13 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT Poverty is understood in different ways. The main understanding include: description of material deprivation, which usually includes the daily needs of food, clothing, housing, and health care. Poverty in this sense is understood as a situation of scarcity of goods and basic services. This study uses qualitative research. This research approach is Opinion Public Surveys. Sources of data in this study include: 1) Primary Data Sources, 2) Secondary Data Sources. This research instrument is the researcher\'s own, which is where the researcher as an instrument to obtain accurate data supplied by a variety of methods

    Model of Small Business Development in the Traditional Markets

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    Abstract: This research aims to identify the problems and a decent strategy pursued by small businesses in the city of Makassar. This type of research is qualitative research. The data used are of qualitative aspects related to small businesses in the city of Makassar through techniques of observation, interview and documentation. And, then analyzed by using SWOT analysis. Results of the study showed small businesses still face problems that are internal and external. Internal problems including lack of capital, human resources are limited, less raw materials, weak business network. External issues include an attempt has not been conducive climate, technology, the implications of the limited autonomy of the region, free trade


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh motivasi intrinsik dan motivasi ekstrinsik terhadap kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) pada Departemen Agama Kota Makassar. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer terkait motivasi dan kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) pada Departemen Agama Kota Makassar. Data dalam penelitian ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan alat analisis deskriptif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pemberian motivasi intrinsik dan insentif memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap peningkatan kinerja pegawai di Kantor Dinas Departemen Agama Kota Makassar. Kata Kunci : Motivasi Intrinsik, Motivasi Ekstrinsik dan Kinerja pegawa


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    ABSTRAK Pengangguran adalah salah satu masalah yang dihadapi semua negara di dunia sebagai akibat dari adanya kesenjangan antara jumlah penduduk usia kerja yang masuk dalam angkatan kerja dengan ketersediaan kesempatan kerja. Pengangguran selalu menjadi salah satu dari prioritas masalah yang harus dihadapi dalam setiap perencanaan pembangunan. Keberhasilan pembangunan biasanya diidentikkan dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi. Hal ini dikarenakan pertumbuhan ekonomi di suatu wilayah seharusnya diikuti dengan penciptaan lapangan kerja baru. Dengan adanya penciptaan lapangan kerja baru, permintaan tenaga kerja di pasar kerja akan meningkat secara otomatis sehingga angkatan kerja yang ada dapat diserap di dalam pasar kerja. Penyerapan angkatan kerja ini akan berakibat pada penurunan angka pengangguran. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian ini manggunakan pendekatan Public Opinion Surveys. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini meliputi : l) Sumber Data Primer, 2) Sumber Data Sekunder. lnstrumen penelitian ini merupakan peneliti sendiri, yang di mana peneliti sebagai instrumen untuk mendapatkan data yang akurat dibekali dengan bermacam-macam metode. Kata Kunci : Pengangguran, Manajemen Pembangunan, Administrasi Publik, Pertumbuhan Ekonom


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    Pemasaran memang menjadi kendala banyak UMKM di Indonesia. Hal ini cukup wajar, karena masih banyak UMKM yang melakukan pengelolaan bisnisnya secara tradisional. Yaitu, cukup membuat produk baik dan tinggal menunggu konsumen datang. Hal ini tidak salah, namun tidak bisa membuat UKM memiliki daya saing di pasar yang semakin kompetitif. Untuk itu, menjadi UKM berdaya saing tinggi harus dengan produk yang berkualitas, harga yang rasional, dan juga strategi pemasaran yang ampuh. Dengan strategi pemasaran yang ampuh, maka tujuan akhir sebuah perusahaan akan dapat tercapai secara optimal, yaitu memaksimalkan keuntungan perusahaan

    REVITALISASI PASAR TRADISIONAL (Meningkatkan Daya Saing Pasar Tradisional Dalam Perspektif Manajemen Ekonomi Kelembagaan)

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    Dalam dunia empirik dijumpai adanya sejumlah pedagang antara (middlleman) yang harus dilalui sebelum barang itu sampai ke tangan konsumen. Semakin banyak pedagang antara yang ada dalam struktur distribusi, maka semakin panjang rantai distribusi yang harus dilalui. Seluruh aktivitas yang berkaitan dengan penawaran dan penjualan barang dan jasa kepada konsumen akhir akan dilakukan oleh pedagang eceran. Sektor perdagangan eceran pada hakekatnya merupakan muara seluruh barang yang diproduksi di dalam negeri ditambah barang hasil impor. Berfungsinya pedagang eceran sebagai muara dari distribusi barang akan mendapatkan posisinya dalam struktur perekonomian makro menjadi sangat strategis, atau dengan kata lain, sektor perdagangan akan sangat peka terhadap gelombang pasang surutnya perkembangan ekonomi nasional. Berkaitan dengan pola konsumsi masyarakat pada satu dasa warsa yang lalu, sebagain masyarakat Indnonesia hanya mengetahui bahwa pusat pembelanjaan yang ada itu adalah pasar tradisional yang lazimnya tempat itu menjual berbagai kebutuhan rumah tangga seperti bumbu masak, ikan, sayur-mayur dan sebagainya


