35 research outputs found

    3D sub-pixel correlation length imaging

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    A Monte Carlo approach for scattering correction towards quantitative neutron imaging of polycrystals

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    The development of neutron imaging from a qualitative inspection tool towards a quantitative technique in materials science has increased the requirements for accuracy significantly. Quantifying the thickness or the density of polycrystalline samples with high accuracy using neutron imaging has two main problems: (i) the scattering from the sample creates artefacts on the image and (ii) there is a lack of specific reference attenuation coefficients. This work presents experimental and simulation results to explain and approach these problems. Firstly, a series of neutron radiography and tomography experiments of iron, copper and vanadium are performed and serve as a reference. These materials were selected because they attenuate neutrons mainly through coherent (Fe and Cu) and incoherent (V) scattering. Secondly, an ad hoc Monte Carlo model was developed, based on beamline, sample and detector parameters, in order to simulate experiments, understand the physics involved and interpret the experimental data. The model, developed in the McStas framework, uses a priori information about the sample geometry and crystalline structure, as well as beamline settings, such as spectrum, geometry and detector type. The validity of the simulations is then verified with experimental results for the two problems that motivated this work: (i) the scattering distribution in transmission imaging and (ii) the calculated attenuation coefficients.</jats:p

    Wavelength-dispersive dark-field contrast: micrometre structure resolution in neutron imaging with gratings

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    Dark field imaging using grating interferometers has been proven to have a high potential for applications in engineering, magnetism, and soft matter and biophysics, as well as in medicine with both neutrons and X rays. The access to spatially resolved small angle scattering information in neutron dark field imaging provides information about structures beyond direct spatial image resolution. The dark field contrast modality is hence a valuable tool for materials science based on neutron imaging. This is underlined by the success of the method, despite its current limitation to qualitative scattering information. Here it is demonstrated how a wavelength dispersive approach allows such drawbacks to be overcome by providing quantitative structure size information and hence can introduce novel possibilities and insights for materials science

    In-situ visualization of stress-dependent bulk magnetic domain formation by neutron grating interferometry

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    The performance and degree of efficiency of industrial transformers are directly influenced by the magnetic properties of high-permeability steel laminations (HPSLs). Industrial transformer cores are built of stacks of single HPSLs. While the insulating coating on each HPSL reduces eddy-current losses in the transformer core, the coating also induces favorable inter-granular tensile stresses that significantly influence the underlying magnetic domain structure. Here, we show that the neutron dark-field image can be used to analyze the influence of the coating on the volume and supplementary surface magnetic domain structures. To visualize the stress effect of the coating on the bulk domain formation, we used an uncoated HPSL and stepwise increased the applied external tensile stress up to 20 MPa. We imaged the domain configuration of the intermediate stress states and were able to reproduce the original domain structure of the coated state. Furthermore, we were able to visualize how the applied stresses lead to a refinement of the volume domain structure and the suppression and reoccurrence of supplementary domains. (C) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC

    Gemmological Investigations on Pearls and Emeralds using Neutron Imaging

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    Gemmology deals with the characterization of coloured stones, diamonds and pearls used in the jewellery sector. As the investigated objects are in general rather valuable, a large variety of non-destructive testing methods (e.g. X-ray luminescence, X-ray tomography, UV/VIS spectroscopy, etc.) is routinely used for their inspection and characterisation. In a joint project of Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), Swiss Gemmological Institute (SSEF) and the University Freiburg, potential application fields of neutron imaging methods (i.e. radiography, microtomography and neutron grating interferometry) in the characterisation and testing of pearls and emeralds were investigated and compared to already established X-ray methods. Neutron tomography yields results with comparable image quality but a different contrast, highlighting in the case of pearls the regions containing organic and hence hydrogen containing material. As such regions composed of low-Z material can be very hard to distinguish from voids inside an object using X-ray tomography, neutron tomography provides important additional information on the tested object due to its complementary properties. The complementarity between neutron and X-ray data shows also in the case of emeralds, where fissures filled with organic fillers are highlighted in the neutron data, while staying concealed in the X-ray data. Metallic inclusions in the emeralds on the other hand appear much more pronounced in the X-ray data, then using neutron imaging. The utilization of both methods on the same sample yields hence additional information on the composition of different regions within the object

    Frequency-Induced Bulk Magnetic Domain-Wall Freezing Visualized by Neutron Dark-Field Imaging

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    We use neutron dark-field imaging to visualize and interpret the response of bulk magnetic domain walls to static and dynamic magnetic excitations in (110)-Goss textured iron silicon high-permeability steel alloy. We investigate the domain-wall motion under the influence of an external alternating sinusoidal magnetic field. In particular, we perform scans combining varying levels of dc(offset) (0-30 A/m), oscillation amplitude A(ac) (0-1500 A/m), and frequency f(ac) ((0-200 Hz). By increasing amplitude A(ac) while maintaining constant values of dc(offset) and f(ac), we record the transition from a frozen domain-wall structure to a mobile one. Vice versa, increasing f(ac) while keeping A(ac) and dc(offset) constant led to the reverse transition from a mobile domain-wall structure into a frozen one. We show that varying both A(ac) and f(ac) shifts the position of the transition region. Furthermore, we demonstrate that higher frequencies require higher oscillation amplitudes to overcome the freezing phenomena. The fundamental determination and understanding of the frequency-induced freezing process in high-permeability steel alloys is of high interest to the further development of descriptive models for bulk macromagnetic phenomena. Likewise, the efficiency of transformers can be improved based on our results, since these alloys are used as transformer core material

    Quantification of the sensitivity range in neutron dark-field imaging

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    In neutron grating interferometry, the dark-field image visualizes the scattering properties of samples in the small-angle and ultra-small-angle scattering range. These angles correspond to correlation lengths from several hundred nanometers up to several tens of micrometers. In this article, we present an experimental study that demonstrates the potential of quantitative neutron dark-field imaging. The dark-field signal for scattering from different particle sizes and concentrations of mono-dispersive polystyrene particles in aqueous solution is compared to theoretical predictions and the good agreement between measurements and calculations underlines the quantitative nature of the measured values and reliability of the technique with neutrons