580 research outputs found

    The latest chapter in a conservation story: completing 10 years of posttranslocation monitoring for a population of great crested newt (Triturus cristatus) in Scotland

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    During the late 1990s, industrial development threatened a large population of great crested newt (Triturus cristatus) at Gartcosh, North Lanarkshire, Scotland. In 2004 – 2006, the population was relocated during the first ex situ conservation-based translocation in Scotland, from Gartcosh Industrial Site to the specially created Gartcosh Nature Reserve (GNR). By 2006, 1,012 great crested newts had been translocated to GNR. Peak adult counts obtained by torchlight survey in 2006 were low but continued to increase steadily, exceeding 400 adults in 2010. Later monitoring recorded a decline with 221 adults in 2011. Thereafter, surveys consistently recorded over 400 adults but no monitoring occurred in 2014. In 2015, the highest counts (515 adults) throughout the entire monitoring period were recorded, and a significant increase in overall population growth over time (1998 – 2003, 2006 – 2013, 2015) identified. Until 2011, amphibian fencing prevented great crested newt migration between each of the four zones within GNR and each zone effectively contained a great crested newt subpopulation. When adult counts within zones over time (2006 – 2013, 2015) were examined, two zones had increased whilst two zones had declined. Significant differences in mean counts were found for all zones, with overall growth highest in Bothlin Burn. This may indicate migration between zones, or differences in habitat allowing two zones to thrive whilst the other two faltered. The population retains its status as the largest in Scotland, with the effect of the translocation being negligible or positive. However, our results indicate the need for continued monitoring of translocated amphibian populations and studies on great crested newt migration. Additionally, the zone declines indicate that some ponds may be less favourable and require modification to remain suitable for great crested newts in the longer term

    Finding Crush: Environmental DNA Analysis as a Tool for Tracking the Green Sea Turtle Chelonia mydas in a Marine Estuary

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    Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis is a rapid, non-invasive method for species detection and distribution assessment using DNA released into the surrounding environment by an organism. eDNA analysis is recognised as a powerful tool for detecting endangered or rare species in a range of ecosystems. Although the number of studies using eDNA analysis in marine systems is continually increasing, there appears to be no published studies investigating the use of eDNA analysis to detect sea turtles in natural conditions. We tested the efficacy of two primer pairs known to amplify DNA fragments of differing lengths (488 and 253 bp) from Chelonia mydas tissues for detecting C. mydas eDNA in water samples. The capture, extraction, and amplification of C. mydas eDNA from aquaria (Sea World, San Diego, CA, United States) and natural water (San Diego Bay, CA, United States) were successful using either primer set. The primer pair providing the shorter amplicon, LCMint2/H950g, demonstrated the ability to distinguish cross-reactive species by melt curve analysis and provided superior amplification metrics compared to the other primer set (LTCM2/HDCM2); although primer dimer was observed, warranting future design refinement. Results indicated that water samples taken from deeper depths might improve detection frequency, consistent with C. mydas behaviour. Overall, this pilot study suggests that with refinement of sampling methodology and further assay optimisation, eDNA analysis represents a promising tool to monitor C. mydas. Potential applications include rapid assessment across broad geographical areas to pinpoint promising locations for further evaluation with traditional methods

    Simple, sensitive and species-specific assays for detecting quagga and zebra mussels (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis and D. polymorpha) using environmental DNA

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    Early detection is paramount for attempts to remove invasive non-native species (INNS). Traditional methods rely on physical sampling and morphological identification, which can be problematic when species are in low densities and/or are cryptic. The use of environmental DNA (eDNA) as a monitoring tool in freshwater systems is becoming increasingly acceptable and widely used for the detection of single species. Here we demonstrate the development and application of standard PCR primers for the detection of two freshwater invasive species which are high priority for monitoring in the UK and elsewhere: the Dreissenid mussels; Dreissena rostriformis bugensis (Andrusov, 1987) and D. polymorpha (Pallas, 1771). We carried out a rigorous validation process for testing the new primers, including DNA detection and degradation experiments in mesocosms, and a field comparison with traditional monitoring protocols. eDNA from single individuals of both mussel species could be detected within four hours of the start of the mesocosm experiment. In field trials, the two mussel species were detected at all sites where the species are known to be present, and eDNA consistently outperformed traditional kick-net sampling for species detection. These results demonstrate the applicability of standard PCR for eDNA detection of freshwater invasive species

    Assessing the impact of the threatened crucian carp (Carassius carassius) on pond invertebrate diversity: A comparison of conventional and molecular tools

