234 research outputs found

    Intrapulmonary metastasis of non–small cell lung cancer: A prognostic assessment

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    AbstractObjective: According to the revised TNM classification in 1997, intrapulmonary metastasis within the same lobe of the primary tumor is designated as T4 and intrapulmonary metastasis in a different lobe is M1. However, their prognostic implications remain unclear. To assess their prognoses, we retrospectively analyzed the postoperative survival of patients with and without intrapulmonary metastasis. Methods: From January 1982 to December 1996, 2340 patients with non–small cell lung cancer underwent surgical resection. The survival of patients having complete resection (n = 1534) was analyzed according to their intrapulmonary metastasis status: patients without intrapulmonary metastasis (n = 1393), those with metastasis in the same lobe (n = 105), and those with metastasis in a different lobe (n = 18). For comparison, patients with T4 disease without intrapulmonary metastasis in the same lobe (n = 54) and those with M1 disease without metastasis in a different lobe (distant M1, n = 18) were also analyzed. Results: The overall 5-year survivals were as follows: no intrapulmonary metastasis, 60%; stage T4 disease with no intrapulmonary metastasis, 34%; pulmonary metastasis in the same lobe, 34%; pulmonary metastasis in a different lobe, 11%; and distant M1, 6%. The differences in survival between patients with no pulmonary metastasis and those with metastasis in the same lobe (P <.001, log-rank test) and between patients with metastasis in the same lobe and those with distant M1 (P <.001) were significant. In contrast, there was no significant difference between patients with metastasis in the same lobe and those with T4 disease and no intrapulmonary metastasis or between patients with metastasis to a different lobe and those with distant M1. Conclusions: Prognostically, intrapulmonary metastasis within the same lobe of the primary tumor was comparable with T4 and that in a different lobe was comparable with M1. In terms of postoperative prognosis, the revised TNM classification for intrapulmonary metastasis seems to be appropriate.J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2001;122:24-

    T2 tumors larger than five centimeters in diameter can be upgraded to T3 in non–small cell lung cancer

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    AbstractObjective: Among the TNM criteria, tumor size is a well-assessed factor in the prognosis of small tumors. A 3-cm cutoff point separates T1 from T2 tumors, whereas a size larger than 3 cm is not ascribed any prognostic value. Instead, N2 is considered to be the worst prognostic factor for intrathoracic extended disease. Method: The prognosis of 545 patients with non–small cell lung cancer larger than 3 cm in diameter (T2, T3, and T4) was studied. These tumors were completely resected by pneumonectomy (n = 126) or lobectomy (n = 411) or were partially resected (n = 8). Survivals were compared according to the following factors: tumor size (3.1-5 cm, 5.1-7 cm, >7 cm), nodal status, age, sex, histologic type, degree of pleural involvement, operative procedure, stage, and T factor. For the multivariate analysis, the Cox proportional hazard model was used with the same variables. Results: The univariate analysis showed that age, sex, degree of pleural involvement, operative procedure, tumor size, nodal status, and stage were all significant prognostic factors. Further comparison of survival between different tumor sizes (≤5 cm vs >5 cm) in the same nodal category demonstrated a significantly poor prognosis for larger tumors in N0 (P =.00374) and N2+N3 (P =.0157), but not in N1 (P =.3452). T2 tumors (n = 349) were divided, according to size, into T2a (n = 238) and T2b (n = 111), and survival was compared with those in T3 and T4. The 5-year survivals were 51.3%, 35.1%, 47.8%, and 25.3%, respectively. The difference between T2a and T2b was statistically significant (log-rank P =.0170, Breslow P =.0055). Conclusions: A tumor size of more than 5 cm in diameter was indicative of a poor prognosis in non–small cell lung cancer, because patients with T2b tumors had a significantly different survival from that of patients with T2a tumors, and the survival curve was located between those for patients with T3 and T4 tumors. Consequently, T2b might be upgraded to at least T3.J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2001;122:907-1

    Model of lung cancer surgery risk derived from a Japanese nationwide web-based database of 78 594 patients during 2014–2015

