85 research outputs found

    Low power test compatibility classes: exploiting regularity for simultaneous reduction in test application time and power dissipation

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    Traditional DFT methodologies increase useless power dissipation during testing and are not suitable for testing low power VLSI circuits leading to lower reliability and manufacturing yield. Traditional test scheduling approaches based on fixed test resource allocation decrease power dissipation at the expense of higher test application time. On the one hand it was shown that power conscious test synthesis and scheduling eliminate useless power dissipation. On the other hand by exploiting regularity in BIST RTL data paths using test compatibility classes an improvement in test application time, BIST area overhead, performance degradation, volume of test data, and fault escape probability is achieved. This paper shows that when combining power conscious test synthesis and scheduling with the test compatibility classes into low power test compatibility classes, simultaneous reduction in test application time and power dissipation is obtained

    Leakage Current Analysis for Diagnosis of Bridge Defects in Power-Gating Designs

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    Manufacturing defects that do not affect the functional operation of low power Integrated Circuits (ICs) can nevertheless impact their power saving capability. We show that stuck-ON faults on the power switches and resistive bridges between the power networks can impair the power saving capability of power-gating designs. For quantifying the impact of such faults on the power savings of power-gating designs, we propose a diagnosis technique that targets bridges between the power networks. The proposed technique is based on the static power analysis of a power-gating design in stand-by mode and it utilizes a novel on-chip signature generation unit, which is sensitive to the voltage level between power rails, the measurements of which are processed off-line for the diagnosis of bridges that can adversely affect power savings. We explore, through SPICE simulation of the largest IWLS’05 benchmarks synthesised using a 32 nm CMOS technology, the trade-offs achieved by the proposed technique between diagnosis accuracy and area cost and we evaluate its robustness against process variation. The proposed technique achieves a diagnosis resolution that is higher than 98.6% and 97.9% for bridges of R ≳ 10MΩ(weak bridges) and bridges of R ≲ 10MΩ (strong bridges), respectively, and a diagnosis accuracy higher than 94.5% for all the examined defects. The area overhead is small and scalable: it is found to be 1.8% and 0.3% for designs with 27K and 157K gate equivalents, respectively

    Reliable Power Gating with NBTI Aging Benefits

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    In this paper, we show that Negative Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI) aging of sleep transistors (STs), together with its detrimental effect for circuit performance and lifetime, presents considerable benefits for power gated circuits. Indeed, it reduces static power due to leakage current, and increases ST switch efficiency, making power gating more efficient and effective over time. The magnitude of these aging benefits depends on operating and environmental conditions. By means of HSPICE simulations, considering a 32nm CMOS technology, we demonstrate that static power may reduce by more than 80% in 10 years of operation. Static power decrease over time due to NBTI aging is also proven experimentally, using a test-chip manufactured with a TSMC 65nm technology. We propose an ST design strategy for reliable power gating, in order to harvest the benefits offered by NBTI aging. It relies on the design of STs with a proper lower Vth compared to the standard power switching fabric. This can be achieved by either re-designing the STs with the identified Vth value, or applying a proper forward body bias to the available power switching fabrics. Through HSPICE simulations, we show lifetime extension up to 21.4X and average static power reduction up to 16.3% compared to standard ST design approach, without additional area overhead. Finally, we show lifetime extension and several performance-cost trade-offs when a target maximum lifetime is considered

    Aging Benefits in Nanometer CMOS Designs

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of the following article: Daniele Rossi, Vasileios Tenentes, Sheng Yang, Saqib Khursheed, and Bashir M. Al-Hashimi, ‘Aging Benefits in Nanometer CMOS Designs’, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, Vol. 64 (3), May 2016. © 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.n this brief, we show that bias temperature instability (BTI) aging of MOS transistors, together with its detrimental effect for circuit performance and lifetime, presents considerable benefits for static power consumption due to subthreshold leakage current reduction. Indeed, static power reduces considerably, making CMOS circuits more energy efficient over time. Static power reduction depends on transistor stress ratio and operating temperature. We propose a simulation flow allowing us to properly evaluate the BTI aging of complex circuits in order to estimate BTI-induced power reduction accurately. Through HSPICE simulations, we show 50% static power reduction after only one month of operation, which exceeds 78% in ten years. BTI aging benefits for power consumption are also proven with experimental measurements.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    DFT Architecture with Power-Distribution-Network Consideration for Delay-based Power Gating Test