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    Fishes stocked for recreation and angling can damage freshwater habitats and negatively impact biodiversity. The pond-associated crucian carp (Carassius carassius) is rare across Europe and is stocked for conservation management in England, but its impacts on pond biota are understudied. Freshwater invertebrates contribute substantially to aquatic biodiversity, encompassing many rare and endemic species, but their small size and high abundance complicate their assessment. Practitioners have employed sweep-netting and kick-sampling with microscopy (morphotaxonomy), but specimen size/quality and experience can bias identification. DNA and environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding offer alternative means of invertebrate assessment. We compared invertebrate diversity in ponds (N = 18) with and without crucian carp using morphotaxonomic identification, DNA metabarcoding and eDNA metabarcoding. Five 2 L water samples and 3 min sweep-net samples were collected at each pond. Inventories produced by morphotaxonomic identification of netted samples, DNA metabarcoding of bulk tissue samples and eDNA metabarcoding of water samples were compared. Alpha diversity was greatest with DNA or eDNA metabarcoding, depending on whether standard or unbiased methods were considered. DNA metabarcoding reflected morphotaxonomic identification, whereas eDNA metabarcoding produced markedly different communities. These complementary tools should be combined for comprehensive invertebrate assessment. Crucian carp presence minimally reduced alpha diversity in ponds, but positively influenced beta diversity through taxon turnover (i.e., ponds with crucian carp contained different invertebrates to fishless ponds). Crucian carp presence contributes to landscape-scale invertebrate diversity, supporting continued conservation management in England. Our results show that molecular tools can enhance freshwater invertebrate assessment and facilitate development of more accurate and ecologically effective pond management strategies

    Limited dispersion and quick degradation of environmental DNA in fish ponds inferred by metabarcoding

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    Background Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding is a promising tool for rapid, non‐invasive biodiversity monitoring. Aims In this study, eDNA metabarcoding is applied to explore the spatial and temporal distribution of fish communities in two aquaculture ponds and to evaluate the detection sensitivity of this tool for low‐density species alongside highly abundant species. Materials & Methods This study was carried out at two artificially stocked ponds with a high fish density following the introduction and removal of two rare fish species. Results & Discussion When two rare species were introduced and kept at a fixed location in the ponds, eDNA concentration (i.e., proportional read counts abundance) of the introduced species typically peaked after two days. The increase in eDNA concentration of the introduced fish after 43 hrs may have been caused by increased eDNA shedding rates as a result of fish being stressed by handling, as observed in other studies. Thereafter, it gradually declined and stabilised after six days. These findings are supported by the highest community dissimilarity of different sampling positions being observed on the second day after introduction, which then gradually decreased over time. On the sixth day, there was no longer a significant difference in community dissimilarity between sampling days. The introduced species were no longer detected at any sampling positions on 48 hrs after removal from the ponds. eDNA is found to decay faster in the field than in controlled conditions, which can be attributed to the complex effects of environmental conditions on eDNA persistence or resulting in the vertical transport of intracellular DNA and the extracellular DNA absorbed by particles in the sediment. The eDNA signal and detection probability of the introduced species were strongest near the keepnets, resulting in the highest community variance of different sampling events at this position. Thereafter, the eDNA signal significantly decreased with increasing distance, although the signal increased slightly again at 85 m position away from the keepnets. Conclusions Collectively, these findings reveal that eDNA distribution in lentic ecosystems is highly localised in space and time, which adds to the growing weight of evidence that eDNA signal provides a good approximation of the presence and distribution of species in ponds. Moreover, eDNA metabarcoding is a powerful tool for detection of rare species alongside more abundant species due to the use of generic PCR primers, and can enable monitoring of spatial and temporal community variance

    Potentiation of PBD Dimers by Lipophilicity Manipulation

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    Background & Introduction: Pyrrolobenzodiazepine (PBD) dimers are highly potent DNA cross-linking agents used as warheads in Antibody Drug Conjugates (ADCs) for cancer therapy. We propose to investigate the correlation existing between the lipophilicity of those molecules and their activity (both in vitro and in vivo) as well as any effect observed during conjugation. / Materials and Methods: Reaction progress was monitored by Thin-Layer Chromatography (TLC) using Merck Kieselgel 60 F254 silica gel, with a fluorescent indicator on aluminium plates. Visualisation of TLC was achieved with UV light or iodine vapour unless otherwise stated. Flash chromatography was performed using Merck Kieselgel 60 F254 silica gel. / Results: We have successfully designed and synthesized a novel PBD warhead (SG3312) with enhanced physicochemical properties. The warhead also displayed increased potency in vitro. After overcoming some epimerization issues, the synthesis of enantiomerically pure payload was achieved (SG3259) and fulfilled our criteria for a simplified and more efficient conjugation. No addition of propylene glycol was required, and high DAR and excellent monomeric purity were achieved. / Conclusion: The ADC (Herceptin-maia-SG3259) has been shown to release the active warhead (SG3312) upon exposure to Cathepsin B and demonstrated encouraging activity both in vitro and in vivo

    Needle in a haystack? A comparison of eDNA metabarcoding and targeted qPCR for detection of the great crested newt (Triturus cristatus)

