13 research outputs found

    Gli3 is required in Emx1+ progenitors for the development of the corpus callosum

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    AbstractThe corpus callosum (CC) is the largest commissure in the forebrain and mediates the transfer of sensory, motor and cognitive information between the cerebral hemispheres. During CC development, a number of strategically located glial and neuronal guidepost structures serve to guide callosal axons across the midline at the corticoseptal boundary (CSB). Correct positioning of these guideposts requires the Gli3 gene, mutations of which result in callosal defects in humans and mice. However, as Gli3 is widely expressed during critical stages of forebrain development, the precise temporal and spatial requirements for Gli3 function in callosal development remain unclear. Here, we used a conditional mouse mutant approach to inactivate Gli3 in specific regions of the developing telencephalon in order to delineate the domain(s) in which Gli3 is required for normal development of the corpus callosum. Inactivation of Gli3 in the septum or in the medial ganglionic eminence had no effect on CC formation, however Gli3 inactivation in the developing cerebral cortex led to the formation of a severely hypoplastic CC at E18.5 due to a severe disorganization of midline guideposts. Glial wedge cells translocate prematurely and Slit1/2 are ectopically expressed in the septum. These changes coincide with altered Fgf and Wnt/β-catenin signalling during CSB formation. Collectively, these data demonstrate a crucial role for Gli3 in cortical progenitors to control CC formation and indicate how defects in CSB formation affect the positioning of callosal guidepost cells

    Gli3 Controls Corpus Callosum Formation by Positioning Midline Guideposts During Telencephalic Patterning

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    The corpus callosum (CC) represents the major forebrain commissure connecting the 2 cerebral hemispheres. Midline crossing of callosal axons is controlled by several glial and neuronal guideposts specifically located along the callosal path, but it remains unknown how these cells acquire their position. Here, we show that the Gli3 hypomorphic mouse mutant Polydactyly Nagoya (Pdn) displays agenesis of the CC and mislocation of the glial and neuronal guidepost cells. Using transplantation experiments, we demonstrate that agenesis of the CC is primarily caused by midline defects. These defects originate during telencephalic patterning and involve an up-regulation of Slit2 expression and altered Fgf and Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Mutations in sprouty1/2 which mimic the changes in these signaling pathways cause a disorganization of midline guideposts and CC agenesis. Moreover, a partial recovery of midline abnormalities in Pdn/Pdn;Slit2−/− embryos mutants confirms the functional importance of correct Slit2 expression levels for callosal development. Hence, Gli3 controlled restriction of Fgf and Wnt/β-catenin signaling and of Slit2 expression is crucial for positioning midline guideposts and callosal developmen

    The mitochondrial calcium uniporter is crucial for the generation of fast cortical network rhythms

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    The role of the mitochondrial calcium uniporter (MCU) gene (Mcu) in cellular energy homeostasis and generation of electrical brain rhythms is widely unknown. We investigated this issue in mice and rats using Mcu-knockout and -knockdown strategies in vivo and in situ and determined the effects of these genetic manipulations on hippocampal gamma oscillations (30–70 Hz) and sharp wave-ripples. These physiological network states require precise neurotransmission between pyramidal cells and inhibitory interneurons, support spike-timing and synaptic plasticity and are associated with perception, attention and memory. Absence of the MCU resulted in (i) gamma oscillations with decreased power (by >40%) and lower synchrony, including less precise neural action potential generation (‘spiking'), (ii) sharp waves with decreased incidence (by about 22%) and decreased fast ripple frequency (by about 3%) and (iii) lack of activity-dependent pyruvate dehydrogenase dephosphorylation. However, compensatory adaptation in gene expression related to mitochondrial function and glucose metabolism was not detected. These data suggest that the neuronal MCU is crucial for the generation of network rhythms, most likely by influences on oxidative phosphorylation and perhaps by controlling cytoplasmic Ca(2+) homeostasis. This work contributes to an increased understanding of mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake in cortical information processing underlying cognition and behaviour

    Gli3 Controls Corpus Callosum Formation by Positioning Midline Guideposts During Telencephalic Patterning

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    The corpus callosum (CC) represents the major forebrain commissure connecting the 2 cerebral hemispheres. Midline crossing of callosal axons is controlled by several glial and neuronal guideposts specifically located along the callosal path, but it remains unknown how these cells acquire their position. Here, we show that the Gli3 hypomorphic mouse mutant Polydactyly Nagoya (Pdn) displays agenesis of the CC and mislocation of the glial and neuronal guidepost cells. Using transplantation experiments, we demonstrate that agenesis of the CC is primarily caused by midline defects. These defects originate during telencephalic patterning and involve an up-regulation of Slit2 expression and altered Fgf and Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Mutations in sprouty1/2 which mimic the changes in these signaling pathways cause a disorganization of midline guideposts and CC agenesis. Moreover, a partial recovery of midline abnormalities in Pdn/Pdn;Slit2(-/-) embryos mutants confirms the functional importance of correct Slit2 expression levels for callosal development. Hence, Gli3 controlled restriction of Fgf and Wnt/β-catenin signaling and of Slit2 expression is crucial for positioning midline guideposts and callosal development

