14 research outputs found


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    Numerical experiments with the model chain of the German Weather Service are conducted to find the reasons for the bad performance of the operational precipitation forecast in the case of the Elbe flood in August 2002. The sensitivity to initial and to boundary data as well as to a new precipitation scheme and the horizontal model resolution is inspected. The greatest improvement concerning the amount and location of the predicted precipitation field is achieved by using ECMWF analysis data as initial fields. Also, the implementation of a precipitation scheme that allows the rain to be advected with the wind exhibits a positive effect. Last, the better resolution of the global model improves the rainfall forecast, whereas the better resolution of the regional model produces worse results

    Enumerating Hertzsprung equivalence classes defined by partitions of the symmetric group of degree three

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    Hertzsprung-mynstur eru umröðunarmynstur þar sem stöður og gildi mynstrana eru skilyrt til að vera aðliggjandi. Fjölskylda mengja slíkra Hertzsprung-mynstra skapa jafngildisflokka undir mynstraskiptajafngildi. Þessa flokka köllum við Hertzsprung-jafngildisflokka. Í þessari ritgerð kynnum við aðferð sem leyfir okkur að telja þessa jafngildisflokka sem Hertzsprung-mynstrin skapa. Til þess að prófa þessa aðferð skoðum við allar skiptingar á samhverfu grúpunni af þriðju gráðu. Hver þeirra getur skapað Hertzsprung-jafngildisflokk. Við náum að finna meirihluta framleiðandi falla sem telja Hertzsprung-jafngildisflokka sem skilgreindir eru af þessum skiptingum.Hertzsprung patterns are permutation patterns in which both positions and values are required to be adjacent. A family of sets of Hertzsprung patterns induces equivalence classes by a pattern-replacement equivalence. In this paper, we introduce a method that allows us to automatically enumerate these equivalence classes for some families. We manage to find the generating functions which enumerate the Hertzsprung-equivalence classes defined by a majority of the set partitions of the symmetric group of degree three