54 research outputs found

    Das Hybride als NormalitÀt

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    Diskursanalytisch untersucht werden konzeptionelle Verunsicherungen bei der Medienausrichtung von Bibliotheken, die von einer unsteten, auf Durchsetzungserfolge bauenden Orientierung an unbewiesenem Gleichzeitigen oder ZukĂŒnftigen herzurĂŒhren scheinen. Dabei gerĂ€t Bewiesenes unter BegrĂŒndungszwĂ€nge und VerdrĂ€ngungsdruck. Paradigmatisch dafĂŒr wird der Satz ausgemacht: 'Das Neue ist das Gute', von dem eine Steigerungsform, nun unter gĂ€nzlichem Verzicht auf QualitĂ€tsurteile existiert: 'Das Neue ist das SelbstverstĂ€ndliche'. Das wird hier hinterfragt mit transdisziplinĂ€rem Blick auf DiskussionsbeitrĂ€ge hauptsĂ€chlich aus 2014 bis 2016. Herausgearbeitet wird ein informationswissenschaftliches PlĂ€doyer fĂŒr Mediensymbiosen aller Art, auf die das hybride BibliotheksverstĂ€ndnis - in den Geisteswissenschaften zumal - selbstredend seit Jahrzehnten zu Recht aufsetzt und dessen Verstetigung dringend empfohlen wird

    FĂŒhren in alternden Belegschaften : Alter(n)smanagement in Bibliotheken

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    Bibliotheken sollten ein besonderes Personalmanagement fĂŒr alternde Belegschaften einfĂŒhren, um auf den BevölkerungsrĂŒckgang in Deutschland zu reagieren. WĂ€hrend die Lebenserwartung steigt, wird die Geburtenrate annĂ€hernd gleich niedrig bleiben. Das Ergebnis ist eine deutliche VerĂ€nderung der Altersstruktur der Erwerbsbevölkerung. In 2050 werden mehr als 30% der Bevölkerung 65 Jahre oder Ă€lter sein. Die gerontologische Forschung verficht eine neue WertschĂ€tzungskultur der alternden Erwerbsbevölkerung gegenĂŒber und hat im letzten Jahrzehnt dazu Managementtools erarbeitet, aber rar sind Bibliotheken, die heute schon diese Instrumente anwenden. Ein „demografisches HandlungsverstĂ€ndnis“ tut not.Libraries should implement human resource management for an aging workforce to react on Germany’s population decline. While life expectancy is increasing birth rates will remain nearly constantly low. As a result, there will be a clear shift in the age structure of working-age people. In 2050 more than 30% of the population will be 65 years old or older. Gerontology research has defended a new culture of appreciation of the aging workforce and elaborated managing tools in the last decade but rare are libraries that apply these instruments today. A “demographic literacy” is highly required

    Transcript Cleavage by Thermus thermophilus RNA Polymerase: EFFECTS OF GreA AND ANTI-GreA FACTORS

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    All known multisubunit RNA polymerases possess the ability to endonucleolytically degrade the nascent RNA transcript. To gain further insight into the conformational changes that govern transcript cleavage, we have examined the effects of certain anions on the intrinsic transcript cleavage activity of Thermus thermophilus RNA polymerase. Our results indicate that the conformational transitions involved in transcript cleavage, and therefore backtracking, are anion-dependent. In addition to characterizing the intrinsic cleavage activity of T. thermophilus RNA polymerase, we have identified, cloned, and expressed a homolog of the prokaryotic transcript cleavage factor GreA from the extreme thermophiles, T. thermophilus and Thermus aquaticus. The thermostable GreA factors contact the 3'-end of RNA, stimulate the intrinsic cleavage activity of T. thermophilus RNA polymerase, and increase the k(app) of the cleavage reaction 25-fold. In addition, we have identified a novel transcription factor in T. thermophilus and T. aquaticus that shares a high degree of sequence similarity with GreA, but has several residues that are not conserved with the N-terminal "basic patch" region of GreA. This protein, Gfh1, functions as an anti-GreA factor in vitro by reducing intrinsic cleavage and competing with GreA for a binding site on the polymerase

    Microparticles globally reprogram Streptomyces albus toward accelerated morphogenesis, streamlined carbon core metabolism, and enhanced production of the antituberculosis polyketide pamamycin

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    Streptomyces spp. are a rich source for natural products with recognized industrial value, explaining the high interest to improve and streamline the performance of in these microbes. Here, we studied the production of pamamycins, macrodiolide homologs with a high activity against multiresistant pathogenic microbes, using recombinant Streptomyces albus J1074/R2. Talc particles (hydrous magnesium silicate, 3MgO·4SiO2·H2O) of micrometer size, added to submerged cultures of the recombinant strain, tripled pamamycin production up to 50 mg/L. Furthermore, they strongly affected morphology, reduced the size of cell pellets formed by the filamentous microbe during the process up to sixfold, and shifted the pamamycin spectrum to larger derivatives. Integrated analysis of transcriptome and precursor (CoA thioester) supply of particle‐enhanced and control cultures provided detailed insights into the underlying molecular changes. The microparticles affected the expression of 3,341 genes (56% of all genes), revealing a global and fundamental impact on metabolism. Morphology‐associated genes, encoding major regulators such as SsgA, RelA, EshA, Factor C, as well as chaplins and rodlins, were found massively upregulated, indicating that the particles caused a substantially accelerated morphogenesis. In line, the pamamycin cluster was strongly upregulated (up to 1,024‐fold). Furthermore, the microparticles perturbed genes encoding for CoA‐ester metabolism, which were mainly activated. The altered expression resulted in changes in the availability of intracellular CoA‐esters, the building blocks of pamamycin. Notably, the ratio between methylmalonyl CoA and malonyl‐CoA was increased fourfold. Both metabolites compete for incorporation into pamamycin so that the altered availability explained the pronounced preference for larger derivatives in the microparticle‐enhanced process. The novel insights into the behavior of S. albus in response to talc appears of general relevance to further explore and upgrade the concept of microparticle enhanced cultivation, widely used for filamentous microbes