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    Fenomena dampak kebijakan pemerintah terhadap belanja pendidikan yang selama 10 tahun terakhir menjadi bahan yang menarik untuk diteliti, dalam hal ini adalah keterkaitan variabel-variabel yang secara teori berpengaruh positif terhadap kemajuan pembangunan pendidikan. Pembangunan sektor pendidikan di Sulawesi Selatan menjadi daya tarik tersendiri untuk diteliti mengingat Sulawesi selatan merupakan salah satu provinsi yang 10 tahun terakhir telah mencanangkan pendidikan gratis di Indonesia. Atas dasar tersebut peneliti tertarik mengkaji untuk menganalisis dan menyusun model kebijakan yang tepat kebijakan pemerintah dalam belanja pendidikan dampaknya terhadap sektor sosial ekonomi di Sulawesi Selatan. Persoalan yang diamati oleh peneliti adalah selama dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun terakhir (2006-2015) kenaikan belanja pemerintah sektor pendidikan khususnya di Sulawesi Selatan telah mengalami kenaikan yang cukup signifikan bahkan rata-rata kenaikan 90%-100% pada daerah kabupaten/kota. Hasil dari penelitian tersebutlah yang saat ini dapat dinikmati oleh pembaca dalam bentuk buku


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    ABSTRACT The main problem of entrepreneurship education in Indonesia is that most young generation thinks that they continue to pursue an education in universities, including in Educational Institutions Teaching Personnel (LPTKs), that they aspire to become civil servants/civilian government officials, not to become entrepreneurs. Furthermore, it is argued that entrepreneurial learning in universities not be able to change the mind-set of college graduates from job seekers to job inventors. Therefore, this study assumes that the factors that cause alumni of educational institutions to engage in entrepreneurial activities are because of the strong desire or motivation for entrepreneurs who have been instilled or "formed" since those who are students or when pursuing learning at college, including at the State University of Makassar (Universitas Negeri Makassar/UNM). This study aims to determine the effect of entrepreneurship learning on student entrepreneurship motivation at UNM. This research is Explanatory Research with Survey approach. Number of the student population as many as 654 students of UNM who proposed Student Creativity Program (PKM), with 242 samples obtained by proportional random sampling technique. Data collection techniques used observation, questionnaires and documentation. The results of the study found that there is a significant positive effect of the entrepreneurial pursuit of student entrepreneur motivation of UNM. Based on the focus and locus of this study it is clear that UNM's vision of "education and entrepreneurship" has "coloured" the preparation of mission, objectives, policies and curriculum content in each study program. Similarly, its output and impact (effects), both the instructional effect and the nurturent effect can foster attitudes and entrepreneurial motivation for students. Thus, the results of this study are expected to contribute to the formation of creative, innovative and educated young entrepreneurs in the future

    How do Financial Literacy, Financial Management Learning, Financial Attitudes and Financial Education in Families Affect Personal Financial Management in Generation Z?

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    Purpose: This study aims to reveal how the influence of financial literacy, financial management learning, financial attitudes and financial education in the family on personal financial management in generation Z.   Theoretical framework: The influence of digitization is of course also felt by Generation Z as a generation that certainly has various needs, both consumption needs, clothing, internet quotas, education, and so on. and other personal needs. Financial problems can be faced by Generation Z when they are not or have not been able to manage their personal finances effectively, especially with increasing digitization in every aspect of life encouraging people to behave consumptively   Design/methodology/approach: This study uses quantitative research. The data collection method applied is through observation, questionnaires and documentation. The population in this study is Generation Z, and the sample is 54 respondents taken from students who are Generation Z. The data analysis used is multiple linear regression analysis.   Findings: it is shown that the simultaneous testing of the four variables (X) has a significant effect on personal financial management in Generation Z (Y). However, based on a partially significant test of financial literacy variables (X1), financial attitude variables (X3) and financial education variables in the family (X4) did not have a significant effect, while the other independent variable, namely financial management learning (X2) had a significant effect on Generation Z (Y) personal finance management.   Research, Practical & Social implications:  Based on the conclusion, the implications in this study are (1) it is expected that the Z generationcan further improve their financial literacy and attitude in order to carry out more effective personal financial management. (2) it is hoped that parents can provide financial education to their children.   Originality/value: (1) the characteristics of financial literacy do not have a positive and substantial effect on the personal financial management of generation Z. (2) The learning variables of financial management have a positive and significant effect on the personal financial management of generation Z

    Market Based For Salt Business In Takalar District

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    This research departs from the fact that MSEs have been a pillar of economic growth to date, but their business growth has spanned the problems of control and limited market access. The purpose of this research is to study and determine the formulation of business competitiveness based on the potential and market share of salt business in Takalar Regency. This research approach is descriptive quantitative research with the type of survey research. The sample unit is a salt business located in Takalar District. Collecting data using a survey with a questionnaire instrument through Likert scale measurement. Respondents were asked to provide answers to closed statements. The respondents are salt business owners. The data analysis method in this study uses descriptive statistics to describe the research variables. The results showed that the market potential for salt was very large, but market control was not optimal, so the increase in business competitiveness was still low. Salt business owners must innovate in building their business starting from controlling internal resources to optimize market control