555 research outputs found

    Study on existing nutritional condition of peri-urban dairies at Chittagong, Bangladesh

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    The study was aimed to observe the nutritive value of concentrate used in different dairy farms at peri-urban areas of Chittagong, Bangladesh. Ten (10) different concentrate feeds were randomly selected from ten different farms which analyzed for moisture, dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), crude fiber (CF), nitrogen free extracts (NFE), ether extracts (EE), total ash (TA) and acid insoluble ash (AIA) and requirements of concentrate for unit production of milk was calculated. It was found that the nutritive value of individual feed concentrate of each farm varied significantly. The observed proportion of using feed ingredients was also significantly different among the farms. Finally, it may be summarized that the concentrate mixture used by the different farmers of peri-urban areas of Chittagong was different in regards to chemical composition, ingredients and amount required for milk production. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/ijarit.v3i2.17844 Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 3 (2): 49-53, December, 201

    A Novel Low Loss, Highly Birefringent Photonic Crystal Fiber in THz Regime

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    Toxicity assessment of groundwater quality in Bangladesh.

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    A study was conducted to assess long-term effect of ground water for irrigation at Chirirbandar upazila, 25 kilometers eastern from Dinajpur district in from February to April in 2006. All the waters were analyzed and classified into different categories for their suitability as irrigation, drinking and industrial usage. The chemical analyses were included pH, EC, TDS, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, B, As, SO4, P, HCO3 and Cl. The SAR, SSP, RSC and HT were calculated for the research. The pH (6.55 to 7.75) showed slightly acidic to slightly alkaline. The TDS was rated as ‘fresh water’, EC and SAR were ‘medium’ (C2 ) class and ‘low alkali hazard’ (SI) class which jointly expressed as C3S1. The study was found that SSP was in ‘excellent’ category. Waters were free from RSC and belonged to ‘suitable’ category for irrigation. The waters were classified as ‘hard’ and ‘very hard’ based on hardness (HT). It was found that both Fe and Mn content of all samples were not having problem for industrial usage. Boron was identified as ‘suitable’ for drinking consumption and sulphate was ‘suitable’ for drinking and industrial usage. The relationship of pH vs. EC, pH vs. TDS, EC vs. TDS, EC vs. HT, TDS vs. HT, SAR vs. SSP, SAR vs. RSC, and SSP vs. RSC indicated significant positive correlation. Among the quality determining factors SSP and SAR were highly correlated where correlation coefficient was 0.964

    Gene actions involved in yield and yield contributing traits of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)

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    Abstract Gene action for yield and yield contributing traits in Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) was studied in four selected crosses, involving five parents, including their F 1 's, F 2 's and first back crosses generations. The significant scaling tests (one or more scales in A, B and C) and joint scaling test indicated the presence of digenic epistasis for all the studied traits. Number of fruits and yield per plant were controlled by additive, dominance and epistatic gene action. Complex genetic behavior was observed in all traits. Since the segregating generations did not follow a simple Mendelian inheritance, high selection pressure is expected in later generations due to probable successful exploitation of additive and dominance components. From these observations it is suggested that the selection for the improvement of all traits, particularly yield per plant, should be delayed to the later generations of segregating population in this plant. The modified bulk method of selection is recommended, in which selection is performed after attaining the homozygosity for maximum heterozygous loci. Presence of complementary gene action and prevalence of the high magnitude of non-additive gene effects were found in most of the traits, indicating that heterosis breeding is more effective with high potential in chili

    Genetic variability, correlation and path coefficients of yield and its components analysis in pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch Ex Poir)

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    Genetic variability, correlation and path coefficient were studied for yield and yield component traits in twenty one diverse genotypes of pumpkin. Highest genotypic coefficient of variation was recorded for fruit length (cm), single fruit weight (kg), Brix (%) and yield per plant (kg). Heritability estimates in broad sense were higher for almost all the characters. The characters namely, fruit length, single fruit weight, yield per plant and brix% had high genotypic coefficient of variation coupled with heritability gave high genetic advance expressed as percentage of mean ranged from 76.84 to 96.06 which indicated that these characters were less influenced by environment confirming additive gene action, and therefore, selection of these characters would be more effective for yield improvement of pumpkins. Total six traits likely fruit length, fruit diameter, flesh thickness, single fruit weight and number of fruits per plant were positively and significantly associated with yield per plant. Path coefficient analysis also revealed maximum contribution of single fruit weight (0.869) to yield and this was followed by the contribution of number of fruit per plant (0.527) at genotypic level.Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 7 (1): 8-13, June, 201

