15 research outputs found
The Study Of Quality Sensory And Microbiological Various Types Of Smoked Fish Which Marketed At Kecamatan Sukajadi Pekanbaru
This research was to determine evaluate the sensory quality and microbiological various types of smoked fish which marketed at Kecamatan Sukajadi Pekanbaru. Three types of smoked fish obtained from market Cikpuan, Palapa and Kodim. Smoked fish originated from Bangkinang, Pelalawan, Rokan Hilir and Palembang. Smoked fish observed to the sensory quality ang microbiological. The result of this study have shown that the sensory quality and microbiological which marketed in Palapa have the highest sensory quality from Cikpuan and Kodim; Based on the types fish which marketed have shown that selais fish have the highest sensory quality from patin and baung; Based on the origin of the production area, showed that Pelalawan have the highest sensory quality from Bangkinang, Palembang and Rokan Hilir. Based on microbiological parameter (TPC, Stapylococcus aureus, Koliform and Jamur), showed that smoked fish which marketed in Cikpuan have the highest microbiological value from Kodim and Palapa. Based on the types, the fish which marketed in the three of market showed that baung fish have the highest microbiological value from patin and selais; Based on the origin of the production area showed that Palembang have the highest microbiological from Pelalawan, Bangkinang and Rokan Hilir
Quality Characteristics and Consumer Acceptance of Mussel (Anodonta SP) Snack Prepared with Different Mussel Meat Composition
This research was intended to evaluate quality characteristics and consumer acceptance of mussel snack formulated with different mussel meat composition. Mussel snack was prepared from fresh mussel meat, tapioca flour, sticky rice flour, chesse, egg, monosodium glutamat and backing soda. Three mussel snacks were prepared respectively by addition of 10%, 20% and 30% mussel meat. The snacks were evaluated for quality characteristics, consumer acceptance and proximate composition. The result indicated that the best sensory quality of the mussel snack was shown by that prepared with addition of 20% mussel meat; and the best consumer acceptance of the snack was produced by that made with addition of 10% mussel meat. Moisture, ash, protein and fat of the mussel snack made with addition of 10% mussel meat was 2,59%, 1,73%, 3,60% and 34,47% respectively; 20% mussel meat was 2,97%, 1,89%, 4,02%, 38,94% respectively and 30% mussel meat was 3,01%, 2,07%, 9,91% and 39,59% respectively
Characteristics Of Smoked Catfish (Hemibagrus Nemurus) Prepared Frompond Culture, Cage And Wild Fish
This study was aimed to evaluate the sensory quality, proximate composition, amino acids and fatty acids profiles of smoked catfish prepared from pond, cage culture and wild fish. Catfish samples 300-350 grams in weight wastaken respectualy from wild (Kampar river), pond and cage culture in Sungai Paku, Kampar. The fish was smoked using hot smoking method, and the smoked fish was evaluated for smoking yield, sensory quality, proximate composition, amino acid and fatty acid profile.The smoking yield value for smoked fish prepared from pond culture fish was the highest, and then followed by that prepared from cage culture fish and wild fish. The highest fat and moisture composition was found in smoked fish prepared from pond culture fish, then followed by cage culture fish and wild fish. Protein and ash was the highest in smoked fish prepared from wild fish then followed by cage and pond culture fish. Overally, sensory quality and essential amino acid profile of smoked fish was not much different among the fish from different sourcer. However, PUFA was the highest in the smoked fish prepared from cage culture fish them followed by wild fish and pond fish
Rancang Bangun Instrumen Dehidrator untuk Pengasapan dan Pengeringan Hasil-hasil Perikanan
Study on the dehydrator engineering for fish dehydration has beenconducted. The study was aimed to engineer, to built and to assess the existension,effectivity and efficiency of the fish dehydrator and the quality of dehydratedgiant catfish (Pangasius hypopthalmus) yielded by its application. The dehydratorhad three main chamber, namely: smoking furnace, smoking chamber, and dryingchamber. Its volume was measured 120 X 180 X 200 Cm3, and its smoking anddrying capacity were 100 kg.The result showed that both smoking and drying process could be aplliedsimultaneously. Therefore, the smoking fuel used could be saved. It spent 5kg/hour of coconut shell or 3.5 kg/hour of rubber wood (Hevea Brasilliensis). Itwas not detected smoke contamination into the drying chamber. The rate oftemperature and RH in smoking chamber was 63o C and 43%, meanwhile, indrying chamber was 50o C and 49%. The consumer acceptance and the quality ofthe dehidrated fish yielded by smoking was not significantly different to it yieldedby drying. To get the maximum water content 40% in the fish, smoking processneeded 8 hours, meanwhile drying process needed 12 hours. The dehydrated fishcould be stored for 9 days at room temperature (30-32 oC)
