788 research outputs found

    Spatio-Temporal Facial Expression Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Conditional Random Fields

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    Automated Facial Expression Recognition (FER) has been a challenging task for decades. Many of the existing works use hand-crafted features such as LBP, HOG, LPQ, and Histogram of Optical Flow (HOF) combined with classifiers such as Support Vector Machines for expression recognition. These methods often require rigorous hyperparameter tuning to achieve good results. Recently Deep Neural Networks (DNN) have shown to outperform traditional methods in visual object recognition. In this paper, we propose a two-part network consisting of a DNN-based architecture followed by a Conditional Random Field (CRF) module for facial expression recognition in videos. The first part captures the spatial relation within facial images using convolutional layers followed by three Inception-ResNet modules and two fully-connected layers. To capture the temporal relation between the image frames, we use linear chain CRF in the second part of our network. We evaluate our proposed network on three publicly available databases, viz. CK+, MMI, and FERA. Experiments are performed in subject-independent and cross-database manners. Our experimental results show that cascading the deep network architecture with the CRF module considerably increases the recognition of facial expressions in videos and in particular it outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in the cross-database experiments and yields comparable results in the subject-independent experiments.Comment: To appear in 12th IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition Worksho

    Islam Dan Budaya Di Banten: Menelisik Tradisi Debus Dan Maulid

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    Sejarah mencatat pada awal abad 19, Banten menjadi rujukan para ulama di Nusantara, bahkan di Asia Tenggara, khususnya tentang ilmu keIslaman. Kebudayaan Banten, yang nampak sederhana, sesungguhnya memiliki kompleksitas yang tinggi. Artikel ini mengetengahkan potret budaya Banten dengan memfokuskan pada dua pokok bahasan yakni atraksi debus dan tradisi Panjang Maulid. Penelitian menemukan bahwa beragamnya seni pertunjukan kesenian rakyat Banten, yang berkembang secara turun temurun, tidak terlepas dari pengaruh keagamaan, khususnya Islam

    Direct NN-body simulations of globular clusters - II. Palomar 4

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    We use direct NN-body calculations to study the evolution of the unusually extended outer halo globular cluster Palomar 4 (Pal~4) over its entire lifetime in order to reproduce its observed mass, half-light radius, velocity dispersion and mass function slope at different radii. We find that models evolving on circular orbits, and starting from a non-mass segregated, canonical initial mass function (IMF) can reproduce neither Pal 4's overall mass function slope nor the observed amount of mass segregation. Including either primordial mass segregation or initially flattened IMFs does not reproduce the observed amount of mass segregation and mass function flattening simultaneously. Unresolved binaries cannot reconcile this discrepancy either. We find that only models with both a flattened IMF and primordial segregation are able to fit the observations. The initial (i.e. after gas expulsion) mass and half-mass radius of Pal~4 in this case are about 57000 M⊙{\odot} and 10 pc, respectively. This configuration is more extended than most globular clusters we observe, showing that the conditions under which Pal~4 formed must have been significantly different from that of the majority of globular clusters. We discuss possible scenarios for such an unusual configuration of Pal~4 in its early years.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, 1 tabl

    Is the distant globular cluster Pal 14 in a deep-freeze?

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    We investigate the velocity dispersion of Pal 14, an outer Milky-Way globular cluster at Galactocentric distance of 71 kpc with a very low stellar density (central density 0.1-0.2 Msun/pc^3). Due to this low stellar density the binary population of Pal 14 is likely to be close to the primordial binary population. Artificial clusters are generated with the observed properties of Pal 14 and the velocity dispersion within these clusters is measured as Jordi et al. (2009) have done with 17 observed stars of Pal 14. We discuss the effect of the binary population on these measurements and find that the small velocity dispersion of 0.38 km/s which has been found by Jordi et al. (2009) would imply a binary fraction of less than 0.1, even though from the stellar density of Pal 14 we would expect a binary fraction of more than 0.5. We also discuss the effect of mass segregation on the velocity dispersion as possible explanation for this discrepancy, but find that it would increase the velocity dispersion further. Thus, either Pal 14 has a very unusual stellar population and its birth process was significantly different than we see in today's star forming regions, or the binary population is regular and we would have to correct the observed 0.38 km/s for binarity. In this case the true velocity dispersion of Pal 14 would be much smaller than this value and the cluster would have to be considered as "kinematically frigid", thereby possibly posing a challenge for Newtonian dynamics but in the opposite sense to MOND.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
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