    Salinity stress effect on biochemical changes in leaves of rice genotypes differing in salt tolerance

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    The impact of salinity stress on biochemical changes of salt tolerant genotypes PVSB9, PVSB19, PNR381, PNR519, Iratom24 and salt sensitive genotype NS15 along with one standard check salt tolerant rice cultivar Pokkali were assessed in two factors [7 rice genotypes in combination with 5 levels of salinity (0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 dS m-1)] in pot culture. The biochemical aspects studied include chlorophyll, free amino acids and soluble proteins of the selected rice genotypes in view to evaluate their response at different salinity levels. The results of biochemical changes indicated that salinity seriously affected the biosynthesis of leaf chlorophyll of all the selected genotypes at different days after transplanting (DAT). At 35, 65 and 75 DATs, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll a/b ratio increased with increase in salinity levels but total chlorophyll and chlorophyll b decreased with increasing the levels of salinity. The soluble protein and free amino acids content in leaves of seven selected rice genotypes increased significantly with increase in salinity levels at 35 DAT but at 60 and 75 DAT, this increasing pattern continued up to 6 and 9 dSm-1, respectively.ÂÂ

    Leakage current paths in PV transformer-less single-phase inverter topology and its mitigation through PWM for switching

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    The Photovoltaic (PV) is a part and parcel and well known for cost-effective and easy to operate features when it is used with transformer-less inverter based grid-tied distribution generation systems. It reduces the leakage current issue that actually occurs making paths from PV penal to ground. In this paper has been addressed this issue as main problem for reducing leakage current. Moreover, here is compared the proposed topology’s results to AC and DC-based transformer-less topologies. The possibilities of larger number of leakage current paths indicate power loss, which is the focus of work in this paper for different switching conditions. The results on leakage current paths using PSpice with different parasitic capacitance values from inverters of different topologies are compared with the simulation results of the topology proposed in this paper

    Leakage current paths in PV transformer-less single-phase inverter topology and its mitigation through PWM for switching

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    The Photovoltaic (PV) is a part and parcel and well known for cost-effective and easy to operate features when it is used with transformer-less inverter based grid-tied distribution generation systems. It reduces the leakage current issue that actually occurs making paths from PV penal to ground. In this paper has been addressed this issue as main problem for reducing leakage current. Moreover, here is compared the proposed topology’s results to AC and DC-based transformer-less topologies. The possibilities of larger number of leakage current paths indicate power loss, which is the focus of work in this paper for different switching conditions. The results on leakage current paths using PSpice with different parasitic capacitance values from inverters of different topologies are compared with the simulation results of the topology proposed in this paper

    Study of heterosis in Bangladeshi chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) landraces

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    Chilli is an important cash crop in Bangladesh but average yield is very low (0.89 t ha-1) and genetic potentiality of Bangladeshi chilli landraces for hybrid variety development has not been evaluated. The objective of this study was to find out heterotic behavior following Gardner and Eberhart model (1966) II. Six different homozygous divergent parents CCA 2, CCA 5, BARI Morich 1, CCA 11, CCA 15 and CCA 19 were used to estimate heterosis. A significant amount of heterosis was present in yield and yield contributing traits. Estimate of variety heterosis for yield per plant was significantly positive in CCA 5 and BARI Morich 1. In BARI Morich 1, the significant and positive variety heterosis for yield per plant was associated with significant and positive estimates of heterosis for number of fruits per plant and number of seeds per fruit, suggesting that these yield traits contributed to the final heterosis manifested through yield. Indigenous×exotic crosses showed significant amount of heterosis. It is possible to emphasize indigenous×exotic crosses for good fruit yield, particularly to be used as commercial hybrids. Hybrids of BARI Morich 1×CCA 19 and CCA 5×BARI Morich 1 showed better performance