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    OBJECTIVESUsing data obtained from a Japanese nationwide annual database with web-based data entry, we developed a risk model of mortality and morbidity after lung cancer surgery.METHODSThe characteristics and operative and postoperative data from 80 095 patients who underwent lung cancer surgery were entered into the annual National Clinical Database of Japan data sets for 2014 and 2015. After excluding 1501 patients, the development data set for risk models included 38 277 patients entering in 2014 and the validation data set included 40 317 patients entering in 2015. Receiver–operating characteristic curves were generated for the outcomes of mortality and composite mortality/major morbidity. The concordance index was used to assess the discriminatory ability and validity of the model.RESULTSThe 30-day mortality and overall mortality rates, including in-hospital deaths, were 0.4% and 0.8%, respectively, in 2014, and 0.4% and 0.8%, respectively, in 2015. The rate of major morbidity was 5.6% in 2014 and 5.6% in 2015. Several risk factors were significantly associated with mortality, namely, male sex, performance status, comorbidities of interstitial pneumonia and liver cirrhosis, haemodialysis and the surgical procedure pneumonectomy. The concordance index for mortality and composite mortality/major morbidity was 0.854 (P < 0.001) and 0.718 (P < 0.001), respectively, for the development data set and 0.849 (P < 0.001) and 0.723 (P < 0.001), respectively, for the validation data set.CONCLUSIONSThis model was satisfactory for predicting surgical outcomes after pulmonary resection for lung cancer in Japan and will aid preoperative assessment and improve clinical outcomes for lung cancer surgery

    Efficacy of proton pump inhibitor in combination with rikkunshito in patients complaining of globus pharyngeus

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    Objective : Globus pharyngeus (GP) is a common symptom of laryngopharyngeal reflux disease (LPRD), and proton pump inhibitor (PPI) and rikkunshito, a traditional Japanese medicine having prokinetic effect improve LPRD symptoms. In the present study, we examined the efficacy of high-dose PPI in combination with rikkunshito in patients complaining of GP. Methods : 106 patients complaining of GP without any organic endoscopic findings were enrolled. Results : Patients were first administrated with high-dose PPI alone for 4 to 8 weeks and the symptom was improved in 65 patients. Among 41 patients with PPI-refractory GP, 22 patients were administrated with high-dose PPI in combination with rikkunshito, and the symptom was improved in 14 of 22 patients 4 weeks later. The average value of a modified reflux symptom index of the responders was similar to that of non-responders. Only a few patients had positive values in reflux finding scores in both groups. Conclusion : The present findings suggest the existence of a high prevalence of LPRD in patients complaining of GP. The data also suggest that gastroesophageal dysmotility is involved in GP, in addition to excessive acid reflux. The pretherapeutic laryngopharyngeal symptoms and endoscopic findings could not predict the efficacy of the treatment for GP

    Variant PRC1 competes with retinoic acid-related signals to repress Meis2 in the mouse distal forelimb bud

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    10 p.-3 fig.-1 tab.Suppression of Meis genes in the distal limb bud is required for proximal-distal (PD) specification of the forelimb. Polycomb group (PcG) factors play a role in downregulation of retinoic acid (RA)-related signals in the distal forelimb bud, causing Meis repression. It is, however, not known whether downregulation of RA-related signals and PcG-mediated proximal gene repression are functionally linked. Here, we reveal that PcG factors and RA-related signals antagonize each other to polarize Meis2 expression along the PD axis in mouse. Supported by mathematical modeling and simulation, we propose that PcG factors are required to adjust the threshold for RA-related signaling to regulate Meis2 expression. Finally, we show that a variant Polycomb repressive complex 1 (PRC1), incorporating PCGF3 and PCGF5, represses Meis2 expression in the distal limb bud. Taken together, we reveal a previously unknown link between PcG proteins and downregulation of RA-related signals to mediate the phase transition of Meis2 transcriptional status during forelimb patterning.This work was supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT) (23249015 to H.K.), the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) (JP18gm0510016 to H.K. and T.K.), the Special Postdoctoral Researcher Program of RIKEN (to N.Y.-K.), the Regional Innovation Program from MEXT (to T.K.) and the Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP) from Cabinet Office, Government of Japan (to T.K. and H.K.).Peer reviewe

    栄養欠乏状態における Phytophthora capsici LEON. の菌糸生長と遊走子のうの形成(予報)(農学部門)