The Chemical And Sensorycharacteristics And The Smoking Yield Of Smoked Catfish (Hemibagrusnemurus) Processed At Different Smoking TIME
This study aimed to evaluate the chemical, sensory and smoking yields of cultivated catfish (Hemibagrus nemurus). The samples were the catfish at the weight of 250 gs/eachobtained from thecultivation cagesin. Kampar River in the village of Sungai Paku in the Regency of Kampar the Province of Riau. The catfish were smoked in relatively low smoking temperature in between 50-70 C for different smoking time, namely: 4, 5, 6, and 7 hours. The smoked fish were observed for their smoking yield, chemical and sensory quality. The results indicated that the highest value of smoking yield was found in the catfish smoked for 4 hours (75%), followed by those smoked for 5 hours (65,33%), 6 hours (56,66%) and 7 hours (43,46%). The highest content of fat (11,72%) and water (50,61%) were found in 4-hour smoked catfish. The highest protein content (50,59%), as well as ash content (2,47%), were found in the catfish smoked for 7 hours. Overall, the highest score of sensory value of the smoked catfish was shown by the 7 hours smoking time, at average score of (8.10), and significantly different to catfish smoked for 4 (7,07), 5 (7,44), and 6 hours (7,91)
Effect of Different Treatment on Quality Sensory and Trash Fish Chemical Raw Materials as Fish Meal
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of boiling, salting andicing effectivity in maintaining the chemical and sensory quality of the trashedfish flour. The experimental design used was a randomized block design (RAK)with 1 factor. Treatments of the study were boiling, salting and icing whichconsists by 3 stages, suchas: first stage; fish was boiled into boiling water for 15minutes, second stage; fish was salted with salt 15%, and third stage; fish was icedwith comparation 2: 1 of ice and fish on temperature 5β. The time of storage oftrashed fish was group (4, 6, 8, and 10 days). The parameters was were sensoricvalue (odor), proximate composition, NPN and TVB. The results showed thesensoric value of the trashed fish wich was boiled and iced for storage bad odorand had been rejected on 6 day. Although, the trashed fish wich was salted hadno bad odor and still received for storage. The average value of sensoric quality ofthe trashed fish was boiling 7,63, salting 7,83 and 4,96 icing. For chemicalanalysis (proximat value, NPN and TVB), the best treatment of the trashed fishwith boiling treatment. The proximat compotition of the salted trashed fish forstorage were water value 8,28%, ash value 25,84% , fat value 7,01% and proteinvalue 51,87%. While the value of NPN and TVB were NPN 0,28% and TVB5,41mg
Characteristic Comparison Of Catfish(hemibagrus Nemurus) From Wild, Pond Culture, And Cage
This research aims to evaluation and compared chemical proximate compositions, NPN, amino acid and fat acid of Hemibagrus nemurus from wild catfish, pond culture and cage. Catfish used is 70 from wild (Kampar river), pond culture, and cage in Paku river, Kampar.Value of catfish was evaluation, value of edible portion, dressing percentage water holding capacity,sensory quality, proximate, non protein nitrogen, amino acid, and fat acid. The research was showed edible portion, dressing percentageand sensory quality was not different between fish habitat,water holding capacity highest was catch from pond culture, followed by fish from cage and wild,protein compositions, and cinder fish from wild was highest, next followed by fish from cage and pond culture. Fat acid contents fish from pond culture more hight of the cage and wild, water contents fish from cage and wild more hight of the pond culture, NPN highest was catch from wild, followed by fish from cage and pond culture. Base on data obtained, it was concluded that amino acid was not different from fish habitat. Fat acid of PUFA more hight on fish cage compared pond culture and wild catch