188 research outputs found

    Prospectus, February 1, 1978

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    NINE POSITIONS OPEN: STU-GO ELECTIONS NEARING; Where were you when the snow hit the fan??; Nine were stuck at school when the blizzard hit C-U; Parkland Events; Letters to the editor: Digging your way toward one hour of class credits; Parent-teenager relationships topic of CHI weekly series; Well babies are first topic at CHI; Thompson vs. Bakalis: \u27Strong candidates\u27 race for the crown; Indoor plants might grow on you; Seed catalogues already?: The outdoor season is sneaking up; Contest for kids: Story Shop for Young Writers; The aftereffects of sugar aren\u27t so sweet; Women Against Rape seek volunteers; Sato\u27s Macbeth combines two old styles exquisitely; Classifieds; Stairway to Stardom contest at Six Flags; New series at old opera house; Snowbound in Danville with the Cobras; Women chalk up two more; Coach counting on new tracksters; Men stomp Kankakee at home; Bouncing Bob Basketball Bonanzahttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1978/1027/thumbnail.jp

    Prospectus, March 8, 1978

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    $3.2 BILLION FOR SCHOOLS: THOMPSON; Four new classes offered; The death of the Daily news; Parkland College News in brief: \u27Saving energy\u27 workshop to begin today, Off-campus beauty classes, Avoid the agony of de feet, Applications for achievement due, EIU rep. here; Next???; Henriksen: speed skating, skateboarding and law; Classifieds; Colorado and Canada for summer courses??; Track team set for the regional; Woolfork hits winning shot for South in all-star game; Final Bob contest has two winners; Wabash captures state crownhttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1978/1022/thumbnail.jp

    Adsorbers for in-situ collection and at-sea gamma analysis of dissolved Thorium-234 in seawater

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    Two polypropylene cartridge types (Beta Pure and Hytrex II) were tested in the laboratory as adsorbers for in-situ collection of dissolved Thorium-234 (234TH) in seawater. Using a uranyl nitrate tracer, we determined that a Mn02 impregnated 3.25-inch Hytrex II cartridge with a flow rate of 8 liters/minute would collect 234TH with a greater than 60% effciency. The smaller size and composition of the 3.25 inch Hytrex II cartridge enabled it to be pressed into a permanent 1-inch "puck" for direct gamma counting. This protocol significantly reduced the handling between collection and counting. When field tested in the Gulf of Maine as a large volume (>500 liters) collector, the new adsorbers produced a greater than 80% collection effciency and a dissolved 234TH concentration which was consistent with independent samples collected at the same station and depth. These adsorbers were used successfully for the in-situ collection of 234TH in large volumes of seawater during the 1992 NOAA and NSF sponsored JGOFS EqPac program, with a mean collection efficiency of 0.79 +/- 9% (n=104 cartridge pairs).Funding was provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Offce of Global Programs under Contract OCE-920395200

    Prospectus, April 19, 1978

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    THREE NEW PC BOARD MEMBERS SWORN IN; Prospectus editor resigns; Little Theatre to host Dracula and others; Browne enchants fans; Parkland College News in brief: Two foreign films being shown, Music hall opens in Farmer City, April 15, Night preregistration, Math teacher in the swim, PCC career day Sat., Art and crafts show this Sat., Moral issues in medicine course offered; Town and country planting time again; Long days, little rest plague area farmers; Kite derby; Open House: Parkland put out welcome mat last Sunday, crowds poured in; Classifieds; Track team looking good; Cobras storm back to win three of four; Franklin powers softball team; Rick Kirby announces for UMSLhttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1978/1017/thumbnail.jp

    Prospectus, August 31, 1977

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    JULY BOARD MEETING ADOPTS TWO, FIVE-YEAR GROWTH PLANS; PC Board of Trustees approves new teachers; Scholarship money still available this semester; Personal Service Guide; Data processor scholarship offeredbyEIU;Volunteersneededforspeechandtheatre;Recordnumberforfallcourses;ParklandEvents;Afewwords...;fromoursponsors;AdvertisingPolicy;LaetrilelecturesetforTuesday;Stoeberspeaks;Staffeditorial:ParklandisnowpartofChampaign;Newprogramsbeingofferedforfall;Path:Learningadaptionstohelphandicapped;Referendumandsnow:lastyear2˘7snews:TaxReferendumPassesOnFirstTry,Women2˘7sBasketballTeamTakesState,BoardVotes25 offered by EIU; Volunteers needed for speech and theatre; Record number for fall courses; Parkland Events; A few words...; from our sponsors; Advertising Policy; Laetrile lecture set for Tuesday; Stoeber speaks; Staff editorial: Parkland is now part of Champaign; New programs being offered for fall; Path: Learning adaptions to help handicapped; Referendum and snow: last year\u27s news: Tax Referendum Passes On First Try, Women\u27s Basketball Team Takes State, Board Votes 25% Tuition Increase - New Hour Total 17, Winter of the Century Paralyzes Parkland, Treasurer Zettler Elected President Of Stu-Go, Parkland Gets Pins, Student Vote Helps Passage Of MTD Referendum, Prospectus Wins And Wins And Wins...; Support needed to keep PLATO; She wears an apron, outsmarts men; Parkland organizations are listed; Summer people; Parkland cited for \u27good grades\u27; Who\u27s who at Parkland College; Women\u27s program offers three new courses; Registration still open-community awareness; Letting out some slack...: Summer productive; Resignations force new elections; Did you know?; \u27Twas only last year; C-U Symphony lists schedule; Pavarotti, Andre Watts Chicago Symphony to appear at Krannert; Mmm Good! Warhol\u27s soups are on display; Concert season opens September 15; PC bands and choirs seek singers, players; Theatre season features old favorites; Guidelines for organization of year listed; Classifieds; News for Vets: Loans still available for veterans\u27 higher education expenses; Advance payments available for veterans; Health information center to open; Bridge bums?: Game tournaments featured at Parkland; Ski meeting Sept. 6; Track tryouts scheduled today: Cross Country Schedule; Golf Schedule; Women\u27s Volleyball Schedule; Good sports year for PC; Golf team loses Murdockhttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1977/1015/thumbnail.jp