    A Crucial Role for Primary Cilia in Cortical Morphogenesis

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    Primary cilia are important sites of signal transduction involved in a wide range of developmental and postnatal functions. Proteolytic processing of the transcription factor Gli3, for example, occurs in primary cilia, and defects in intraflagellar transport (IFT), which is crucial for the maintenance of primary cilia, can lead to severe developmental defects and diseases. Here we report an essential role of primary cilia in forebrain development. Uncovered by N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea-mutagenesis, cobblestone is a hypomorphic allele of the IFT gene Ift88, in which Ift88 mRNA and protein levels are reduced by 70-80%. cobblestone mutants are distinguished by subpial heterotopias in the forebrain. Mutants show both severe defects in the formation of dorsomedial telencephalic structures, such as the choroid plexus, cortical hem and hippocampus, and also a relaxation of both dorsal-ventral and rostral-caudal compartmental boundaries. These defects phenocopy many of the abnormalities seen in the Gli3 mutant forebrain, and we show that Gli3 proteolytic processing is reduced, leading to an accumulation of the full-length activator isoform. In addition, we observe an upregulation of canonical Wnt signaling in the neocortex and in the caudal forebrain. Interestingly, the ultrastructure and morphology of ventricular cilia in the cobblestone mutants remains intact. Together, these results indicate a critical role for ciliary function in the developing forebrain

    The ciliogenic transcription factor Rfx3 is required for the formation of the thalamocortical tract by regulating patterning of prethalamus and ventral telencephalon

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    Primary cilia are complex subcellular structures that play key roles during embryogenesis by controlling the cellular response to several signaling pathways. Defects in the function and/or structure of primary cilia underlie a large number of human syndromes collectively referred to as ciliopathies. Often, ciliopathies are associated with mental retardation (MR) and malformation of the corpus callosum. However, the possibility of defects in other forebrain axon tracts, which could contribute to the cognitive disorders of these patients, has not been explored. Here, we investigate the formation of the corticothalamic/thalamocortical tracts in mice mutant for Rfx3, which regulates the expression of many genes involved in ciliogenesis and cilia function. Using DiI axon tracing and immunohistochemistry experiments, we show that some Rfx3-/- corticothalamic axons abnormally migrate toward the pial surface of the ventral telencephalon (VT). Some thalamocortical axons (TCAs) also fail to leave the diencephalon or abnormally project toward the amygdala. Moreover, the Rfx3-/- VT displays heterotopias containing attractive guidance cues and expressing the guidance molecules Slit1 and Netrin1. Finally, the abnormal projection of TCAs toward the amygdala is also present in mice carrying a mutation in the Inpp5e gene, which is mutated in Joubert Syndrome and which controls cilia signaling and stability. The presence of identical thalamocortical malformations in two independent ciliary mutants indicates a novel role for primary cilia in the formation of the corticothalamic/thalamocortical tracts by establishing the correct cellular environment necessary for its development

    Regulatory role of Pax6 on cell division cycle associated 7 and cortical progenitor cell proliferation

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    Forebrain development is controlled by a set of transcription factors which are expressed in dynamic spatiotemporal patterns in the embryonic forebrain and are known to regulate complex gene networks. Pax6 is a transcription factor that regulates corticogenesis and mutations affecting Pax6 protein levels cause neurodevelopmental defects in the eyes and forebrain in both humans and mice. In previous studies, it was shown that the graded expression pattern of Pax6 protein, which is high rostro-laterally to low caudo-medially in the cerebral cortex, is critical for its control of cell cycle progression and proliferation of cortical progenitors. However the underlying mechanisms are still unclear. Based on a microarray analysis carried out in our laboratory, a number of cell cycle-related candidate genes that may be affected by Pax6 have been identified. One such gene, Cell division cycle associated 7 (Cdca7) is expressed in a counter-gradient against that of Pax6. In my current study, I found that Cdca7 mRNA expression in the telencephalon is upregulated in Pax6 null (Small eye) mutants and downregulated in mice that overexpress PAX6 (PAX77) across developing time points from E12.5 to E15.5. There are several potential Pax6 binding motifs located in the genomic locus upstream of Cdca7. However, by chromatin immunoprecipitation, it is showed that none of the predicted binding sites are physically bound by Pax6. Promoter luciferase assays using fragments combining five suspected binding motifs show that Pax6 is functionally critical. Cdca7 is also identified as a Myc and E2F1 direct target and is upregulated in some tumours but its biological role is not fully understood. Current work using in utero electroporation to overexpress Cdca7 around the lateral telencephalon, where Cdca7 expression levels are normally low, tested the effects on the proliferation and differentiation of cortical progenitor cells in this region. In E12.5 mice embryos, overexpression of Cdca7 protein causes fewer intermediate progenitor cells and post-mitotic neurons to be produced but these effects were not found in E14.5 embryos. This result implies that Cdca7 may affect cell fate decision during cortical development