty of Agriculture, University of Syiah Kuala, Darussalam Banda Aceh. There are two factors that investigated the concentration of NASA's Liquid Organic fertilizers are composed of three levels: 2, 4 and 6 cc l-1 water, and plant growth regulators Hormonik which consists of three levels: 1, 2 and 3 cc l-1 water. Variable which observed were plant height, leaf number, stem diameter at the age of 21, 35 and 49 days after planting, and the wet weight berangkasan, flower weight were observed at harvest 60 days after planted. Result of study showed that the combination of concentration and NASA Liquid Organic fertilizers Hormonik growth regulator that shows growth and better results were found at a concentration of 4 cc l-1 water of liquid organic fertilizer Nasa and 2 cc / l water of growth regulators hormonik

    Kinerja Produksi dan Reproduksi Ayam KUB di Peternak Pembibit

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    Bibit ternak unggul hasil penelitian perlu diperbanyak untuk dapat dimanfaatkan masyarakat secara mudah dan berkelanjutan. Upaya perbanyakan bibit ternak unggul hasil penelitian khususnya ayam kampung unggul Balitbangtan (KUB) dapat dilakukan melalui kerjasama dengan mitra swasta atau kelompok peternak pembibit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan pengamatan kinerja produksi dan reproduksi ayam KUB yang di pelihara peternak untuk tujuan pembibitan. Sebanyak 100 ekor pullet dari ayam KUB-1, umur 14 minggu (80 betina dan 20 jantan) digunakan dalam penelitian. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap produktivitas ayam. Rata-rata bbot badan ayam betina dan jantan umur 22 minggu adalah 1.561,27 g dan 2.074,53 g, sedangkan pada umur 29 minggu adalah 1.681,53 g dan 2.370,77 g. Umur produksi telur mencapai 10% dicapai pada umur 26 minggu. Rataan bobot telur pada saat produksi 35% (umur ayam 29 minggu) adalah 38,56 g/butir, dengan daya tetas 75%. Hasil kinerja produktivitas ayam KUB tersebut masih mendekati kinerja reproduki ayam KUB yang dipelihara di Balitnak

    Pengaruh Beberapa Jenis Pupuk dan Mulsa terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Cabai Merah (Capsicum Annuum)

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    . The aim of this research was to know the effect of some fertilizers and mulches to the growth and production as well as the interaction of both factors on the red Chili. The experiment was done in Lampuuk village since February 2007 to June 2007. The first factor was 3 kinds of fertilizer (dung 20 t ha-1, NPK Phonska 600 kg ha-1 and the mix of urea 200 kg ha-1, SP36 150 kg ha-1, KCl 150 kg ha-1) and the second factor was 3 kinds of mulch ( Black Silver Plastic, rice straw, rice husks). The result shows that growth of Chili was better on dung fertilizer. Rice husks mulch has significantly fruit number per plant (200.85) and the highest fruit weight (380.33 g). The growth and yield of Chili best on rice husks mulch