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    This paper shows that existing delay-based testing techniques for power gating exhibit both fault coverage and yield loss due to deviations at the charging delay introduced by the distributed nature of the power-distribution-networks (PDNs). To restore this test quality loss, which could reach up to 67.7% of false passes and 25% of false fails due to stuck-open faults, we propose a design-for-testability (DFT) logic that accounts for a distributed PDN. The proposed logic is optimized by an algorithm that also handles uncertainty due to process variations and offers trade-off flexibility between test-application time and area cost. A calibration process is proposed to bridge model-to-hardware discrepancies and increase test quality when considering systematic variations. Through SPICE simulations, we show complete recovery of the test quality lost due to PDNs. The proposed method is robust sustaining 80.3% to 98.6% of the achieved test quality under high random and systematic process variations. To the best of our knowledge, this paper presents the first analysis of the PDN impact on test quality and offers a unified test solution for both ring and grid power gating styles

    Exploiting Aging Benefits for the Design of Reliable Drowsy Cache Memories

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    In this paper, we show how beneficial effects of aging on static power consumption can be exploited to design reliable drowsy cache memories adopting dynamic voltage scaling(DVS) to reduce static power. First, we develop an analytical model allowing designers to evaluate the long-term threshold voltage degradation induced by bias temperature instability (BTI)in a drowsy cache memory. Through HSPICE simulations, we demonstrate that, as drowsy memories age, static power reduction techniques based on DVS become more effective because of reduction in sub-threshold current due to BTI aging. We develop a simulation framework to evaluate trade-offs between static power and reliability, and a methodology to properly select the “drowsy” data retention voltage. We then propose different architectures of a drowsy cache memory allowing designers to meet different power and reliability constraints. The performed HSPICE simulations show a soft error rate and static noise margin improvement up to 20.8% and 22.7%, respectively, compared to standard aging unaware drowsy technique. This is achieved with a limited static power increase during the very early lifetime, and with static energy saving of up to 37% in 10 years of operation, at no or very limited hardware overhead

    Coarse-Grained Online Monitoring of BTI Aging by Reusing Power-Gating Infrastructure

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    In this paper, we present a novel coarse-grained technique for monitoring online the bias temperature instability (BTI) aging of circuits by exploiting their power gating infrastructure. The proposed technique relies on monitoring the discharge time of the virtual-power-network during standby operations, the value of which depends on the threshold voltage of the CMOS devices in a power-gated design (PGD). It does not require any distributed sensors, because the virtual-power-network is already distributed in a PGD. It consists of a hardware block for measuring the discharge time concurrently with normal standby operations and a processing block for estimating the BTI aging status of the PGD according to collected measurements. Through SPICE simulation, we demonstrate that the BTI aging estimation error of the proposed technique is less than 1% and 6.2% for PGDs with static operating frequency and dynamic voltage and frequency scaling, respectively. Its area cost is also found negligible. The power gating minimum idle time (MIT) cost induced by the energy consumed for monitoring the discharge time is evaluated on two scalar machine models using either x86 or ARM instruction sets. It is found less than 1.3× and 1.45× the original power gating MIT, respectively. We validate the proposed technique through accelerated aging experiments conducted with five actual chips that contain an ARM cortex M0 processor, manufactured with a 65 nm CMOS technology

    Application of Analog Adaptive Filters for Dynamic Sensor Compensation

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