    Genome-Wide Identification of Small RNAs in the Opportunistic Pathogen Enterococcus faecalis V583

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    Small RNA molecules (sRNAs) are key mediators of virulence and stress inducible gene expressions in some pathogens. In this work we identify sRNAs in the Gram positive opportunistic pathogen Enterococcus faecalis. We characterized 11 sRNAs by tiling microarray analysis, 5â€Č and 3â€Č RACE-PCR, and Northern blot analysis. Six sRNAs were specifically expressed at exponential phase, two sRNAs were observed at stationary phase, and three were detected during both phases. Searches of putative functions revealed that three of them (EFA0080_EFA0081 and EFB0062_EFB0063 on pTF1 and pTF2 plasmids, respectively, and EF0408_EF04092 located on the chromosome) are similar to antisense RNA involved in plasmid addiction modules. Moreover, EF1097_EF1098 shares strong homologies with tmRNA (bi-functional RNA acting as both a tRNA and an mRNA) and EF2205_EF2206 appears homologous to 4.5S RNA member of the Signal Recognition Particle (SRP) ribonucleoprotein complex. In addition, proteomic analysis of the ΔEF3314_EF3315 sRNA mutant suggests that it may be involved in the turnover of some abundant proteins. The expression patterns of these transcripts were evaluated by tiling array hybridizations performed with samples from cells grown under eleven different conditions some of which may be encountered during infection. Finally, distribution of these sRNAs among genome sequences of 54 E. faecalis strains was assessed. This is the first experimental genome-wide identification of sRNAs in E. faecalis and provides impetus to the understanding of gene regulation in this important human pathogen

    Die Hybridbibliothek als Ort geisteswissenschaftlicher Forschung : textorientierte Geschichtswissenschaft und digitaler Wandel ; eine Evaluation am Beispiel der Spezialbibliothek des Deutschen historischen Instituts Paris

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    Die ungebrochen rasante Entwicklung digitaler Technik erzeugt wachsenden Druck auf die textorientierte Geschichtswissenschaft. Diese sieht sich von Forschungsförderung und Teilen der eigenen Fachgemeinde in den letzten Jahren zunehmend aufgefordert, dezidierter ihre Position innerhalb des umfassenderen gesellschaftlichen Prozesses des digitalen Wandels zu bestimmen. In der geschichtswissenschaftlichen Forschung stehen die Spezialbibliotheken als ForschungsstĂ€tte vor der Herausforderung, ihre Anteile von Speicherort fĂŒr Medien und Lernort fĂŒr Forschende neu zu gewichten. Dies vor dem Hintergrund einer stetig zunehmenden Dematerialisierung durch Digitalisierung der Ressourcen auf entfernten Servern. Was fĂŒr die technikaffinen Naturwissenschaften die gĂ€nzlich virtuelle Bibliothek attraktiv macht, scheint auch fĂŒr die geschichtswissenschaftliche Spezialbibliothek das Auslaufen analoger Buchzentriertheit nahezulegen. Das seit 20 Jahren in der Fachdiskussion so genannte Modell der Hybridbibliothek erweist sich hier als ein bislang tragfĂ€higes Dauerkonzept bei der funktionalen und konzeptionellen Orientierung. Es garantiert der textorientierten Geschichtswissenschaft auch nach dem gegenwĂ€rtigen Stand der Diskussion Wissensgenerierung durch Verwendung digitaler Forschungsressourcen bei gleichzeitig haptischrĂ€umlicher PrĂ€senz einer Sammlung. Mit Fokus auf die geschichtswissenschaftliche Spezialbibliothek des Deutschen Historischen Instituts Paris, eines der 10 Forschungsinstitute der Max-Weber-Stiftung, soll das Konzept Hybridbibliothek in dieser Arbeit mit dem Diskussionsstand 2015 evaluiert und Argumente fĂŒr seine bewusste Anwendung in den Spezialbibliotheken der Max-Weber-Stiftung gesichtet werden.The unbroken rapid development of digital technology exerts growing pressure on the textoriented historical science. This is research funding and parts of one's own professional community in recent years increasingly called upon to state more precisely its position within the broader social process of digital change. In scientific historical research, the special libraries as a research location are facing the challenge to recalculate their shares of location for media and learning areas for researchers. All this occurred against the background of a steadily increasing dematerialization by digitalization of resources on remote servers. What makes the entirely virtual library for technology-related sciences attractive seems to suggest the phasing out of analog book cen-teredness also for the historical academic special library. The model of the so called hybrid library appears since 20 years as an apparently viable concept of permanent functional and conceptual orientation. It guarantees the text-oriented historical science - according to the current state of the discussion of knowledge-generation by use of digital research resources - at the same time the haptic-spatial presence of a collection. With a focus on the special library of the German Historical Institute in Paris, one of Max-Weber-Foundation’s 10 research institutes, this concept of the "Hybrid library" will be evaluated in this work with the 2015-state of discussion and arguments will be carved out for its deliberate application in special libraries of the Max-Weber-Foundation

    Isotopenhydrologische Untersuchungen und Tracerversuche im Zechsteinkarst am Nordrand des ThĂŒringer Waldes

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