45,047 research outputs found

    A three dimensional model of the Venusian thermosphere with superrotation

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    An improved three dimensional spectral model of the thermosphere of Venus is described. The model solves the Navier-Stokes equations and includes nonlinear effects for an arbitrary number of atmospheric species. A two dimensional axisymmetric model of the superrotation of the thermosphere is also presented. This model addresses the Pioneer-Venus mission finding, which suggested the thermospheric rotation rate to be much higher than that of the planet as seen from the asymmetric distribution of hydrogen and helium. Both models include the effects of an anisotropic eddy diffusion that is consistent with atmospheric mixing length theory

    Enhancement of Kerr nonlinearity via multi-photon coherence

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    We propose a new method of resonant enhancement of optical Kerr nonlinearity using multi-level atomic coherence. The enhancement is accompanied by suppression of the other linear and nonlinear susceptibility terms of the medium. We show that the effect results in a modification of the nonlinear Faraday rotation of light propagating in an Rb87 vapor cell by changing the ellipticity of the light.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures Submitted to Optics Letter

    On the Formation of Galaxy Halos: Comparing NGC 5128 and the Local Group Members

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    The metallicity distribution function (MDF) for the old red-giant stars in the halo of NGC 5128, the nearest giant elliptical galaxy, is virtually identical with the MDF for the old-disk stars in the LMC and also strongly resembles the halo MDF in M31. These galaxies all have high mean halo metallicities ( ~ -0.4$) with very small proportions of low-metallicity stars. These observations reinforce the view that metal-rich halos are quite normal for large galaxies of all types. Such systems are unlikely to have built up by accretion of pre-existing, gas-free small satellite galaxies, unless these satellites had an extremely shallow mass distribution (d log N / d log M > -1). We suggest that the halo of NGC 5128 is more likely to have assembled from hierarchical merging of gas-rich lumps in which the bulk of star formation took place during or after the merger stage.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, plus 3 figures in separate postscript files; Astronomical Journal, in press for December 200

    Zero range model of traffic flow

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    A multi--cluster model of traffic flow is studied, in which the motion of cars is described by a stochastic master equation. Assuming that the escape rate from a cluster depends only on the cluster size, the dynamics of the model is directly mapped to the mathematically well-studied zero-range process. Knowledge of the asymptotic behaviour of the transition rates for large clusters allows us to apply an established criterion for phase separation in one-dimensional driven systems. The distribution over cluster sizes in our zero-range model is given by a one--step master equation in one dimension. It provides an approximate mean--field dynamics, which, however, leads to the exact stationary state. Based on this equation, we have calculated the critical density at which phase separation takes place. We have shown that within a certain range of densities above the critical value a metastable homogeneous state exists before coarsening sets in. Within this approach we have estimated the critical cluster size and the mean nucleation time for a condensate in a large system. The metastablity in the zero-range process is reflected in a metastable branch of the fundamental flux--density diagram of traffic flow. Our work thus provides a possible analytical description of traffic jam formation as well as important insight into condensation in the zero-range process.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures, small changes are made according to finally accepted version for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Fluctuations of the heat flux of a one-dimensional hard particle gas

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    Momentum-conserving one-dimensional models are known to exhibit anomalous Fourier's law, with a thermal conductivity varying as a power law of the system size. Here we measure, by numerical simulations, several cumulants of the heat flux of a one-dimensional hard particle gas. We find that the cumulants, like the conductivity, vary as power laws of the system size. Our results also indicate that cumulants higher than the second follow different power laws when one compares the ring geometry at equilibrium and the linear case in contact with two heat baths (at equal or unequal temperatures). keywords: current fluctuations, anomalous Fourier law, hard particle gasComment: 5 figure

    Properties of the mechanosensitive channel MscS pore revealed by tryptophan scanning mutagenesis

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    Funding This work was supported by a Wellcome Trust Programme grant [092552/A/10/Z awarded to I.R.B., S.M., J. H. Naismith (University of St Andrews, St Andrews, U.K.), and S. J. Conway (University of Oxford, Oxford, U.K.)] (T.R. and M.D.E.), by a BBSRC grant (A.R.) [BB/H017917/1 awarded to I.R.B., J. H. Naismith, and O. Schiemann (University of St Andrews)], by a Leverhulme Emeritus Fellowship (EM-2012-060\2), and by a CEMI grant to I.R.B. from the California Institute of Technology. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013 FP7/2007-2011) under Grant PITN-GA-2011-289384 (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN NICHE) (H.G.) (awarded to S.M.).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    On a random walk with memory and its relation to Markovian processes

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    We study a one-dimensional random walk with memory in which the step lengths to the left and to the right evolve at each step in order to reduce the wandering of the walker. The feedback is quite efficient and lead to a non-diffusive walk. The time evolution of the displacement is given by an equivalent Markovian dynamical process. The probability density for the position of the walker is the same at any time as for a random walk with shrinking steps, although the two-time correlation functions are quite different.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure