10 research outputs found

    Implementation of Cooperatives’ Principles on Ranked-Cooperatives, East Java 2012

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    The purposes of this research to identify of values and cooperatives’ principles on the field, to identify roles and member participation to improving cooperatives, to identify cooperatives’ performance based on cooperatives’ principles, and to identify problems in order to implementing the cooperatives’ principles. Samples were collected amount 52 cooperatives have been assessed as the accredited cooperatives by Small Medium Enterprise and Cooperatives Office East Java. Methodology supported this research were inventory, field survey, and data analysis. Data have been analyzed and evaluated on 2 steps: grading the defined instrument and checking the supported documents given by respondents. The research findings: Cooperatives’ Principles is an abstract vision which has to spell out how these Principles are to be practiced. The Success programmes as a way to implementing Cooperatives’ Principles that guiding the operation of organization. The product of all cooperatives surveyed was not specific products and need innovation products. Better service for members to survive among other cooperatives. To implement Cooperatives’ Principles, there were correlations between: Management Control and Members’ Satisfaction, Boards’ Performance and Members’ Satisfaction, Well-controlled Administration and Members’ Satisfaction, Capital Structure and Members’ Satisfaction, Unit Business and Members’ Satisfaction, Training & Education and Members’ Satisfaction, Cohesiveness and Members’ Satisfaction

    The Influence of Servant Leadership on Organization Culture, Organizational Commitment, Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Employees’ Performance (Study of Outstanding Cooperatives in East Java Province, Indonesia)

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    The purposes of this research to investigate the influence of Servant Leadership to Organization Culture, Organizational Commitment, OCB and Employees’ Performance on Outstanding Cooperatives in East Java Province. Samples were collected amount 249 employees as unit samples. 30 managers as informant were asked to answer Employees’ Performance variable. Servant Leadership, Organization Culture, Organization Commitment and OCB variables were answered by employees. Structural Equal Modeling is used as a technique of analysis. The research findings: Servant Leadership influences to Organization Culture, Organizational Commitment, and Employees’ Performance significantly, but not to OCB; Organization Culture influences to OCB and Employees’ Performance significantly; Organizational Commitment influences to OCB significantly, but not to Employees’ Performance; OCB influences to Employees’ Performance significantly. The dominant indicators contribute to variables are: people orientation to Servant Leadership, power distance to Organization Culture, continuance commitment to Organizational Commitment, civic virtue to OCB, and individual attitude to Employees’ Performance. Servant Leadership encouraging employees easier, conducting their tasks better and building the organization values thus employees done their job well, honest and increasing their performance. Managers should be more empower themselves to help fellow workers help others voluntarily, fostering sportsmanship, altruism, conscientiousness, courtesy, and civic virtue of the employees

    Mediating Role of Creativity in Determining Innovation towards Competitive Advantage in Batik Creative Industry Indonesia

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    This study purposed to analyse the effects of (1) innovation on competitive advantage; (2) innovation on creativity, (3) creativity on competitive advantage The analysis used quantitative analysis, and as a descriptive analysis as well as an inferential statistics (SEM-PLS= Structural Equation Modelling-Partial Least Square). 55 respondents has been taken from the population of Batik Craft in East Java. This study proved the interesting findings that the diversity in samples appropriate with the diversity in population if eliminated: (1) product and process indicators of innovation; (2) novelty and elaboration indicators of creativity; and (3) competitive price, rarely found and not easy to be replaced indicators of competitive advantage. Therefore the rest of indicator is organizational innovation for innovation variable; resolution indocator for creativity variable; and 2 indicators for competitive advantage variable are: uniqueness and difficult to imitate. The result of probability value (Tstatistic) through bootstrapping of SmartPLS characteristic demonstrated the significance influence of (1) innovation on competitive advantage; (2) innovation on creativity, (3) creativity on competitive advantage. The result also found that the influence of mediation category of the relationship innovation to competitive advantage through creativity as mediator in complementary partial innovation on competitive advantage

    Batik creatif industri, Creativity, Innovation and Competitiveness to encounter global market

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    The paper explores creativity, innovation and competitiveness of batik creative industry in keeping of existence in global market. Purposes of this research are to identify how creativity, innovation and competitiveness of batik crafter encounter to global market and to produce the model. Through 7 informants (3 batik associates, 4 retailers) we analyzed and explicated the assumptions of creativity, innovation and competitiveness by locating the study within the interpretive research paradigm and exemplifying the global market that has impacts on batik industries recently. This study also acknowledges and addresses the government roles in supporting of creativity, innovation and competitiveness to encounter global market

    The Impact of Servant Leadership on Organization Culture, Organizational Commitment, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) and Employee Performance in Women Cooperatives

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    AbstractThis paper aimed to analyze the impact of servant leadership on organizational culture, organizational commitment, OCB; and employee performance; organization culture on OCB and employee performance; organization commitment on OCB and employee performance; and OCB on employee performance. Research involved managers and employees of Women Cooperatives in East Java (40 respondents). The analysis is descriptive and used Partial Least Square. The results showed: servant leadership impacted significantly on organizational culture, organizational commitment, OCB and employee performance; organization culture impacted significantly on OCB, but non significantly on employee performance; organizational commitment impacted non significantly on OCB nor on employee performance; and OCB impacted significantly on employee commitmen

