116 research outputs found

    A Validation Study of the Japanese Version of the Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination-Revised

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    The aim of this study was to validate the Japanese version of the Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination-Revised (ACE-R) [Mori: Japanese Edition of Hodges JR's Cognitive Assessment for Clinicians, 2010] designed to detect dementia, and to compare its diagnostic accuracy with that of the Mini-Mental State Examination. The ACE-R was administered to 85 healthy individuals and 126 patients with dementia. The reliability assessment revealed a strong correlation in both groups. The internal consistency was excellent (α-coefficient = 0.88). Correlation with the Clinical Dementia Rating sum of boxes score was significant (rs = −0.61, p < 0.001). The area under the curve was 0.98 for the ACE-R and 0.96 for the Mini-Mental State Examination. The cut-off score of 80 showed a sensitivity of 94% and a specificity of 94%. Like the original ACE-R and the versions designed for other languages, the Japanese version of the ACE-R is a reliable and valid test for the detection of dementia

    Practical Seminar for Introduction to the Teaching Profession on the Teacher Training Program at Okayama University : For Certain Fixation of Learning Contents and Upbringing of the Practical Qualities , Ability as the Teacher

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     全学教職コア・カリキュラムの入門科目に位置付けられている「教職論」の授業については,継続的にその内容や手法に関して改善が図られてきた。平成28 年度についても,過去5年間の取組の成果を踏まえながら,特に次の4つの視点から改善内容を模索し,より実践的で参加型の授業になるように工夫をした。①全学で導入された「60 分授業・4 学期制」に対応し,その利点を生かす。②ワークシートの活用により,個々の受講生が個人で思考する時間を確保する。③ペア学習・グループ学習の時間を設定し,可能な限りアクティブ・ラーニングを導入する。④様々な課題の解決を目指して学校現場で実際に行われている取組を出来るだけ多く紹介する。これらの改善により,学習意欲の向上と学習内容の確実な定着を図った。その結果,受講終了時に実施したアンケート調査では,多くの受講生から授業の意義について肯定的な評価が得られた

    Practical Seminar for Teacher Profession on the Teacher Training Program at Okayama University : For the Making of Lecture to be able to Learn a Class Fourth Semester System from a Pillar Systematically for 60 Minutes

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    Effects of acute aerobic exercise on arterial stiffness in transgender men

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    Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in transgender men (TM) results in side effects such as elevated triglycerides and increased arterial stiffness. Exercise may be useful to ameliorate such effects, but no studies have examined the effects of acute aerobic exercise in TM. This study aimed to investigate the effects of acute aerobic exercise on arterial stiffness in TM. Thirty-six participants were included, comprising 12 TM (duration of TRT: 57.4 ± 30.3 months), 12 males and 12 females. All participants performed acute aerobic exercise on a treadmill at 50% heart rate reserve for 30 min. Arterial stiffness as measured by brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV) was measured before exercise (Pre), 30 min after exercise (Post30), and 60 min after exercise (Post60). Serum sex hormone levels, and serum lipid profile were determined only before exercise. Serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels before exercise were significantly higher in TM than in males or females (males: p &lt; 0.01; females: p &lt; 0.05). At all points, baPWV in TM was significantly higher than in females (p &lt; 0.05) and significantly lower than in males (p &lt; 0.05). However, when comparing changes in baPWV over time in each group, significant decreases in Post30 and Post60 were seen in males compared to Pre (both p &lt; 0.05), but no significant change after aerobic exercise was seen in TM or females. These results suggest that acute aerobic exercise yield different effects in TM than in males, but is unlikely to reduce arterial stiffness in TM receiving TRT


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    我々は千葉県S市の子どもたちに対する生活習慣病予防健診事業に協力して、健診の結果と食生活調査結果から生活習慣病発症危険因子の発現状況と食生活の関連を検討し、問題点に即した食教育を行うことを目的に学生の実践活動を継続している。 これまでの経年変化などからこの地域は肥満の出現率が高いことが明らかである。食べ方では肥満と非肥満では差が少ないものの、野菜の摂取量は低く朝食の欠食率もやや高めである。これらの状況に応じ、また、対象の理解度に合わせた授業支援を実施し、学生のアイディアを生かしながら実践力が身につくようなカリキュラムを工夫し、一貫した栄養教育活動に取り組んでいる。 教室における授業支援は、望ましい生活習慣の定着のために、バランスのよい食事について理解すること、生活習慣病の種類やその成り立ちについて理解することなどを目的に、児童・生徒が自ら改善する意識を持てるような参加型の展開を心がけ実施した


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    生活習慣病予防対策は若年期から実施されることが重要であり、危険因子の健康診断と食生活教育による健康管理が同時に遂行されることが望ましい。幼児・児童・生徒の食育は、それぞれの発達段階に応じた内容を継続的に実施することが効果的であると考えられる。 我々は千葉県S市の子どもたちに対する生活習慣病予防健診事業に協力して、健診の結果と食生活調査結果から生活習慣病発症危険因子の発現状況と食生活の関連を検討し、問題点に即した食教育を行うことを目的に学生の実践活動を実施している。小学生に対しては、横断的な経年変化などからも肥満の出現率が高い地域であることが明らかである。食べ方では肥満と非肥満では差が少ないものの、野菜の摂取量は低く朝食の欠食率もやや高めである。 このような分析結果から、これらの状況に応じた、また、対象の理解度に合わせた掲示教材の開発を試み、対象者の学校に配布した。配布後、各学校の養護教諭を対象にアンケート調査を実施し、掲示媒体のテーマや内容、表現、児童の反応等について評価を行ったが、良好であった。健診や調査の事後指導としての授業支援も実施し、学生のアイディアを生かしながら実践力が身につくようなカリキュラムを工夫し、一貫した栄養教育活動に取り組んでいる

    Literature survey on epidemiology and pathology of gangliocytic paraganglioma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although gangliocytic paraganglioma (GP) has generally been regarded as a neuroendocrine tumor, its origin remains unclear. We therefore aimed to investigate the details of this disease by carefully analyzing and extracting common features of the disease as presented in selected publications.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We searched for English and Japanese cases of GP using the PubMed and IgakuChuoZasshi databases on August 2010. We then extracted and sampled raw data from the selected publications and performed appropriate statistical analyses. Additionally, we evaluated the expression of hormone receptors based on our previously reported case.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>192 patients with GP were retrieved from the databases. Patient ages ranged from 15 y to 84 y (mean: 52.3 y). The gender ratio was 114:76 (male to female, 2 not reported). Maximum diameter of the tumors ranged from 5.5 mm to 100 mm (mean: 25.0 mm). The duodenum (90.1%, 173/192) was found to be the most common site of the disease. In 173 patients with duodenal GP, gastrointestinal bleeding (45.1%, 78/173) was found to be the most common symptom of the disease, followed by abdominal pain (42.8%, 74/173), and anemia (14.5%, 25/173). Rate of lymph node metastasis was 6.9% (12/173). Our statistical analysis indicated that significant differences were found for gender between GP within the submucosal layer and exceeding the submucosal layer. Furthermore, our immunohistochemical evaluation showed that both epithelioid and pancreatic islet cells showed positive reactivity for progesterone receptors.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our literature survey revealed that there were many more cases of GP exceeding the submucosal layer than were expected. Meanwhile, our statistical analyses and immunohistochemical evaluation supported the following two hypotheses. First, vertical growth of GP might be affected by progesterone exposure. Second, the origin of GP might be pancreatic islet cells. However, it is strongly suspected that our data have been affected by publication bias and to confirm these hypotheses, further investigation is required.</p