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    本報告は培地栄養ひいては体内栄養の欠乏状態に陥った際におけるPhytophthora capsici LEON.の遊走子のう形成について研究を行なったものである。栄養欠乏培地に菌を移植すると, 後培地に栄養が含まれているほど遊走子のう形成は遅くなる。したがって素寒天培地よりもアガロース培地で形成量が多い。この場合前培養が栄養欠乏していて菌の発育が弱々しい時は後培地では遊走子のうを形成しないし, 菌糸も伸長しない。移植に際して持ち込まれる菌体外栄養を除くため液体中で前培養し, 充分水洗して後培地に移すと前培養の栄養に富んでいるところに育ったものほど菌体量が多くなるが遊走子のうの形成は遅れる。前培養の糖濃度は遊走子のう形成には後培養の際ほど影響を与えないが, 菌体量が増加することによって間接的には影響しているようである。これらの結果から菌体内の栄養状態と遊走子のう形成との関係を模式図に表わして説明を加えた。Zoosporangia formation of Phytophthora capsici LEON. (stock no. 6) under poor nutritional conditions were studied. Mycelial development of the fungus was measured on several agar media such as oat meal decoction, Czapek, cucumber decoction and potato decoction. Among these, oat meal decoction agar was most effective for both mycelial growth and zoosporangia formation. On Czapek medium hypha grew rapidly but the mycelium was not so dense as on other media and zoosporangia were not produced. When sucrose was removed from Czapek medium, hypha became more thin but formed many zoosporangia. Water agar was more effective than no sugar Czapek medium for the zoosporangia formation. Water agarose (1%) was the most effective. In these experiments, carryover of nutrients by the inoculum was suspected to contribute to the growth and zoosporangia formation. Mycelial mat was thoroughly washed with sterile distiled water in two bottles to remove the effect of preculture medium and transferred to distiled water to see the net contribution of stored substance to the hyphal growth and zoosporangia formation. The fungus grown in common potato decoction medium took more days to produce zoosporangia after transfer to the second medium than the diluted ones. Dilution of potato dextrose medium decreased the growth of fungus but accelerated the production of zoosporangia. When the fungus was precultured in a poor nutrient medium, the growth after transference was poor and no zoosporangium was produced. From these results we proposed a schmatic diagram for the growth and zoosporangia formation of this fungus under different nutritional conditions

    Surgical treatment for pulmonary metastases from esophageal carcinoma after definitive chemoradiotherapy: Experience from a single institution

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Surgical treatment for pulmonary metastases is known to be a safe and potentially curative procedure for various primary malignancies. However, there are few reports regarding the prognostic role of surgical treatment for pulmonary metastases from esophageal carcinoma, especially after definitive chemoradiotherapy (CRT).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We retrospectively reviewed 5 patients who underwent surgical treatment for pulmonary metastases from esophageal carcinoma at our institution. The primary treatment for esophageal carcinoma was definitive CRT, and a complete response (CR) was achieved in all patients.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The surgical procedure for pulmonary metastases was wedge resection, and pathological complete resection was achieved in all 5 patients. The disease free interval after definitive CRT varied from 7 to 36 months, with a median of 19 months. There were no perioperative complications, but postoperative respiratory failure occurred in 1 patient. The postoperative hospital stay varied from 4 to 7 days, with a median of 6 days. Three patients are now alive with a good performance status (PS) and are disease free. The other 2 patients died of primary disease. The overall survival after surgical treatment varied from 20 to 90 months, with a median of 29 months.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Surgical treatment should be considered for patients with pulmonary metastases from esophageal carcinoma who previously received CRT and achieved a CR, because it provides not only a longer survival, but also a good postoperative PS for some patients.</p

    Risk assessments for broncho-pleural fistula and respiratory failure after lung cancer surgery by National Clinical Database Japan

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    BackgroundBroncho-pleural fistula (BPF) and respiratory failure (RF) are life-threatening complications after lung cancer surgery and can result in long-term hospitalization and decreased quality of life. Risk assessments for BPF and RF in addition to mortality and major morbidities are indispensable in surgical decision-making and perioperative care.MethodsThe characteristics and operative data of 80,095 patients who had undergone lung cancer surgery were derived from the 2014 and 2015 National Clinical Database (NCD) of Japan datasets. After excluding 1501 patients, risk models were developed from these data and validated by another dataset for 42,352 patients derived from the 2016 NCD dataset. Receiver operating characteristic curves were generated for postoperative BPF and RF development. The concordance-index was used to assess the discriminatory ability and validity of the model.ResultsBPF and RF occurred in 259 (0.3%) and 420 patients (0.5%), respectively, in the model development dataset and in 129 (0.3%) and 198 patients (0.5%), respectively, in the model validation dataset. Characteristic variables including types of surgery and comorbidities were identified as risk factors for BPF and RF, respectively. The concordance indexes of assessments for BPF and RF were 0.847 (p < 0.001) and 0.848 (p < 0.001), respectively, for the development dataset and 0.850 (p < 0.001) and 0.844 (p < 0.001), respectively, for the validation dataset.ConclusionsThese models are satisfactory for predicting BPF and RF after lung cancer surgery in Japan and could guide preoperative assessment and optimal measures for preventing BPF and RF