    Pengaruh Servant Leadership Terhadap Motivasi, Budaya Organisasi, Komitmen Organisasional, Keterlibatan Pekerjaan, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Dan Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Unit Usaha Kope

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    Servant Leadership merupakan filosofi kepemimpinan praktis yang mengutamakan pelayanan, mendorong kerjasama, kepercayaan, kesediaan mendengarkan, berorientasi ke masa depan, dan memanfaatkan kekuasaan yang etis untuk memberdayakan orang lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh Servant Leadership terhadap Motivasi, Budaya Organisasi, Komitmen Organisasional, Keterlibatan Pekerjaan, OCB, dan Kinerja Karyawan Koperasi Berprestasi di Provinsi Jawa Timur. Pengambilan sampel berdasarkan daerah populasi yang telah ditetapkan, yaitu 249 karyawan sebagai unit sampel pada 25 wilayah (area sampling) Koperasi Berprestasi untuk menilai variabel Servant Leadership, Motivasi, Budaya Organisasi, Komitmen Organisasional, Keterlibatan Pekerjaan, dan OCB, sedangkan variabel Kinerja Karyawan dinilai oleh 30 manajer sebagai pemberi informasi. Unit analisis adalah karyawan. Data dianalisis melalui Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Servant Leadership berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Motivasi, Budaya Organisasi, Komitmen Organisasional, dan Kinerja Karyawan, tetapi berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap OCB; Motivasi berpengaruh signifikan Keterlibatan Pekerjaan dan Kinerja Karyawan, tetapi berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap OCB; Budaya Organisasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Komitmen Organisasional dan Kinerja Karyawan, tetapi berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap OCB; Keterlibatan Pekerjaan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap OCB, tetapi berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan; Komitmen Organisasional berpengaruh signifikan terhadap OCB dan Keterlibatan Pekerjaan, tetapi berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan; dan OCB berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan. Indikator dominan yang berkontribusi terhadap variabel penelitian adalah: orientasi masyarakat terhadap Servant Leadership, valensi terhadap Motivasi, penghindaran atas ketidakpastian terhadap Budaya Organisasi, keyakinan terhadap Komitmen Organisasional, performance self-esteem contingency terhadap Keterlibatan Pekerjaan, aitruisme terhadap OCB, dan sifat pribadi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan. Bagi karyawan Koperasi Berprestasi, Servant Leadership dipersepsikan terbuka, peduli, dan diterima apa adanya mempermudah manajer mendorong karyawan bekerja Iebih balk dan menanamkan nilai-nilai organisasi, berdampak pada kesediaan karyawan agar lebih memahami pekerjaannya, bekerja dengan jujur, dan meningkatkan kinerja mereka. Manajer Koperasi Berprestasi masih perlu memperbaiki contoh implementasi perilaku positif agar karyawan sukarela membantu rekan kerja menyelesaikan tugas, mengembangkan perilaku sportsmanship, altruism, conscientiousness, courtesy, dan civic virtue karyawan

    Implementation of cooperatives' principles on ranked-cooperatives, East Java 2012

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    The purposes of this research are to identify values and cooperatives' principles on the field, to identify roles and member participation to improving cooperatives, to identify cooperatives' performance based on cooperatives' principles, and to identify problems in order to implementing the cooperatives' principles. Samples were collected at 52 cooperatives that have been assessed as the accredited cooperatives by small medium enterprise and cooperatives office in the East Java. Data have been analyzed and evaluated on two steps: grading the defined instrument and checking the supported documents given by respondents. To implement cooperatives' principles, there were correlations between management control and members' satisfaction, boards' performance and members' satisfaction, well-controlled administration and members' satisfaction, capital structure and members' satisfaction, unit business and members' satisfaction, training and education and members' satisfaction, cohesiveness and members' satisfaction

    Analysis of Strategy Positioning, Segmenting, Institutional Image and Service Quality on Services Purchasing Decisions

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    This study aims to identify the influence of positioning, segmenting, institutional image and service quality strategies on service purchase decisions. The population in this study were all the guardians of Muhammadiyah 18 Surabaya elementary school students, consists of 537 student's guardians. The sampling technique is cluster random sampling, then obtained 100 guardians of students to be asked to fill out the research questionnaire. The analytical method used to answer the hypothesis in this study is multiple regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that positioning, segmenting, and institution image do not affect service purchasing decisions, while the quality of service influences the purchasing decisions of education services at SD Muhammadiyah 18 Surabaya. The ineffectiveness of positioning, segmenting, and agency image strategies may be due to the inability of the school to determine and implement the strategy. Another possibility is that the influence of the strategy is mediated by the interest of students attending Muhammadiyah Elementary School. Future studies are expected to be able to use intervening variables or other measurements to identify the direct and indirect effects of positioning, segmenting, institutional image, service quality and student interest in service purchasing decisions. &nbsp