    Prospectus, December 6, 1978

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    WHICH IS BETTER-- TICCIT OR PLATO?; Internship applications accepted; PC business instructor receives service award; Education in the 80\u27s to be topic of talk; Brown resigns as Day Senator; Faculty invited to student forum; Canteen requests to raise food prices at Parkland; PC band to perform at Market Place; PC singers to give concerts this Sunday; Teachers essential for PLATO; PC students--on PLATO; Parkland to offer class; PC Women\u27s Program to host workshop; PC club to show attire; Heart\u27s melody rocks fans; Springsteen and the E Street Band electrify audience; Patton Woods gets clean-up; LRC detection system saves PC library $16,000 a year; Basketball season opens; WPCD\u27s Top 10 for the week of Dec. 4; Classifieds; Women win opener; New league ready to start; Women\u27s Box Score; Cobras start great; Dubinski and Goodwin finish with 1-1 records; Bouncing Bob; Reed wins Bouncing Bob; Fast Freddy contestants have hard time picking this week\u27s winnershttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1978/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Prospectus, January 25, 1978

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    WHAT\u27S AHEAD FOR PARKLAND IN 78?; WPCD may go on air tomorrow morning; Staff editorial: Our new look…; Everybody resigned: Whatever happened to Stu-Go\u27s Executive Board?; Letters to the editor: PC alumnus praises AFROTC program; Credits for classes in Colorado, Florida, Dublin, London, Paris...; ...and Germany; Government internships available in Springfield; Poet\u27s Corner; Programs and careers: U of I visitation Feb. 3, SIU Transfer Guest Day Feb. 11, New MS degree in general engineering, EMT driving workshops at Parkland next month; PC women\u27s workshops begin soon for non-credit; Life span planning workshop aids in charting realistic future; Teacher education under scrutiny; Work-study veterans now getting minimum wage, says VA director; IRS gives taxes do\u27s and don\u27ts; Singers sought; Do it by Jan. 27; Learn to buy, grow and cook...in metric; Parkland adjusts for the inevitable changes; Medicare 7, 8 or 9: Jazz \u27oldies\u27 at U of I; Seeing-eye students are needed; Eureka College rep here; You ought to be in pictures: Judges picked in college filmmaking competition, Student photo in Kodak display, Ill. photo show and contest set; Who are the faces behind the voices; Tomorrow may be the day for Parkland\u27s FM radio station; A popular culture approach: Women in films reflect acceptable behaviors: Sochen; Activities office has Ice Capades tickets; Classifieds; Struggling through yet another Illinois winter: Let\u27s see now, was that \u27feed a fever, starve a cold,\u27 or \u27starve...; Here are a few thoughts about savings on energy; U of I vet says cats and dogs need protection from cold, too; Fashion folk say that \u27layered look\u27 is \u27in\u27 for winter month; At least there\u27s enough gas to go around; Don\u27t panic, do think ahead: Ideas about our friend, the auto; Indoor track season in full gear; Sports opinion; High school basketball: Area teams gaining recognition; Intramurals head back to courts; Parkland streaks into Danville; Teams claim three tourney titles: Men take top prize at Kewanee; trip paces win over Spoon River; Cobra men triumph in own invitational; Fast Freddy Football Forecast: Upsets cause extra headaches; Bouncing Bob Basketball Bonanza; This Week\u27s Games\u27 Burke leads women to two wins and tournament titlehttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1978/1028/thumbnail.jp

    Prospectus, September 28, 1977

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    COMMUNITY COLLEGE GRADS SUCCESSFUL AT 4-YEAR SCHOOLS; Canteen must go by contract, lower prices; Parkland Events; New budget OK\u27d by Board: salaries and benefits are 70%; Activities Day; Kites, volleyball, music…: Students gather for fun; Women\u27s theatre group to perform; Dancer to appear; Cleveland Armory; Harry\u27s brother a hit: Johnson, Chapin charm loud Auditorium crowd; Health topics start Tuesday; IM football to start Tuesday at Centennial; Classifieds; Record no. entrants: Holland wins Freddy; X-Country team finishes sixth: Sugar Grove; Tennis meeting is tomorrow; Cobras place 14th in Lincoln Trail Golf Invitationalhttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1977/1011/thumbnail.jp

    Prospectus, November 9, 1977

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    AIR FORCE SHOW HERE; I think that I will never see a snackbar with a redwood tree; CHI sponsors arthritis talk; Pre-registration starts Monday; Parkland veterans carry gripes to Springfield reps; Stu-Go looks into wide screen TV purchase; Parkland Events; Letter to the Editors: PLATO to go?; Susan Day gives readings next Tuesday; Activities for long-living include chair exercises; Free tutoring help is available- veterans, widows, children, others; Double bagging saves time, $: Glasa; Special Notice; Ahh...the terpsichorean delights of the ballet!!; You win some, you lose some: Co-ed spikers are serious competitors; Poet at Women\u27s Program; Classifieds; Conference champions look forward to state competition; Women\u27s Volleyball Pool Play Schedule; Women ready for state; Coach Bob wins one!!!: Three Freddy fiends get 11; Sports shorts.....; Basketball captain; IM footballers into final weeks; Hammerin\u27 Hank visits C-Uhttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1977/1005/thumbnail.jp
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