58 research outputs found

    Language Policy: Administrators and Teachers’ view on English as Medium of Instruction Implementation in Indonesia

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    International standard school program aims at improving quality of  students in which implementing English as medium of instruction in the teaching and learning process in mathematics and science subjects. This paper presents the evaluation result of English as medium of instruction in an international standard school program implementation. Findings show that the administrators and teachers have met the qualification requirements of the Ministry of National Education of Indonesia except the TOEFL and proficiency in the English language. The administrators’ perception of use of English as medium of instruction admitted that teachers could not fully use English as medium of instruction because they may not be proficient in the language. In focus group discussion, teachers did not implement the policy and fully aware that they are not proficient in English besides that it is difficult to deliver their content subjects through English. Therefore, the government should offer in-service training program for bilingual teachers which may be dubbed “English for science and Math Teaching”. Key words: English policy, international standard school (ISS), implementation, English as medium of instruction (EMI)

    Listening to students voice: A survey of implementation of English as medium of instruction in an international standard school in Indonesia

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    This quantitative and qualitative study examine the implementation of English as medium of instruction in Titian Teras International Standard School (TT-ISS) in Jambi province, Indonesia by investigating students’ socio-demographic characteristics, perceptions on vision, mission, goals and objectives, English as medium of instruction, and facilities and resources of the school. Using a survey questionnaire, document analysis and focus group discussion (FGD), this study involves 190 students in one of international standard schools in Indonesia. Results indicate that socio-demographic characteristics significantly correlated with academic performance. In contrast, students’ perceptions on vision, mission, goals and objectives, facilities and resources, and English as medium of instruction was not significantly related with academic performance. Furthermore, focus group discussion (FGD) shows that students having difficulties to implement English although they are mandated to use English in school. Therefore, students’ preference to use Bahasa Indonesia as medium of instruction in Math and the sciences Key words: implementation, international standard school, English as medium of instruction

    ICT in Indonesian Public Secondary Schools: EFL Teachers’ Attitude and Problems

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    Teachers’ attitude toward technology in the classroom plays a significant role to achieve educational goals; this mixed-method study investigates the attitude and problems of secondary school English teachers toward ICT in English teaching. Data of this study were collected from the questionnaire with forty-six English teachers and interviews with five teachers from eleven public secondary schools in Jambi city. The findings indicate teachers have a positive attitude toward the use of ICT. Meanwhile, the problems show that the overall mean rating was 3.11 (uncertain), which means English teachers could not determine whether they encountered problems or not in using ICT in teaching English. However, qualitative results showed that the problems faced by teachers were a lack of funds and support for training from the government

    Emergency Education Policy: EFL Undergraduate Students’ Views on Online Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Anchored by sparse investigations on Students’ voices regarding online learning from home during the COVID-19 pandemic in developing countries context, this study aims to investigate the responses of EFL students to the effectiveness of the learning from home policy in an Indonesian University. Fifteen students of fourth semester studying at English department were recruited. This research employed qualitative design with a case study approach as the methodology.  Data were collected from semi-structured interview and then analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the students perceived that online learning from home was good policy initiatives. However, they also experienced ineffectiveness regarding the contents of learning that focus more on giving students the assignments than the learning process itself. Besides that, the students were not supported by conducive learning environment, enabling them to learn more effectively. Students experienced some problems during online learning from home, such as poor internet connection, electrical power disruptions, and day-to-day load expenses for prepaid internet access. The findings suggest that the lecturers should provide the students with appropriate learning instruction for online learning purposes and deliver teaching materials by making use of technology. Thus, policy recommendations are discussed in this article

    “They are English education graduates, but they teach science by using English”: A Mismatch between Policy and Practice?

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    In response to the issue of mismatched teachers teaching in international-based curriculum schools, this exploratory case study investigated the implementation of English teachers’ background teaching science by using English as a medium of instruction (EMI). Data were collected from six teachers who taught science through multiple interviews in one international-based curriculum school in Jambi city, Indonesia. The data presentations were done by making the data tabulation and grouping it into themes and sub-themes. The data tabulation is narrated in paragraph form to draw the content of the data tabulations. The findings revealed that mismatched teachers had problems to implement EMI in teaching science, such as lack of competencies in content knowledge, hard times to use English, and no training for curriculum changes. Despite the weakness, EMI creates international-minded and excels in English. Portraying these findings, recommendations are also discussed in this study

    Implementasi Profil Pelajar Pancasila pada Konsep Merdeka Belajar Kurikulum Merdeka

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi profil pelajar pancasila dimensi beriman, bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan berakhlak mulia, dimensi berkebinekaan global, dimensi gotong royong, dimensi mandiri, dimensi bernalar kritis dan dimensi kreatif di sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SDN 205/IV Kota Jambi pada semester genap  Tahun Ajaran 2022/2023. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumen. Subjek penelitian pada penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah dan guru kelas 1. Uji validitas menggunakan triangulasi teknik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa profil pelajar pancasila pada konsep merdeka belajar kurikulum merdeka telah diimplementasikan di SDN 205/IV Kota Jambi. Tahapan implementasi melalui kegiatan proyek telah diimplementasikan sesuai dengan yang tertuang pada kemendikbud 2022, yakni dimulai dari memahami projek penguatan profil pelajar pancasila, menyiapkan ekosistem sekolah, mendesain proyek penguatan profil pelajar pancasila, mengelola asesmen dan melaporkan projek penguatan profil pelajar pancasila, hingga evaluasi dan tindak lanjut projek penguatan profil pelajar pancasila. Pada tahap pelaksanaan, kepala sekolah juga terlibat secara aktif. Implementasi profil pelajar pancasila juga sudah diimplementasikan dengan baik melalui budaya sekolah, projek penguatan profil pelajar pancasila, pembelajaran intrakulikuler, ekstrakulikuler, dan keteladanan. Kata Kunci: Implementasi, Kurikulum Merdek