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    Environmental DNA (eDNA ) analysis is a rapid, cost‐effective, non‐invasive biodiversity monitoring tool which utilises DNA left behind in the environment by organisms for species detection. The method is used as a species‐specific survey tool for rare or invasive species across a broad range of ecosystems. Recently, eDNA and “metabarcoding” have been combined to describe whole communities rather than focusing on single target species. However, whether metabarcoding is as sensitive as targeted approaches for rare species detection remains to be evaluated. The great crested newt Triturus cristatus is a flagship pond species of international conservation concern and the first UK species to be routinely monitored using eDNA . We evaluate whether eDNA metabarcoding has comparable sensitivity to targeted real‐time quantitative PCR (qPCR ) for T. cristatus detection. Extracted eDNA samples (N = 532) were screened for T. cristatus by qPCR and analysed for all vertebrate species using high‐throughput sequencing technology. With qPCR and a detection threshold of 1 of 12 positive qPCR replicates, newts were detected in 50% of ponds. Detection decreased to 32% when the threshold was increased to 4 of 12 positive qPCR replicates. With metabarcoding, newts were detected in 34% of ponds without a detection threshold, and in 28% of ponds when a threshold (0.028%) was applied. Therefore, qPCR provided greater detection than metabarcoding but metabarcoding detection with no threshold was equivalent to qPCR with a stringent detection threshold. The proportion of T. cristatus sequences in each sample was positively associated with the number of positive qPCR replicates (qPCR score) suggesting eDNA metabarcoding may be indicative of eDNA concentration. eDNA metabarcoding holds enormous potential for holistic biodiversity assessment and routine freshwater monitoring. We advocate this community approach to freshwater monitoring to guide management and conservation, whereby entire communities can be initially surveyed to best inform use of funding and time for species‐specific surveys

    Generating and testing ecological hypotheses at the pondscape with environmental DNA metabarcoding: a case study on a threatened amphibian

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    Abstract Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding is revolutionising biodiversity monitoring, but has unrealised potential for ecological hypothesis generation and testing. Here, we validate this potential in a large-scale analysis of vertebrate community data generated by eDNA metabarcoding of 532 UK ponds. We test biotic associations between the threatened great crested newt ( Triturus cristatus ) and other vertebrates as well as abiotic factors influencing T. cristatus detection at the pondscape. Furthermore, we test the status of T. cristatus as an umbrella species for pond conservation by assessing whether vertebrate species richness is greater in ponds with T. cristatus and higher T. cristatus Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) scores. T. cristatus detection was positively correlated with amphibian and waterfowl species richness. Specifically, T. cristatus was positively associated with smooth newt ( Lissotriton vulgaris ), common coot ( Fulica atra ), and common moorhen ( Gallinula chloropus ), but negatively associated with common toad ( Bufo bufo ). T. cristatus detection did not significantly decrease as fish species richness increased, but negative associations with common carp ( Cyprinus carpio ), three-spined stickleback ( Gasterosteus aculeatus ) and ninespine stickleback ( Pungitius pungitius ) were identified. T. cristatus detection was negatively correlated with mammal species richness, and T. cristatus was negatively associated with grey squirrel ( Sciurus carolinensis ). T. cristatus detection was negatively correlated with larger pond area, presence of inflow, and higher percentage of shading, but positively correlated with HSI score, supporting its application to T. cristatus survey. Vertebrate species richness was significantly higher in T. cristatus ponds and broadly increased as T. cristatus HSI scores increased. We reaffirm reported associations (e.g. T. cristatus preference for smaller ponds) but also provide novel insights, including a negative effect of pond inflow on T. cristatus . Our findings demonstrate the prospects of eDNA metabarcoding for ecological hypothesis generation and testing at landscape scale, and dramatic enhancement of freshwater conservation, management, monitoring and research

    Targeted and passive environmental DNA approaches outperform established methods for detection of quagga mussels, Dreissena rostriformis bugensis in flowing water

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    1. The early detection of invasive non‐native species (INNS) is important for informing management actions. Established monitoring methods require the collection or observation of specimens, which is unlikely at the beginning of an invasion when densities are likely to be low. Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis is a highly promising technique for the detection of INNS—particularly during the early stages of an invasion. 2. Here, we compared the use of traditional kick‐net sampling with two eDNA approaches (targeted detection using both conventional and quantitative PCR and passive detection via metabarcoding with conserved primers) for detection of quagga mussel, Dreissena rostriformis bugensis, a high priority INNS, along a density gradient on the River Wraysbury, UK. 3. All three molecular tools outperformed traditional sampling in terms of detection. Conventional PCR and qPCR both had 100% detection rate in all samples and outperformed metabarcoding when the target species was at low densities. Additionally, quagga mussel DNA copy number (qPCR) and relative read count (metabarcoding) were significantly influenced by both mussel density and distance from source population, with distance being the most significant predictor. 4. Synthesis and application. All three molecular approaches were more sensitive than traditional kick‐net sampling for the detection of the quagga mussel in flowing water, and both qPCR and metabarcoding enabled estimates of relative abundance. Targeted approaches were more sensitive than metabarcoding, but metabarcoding has the advantage of providing information on the wider community and consequently the impacts of INNS