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    Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian pengembangan. Penelitian ini berupa pengembangan multimedia interaktif berbasis aplikasi iSpring suite dengan beracuan pada kurikulum merdeka yang dapat digunakan guru sebagai bahan ajar pendukung dalam proses pembelajaran di sekolah dasar. Multimedia interaktif dalam pembelajaran merupakan suatu media pembelajaran yang dapat menyajikan infromasi dengan bentuk tampilan yang lebih menarik dikarenakan adanya gabungan antara teks, grafik, gambar, animasi, bahkan suara yang menarik, sehingga belajar menjadi lebih menyenangkan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendeskripsikan prosedur pengembangan, tingkat validitas dan kepraktisan dari produk yang dikembangkan. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah ADDIE yang terdiri atas 5 tahap utama, yaitu Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, dan Evaluation. hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa validasi dari penilian ahli materi memperoleh nilai rata-rata 4,1 dengan kategori valid, dari penilaian ahli bahasa memperoleh nilai rata-rata 4,41 dengan kategori sangat valid, dan dari penilaian ahli media memperoleh nilai rata-rata 4,2 dengan kategori valid. selanjutnya hasil dari penilaian angket respon guru memperoleh nilai rata-rata 4,7. Penilian dari angket respon peserta didik pada uji coba kelompok kecil memperoleh nilai rata-rata keseluruhan 4,5. Serta penilaian dari angket respon peserta didik pada uji coba kelompok besar memperoleh nilai rata-rata 4,5. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang di peroleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa Pengembangan Multimedia Interaktif Berbasis Aplikasi Ispring Suite Pada Kurikulum Merdeka Dalam Pembelajaran IPA di Kelas V Sekolah Dasar yang telah dikembangkan dinyatakan valid dan praktis untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran

    Children's Story Textbook and Character Education for the Elementary Students

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    This research aimed to develop textbooks containing short stories for young learners based on character education for the fourth grade students at one elementary school. The research subjects were elementary school students, while the research object was children's stories. Children's stories are tales that narrate a story close to the world of children and use language that is easy to be understood by them. The children's story textbook developed in this research was a literary work that reflects the value of character education. The method used was Research and Development. The result was a textbook to teach the fourth-grade students in the state elementary school, which contains children's story based on character education values. The findings illustrated by the expert validation showed that the textbook was feasible. It was effective since the learning results increased. In the trial, the learning goal was achieved in the time allocated. The textbook fascination was described from the interview result with the teacher and students at the trial. In addition, the student's responses to learning with the textbook were reflected in their enthusiastic learning behaviors. The assessment conducted by the teacher revealed that the average score was 89%, while the individual trial was 84%, the small trial was 96%, and the field trial was 97%. In conclusion, the children’s story textbook book based on character education was considered very interesting, precise, clear, and appropriate

    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan, Motivasi dan Disiplin Kerja terhadap Kinerja Guru

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    Latar belakang penelitian rendahnya kinerja guru dilihat dari kemampuan dan profesionalisme guru dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Tujuan penelitian melihat pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan, motivasi dan disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja guru. Metode penelitian pendekatan kuantitatif rancangan survey dalam bentuk survey deskriptif. Anggota populasi keseluruhan guru Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu Nurul Ilmi Kota Jambi, mengunakan sampling jenuh atau sensus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan gaya kepemimpinan berpengaruh dan signifikan terhadap kinerja guru di Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu Nurul Ilmi Kota Jambi. Nilai signifikansi gaya kepemimpinan 0. 024 1.984. Motivasi berpengaruh dan signifikan terhadap kinerja guru di Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu Nurul Ilmi Kota Jambi. Nilai signifikansi motivasi 0. 00 1.984. Disiplin Kerja berpengaruh dan signifikan terhadap kinerja guru di Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu Nurul Ilmi Kota Jambi. Nilai signifikansi disiplin kerja  0. 00 1.984. Gaya kepemimpinan, motivasi dan disiplin kerja secara bersamaan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja guru di Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu Nurul Ilmi Kota Jambi. Nilai Fhitung > nilai Ftabel atau 3.22 > 3.04 dan tingkat signifikan 0.026 < 0.05. Kesimpulannya kinerja guru dipengaruhi oleh gaya kepemimpinan, motivasi dan disiplin kerja

    Manajemen kurikulum sekolah satuan pendidikan kerjasama (SPK) sekolah dasar High Scope Indonesia kota Palembang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan manajemen kurikulum pada Sekolah Satuan Pendidikan Kerjasama (SPK) di SD High Scope Indonesia Kota Palembang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskripsi dengan pendekatan kualitatif.&nbsp; Adapun teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan tiga metode yaitu wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi yang menitik beratkan sumber data melalui informan yaitu Kepala Sekolah, Guru, dan Staf&nbsp; tenaga administrasi yang digunakan untuk menguatkan keabsahan data yang diperoleh. Fokus dari penelitian ini adalah&nbsp; Manajemen Kurrikulum dan kendala yang timbul sekolah SPK di SD High Scope Indonesia Kota Palembang. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini menggambarkan bagaimana kurikulum sekolah SPK ini telah menerapkan manajemen kurikulum yang sesuai dimulai dengan tahap perencanan, pengembangan, pelaksanaan, dan juga evaluasi. Dari pelaksanaan manajemen kurikulum ini juga muncul kendala dalam proses penerapannya seperti integrasi antara kurikulum standar nasional pendidikan dan kurikulum High Scope, serta ketersediaan bahan ajar dan sarana prasarana yang belum memenuhi penunjang selama kegiatan pembelajaran
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